Mr. Ma 's rhythm of play (based on observation of his weapon video and my own practice) comes from handling properly weighted fighting weapon. What one might see as ungraceful, non fluid movement is actually the sequential unfolding of load bearing structure required for the use of heavy blade weaponry (and proper taichi fighting techniques). Mr. Ma's. taichi saber video (uploaded by Sean) is helpful in this regard.
花开花合 it is a great analogy. In these days, I focus on the movements of the core 丹田。That is the primal energy, generator of all movements. All of the movements of arms, legs, swords, spear and sabers are connected and directed by the core. It is not merely the idea 意守丹田, but also the reality, which can be easily applied in every move in practice.
The Yang's family called the routine "Hsin Gong Forms" (Enhancing capability). That is later named as 85 or 108 forms, by outsiders, to compared with (24,37,42) forms. The difference between yours and ours is a common issue. It is not about right or wrong. My sifu learned from Yang Shou-chun, the eldest son of Yang Chenfu. You can also see my video, the complete form of Yang's Taichi. You might tell us a little about your sifu.
Thanks for your feedback. I firstly learn the form from Yang Zhen Duo's book. I also met Yang Zhen Duo and Yang Jun in person. Nothing about about right or wrong. I did a lot of comparative study among different traditions. You might check my video as well. Up to now, what I can assure is to feel happy and comfortable with what you did. Then, if possible, look around to what others do. If something fit, take it. Otherwise, leave it. That is what I did.
@nostoc29133 花开花合 it is a great analogy. In these days, I focus on the movements of the core 丹田。That is the primal energy, generator of all movements. All of the movements of arms, legs, swords, spear and sabers are connected and directed by the core. It is not merely the idea 意守丹田, but also the reality, which can be easily applied in every move in practice.
@nostoc29133 Great. That is exactly what I work on. Very nice to talk to you. 所謂腰其實是一體的兩面,前方是丹田,後面是命門,用白話來說前方是小腹,後方是尾椎(履),而提腰則是丹田自然內吸(吸丹),尾履往前收,將全身整成一片。總體來說,腰就是身體的核心,要分虛實,要騰挪,要閃戰(徐哲東),就要先能建立核心。達文西的名畫-人體比率,已標明人體的核心,便是丹田的位置。
This is clearly Yang Sau Chung Tai Chi form flavour,Too much force and mechanical movement, not internal movement,As for the weapons practice the poor quality of forms is a consequence of trainning with toys not real weapons.
"poor quality of forms" "a consequence of trainning with toys not real weapons". Would you please show me example, Good quality forms with real weapons?
Sorry for my previous reply. Sifu didn't bring the high quality saber to the park. We have very unique tailer made sabers, weight from 1.2 kg to 1.8 kg. The toy like saber is the economic version used for the public.
jluso , to know if yang sau chung taiji use to much force or mechanical movements you have to push with someone who practice this style... havent you? greetings
十分感謝閣下說明,讓我們對師爺 楊守中有進一步認識,師父 馬偉煥說,師爺教拳是一個個教,每個人的體驗及程度,教的內容也會不同。師爺還說;不要看我作的,要聽我講的,打的是外型,因人因時因地各有不同,講的是原理,是動作背後的原動力。 要特別推崇師爺的武藝,並不是師門的關係,而是其代表性及重要性(楊澄甫長子又跟著教拳)極高,受重視的程度卻不成正比。 至於師爺得武藝,我見過師父打長拳的片段,櫻槍倒不是重點,真練功力是大杆,可參考相關的影片。
感謝你的回應,楊守中教授時是一個一個教的,是對的. 性格沉默,不大多說話, 教完拳後..代所有徒弟離開時便到茶室飲..奶茶..而我認識的那位師傅和楊師一起..,每晚都是如此, 在聊天其間學了更多在武術的智識..! 說起我認識的那位師傅是姓..曹的..在於5年前離世享年80歲,曹師..是個武痴,,那時他`知道有個太極高手來了香港,便想拜師於門下,不得要領, 無法之下剛好他的師弟腳踝有傷,便陪伴往楊守中的醫館治療,楊守中親自治理,差不多治好時, 時機合適立拜於門下,楊師答應,! 曹師另有一師兄比曹師早 入門但沒見面,在70年代初曹師在..京士柏 練功時,發現有一位人士 也在 練功,太極拳是跟自己學習太極拳一樣的,代他完成後前往交流一會, 是同門,他只學太極拳2年便把腰酸背痛,醫好..名字我想不起了是開服裝生意的, 曹師 臨終前交一盒錄影帶內裹有他的太極拳錄影..有機會或會上傳, 因還未學懂上的技術....!
Mr. Ma 's rhythm of play (based on observation of his weapon video and my own practice) comes from handling properly weighted fighting weapon. What one might see as ungraceful, non fluid movement is actually the sequential unfolding of load bearing structure required for the use of heavy blade weaponry (and proper taichi fighting techniques). Mr. Ma's. taichi saber video (uploaded by Sean) is helpful in this regard.
Como para que sirve eso???
@nostoc29133 傳統楊式之行功架其實有很豐富的內涵,而楊武吴陈孫出自同源,有謂一花開五葉,各家只是強調的重點不同。至於"往复须有摺疊"師父的解讀是;,要避免斷點。折疊是新力與舊力的搭接(overlapping),也就是舊力未盡而新力已生,又是勢勢相承。是理想化的技法。弟子有一比喻,如自動步槍,一彈擊發,以後座力帶動另一彈上膛。一勁發後,餘勁帶動身體呈蓄勁狀態,如斜插金枝接青龍出水,再接斜推刀。以至勢勢相連,勁勁相隨,整體能連成一氣。
花开花合 it is a great analogy. In these days, I focus on the movements of the core 丹田。That is the primal energy, generator of all movements. All of the movements of arms, legs, swords, spear and sabers are connected and directed by the core. It is not merely the idea 意守丹田, but also the reality, which can be easily applied in every move in practice.
The Yang's family called the routine "Hsin Gong Forms" (Enhancing capability). That is later named as 85 or 108 forms, by outsiders, to compared with (24,37,42) forms. The difference between yours and ours is a common issue. It is not about right or wrong. My sifu learned from Yang Shou-chun, the eldest son of Yang Chenfu. You can also see my video, the complete form of Yang's Taichi. You might tell us a little about your sifu.
Thanks for your feedback. I firstly learn the form from Yang Zhen Duo's book. I also met Yang Zhen Duo and Yang Jun in person. Nothing about about right or wrong. I did a lot of comparative study among different traditions. You might check my video as well. Up to now, what I can assure is to feel happy and comfortable with what you did. Then, if possible, look around to what others do. If something fit, take it. Otherwise, leave it. That is what I did.
I do the samething
@nostoc29133 先生所言甚是。氣之吞吐,丹田之提放,型之開合,總連成一氣。賢兄可觀察吾師之倒輾猴,極沉有特色,腿先鬆沉,吸丹提腳,再吸再提,同時轉腰落腳。全身前后左右之變換,全由丹田主控,一氣呵成。與先生對談甚妙,其多指教:
@nostoc29133 花开花合 it is a great analogy. In these days, I focus on the movements of the core 丹田。That is the primal energy, generator of all movements. All of the movements of arms, legs, swords, spear and sabers are connected and directed by the core. It is not merely the idea 意守丹田, but also the reality, which can be easily applied in every move in practice.
這是教學的拳法,曾認識一位師傅,他跟楊守中師公在70年學習太極拳10年長, 有傳統85式,還有長拳,刀,劍,..長拳暫時沒看見有人打過,,他說當時,楊守中在灣仔開趺打醫館,,徒弟不多,當時徒弟非富則貴,跟..楊守中...學拳都要緣份, 現看馬師傅的手法最相似是...左掤..右掤..馬師傅的不`單子這樣的功夫.., 入室弟子才知道..!..中師還有一手...櫻槍...相信已失傳了..大部份徒弟都移民外國,留下來的徒弟很小...!..難得一見馬師傅的功架...!
마위환 노사는 양수중 사조님의 입실제자가 아닙니다, 양수중 사조님의 문하생입니다, 양수중 사조님이 발간한 책에는 124초식의 순서가 있습니다.
Pretty sure this guy was a Wu style student of Chen Tin Hung
Master Ma is a direct student of Yang Shou Chun, the eldest son of Yang Cheng Fu.
@@Blackangelsean I have a book by CTH with him doing pushing hands when he was a young man before he trained with YSC
@@waynehansen9100 Wonderful. Would you send me a few photos.
@nostoc29133 Great. That is exactly what I work on. Very nice to talk to you. 所謂腰其實是一體的兩面,前方是丹田,後面是命門,用白話來說前方是小腹,後方是尾椎(履),而提腰則是丹田自然內吸(吸丹),尾履往前收,將全身整成一片。總體來說,腰就是身體的核心,要分虛實,要騰挪,要閃戰(徐哲東),就要先能建立核心。達文西的名畫-人體比率,已標明人體的核心,便是丹田的位置。
This is clearly Yang Sau Chung Tai Chi form flavour,Too much force and mechanical movement, not internal movement,As for the weapons practice the poor quality of forms is a consequence of trainning with toys not real weapons.
"poor quality of forms" "a consequence of trainning with toys not real weapons". Would you please show me example, Good quality forms with real weapons?
Sorry for my previous reply. Sifu didn't bring the high quality saber to the park. We have very unique tailer made sabers, weight from 1.2 kg to 1.8 kg. The toy like saber is the economic version used for the public.
jluso , to know if yang sau chung taiji use to much force or mechanical movements you have to push with someone who practice this style... havent you? greetings
太極不動手 動手非太極