  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 12 ก.ย. 2024
  • रानीपुर - झारीयल, बलांगीर से 104 किमी. की दूरी पर स्थित है। यह दो प्राचीन गांव है। रानीपुर वह गांव है जहां पटनागढ़ की रानी निवास करती थी और झारीयल एक किला है। इस स्‍थान का धार्मिक महत्‍व भी है। यहां सभी धर्मो को एक समान माना जाता है। शैव, वैष्‍णव, बौद्ध और तांत्रिक सभी की यहां आराधना होती है। यहां बहने वाली टॉन्‍ग नदी को टॉन्‍ग जॉर के रूप में जाना जाता है।
    ऐतिहासिक स्‍थल जैसे - पटनागढ़, मारागुदा, असुरगृह, नरसिंहनाथ, संताला आदि रानीपुर - झारीयल, बलांगीर में स्थित है। यहां कई मंदिर, दक्षिण कौशल राजा की अवधि के भी पाएं जाते है। यह मंदिर लगभग 8 वीं और 9 वीं सदी के बने हुए है। इतिहासकारों के अनुसार, इस क्षेत्र में लगभग 200 मंदिर थे जो आधा मील में बने हुए थे।
    यहां के बने हुए मंदिरों की छतों को हायपाथेरल मंदिर कहा जाता है। एक मंदिर में 64 योगिनी भी बनी हुई है। यहां का अन्‍य प्रमुख आकर्षण, सोमेश्‍वर शिवा मंदिर है जिसका निर्माण मट्टममायुरा शैवचार्य गगाना शिव के द्वारा किया गया था। इस स्‍थान पर इंद्रलत मंदिर भी बना है जो लंबी ईटों से निर्मित है।
    The Chausath Yogini Temple, built in the 9th or 10th century in Ranipur-Jharial, in an isolated position some miles from the towns of Titilagarh and Kantabanjhi in Balangir district, Odisha, is a circular, hypaethral, 64-yogini temple made of sandstone, some 50 feet in diameter.62 of the yogini images survive. The site, on an outcrop of rock, must have been important, given the presence of a large temple built of brick and several small temples of stone. The primary entrance is an opening in the circular wall towards the east; unlike at the Hirapur yogini temple, there was once a further opening towards the south, now filled in.
    Ranipur-Jharial was the first of the Yogini temples to be discovered; it was described by Major-General John Campbell in 1853.
    The Ranipur Jharial Yoginis are made, like the temple walls, of a low-quality coarse sandstone, which has weathered poorly; they were once finely-carved. Uniquely, all the Yogini images are depicted poised about to dance, in the karana pose of Indian classical dance; Vidya Dehejia explains that the posture is taken up at the start of each group of movements. Like the Hirapur temple, but unlike other Yogini temples, there are no Matrikas, mother goddesses, among the Yoginis. 14 of the Yoginis are animal-headed; among them can be seen goddesses with the heads of a cat, an elephant, a snake, a horse, a buffalo, an antelope, and seemingly also of a leopard and a sow. The leopard-headed goddess is holding up a human corpse, suggestive of the corpse rituals (shava sadhana) of the Yogini cult. The absence of haloes or attendant figures as at later Yogini temples suggests that this temple was built relatively early.
    The 19th century archaeologist Alexander Cunningham described two further Yogini images. One, uniquely, had the attributes of the Sun-god, Surya; she had two arms, a lotus flower in each hand, and seven horses. The other (now surviving only from the knees down) was dancing on a reclining male; she had 6 or 8 arms, and was depicted pulling her mouth open wide; she held a skull-cup, a kettle-drum, and a sword.

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