ours was a little different. guy that was the most overweight was in the middle. whole team ran a circle around him. coach called out a name and wrestled to take down and it kept going with a new person . sometimes heavyweight in there with a 125 pounder. brutal
not really if we have 10 people on the national team and one of our wrestlers went to ou and wrestled there texas is the best southern state for wrestling
Yeah but I mean the amount of nationally ranked wrestlers per million people is pretty low compared to the midwest. Texas probably has a bit of talent in the state, but not in comparison to the concentration of talent found in states such as Iowa or Pennsylvania.
In every sport you are going to find ways to stall. Tie ups are one of the most important part of wrestling. I have about 15 set ups I use so I think its insane not to use tie ups. Shooting shots without setting it up is what I did in middle school. Yeah you can do fake shots to also set up shots but I can name way more set ups with ties then without ties.
ours was a little different. guy that was the most overweight was in the middle. whole team ran a circle around him. coach called out a name and wrestled to take down and it kept going with a new person . sometimes heavyweight in there with a 125 pounder. brutal
Nice drills
In texas we just call this 3 way drilling and we dont let them get right up after a takedown
Well Texas has trash wrestling.
Bo Nickal is from Texas
Yes, Bo Nickal is from Texas, but overall Texas has pretty subpar wrestling.
not really if we have 10 people on the national team and one of our wrestlers went to ou and wrestled there texas is the best southern state for wrestling
Yeah but I mean the amount of nationally ranked wrestlers per million people is pretty low compared to the midwest. Texas probably has a bit of talent in the state, but not in comparison to the concentration of talent found in states such as Iowa or Pennsylvania.
I wrestle in iowa for 7th grade
Keep those feet moving and stay low and someday you'll make it to state
If I were a wrestling coach I would never let my students tie up
Praise The Dark Moon so how are your suppose to set up shots🤔🤔🤔 you can't shoot from the outside all the time
Karrel Estell just touch and go, I feel like he means he won't let them tie up and stall
Best not become a wrestling coach then:)
In every sport you are going to find ways to stall. Tie ups are one of the most important part of wrestling. I have about 15 set ups I use so I think its insane not to use tie ups. Shooting shots without setting it up is what I did in middle school. Yeah you can do fake shots to also set up shots but I can name way more set ups with ties then without ties.
You could also just teach them how to clear ties