são tão minunciosos, tranquilos e exigentes k vc nunca deixa de aprender com perfeição ! they are so thorough, calm and demanding who never fail to learn to perfection !
motivation some people need more than others, the only limits in life exist in your mind, dont wait the time will never be just right possible stop whinning start doing motivation
são tão minunciosos, tranquilos e exigentes k vc nunca deixa de aprender com perfeição !
they are so thorough, calm and demanding who never fail to learn to perfection !
Apesar de ser em um idioma diferente do meu, deu para entender muito pela riqueza de detalhes. Arigatô.
motivation some people need more than others,
the only limits in life exist in your mind,
dont wait the time will never be just right
stop whinning start doing
Do you have a link to buy his book?
+Tyler Young www.budovideos.com/products/judo-newaza-of-koji-komuro-komlock-e-book
+All about JUDO
Thank you for the link.