Episode 5: Meditation Experience | Soul Consciousness | Experiments with Truth

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ก.ย. 2024
  • Speaker: Prashant Kakoday - Cambridge, UK
    Preparing for the practice of meditation, we choose a posture that is comfortable and, at the same time, we feel free to move if need be. Keep the eyes open, breathe normally, but preferably deeply, and tell the body to relax. We remind ourselves that right now in this place we are guests. We are guests in this house and, being guests we do not own anything here so
    we cannot lose anything. We experience the lightness of being a guest and we experience the security of being a guest.
    We remind ourselves that we are guests anyway on this planet. Souls are guests even in this body. We do not own anyone or anything on this planet. Then because we cannot lose anyone or anything, we experience the lightness of a guest and the security of a guest. We see this guest, the soul, in the form of a living conscious star. Just an image, but important to
    know that this tiny star is distinct; it is from an altogether. different world
    As a guest here, the soul is temporarily associated with many things of this world like the body, people and objects. But we, the souls, see the reality of our true form and understand that our natural attitude is of an observer, a guest. This tiny living star is our true form, our only form. We see the wonder of our reality. Now, in a second, the guest returns back home to that sky, the sky beyond the sky, the world of complete silence, the world of light. This world of light exists forever.
    All along we see the reality of our home. Our home is not some imagined meditation place, it is the place of the living stars. They belong here in a world of eternal security that is timeless, changeless, endless. This is the true home of the living stars, our home. This is the eternal home. This is
    the only home, the home of everyone. All belong to this sky. All belong to this family. From the sky we look into the far, far distance. We see the physical, temporary drama, and as we, the beings of light, prepare to come into this drama, we come as stars and we remain stars. We remain as guests and observers. We do not lose ourselves in the expansion of the drama. We constantly remind ourselves of our beautiful truth.
    Om Shanti.

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