Goddess of War: SAINT Run Part 3

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024
  • This is a modded run where magic orbs are worth 40x their value compared to vanilla VH. In other words, the orb value is the same as Athena on Easy, but the difficulty is Very Hard. Also, cost of casting any magic is reduced by 25%.
    As you can tell, the focus of the run is to cast as much magic as possible

ความคิดเห็น • 5

  • @BigVEE
    @BigVEE 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    0:34 Big spenda with the hammer space on both sides of the skirt (room enough for pops to hide within so it could be said).
    0:37 >thought he was safe from the lingering shitbox
    "Wrong. WRONG." - Charlie Murphy
    1:18 Back to business (with things that can drop MP **some better to kill without SoD out or via throws**).
    1:37 >they think you're trapped in here with them
    >put away SoD
    Good that you thought it through.
    2:01 How we doing this? Some CR to slasher play then WB? Crush 'em?
    2:05 >LV into WB barrage
    2:22 I suppose the dude ahead might also be possible to unite with this trio (rather than the next one).
    3:04 Didn't think you would just let 'er rip.
    3:35 >the MP
    Gotta work it.
    3:48 Bout to get that much uglier for them. Some OS kills or shall the DMG kills (without SoD) suffice?
    4:11 Your P% is different from mine (less), so it factors in this OS DMG (as with the slam of the light concerning FS/FG).
    4:15 Not possible to catch after air OS even with AotF, sadly. OH works without slow-mo.
    4:39 >non-SoD DMG kill refill
    4:50 >air OS kill
    Think it and the OH are less than the OS kill, but still plenty. If one were stubborn about chests, you could probably leave it for post-fight (Destiny's Atrium).
    5:16 >ATATATATA
    Careful with the PEW PEW (so it registers and counts).
    5:30 Shame these kills aren't influenced by SoD being out, eh?
    5:58 >didn't line up for all
    Why not?
    6:48 With BK's orb drops pre-fight, I don't think you even need this (even ignoring the hanging lads you can air t1).
    7:29 Could show off LV/TS oddities, but for S1 the star should probably be CWB in CQC owed to the fusion issue.
    >WB go BURRRR
    Okay, then.
    7:51 Rare move alert. Surprised he used it here. What next? The rapid shot? I wonder if Wright has those listed. I had to stop before I got to see.
    8:23 Never much mystery here.
    9:00 >meaningless air t1
    Zim getting paid?
    9:03 >CR rep
    Makes sense.
    9:22 While charming to play keepaway, CR is just MUCH more consistent for handling him in S4 (even more true than with S3).
    9:32 Was half expecting a cheeky reply with LV (tricking).
    10:11 Back to formula.
    10:20 "It should have been me, not him!" - Yugi
    10:40 No MP to be had from this one (and air heavy is da whey **without HJ**).
    11:08 "SPARK IT UP!" - Donte
    >the RO
    11:53 Too bad for them their HP ain't 51.
    12:23 "I suspected as much from thee." - Fluffy Tail
    >comical demise
    12:58 Another chance to CWB, but then EH's GR obviously handles one (ruin) and sets up the other (crush).
    >keeps it regular
    Surprising choice. Will we even get sweet spot (or shall we trick)?
    >zaps to the extreme
    I see.
    13:35 Only top-left summons as I recall.
    13:50 I see you too opted to work the chest (though easy enough to replenish otherwise).
    14:07 DMG kill again or shall OS kill get some play?
    14:55 AYYY.
    Way more than you need for a full refill. We take those. And how about the sidehoes? We skippin'?
    15:05 Pretty sure WB works (just not the other cast variants).
    15:26 Curtain call for these lads right here.
    15:34 >survivor
    Luck of the Devil about to run out.
    NRR would make sense for this run.
    16:27 An attempt was made.
    16:58 Bravissimo.
    17:11 Give these kamikaze a taste of some real DIVINE WIND.
    17:20 >let da dawgs out
    How sporting. Fiends appreciate this chance.
    17:35 Still a shame no entry let electric interact with water (nor could ice **and it doesn't help with fire**).
    17:53 >TS
    Simple as.
    18:57 >CR
    Just the better call for this occasion.
    19:30 Their DMG kill not giving drops like TM3 sucks.
    19:34 >so disgusted with the rope he skipped coverage
    19:45 >not even willing to wait on the extra guy
    Had more than enough MP returns, I suppose.
    20:00 Plenty of room to get cheeky here. How we want to go about it?
    20:07 >milking the hazard pay
    I can dig it.
    21:05 As you can see, even when 'dried up', the RNG chance for the MP/RP (from SoD/BH respectively) still applies. Very useful.
    21:41 Good of you to demonstrate the final wave limits (boundary). After slaying them all, now Mustafa really needs to be aware this encounter is not infinite.
    22:02 >secretly Krate
    Ricky? LOVES THIS!
    22:25 >just going to work
    Sure. That OS kill hits like a mudafoe.
    22:43 >suddenly loses all MOTIVATION
    She knows the DISAPPOINTMENT ahead. Even with perfect CR placement, can't quite make it.
    >SoD was still lvl1
    Funny. Was wondering why you never used UR for breakables.
    22:58 There we go.
    23:23 >provokes spazzin'
    Thought so. Turtling up and cornering helps if not catching in openings where it'll just soak the stuff.
    23:50 A case like this.
    24:12 This is the time to switch to TB and use CWB (since it only costs 3MP in this scenario, you can afford it). That much closer to the goal.
    >SoD time
    We getting AS? UR? Surely not normals.
    >normals and PS
    24:53 Even just ONE orb. A single SMALL orb from the parry on these fireballs would have made all the difference.
    25:48 >still on DIFFERENT timing
    No false OS to Return into shattering, then.
    26:50 >let them out
    >didn't save for later
    Confident, I see. Of course, there is a chest (or two) ahead.
    27:19 >couldn't help himself
    Zim rep'd once more.
    >going hard with TS
    My dude is NOT pressed about the deets. Just go hard (or go home).
    28:11 This OS kill paying out so well isn't something that normally factors.
    28:27 Better late than never.
    28:48 Sensible choice though perhaps you could use CR to get the Cap down there and place an orb between them all?
    29:19 >violated homie
    Felt personal.
    29:56 >this backtrack
    >MP chest ahead
    30:15 I see Paris, I see France....
    30:18 With the MP returns as they are, this is about to be a slaughter.
    >chooses to go with WB
    Slow and steady.
    >no Return
    Why tho?
    31:22 There we go.
    31:30 >ZAP
    Better for the 1v1, really.
    31:45 >these duds
    Such robbery.
    >this WB focus from afar
    >even during sweep
    So long as it works.
    NOTE: Shame it is so troublesome to get the WB lockdown right.
    33:18 What we got cookin' for Ethan Ralph (RAGEPIG)?
    33:22 Filthy. "I love it!" - Gene
    33:50 If it ain't the textbox (go and STAY GO) it is the hit count earlier.
    34:00 An early showing for the insta-shatter spell of this entry.
    34:14 The targeting is another advantage TB has over Zf (with statues).
    34:25 >CR
    Gots to be efficient (4sho).
    35:03 Vibecheck incoming.
    36:18 Shame dude just won't come out to play at all without the coast cleared. Shyguy over here.
    36:50 Time to top-off with the help from the precious PUPS.
    37:02 >UR
    Visions of the weirdness to come (focusing on it and AS **very bugged moves**).
    37:29 Didn't go quite as well as expected.
    38:10 >full
    Can't be mad at that.
    38:25 >cleared way ahead and got the handout
    38:35 Got to go hard
    38:55 Still plenty in the bank, too.
    39:13 Bugzapper doing (war)god(dess)'s work.
    39:20 BONEZONE had your back, but sure.

    • @kiraqueen0
      @kiraqueen0  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      >Cyclops I frame
      I forgor
      >No rope coverage
      This is the 2nd time... Sloppy editing man. Both times I baited them and used TS
      I knew this would work out. Sucks for them.

    • @BigVEE
      @BigVEE 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@kiraqueen0 >forgor
      It happens.
      >both times
      Yeah, I figured. Probably didn't wait for them to get off the rope for MP chance.
      >heart of the cards
      **points to head**

    • @kiraqueen0
      @kiraqueen0  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      >Didn't wait for them to drop down from the rope
      Exactly :]

    • @BigVEE
      @BigVEE 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@kiraqueen0 Just not pressed enough. Maybe in NUR (or just throwing **or RO**)?