Monte Rosa - Capanna Regina Margherita 4554 m - ITALY
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.พ. 2025
- Il giorno perfetto.
Il primo drone FPV (e drone in assoluto) a volare dalla base della parete sud del Monte Rosa alla Capanna Margerita. Volo con drone FPV a lungo raggio, a partire da 3.000 m di altitudine con un singolo volo e una ripresa in piano sequenza in stile ONE SHOT.
Dopo mesi di preparazione e allenamento, le condizioni meteorologiche permettono di compiere l'impresa. Partenza alle 5.30 da Alagna al buio mi metto in cammino, nebbia e nuvole fino a circa 2000 m, poco dopo il rifugio Barba Ferrero il Monte Rosa appare nell'azzurro del cielo. Ultimo sforzo e raggiungo la sommità della morena che sovrasta i ghiacciai del Sesia a quota 3000, sotto di me un mare di nuvole, sopra, il paradiso! Mi riposo, controllo l'attrezzatura, decollo e realizzo un sogno che avevo nel cassetto da tempo. Il Monte Rosa in tutta la sua bellezza e maestosità mi permette, in volo, la vista dei suoi ghiacciai perenni, le sue ripide pareti rocciose e infine di raggiungerne la vetta (Punta Gnifetti) e di trovarmi davanti al rifugio più alto d'Europa, il famoso Rifugio Capanna Regina Margherita a quota 4554 m.
"La montagna è impervia, può essere impossibile scalarla, a volte crudele e sa farsi ammirare quando viene rispettata. La mano dell'uomo può modificarla e spogliarla delle sue vesti più belle ma lei vivrà per sempre nell'eternità, al suo cospetto diverremo cenere e parte di lei".
Un tuo ammiratore G.C.
The perfect day.
The first FPV drone (and drone ever) to fly from the base of the south face of Monte Rosa to Capanna Margerita. Flight with long-range FPV drone, starting from 3,000m altitude with a single flight and a ONE SHOT-style long shot.
After months of preparation and training, the weather conditions allow us to accomplish the feat. Departure at 5.30 from Alagna in the dark I set off, fog and clouds up to about 2000 m, shortly after the Barba Ferrero refuge Monte Rosa appears in the blue sky. Last effort and I reach the top of the moraine overlooking the Sesia glaciers at an altitude of 3000, below me a sea of clouds, above, paradise! I rest, check the equipment, take off and realize a dream I've had in my drawer for some time. Monte Rosa in all its beauty and majesty allows me, in flight, the view of its perennial glaciers, its steep rocky walls and finally to reach its summit (Punta Gnifetti) and find myself in front of the highest refuge in Europe, the famous Capanna Regina Margherita Refuge at an altitude of 4554 m.
"The mountain is impervious, it can be impossible to climb it, sometimes cruel and knows how to be admired when it is respected. The hand of man can modify it and strip it of its most beautiful clothes but it will live forever in eternity, in its presence we will become ashes and part of her."
Your admirer G.C.
Drone Adventures.
The Regina Margherita hut is a refuge that rises on the summit of Punta Gnifetti in the Monte Rosa group, at an altitude of 4554 m a.s.l., and is the highest alpine refuge in Europe and one of the highest fixed observatories in the world.
The construction of the refuge was decided by the assembly of the members of the Italian Alpine Club of Turin on July 14, 1889. The hut, set up in the valley, was first transported with mules and then on the shoulders and finally mounted on the summit.
The hut was inaugurated on August 18, 1893 with the presence of Queen Margherita of Savoy. The construction had cost 17,094 lire and 55 cents and the entrance fee on the day of the inauguration was set at one lira, also paid by the construction manager.
The refuge-laboratory was of great importance for Angelo Mosso's research on high altitude medicine at the beginning of the 20th century. Given the small spaces present in the Margherita hut, the Mosso Institute was built and inaugurated on 27 August 1907, located just below the Salati pass, at 2900 meters above sea level, a building that still exists today.