Girlfriend just broke up with me and I just got fired from my shit job. And I’m currently walking home listening to this song. So this day is shit but this song is definitely helping me out. So thank u guys!
Just found your guys' band, love the music, this song and music video hit home, born and grew up in East LA and actually near Whittier Boulevard. Crazy.
2024 still rocking out to this one 🤘🤘
Girlfriend just broke up with me and I just got fired from my shit job. And I’m currently walking home listening to this song. So this day is shit but this song is definitely helping me out. So thank u guys!
6 months later , how’s it going now?
3 yrs later how you doin?
4 years later, how you doing? 🥹
just casually listening to this at 2am bcuz I miss u guys, come back to Vegas, swear I’ll be in the pit the whole time 🥺🫶🏽
Boiii that dog looking extra Thiccc
Just found your guys' band, love the music, this song and music video hit home, born and grew up in East LA and actually near Whittier Boulevard. Crazy.
Whittier! Damn my home repped by peeps I idolize so hype
Thanks for Coming to San Diego in March 2020! Stay Ska'd for life homies!!!!!
Esta Chigon la cancion 😎👍🤘 I like it ✌️
Ayyyy Caifanes!
Donde puedo comprar sus discos en formato físico y original saludos desde México DF 🎷🎺🎸🏁🇲🇽☠️ !
buono ska
Damn I thought this was gonna be a happy ending
Damnit Zach 😆
I just discovered you thanks to that random jerk on Twitter who claimed all ska bands are white.