Wow! Brilliant! This sounds like a Montessori method. It encourages/teaches parents to study their children and their interests/inclination and guide them accordingly. Children need to be respected. They shouldn't be treated as our possessions but individuals. I wonder if Tiruwork uses the Montessori method? What a beautiful person and work you're doing! Tigist, thank you for inviting guests with great insights and substance. You ask very good questions and are good listener. Keep up the good work!
Teji, you are the best and the only host that EBS has currently! I use to listen to you in FBS you are wonderfully and gifted women, I am glad you are back in EBS!
This is the best interview ever !!! In the history of Ethiopian. 100% she is right I think we need to get over with coping others. አለቅን እኮ በኩረጃ እንዳው በጠቅላላው ከ: ሀ: እስከ: ፐ: እንደሚባለው ሙልጭ ያለ ኮራጅ ማሀበረሰብ ነን እኮ። እባካቹህ እናስበት፣ እንሳሳትበት፣እንፍጠርበት፣እንፈላሰፍበት አታሽሙዋጡን፣አትሳቁብን ሌላ ሰው ምሰል አትበሉን: በያቸው ንገሪያቸው እህታችን የት ጋር ገደል እንደገባን ንገሪያቸው አስተሚሪያቸው።
Thank you so much Tery. I was wondering how to get the video. It is really amazing. All you said was real & practical. You & Yeneta so impressing. I have to confess one thing. Since I was not regularly attending the parents meeting, I didn't have clear idea about the life skill classes. Of course I know about the cases & challenges students try to solve, but I was just thinking of Amharic or English comprhensive class. Over all the interview was wonderful. Be blessed. Blessed be Tigist also. Let your children be the best of all!
This is very profound and very basic. In Ethiopia, especially the preschool has been comfortably forgotten. Individuals do whatever seems right in their sight; parents have no consciousness about the power of early ‘education’ at this age and the impacts it sustains in their children’s upcoming entire life. The thing is as the saying goes: "Give me a child until he is seven years and I will give you the man."
its a great start !good job.This system only works in a small class room /private schools . we are too poor to implement this system and its not fair to say the generation is corrupt. You have raised a good insight to review our moral education in our school system. on the other note the presenter use mix of English and Amharic equally and It could be confusing for the audience. "mommy do you remember winter lay ..." please use Amharic when you have Amharic audience. Berchi Berchi
እኔ ከኢቤስ ፕሮግራም አንደኛ ብዬ ከምሰጠው ፕሮግራም ይሄ ነው 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
ይሄን ፕሮግራም ስምቶ እራሱን የማይመረምር ወላጅ አለ ብዬ አላምንም እኔንም ጨምሮ አስተማሪ ነው ቲጂዬ በርቺልን
በጣም የሚገርም ፕሮግራም :: ወይሮ ጡሩወርቅ እምትገርሜ ሴት ነሽ ብዙ ነው የተማርንው ካንች እባካችሁ ሚዲያዎች እንደዚህ አይነት ሰዎችን ጋብዙ
ይሄ ፕሮግራም እጅግ ከወደድኳቸው ፕሮግራሞች ውስጥ አንዱና ዋነኛው ነው እጅግ በጣም ጠቃሚ ብቻ ሳይሆን አንገብጋቢም ጭምር ነው
Wow በጣም ጠቃሚ ሀሳብ ነው ያካፈልሽን አዘጋጆችን አሳብ ስጫችንን በጣም አመስግናለው እንደ ልጂ አባት ብዙ ትምርትን ስጠሽኛል 🙏🏻
I just saywow, what a wise women. I learned a lot from this topic thanks.
እግዚአብሔር ይባርካችሁ ዋው! መሠረታዊ: አስፈላጊ: ወቅታዊም: ጥያቄ ነው። ምነው ያንች ተማሪ በሆንኩ ወላጆች ደጋን ልጆች ቀስት መሆን አለባቸው። እሰይ ተባረኪ ትንታግ የሆነ መልስ ነው የሠጠሽው ተባረኪ።
ምርጥ ዝግጅት ነው ታይቶ የማይታወቅ ብዙ እውቀት የሚሸመትበት ዝግጅት ነዉ በርቱ
One of the amazing and talented women I ever known. Thank you for saving the generation. U have done your part.
Wow hopefully you will save the next generation 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
*ይሄ ፕሮግራም በጣም ለውጥ ያመጣል ።ቀጥይበት ቲጂየ*
Best program I have ever watched in a long time!
በጣም ጠቃሚ መልእክት ነው አመሰግናለሁ።
ዋዉ በጣም አሪፍ ትምህርት ነዉ
Wow! Brilliant! This sounds like a Montessori method. It encourages/teaches parents to study their children and their interests/inclination and guide them accordingly. Children need to be respected. They shouldn't be treated as our possessions but individuals. I wonder if Tiruwork uses the Montessori method? What a beautiful person and work you're doing!
Tigist, thank you for inviting guests with great insights and substance. You ask very good questions and are good listener. Keep up the good work!
Pls give her more time, we learn a lot from her. Thank you.
It's amazing speech she has to right book !!
God bless you all
both of you have a clue about the topic! Interestingly I never have seen such thing in any of Ethiopian media! please keep it up girls!
በጣም አሪፍ ፕሮግራም ነው ቀጥሉበት ማለም ከ እውቀት ይበልጣል!
ህይዎት ያላ ፕሮግረም!!! ቲጂ ሥራህሽ ያስዳምማል ተበረኪ
ጥሩወርቅ በጣም ጥሩ ምክር ነው እናማሰግናለን
Yoo this lady is super interesting 🔥🔥 love her already
She needs to look for TH-cam channel seriously
OMG, this is our new Ethiopia. I think chewanet is civility.
በጣም ቆንጆ አስተማሪ የሆነ ፕሮግራም ነው ይቀጥል
I’m super glad ‘cause I was one of your student Ms. Terry! Much Love ❤️ for you and for Yeneta!
Can you say more about Yeneta??? I was hoping they will talk about it. But, they didn't.
የኔታ የት አዲስ አበባ ላይ እደሚገኝና። አንዳንድ ነፐሮች ብትገልፅ የምታውቅ ከሆነ
የት አከባቢ ነው ትምህርት ቤቱ እስቲ የምታውቀውን ንገረኝ
Ine Negne yeneta changed me in different ways like attitude, my english and how I lead myself
በጣም አመሰግናለሁ ዉዱ እህቶቼ እድሜና ጤና ይሰጣቹ ሀገራችን ሰላም ያድርግልህ ወላጄች ሁላችንም ሀላፊነት ይሰማን ልጄቻን ሀገር ወገን ወዳጅ ሀላፊነት እዲሰማቸው ልንመክር ይገባል መምህራንም እደዛው።
Excellent, thanks. I learn alot from this program.
ዋውውው ይህ ፕሮግራም ውስጤ ነው👌👌
በጣም ስረአቶደግሞበጣምነውደስየሚለው
I love the analogy of Papaya and trying to grow everything in one place..just wow!!! impressive
Hi Tiruwork. I remember you well when we were Cotebe Teachers College. That was amazing Excellent Explanation! Good job
ትግስት ዋልተንጉስ ጥሩ አቀራረብ አቀራረብሽ ብስለትሽ ለEBS ጥሩ ሠው ለፕሮግራሙ ቀጥሯል እላለሁ ። በርቺ ወደንሻል
Wawww mashallah edemashen yarezemew edehi ayenet sew yabezalin lhagerachen yaerb
ዋው እውነት ይገርማል እግዚሀብሔር መከናወን ይስጥሽ ፍሬሽን ያሳይሽ
በጣም አስተማሪ ጠቃሚ ኘሮግራም ነው እናመሰግናለን
Best show ever 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 pls keep up the good work tgye
Teji, you are the best and the only host that EBS has currently! I use to listen to you in FBS you are wonderfully and gifted women, I am glad you are back in EBS!
በጣም ትልቅ ምክር ነው ያገኝውት አመሰግናለው
Wow great job & it's my future dream!
ለመላው የእስልምና ተከታዮች በሙሉ እንኳን ለኢድ በኣል ኣደረሳቹ እላለው
Wonderful program I don't know how to thank you.keep it up
You are a special woman you are a gifted you are our Ethiopian people's gift please keep it I wish my kids in your school
This is the best interview ever !!! In the history of Ethiopian. 100% she is right I think we need to get over with coping others. አለቅን እኮ በኩረጃ እንዳው በጠቅላላው ከ: ሀ: እስከ: ፐ: እንደሚባለው ሙልጭ ያለ ኮራጅ ማሀበረሰብ ነን እኮ። እባካቹህ እናስበት፣ እንሳሳትበት፣እንፍጠርበት፣እንፈላሰፍበት አታሽሙዋጡን፣አትሳቁብን ሌላ ሰው ምሰል አትበሉን: በያቸው ንገሪያቸው እህታችን የት ጋር ገደል እንደገባን ንገሪያቸው አስተሚሪያቸው።
so much respect!! Thank you!
ይሄኔ አሉባልታ ቢሆን በዚህ ደቂቃ ውስጥ 10k በላይ በታየ ነበር 😒
Yes Ewnt new
እዉነት ብለሻል
በጣም ግበዝ ሴት፣ የልጆችን ሳይሆን የወላጆች አስተማሪ ነሽ፣እግዛብሄር ይባርካችሁ ሁላችሁን🙏🙏
ፐ ድንቅ ውይይት የምር በጣም ብዙ ትምርት አግኝቻለሁ ግን ሰአት በጣም አነሰ በርቱ ቲጅዬ በሬድዮ ነበር ድምፅሽ ማቀው ስላየሁሽ ደስ ብሎኛል
ትጂ እረ በየሳምንቱ እያስደመምሽን ነው ምን አይነት ሰዎች እንዳሉን እያሳየሽን ነው በጣም እናመሰግናለን ።
Great interview, keep it up sisters
Thank you so much Tery. I was wondering how to get the video. It is really amazing. All you said was real & practical. You & Yeneta so impressing. I have to confess one thing. Since I was not regularly attending the parents meeting, I didn't have clear idea about the life skill classes. Of course I know about the cases & challenges students try to solve, but I was just thinking of Amharic or English comprhensive class. Over all the interview was wonderful. Be blessed. Blessed be Tigist also. Let your children be the best of all!
ሰላም ለእናንተ ይሁን በመጀመሪያ እጅግ በጣም
ፕሮግራም ነው በመቀጠል አሁን በምሰራው ሰራ ከለወጆች ጋር ይህ የተናገረችው ነገር በጣም እውነት ነው እጅግም ደሰ ነው ያለኝ እና እሷን ብታገናኙኝ እጅግ ደሰ ይለኛል የእኔን ህልም ነው እውን የምታደረጉልኝ በተለይ ኢትዮ ሀገሬ ላይ መሰራት እፈልጋለሁ እባካችሁ አገናኑኝ ከሰትየወ ጋር
እውነትም ጥሩወርቅ😍
Wow amazing God bless you both !!!
በእውነት ረጂም እድሜ ይስጥሽ እግዚአብሔር ይጠብቅሽ
wow big respect sis
" ተማር ጠይቅ ያልገባህን አልገባኝም ብለህ ጠይቅ ምክንያቱም ነገ ጠዋት አንተ ራስህ አስተማሪ ትሆናለህ "
She is Well spoken!
Wow wow amazing womans GOD bless both
ቲጂዬ በጣም ብዙ ለመማር ችለናል እናመሰግናለን
ትክክለኛ የልጆች አስተዳደግና አስተምህሮ ።
Well spoken 👍🏾📖📚
Happy I learned there terrye ❤️❤️❤️
I like this!
Mnm allm just wooow
such a wise woman!
Tegiye konjo betam tiru new🙏💕
i am so glad that this kind of women has Ethiopia.
Great woman's
Wow it's great
Betam astemar program newo bertuln!!.
ዋው ገራሚ ትምህርት ነው ያገኘሁት
Lovely academy.
Both of you talented
I hope the education system changes soon 🙏
very nice academy !
Betam emewedat gazetegna
ዋው ምርጥ ፕሮግራም ነው ይቀጥል ቲጂዬ ስወድሽ
ቲጂዬ ሀገር ስገባ አንቺን ማግኘት ትልቁ ህልሜ ነው ውድ ሴት ነሽ አንቺ💓💓💓💓
ቲጂዬ በርቼ በጣም ጥሩ ስራ ነወሰ የጀመርሸው አጠንክረሽ ቀጥይ
Thanks tg am happy to see u
I really like the program
የት አካባቢ ነው የኔታ ትምህርት ቤት እንደው ልጄን አንቺ ጋር ባስገባሁት
Bisrate Gabiel area, behind South Africa Embassy.
wow, you are amazing tabaraki
She is amazing
This is very profound and very basic. In Ethiopia, especially the preschool has been comfortably forgotten. Individuals do whatever seems right in their sight; parents have no consciousness about the power of early ‘education’ at this age and the impacts it sustains in their children’s upcoming entire life. The thing is as the saying goes:
"Give me a child until he is seven years and I will give you the man."
Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very true.
በጣም አሪፍ ፕሮግራም
#1 show
U r super women teacher thanks
Very interesting
woow betame begugute yemetebekew program new dese belognale
እውቀት ሁሉ ማንነት አይደለም
እኛስ ስደት ያለን በአያት የምናሳድግ እስኪምኩሩን እርቀትላይም ብሆን ምን እናድርግ ስቶቻችን ልጆቻችንን ትተን በስደት ስት አመት እረፍትም ሄደን አይተናቸው ነው ምንመጣው እደግዳ ልብስ ምግብ ብቻ ጥሩአይደለም እስኪ ምከሩን እዲ ተከራተን ልጆቻችንን እከስራለን
በርቺ we like the program.
ዋዉዉዉ በጣም ጠቃሚነዉ ቀጥሉበት
its a great start !good job.This system only works in a small class room /private schools . we are too poor to implement this system and its not fair to say the generation is corrupt. You have raised a good insight to review our moral education in our school system. on the other note the presenter use mix of English and Amharic equally and It could be confusing for the audience. "mommy do you remember winter lay ..." please use Amharic when you have Amharic audience. Berchi Berchi
Exactly i wish mengist has the same curriculum for all government school otherwise it,s "ENKULILICHE "
Betam arif progeram 👌🙏
የት ነው ትምህርት ቤቱ? ምናለ ልጄን ባስገባ እሩቅ ካልሆነ ባስገባው ደስ ይለኝ ነበር
ስለ ህልም ጥሩ ነው እያንዳንዱ ህልም የራሱ የሆነ ትርጉም አለው ብህልም በኩል ተሰጥኦ አለኝ ችሎታ አለኝ ሌላው መናገር የምፍልገው እንኩዋን እኛ ታውቃላቹ ፈረስ እራሱ ህልም ያልማል ።
Wow ymigerm new. Thanks. Anchi temhert bet yetemaru lijoch yetadelu nachew endet kertseshachew letewld ymitekemu endihonu adergesh endemetswechachew wow hulum kanchi mare alebachew.