Excellent endeavour. Wonderful to see Africans making ways towards self sufficiency. As mentioned, persistence, patience, financing and long term goals are requirements if one wants to start a poultry farm. It is very expensive to run the farm and learning from many before starting is great advice. No sure if it is due to the cost or the quantity but seems many farmers are purchasing chicks from abroad instead of from other local farmers. Would like to know the reasoning, if possible. Continued success in his journey.
Excellent endeavour. Wonderful to see Africans making ways towards self sufficiency. As mentioned, persistence, patience, financing and long term goals are requirements if one wants to start a poultry farm. It is very expensive to run the farm and learning from many before starting is great advice. No sure if it is due to the cost or the quantity but seems many farmers are purchasing chicks from abroad instead of from other local farmers. Would like to know the reasoning, if possible. Continued success in his journey.
Great Sir. You have started that is what matters sir. Go on no going back..💪💪🐥🐤🐔🐓💙💘💜💜❤💕💗💝
Well done... Where is this poultry located
5600khs per chick is way too much expensive
about 150KSH,
@joelmuema7286 thanks