Order: Zerayim (Seeds & Harvests) Tractate: Maaser (1st Tithe) Commandment(s): Positive: "Shalt assign Cities to the Levites" (183/ 196) "Shalt bring all Offerings due from outside Israel (Yasharal) unto the Sanctuary" (85/ 97) "Shalt bring all Offerings unto the Sanctuary" (84/ 96) "Shalt bring Salt with every Offering" (62/ 73) "The 1st Tithe" (127/ 135) "The Avowal of the Tithe" (131/ 139) Negative: "Shalt not designate Levites portion in land of Israel (Yasharal)" (169/ 163) "Shalt not designate share of spoil to Levites in Conquest of Land" (170/ 163) "Shalt not sell the open Lands of the Levites" (228/ 218) "Shalt not Forsake the Levites" (229/ 219) Citation: The Commandments vol. 1 & 2, Charles b. Chavel, soncino press. ✡️📜✡️
Dance: Bechatzar HaRabbi (In the Courtyard of the Rabbi) Yoav Ashriel Music: Folk Formation: Part One: Citation: The Chassidic Dance, Fred Berk Chassidic Dances Israeli Style.
Order: Zerayim (Seeds & Harvests)
Tractate: Maaser (1st Tithe)
"Shalt assign Cities to the Levites" (183/ 196)
"Shalt bring all Offerings due from outside Israel (Yasharal) unto the Sanctuary" (85/ 97)
"Shalt bring all Offerings unto the Sanctuary" (84/ 96)
"Shalt bring Salt with every Offering" (62/ 73)
"The 1st Tithe" (127/ 135)
"The Avowal of the Tithe" (131/ 139)
"Shalt not designate Levites portion in land of Israel (Yasharal)" (169/ 163)
"Shalt not designate share of spoil to Levites in Conquest of Land" (170/ 163)
"Shalt not sell the open Lands of the Levites" (228/ 218)
"Shalt not Forsake the Levites" (229/ 219)
Citation: The Commandments vol. 1 & 2, Charles b. Chavel, soncino press.
Dance: Bechatzar HaRabbi (In the Courtyard of the Rabbi)
Yoav Ashriel
Music: Folk
Part One:
Citation: The Chassidic Dance, Fred Berk
Chassidic Dances Israeli Style.
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Heat on the way g🙏🔥