Ua Tub yuav txum tau hlub Niam Niam yog Lub Ntuj yuav tau hlub Niam ua zoo rau Niam tsis txhob tua Niam yog vim Nyiaj Xav tau Nyiaj yuav txum tau rau siab mus khwv tsis txhob tuag Niam yog vim ntshaw Nyiaj tsam npam thiab khaum hlub Niam thiaj tau zoo thiab tau ntuj ntoo ua zoo tau zoo ua phem tau phem
Mother is very precious in the world. I love my mom very much and when she passed away I couldn't tell her only tears in my eyes and heart for 7 years. To all the brothers and sisters out there please love your mom.
I don’t understand why some siblings are so jealous. Koj tau los Kuv tau. Kuv tau los zoo ib yam Li koj tau. No need to fight over. I guess this is just an example of siblings who don’t know know how to love each other.
Kv ngiam kj tham dab neeg hv
Zoo heev
Kuv nyiam kj tham dab neeg heev
Zoo 😮
ขอบคุณค่ะ สนุกม๊ากมากค่ะ
Hãy phết
Hãy lie bạn này đi
Zoo heenh os
Ob niag tub xeeb txawv nas haj .
Ua Tub yuav txum tau hlub Niam Niam yog Lub Ntuj yuav tau hlub Niam ua zoo rau Niam tsis txhob tua Niam yog vim Nyiaj Xav tau Nyiaj yuav txum tau rau siab mus khwv tsis txhob tuag Niam yog vim ntshaw Nyiaj tsam npam thiab khaum hlub Niam thiaj tau zoo thiab tau ntuj ntoo ua zoo tau zoo ua phem tau phem
Hay nhi
li cas los yog yug niam thiab txiv kuj tsum siab phem
เป็นลูกทรพีที่ชั่วร้ายมากๆ.... แม่แท้ๆทำได้ลงคอ.. เพราะความโลภแท้ๆ
ม้งเชียงใหม่ ฟังทุกวันครับ
Mother is very precious in the world. I love my mom very much and when she passed away I couldn't tell her only tears in my eyes and heart for 7 years. To all the brothers and sisters out there please love your mom.
ไม่เข้าใจทำไมนิสัยคนม้งเป็นแบบนี้ เห็นเงินสำคัญกว่าสิ่งอื่นขนาดแม่ตัวเองแท้ๆยังทำได้ลงคอ
@@sunggianga2280 ส่งทางเฟสเลยครับ
Cov ntawv koj sau tawm yog ntawv hmoob los tsis yog os ?
Thái lan
Ngu ạ
I don’t understand why some siblings are so jealous. Koj tau los Kuv tau. Kuv tau los zoo ib yam Li koj tau. No need to fight over. I guess this is just an example
of siblings who don’t know know how to love each other.
Wtf? I thought it was the eldest son and his two sons helped buried the mom? Why you kept saying the 3 sons. The two youngest sons are innocent.
You need to be very understanding to understand the story.
Son have to love mother do not anything stupid kill his mother
Zoo heev
Nej tham tau zoo heev og