It was 128bhp on a high reading dyno, I'd reckon somewhere around 115, judging by what the other 8 port made. Its the most driveable cammed mini ever, even though it's a 286 cam it just pulls along at slow speed in top no problem. The gearing will be a bit different now its 5 speed but I've done only a handful of miles on it so far.
Really nice noise this car makes, what BHP / lbft of torque does the 8 port get you? And is it drivable low down? Lovely car!
It was 128bhp on a high reading dyno, I'd reckon somewhere around 115, judging by what the other 8 port made. Its the most driveable cammed mini ever, even though it's a 286 cam it just pulls along at slow speed in top no problem. The gearing will be a bit different now its 5 speed but I've done only a handful of miles on it so far.
Richspec where did you get your ‘head from? As far as I’m aware it’s only Minispares and MED that do them.
@@reidbook1989 it's only minispares, they make them, med buy then in from there.