The basque people once again promoting their ancestral culture and traditions at the highest levels with pride and respect. Also loved the message and the fact that a woman won in a field traditionally dominated by men - I presume. I cannot like this more.
The basque people once again promoting their ancestral culture and traditions at the highest levels with pride and respect. Also loved the message and the fact that a woman won in a field traditionally dominated by men - I presume. I cannot like this more.
this was nice to read!
Thanks for your words, long life Basque Country
Aupa Maialen!! Munduko bertsorik onenak egiten dituzu! Igerri egiten da!
I got goosebumps. And I don't even understand Basque.
Hoy una se consagra campeona de versos y el otro campeón del mundo.
Como no va perder la real