Hahaha, alot of ADCs complain about pyke killstealing, when thats pyke supporting you/all.. its PYKE's ROLE,,,, its much better cuz its an HP% Execute Ability..
Why I would hate to have Pyke as my support the video. Still him slapping Zeri with the money was pure gold. XD Amazing work like always, thank you for another gem.
Pyke really toook "shut up and take my money" to the next level.
Wala naman kc is an important tool to
Hahaha, alot of ADCs complain about pyke killstealing, when thats pyke supporting you/all.. its PYKE's ROLE,,,, its much better cuz its an HP% Execute Ability..
@pachorenomer9842 I don't. Once Pyke gets some kills I'm basically farming for mid/late in peace.
Update KDA score:
OLAF - 3/0/0
KHAZID - 1/0/0
AZIR - 1/1/0
KOGMAW - 2/2/0
NAUTILUS - 0/2/2
SION - 0/2/0
KAYN - 0/2/1
PANTHEON - 1/1/0
ZERI - 1/2/3
PYKE - 3/0/2
And the question remains, is kayn going red or blue?
@@xXxLuismaxXxmaybe blue bc his mostly camp on azir
@@xXxLuismaxXxa love story episode where kayn explains too rhaast he has to go☺
And then rhaast wipes him and win
Pyke: takes the gold and stfu
You always do a great job showing each champ playing to their strengths
Very accurate Pyke gameplay too
nah a real pyke should had stunt both of them before R XD
@@KhoaTran-md5ou no, that would be being useful, not accurate at all
Nah, the accurate Pyke gameplay should be missing his Q before executing with R
disappears from lane and comes back to press R
Q top
Nautilus: attempts to hook
Zeri: *throws a sacraficial minion*
Nautilus: “Wait, that’s illegal.”
I used to do this with old tahm kench, baiting hook and spitting gromp into enemy hook
Did that once using Syndra as sup. XD
Dude she dodged kog maw auto attack.
Minion: Tell my wife! I *dies*
another masterpiece, i died when Pyke slapped her with the money
"here's your pay now shut up pikachu."
so did zeri...technically 😂🤣
I do be like that playing Pyke
You get the execute and they be like
"I could have gotten that"
Every time I look back to S1 Episode 1, I see the massive improvement. I also see that the quality of humor hasn't deteriorated one bit.
파이크 돈 툭 던지고 할 일하러 가는거 너무 웃기네 ㅋㅋㅋ
저 돈 던진 건 무슨 효과임?
@@송-e2r 수당인듯
궁으로 처치했을때 아군에게 골드 주는거
@@송-e2r 챔피언을 파이크가 궁극기로 처치했다면 마지막으로 처치를 도운 아군에게도 챔피언 처치 골드가 주어집니다.
@@송-e2r 파이크가 궁으로 킬하면 같이 잡은 아군중에 한명한테 어시 골드 말고 킬 골드 만큼 들어감
드디아 나왔다 내 마약
국가가 허락한 유일한 마약....
이게 약이라면 좀 오래 참았네ㅋㅋ
내 미약
lmao that's what I thought
1:20 아니 어쩜 이런 표현을 하시는거지? 대단하다
That's exactly what playing with pyke feels like! 😅
The X ray shot of Zeri breaking Kog'Maw's skull (which is already on the outside of his face) was brilliant lmao
Hahaha I knew it, Pyke was being too quiet 😂. Slapping Zeri's face with the bounty was perfect too and the Kogmaw passive 🤣😂🤣😂
That Zeri in Yamcha's pose though... just needs a crater
@@TheNicokapo oh yeah 😂🤣😂🤣 good catch 👍
If you watched the past episodes, pyke went to top trying to gank the fed olaf, the gank failed so he went back to bot
Love the Mortal Kombat X-ray reference
00:32 타겟팅 평타 다 피하는 제리 vs 논타겟 평타 다 맞는 코그모 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
수당주는걸 돈 싸대기로 표현한게 ㅈㄴ웃기네 진짜 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
"내 몫은 챙겼다, 네 것도 가져가도록."
Why I would hate to have Pyke as my support the video. Still him slapping Zeri with the money was pure gold. XD Amazing work like always, thank you for another gem.
내가 슬플 때 맞춰 동영상이 나오네요. 채널에서 새 동영상을 보면 나를 미소 짓게 만드네요.
As a pyke main, i laughed so hard when he came in with the ulti 😂😂😂
1:11 Bro is so cute, I can't
I thought this series will never continue after waiting for a year but finally it's here!!!
As a Zeri main, I'm fascinated by this animation.
Keep up the good work :)
Zeri's frustration after Pyke KSes her 1x2 is incredible. It's fun how she stops as if the player has pressed S an dies for Kog'maw after it
코그모 너무 귀엽잖아 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋ
The animation is absolutely insane! Loved it!
pyke slapping people with "your cut" is the funniest thing i want the community to turn and accept as a meme
ngl i felt bad when lil kog's skull got fractured; love the vids keep up the incredible work Beast
영상주기 짧아져서 너무조아
Love your animations!!
Honestly, that was a really good animation! I especially liked the part where Naut was swinging his anchor and zeri just jumped on it!
This was one of the best yet! Really good stuff my guy!
this is so fresh omg
뇌빼고 봐도 상관은 없지만 내용을 까먹어서 새로운 에피 나올때마다 다시 보는중.. 이번 에피 좀 쩌네용!
LET HIM COOK!!! these animations are so incredibly good, it's always an amazing day when they come out
요즘 굉장히 빨리 올라오는 거 같네요 화이팅입니다
Finally a new episode ❤
I tottaly love this video, the ending part where pyke throws a bag of money to zeri is so hilarious and accurate lmao.
Pyke throwing the gold to Zeri's face is the most relatable thing in this video for ADC mains
키야~ 달려왔습니다
Ah... This is haven....... I m so happy now..... 복많이 받으시고 건강 조심하시고 좋은 영상 보여주셔서 감사합니다!!!!!! 제리 액션 대박이에요!@!!!@
amazing job! I love every video you have put out R9M!
The fight was animated incredibly good! And I really liked the shabby walk on Pyke :D
Ah yes Pyke helped in 'securing' the kill. Atleast zeri got her cut.
As pyke main i appreciate this vid haha
Man, your talent is absolutely amazing
귀여우면서 다이나믹 한게 진짜 독보적인듯
Awesome job, as always! Keep it up 😊👍🏻
파이크 포즈랑 수당표현 미쳤냐고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
1:20 NICE 100/10 move
멈춰있진 않았던 내 시계가 다시 움직이기 시작했다.
Your animation has no right being this clean bro. Also, these shorts are super funny :)
I love it, it's my fav episode of the S2!!! ❤😂 Great work!
The fighting scenes are so good.
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ와 이번편 진짜 레전드.. 파이크 돈싸다궄ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
자본주의 펀치
Wake up babe R9M dropped another banger.
i love the highly dynamic combat animation, well done dude
파이크가 킬 뺏어서 부들부들하는 제리 넘 귀엽네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
welcome back and thanks for the video. It made me happy
Zeri was zeriing lol. Nice drawings and animation!
연속궁 2개 다맞춘 파이크 캐리네
The animation quality is incredible! Absolutely amazing job!
Nice job as always. I like how she resembles yamcha pose at the end xD
So fast, yet easy to follow what's happening! What a fantastic action sequence!
Well, at least she got the money
Pyke: here's my pay! Good luck
These are always a pleasure, man. Better version of League itself.
Your animations are always amazing, but this one is the best hands down xD
I’ve been waiting such a long time for it.
1:20 Pyke be like: Take these money and shut your mouth 🤣
Always love your Kog'Maw, i'm excited to see the future Smolder x)
very accurate pyke gameplay
와 액션 맛도리네 겁나 잘 만들었어
코그모를 이렇게 귀엽게 그리는건 여기밖에 없는듯
That slap at the end. I love it.
제리 너무 귀엽다
Pyke be like: take this cut and support yourself
"Take the money and shut up"
Kogmaw's face while being bombarded by Zeri's Q is funny and cute 😂😂😂
oh yes finally... been waiting for you.. hope everything all is well for you
Hahaha Pyke running up and throwing the bag of gold in Zuri's face killed me 😂
드디어 나왔당~~ 기다리는건 몇 달같은데 보는건 2분내외 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 또 언제 기다리냐
항상 재밌는영상 감사합니다❤
I smell a Red team comeback after Kayn transforms 😂
진짜 마지막까지 완벽 돈도 맥이고 코그모 패시브까지 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Oh no, I cried at the Pyke part, that was very accurate 😂
Nice reference to portal kombat WITH breaking skull and really i'm respecting your masterpiece
Im here too early
Im just gonna sit here and wait for the score board guy
Btw Your animation is great as always 🔥
Pyke stealing kills is the most accurate thing ever
That rumble music made me feel old
Tipic adc going melee.
Grat video!
And there's SAMIRA 😂
주기 뭔데 쌉나이스고
형 요즘 부지런하니 좋다
That was a great action sequence
That Bag of Gold Got me 😂😂😂
설날에 맞춰 영상 개굳. 제작자 양반 새복많
Actually laughed out loud when she forgot kog'maw passiv, so relatable 😂😂
드뎌 나오는군!! ㅠㅠ믿고있었다구 젠장
Siempre que veo que subiste un video entro corriendo para verlo. Nunca decepcionan
Poor Zeri always getting blown up by Kog'Maw in your animations LMAO