If he really wanted to bring Southgate to be the new manager then he honestly needed to go. Having Berrada Brailsford Wilcox Ashworth and Ratcliffe is just too many cooks INEOS need to get their stuff together, the fanbase's patience is starting to wear thin with their weird decisions(ticket prices etc). Ratcliffe might become the third Glazer brother in the eyes of the fans
I don't understand how he got the job if his taste in managers was so bad. Did they not ask him in the interview process what his vision for the club would be lol.
@@mikeywallis4085 Exactly people saying he was fired over something Ineos could've nipped in the bud during the initial consultation is crazy & if true says more about the competence of Ineos than Ashworth. All I know is that Utd are in 13th place & they play City next. Amorim needs wins & he needs them sooner rather than later.
@@mpj1969villa are way better run than United are and villa are way better as a team, so if Amorim went there it would be a step up the ladder. I wouldn't begrudge him of it.
In 2019, INEOS took over the most successful, most dominant cycling team in the world and since then the team has gone into a steady decline. This year they were a shadow of their past selves, they haven't won a Grand Tour in 4 years and they lost top riders, directors and performance staff. Not saying that it will be the same for ManU, but the track record is not great.
I think Tadej Pogačar might have something to do with Ineos not being as successful in the Grand Tours. He is arguably the greatest cyclist in history and wins all the time.
Maybe their current cyclists not having asthma and therefore needing all sorts of drugs ( to treat the disease of course) has something to do with them not winning races
I work for INEOS Automotive and we have been on a steady decline since the launch 😁 As far as INEOS leadership is concerned United is on the right track 🤣🤣🤣
그럼에도 불구하고 탄핵에 찬성하는 당신께 법치주의 이념 아래 삼권분립을 수호하며 전횡을 일삼지못하게 지켜져왔고 윤석열 대통령이 계엄령을 포고하며 법치주의를 파괴했다고 생각하시는 것 같습니다. 정답은 아닙니다. 왜 계엄령 선포 배경인 이미 망가져버린 삼권분립, 사법부의 타락과 국회의 부패는 쏙 빼놓고 이야기하는 걸까요? [국회 기능 상실] 입법부의 역할을 하는 국회가 국민의 권익을 대변하는 게 아니라 어느 순간부터 죄 지은 야당 국회의원을 위한 법을 만드는 기관이 되었습니까? 자기편 감싸는 법안만 발의하고 자기들이 벌인 구린 일 조사하려는 검찰 및 정부인사들 다 탄핵해서 그게 벌써 22번입니다. (이전 정부들 많아야 3~4번) 심지어 예산안 부분에서는 대통령활동비, 검찰/감사원/ 경찰 특활비는 0원입니다 우리나라 미래 산업인 원전이나 R&D 관련 예산도 총 2000억원 가까이 깎아놓고 본인들 연봉은 올렸다고 합니다. 입법부의 거대 야당이 이미 타락해서 입법 폭주를 하고 행정부의 업무를 마비시키고 있는 상황입니다. 심지어 간첩법 개정도 미루는데 이런 부분은 왜 언급도 안하는 거죠? 국가 기밀 빼돌리고 타국의 산업스파이가 버젓이 활동해도 처벌할 법안을 미루는 게 대한민국의 국회의원이 할 일인겁니까? [사법부의 기능 상실] 촛불 선동으로 정권이 바뀌며 적폐청산이라는 명목하에 사법부를 털고 좌편향적 인사들을 채워넣어 사법부의 독립성은 완전히 상실되었습니다. 부정/비리 관련 재판을 받아야하는 야당쪽 인사들의 재판은 무기한 연기되고 판결마저 의혹만 가득합니다. 이재명이 선거법 위반 판결로 의원직 상실해 정치적 생명이 끝날 순간에 권순일 대법관이 무죄를 선고하며 살아났습니다. 그리고 이재명이 성남시장으로 있을 때 대장동에서 생긴 비리의 온상인 화천대유의 고문으로 들어간게 권순일입니다. 심지어 최근 위증교사와 관련된 녹취록까지 있고 위증한 사람이 위증교사 지시 받았다고 말해도 위증죄는 선고되고 위증교사는 없다는 판결이 나왔습니다 이게 올바른 법치인가요? 권력자의 입김에 따라 법치가 이미 무너져 있었는데 왜 이 때는 분노하지 않으셨나요? [비상계엄의 당위성] 계엄법상 "비상계엄은 대통령이 '전시·사변 또는 이에 준하는 국가비상사태 시, 적과 교전 상태에 있거나 사회질서가 극도로 교란되어 행정 및 사법 기능의 수행이 현저히 곤란한 경우에 군사상 필요에 따르거나 공공의 안녕질서를 유지하기 위하여' 선포한다" 라고 되있는데 마지막 문장 보면 왜 당위성이 있는지 요건을 성립했는지 이해할 겁니다. 국제 정세는 급박한데 대한민국 내부는 상식이 통하지 않는 나라, 삼권분립이 망가지고 행정부에 족쇄만 달며 마비시키려는 정국에서 대통령이 이걸 뿌리뽑고자 자신의 권리인 계엄령을 선포한 겁니다. 계엄선포문에서 '반국가세력'이라 칭하고 국회는 설렁설렁 막고 선관위는 6분만에 투입시켰을 뿐만 아니라, 국회보다 많은 인원을 투입시킨 거 보면 명백히 선관위에서 어떤 부정이 있었는지 밝혀내고자 한 거 같은데 이걸 응원하고 지켜봐주지는 못할망정 탄핵에 동참하자고 하시네요. 그 저의가 참 궁금합니다. 부정선거 관련된 증거와 의혹은 차고 넘칩니다. 삼립빵상자에 가득한 사전투표용지들, 형상기억복원 종이라며 접은 자국이 없는 투표종이들, 오산시에서 나온 관리관도장이 이상한 투표용지, 개별적인 투표용지 모음이라 하기엔 너무 이상한 일렬로 묻은 잉크 자국, 심지어는 관리관도장이 없는 투표용지까지, 사전투표만 여니까 역전되는 52개 지역구, 선관위는 해킹 보안망 허술해서 전산에서 유령 유권자를 넣을 수 있거나 명부를 바꿀 수 있다는 게 드러났다는 점 등 [선관위 채용비리] 선관위 채용비리 1200건, 심지어 문서 파쇄하고 자료를 삭제...겨우 5% 정도만 털었는데 나온 결과입니다 공정성이 중요한 선거에서 주관하는 조직이 이렇게 비리로 점철돼있는데 선거에서 공정성과 무결성을 기대할 수 있으십니까? 이걸 밝힌 감사원은 지원받는 게 아니라 갑자기 민주당에서 감사위원장 탄핵도 시키고 있습니다. 삼권분립은 이미 망가져있고, 선거마저 무결성을 훼손된 상황에서 이와 관련된 언급은 없고 탄핵을 지지한다고요? 우파의 기본적인 가치도 제대로 가리지 못하면서 보수인 척 하지 말아주십시오. 패션으로 공부하고 신념도 전후 상황에 대한 이해도 없이 매스미디어에서 나온 워딩에 선동되면서 상당한 시간동안 보수정당을 지지해 온 국민'이라는 표현도 동의할 수 없고우파인 척 하는 좌파로서 우파도 탄핵에 찬성한다고 선동하는 작태로 밖에 안보입니다. 여러분 정말 국가의 명운이 달린 일입니다. 감성과 선동에 휩쓸리지 말고 한 번만 이성과 합리로 찬찬히 봐주십시오. 부정선거가 어떻게 21세기에 있냐라며 음모론자 취급을 했었지만, 전세계적으로 심지어 미국에서조차 현재 부정선거와 관련된 의혹/증거들이 드러나고 있습니다. 만일 거짓이라면 그 때 심판하면 되는 거 아닙니까? 대체 왜 미디어는 위와 관련된 배경과 이면에 대한 이야기는 안하고 탄핵시켜야 된다는 의견만 보도하는 걸까요. 광우병 선동, 천안함 선동, 세월호 선동, 오염수 선동...언제까지 주체성을 잃고 판단을 미디어에 의탁하실 겁니까. 온라인 커뮤니티, 뉴스 발췌
Regarding the Glazers, they paid £790m, have been taking money out and just got £1.3bn from Ratcliffe. They probably see this as a complete win already.
Glazers didn't pay £790m. Most of the purchase price was debt that they put on Manchester United's balance sheet. The debt is still on the club's books!
I would not be surprised if Ashworth was fuming about them hiring Amorim. Liverpool passed on him because he plays a 3-4-3 so they'd need to change the squad significantly. Man U have decided to go with him, despite making redundancies and cutbacks across the club and having a team even less suited to 3-4-3 than Liverpool. Somehow Ashworth is expected to facilitate a squad rebuild with all this going on is he?
Respectfully disagree, I think united's squad is well suited to a 343, both in attacking/defensive phases. Martinez is very similar to inacio; yoro is a ball playing CB that fits the RCB role. Deligt has played in a back three. Hojlund is a striker with similar traits as Gyokeres, who needed more service and players around him with the two 10s around him in this system should provide. Also, if you look at the average positions, we attack in a 325 (a shape that most modern teams build up in anyways). In defense, its almost a 442 with amad as RWB being a bit higher. --- I think the good thing about the Amorim appointment is that having a clear system unlike ETH will at least give the players some clarity and consistency.
@@arglc your point is well-taken, however, I think the management is not looking at how to get the most out of our highest earners since all of them are around or nearing 30. In fact, it's probably on purpose that we dont build a team around those players. Garnacho on the other hand is a bit different. I think he has a lot of potential and is still young. I dont see why he wouldn't be able to learn a new system. With zirkzee as the 9/false 9 in the 343 system, at least one of the 10s should be a traditional direct inside forward to make runs off zirkzee.
I'm not a Man U fan by any stretch, but this screams of toxic senior management. Ineos don't have a good track record. Ratcliffe doesn't have one. As loads of people point out, everything they touch is tanking and it's all about sports washing. The problem is, they aren't letting good people do their job, they doing the whole thing by the seat of their pants and it clearly isn't working. UTD will be a time told thing, but as a wider view it seems like classic poor leadership at the top stifling what happens below. The wrong hires, the wrong decisions, the wrong players, a manager the whole world could see wouldn't work. It seems to be a surprise to no one but the people in the building and that is mental.
"Jim Ratcliffe is a guy in a hurry" Jim Ratcliffe - "I would rather walk to the right decision that run to the wrong one" "Dan Asworth is a 10/10 sporting director" Ineos appointment of Dan Asworth was a crawl to the wrong decision and is only so shocking due to the amount of PR that Ratcliffe himself gave it prior to him starting.
Is anyone surprised Ineos are screwing up this badly, this quickly? Did people not look at Sir Jim's record at his other football clubs and sporting teams? Nice is his "biggest success". Nice were in the Champions League one season before Ineos took over... In the five seasons since they've yo-yoed between 5th and 9th. And that's their biggest success. Sir Jim needed a scapegoat for all the money and jobs lost and the record bad start to the season despite the firings and the money spent. Berrada made sure it wasn't him. That's what happened. Sir Jim is out of his depth, overrates his own abilities, and has a habit of letting his mouth write cheques his capability can't cash ... "dream Team", "best in class", "10/10" ... ? Never.
Aye. Ratcliffe, a CEO of a global petrochemicals corporation and known asset stripper who clearly has no real interest in football (how many times did he say “The Premiership” in that interview?) Why did so many Man U fans think that he was going to be their saviour?! His concern is money. Obviously that’s not exclusive to Man United’s ownership, but the days of new owners of Premier League clubs “saving the day” for the good of the team and the fans are sadly long, long gone.
@@TheSixYardBox ?..they took over in February, won the cup in May, therefore they won the cup under their tenure. Hopefully this clears up your confusion
@ and what did they do in that time? They were doing a strategic review and had said they weren't going to do anything till that review was complete. You're the one who's confused. Just because they were the owners on paper doesn't make them fa cup winners.
As a Newcastle Fan I’m not surprised by this in the slightest. A man who has completely torched his own career in the most unbelievable of ways. What reputation he had in England now lies in absolute tatters. You reap what you sow Dirty Dan
When you see David, Laurie and Adam on the line up you know it's: A - a big story. And B - it's going to be a great pod! These guys are taking over from the likes of Henry Winter and Shaun Custis. On their level in my opinion! Always great content when these guys are involved!
There's no surprise in this at all. When a new organisational structure is put in place with lots of new high level executive positions, there will always be a new working dynamic forms as so many "alphas" find their position on the pole. Obvioulsy Wilcox, Barada, Brailsford and Ratcliffe are on the same page, and Ashworth was looking a different way. Ashworth either wasn;t able, or wasn't willing, to compromise his vision to work in that same direction. If he didn't want Amorim and either wanted to keep ten Hag or wanted someone the rest of the executive structure didn't and felt that he wasn't being given the autonomy he expected, then there's obviously been a sense that he wasn't going to fit in with nurturing the new team dynamic. It won't have helped Ashworth that he said that the decision to keep ten Hag was made before he joined... Basically putting Ratcliffe in a position where INEOS can't say, "He WAS involved in decision making while he was on Garden Leave" that will have automatically set up a difficult relationship between the two, as Ratcliffe will have been mighty pissed off at that. I imagine his days were numbered from the point he said that.
But, there is one BIG difference. Manchester united. Meaning bigger revenues, more cash, the clubs pull to get the best of the best as is seen with Berrada etc.
@shardassolutions8547 For starters, Clearlake and Boehly let go of players on high wages and not the backroom club staff members as means of cost cutting. INEOS have allowed the flop players on high wages to stay while sacking backroom staff and increased the ticket prices as means of saving money.
Ratcliffe seems like such an unlikeable guy. Classic Alan Sugar type, thinks too highly of his own excrement. I see a lot of the "ruthlessness is to be applauded" talk but you shouldn't be making high level apportionments like this without being sure of what you are getting. Especially because the success of a DoF can surely only be evaluated after a certain period of time..not mere months. That said, Ashworth is a bit of a revolving door man himself so maybe there is something about him despite alll the industry love ins.
@FieldTestedSemenKun Vivell was hired to lead the multi club model. He didn't have any say in any of the incoming transfers or hiring of managers while he was at Chelsea. They were all done by Winstanley and Stewart. Vivell did not want to wait around for the multi club model to be set up and was frustrated because his opinions did not matter at the time. The sacking of Ashworth would have been equivalent to sacking of either Winstanley or Stewart at Chelsea.
is Ashworth another person who's been overpromoted on the basis of Brighton's recruitment success? Certainly the data is Tony Bloom's and didn't involve Ashworth.
He didn't have the balls to announce any of this during the bidding process, mass redundancies, huge cutbacks for low level office staff, increasing ticket prices, just shows the horrible snake like behaviour of these billionaire CEOs.
United had twice as many total working staff than clubs like Liverpool, City and Arsenal before Jim started making these redundancies. That just confirms the 'jobs for the boys" and "lowering of standards" allegations made towards the club over the past 10 years. Why on earth should we have twice as many employees as the clubs competing for the league every year? United isn’t a charity, it’s a business!
More like it shows how Naive you are if you didn't see shit like this coming. Welcome to the world of business and making hard decisions never pleases everyone. It isn't all daisies and rainbows ffs, particularly fixing a club that financially is fucked. Are you even a fan? Or just a short sighted one?
There were far too many people doing literally nothing at utd . Ask any company who dealt with them just how hard it was to get decisions as everything had to go through endless management levels .
@jared_slouch395 Lower skilled, easier to replace jobs. Tends to work that way, yes. Easier to restructure and get rid of unnecessary positions - also allows to consolidate some positions.
The hiring and firing of Ashworth would have cost the club well over 15million pounds, but they then turn around and announce £66 kids tickets because of finances. It leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. They are passing on their and their predecessors financial mistakes on to the fans.
Data is good and important for modern day football. Chelsea squad built on data and as you can see, it is yielding some good results. United needs to sell at least 11 players and replace them with better quality before anything will change.
Disagree with building stadium effecting the team. Madrid did both at the same time, we just love excuses at Utd . These rules don’t seem to stop Chelsea buying every player in the world and don’t give me they sell players, the math don’t math
So it wasn't the right fit and they've moved on quickly. What you want them to do, keep him for a couple of years? You're obviously not going to get every single appointment or signing right, nobody does. Prefer them to recognise it isn't working and move on quickly.
Having watched this interview, it's clear that no one really knows what happened for the club to reach this decision. The media will try to generate content and trigger emotions but at the end of the day the only fact is that Dan Ashworh is gone. All other things are speculation and trying to "put two and two together". No need to get wound up about it. People are fired from jobs everyday
Exactly, learnt nothing new from this podcast. Worst bit is now all media outlets that didnt even have an iota of what was going behind the scenes are now quoting their "sources" as to why it went wrong. I have read a handful of different versions now.
22:22 Ashworth conducts himself with dignity?! What a load of 💩 that is. He was having discussions with Manchester while he was still employed by Newcastle. Very honourable and dignified.
All I can say as a Liverpool fan is that I'm glad Jim Ratcliffe geew up a United fan. Shambles. Ordinary working staff made redundant, whilst jacking up ticket prices? Gross. Let alone this and the Ten Hag mess.
Nice to see people finally acknowledging how building a new stadium hamstrings the club financially and hinders your team building. I said it when Spurs were planning to build theirs that it wasn’t the time. They had a promising team and if they had invested in the team they would’ve won something by now. Clearly, no one’s learning from Arsenal.
Simply, SJR has used this situation to firstly try to move the fanbase off ticket prices, and secondly to make an example of someone senior and public. It sets a tone for everyone at the club and a clear message - live and die for the cause or be gone
It's not difficult to understand what Ratcliffe is up to. This is a man who is tight with senior policy makers in both the Conservative and Labour parties. So get your foot in the door at United and then via back-channels lobby Parliament to enact (tax) policies which make it progressively more difficult for the Glazers to operate in the UK without losing money. Eventually the dam bursts and Ratcliffe and company are in position one to purchase a majority stake in the business.
Ultimately, it's the (admittedly very expensive) owning of a mistake, but an owning nonetheless. That has to be a positive. It's proving Ratcliffe cares, certainly more than the aliens who had previous stewardship of the club. About the bloke called Garlick at Arsenal: Funny if there were another employee called Roger Dracula, and he kept screaming and running away in the corridor.
Dave Brailsford has brought nothing to the table as far as I can see, he recruited Ashworth and then when things went wrong it was Ashworths fault, I wasnt overly convinced on Dan Ashworth but what is Brailsford history in football and if other sports had any bearing on it do we ever see anyone from F1 come to football and be a major success?, probably not because just because theyre both sports doesn’t mean they are in any way similar.
Big, big fan of the United fan boys saying how this is normal, now it’s standard practices for businesses, etc. Ashworth was first shortlisted for this job more than six years ago. He’s not some new kid on the block who has been unexpectedly found wanting. And the time he spent on gardening leave at Newcastle before going to Old Trafford, is exactly the same duration - five months - that he spent in Manchester. The club have s**t the bed here. They’ve made a major appointment, at no little cost, in a key role, and have immediately lost their nerve. It undermines every reason why clubs *have* someone in this position, as it’s meant to offer stability and consistency even when individual managers or coaches don’t work out. Jim Ratcliffe has already failed at running one football club. It’s striking how quickly he’s failing at running another.
Adam's comments re the Glazers are spot on. Its the bit of all this that has never made sense. As long as the glazers are in play it will continue to be chaos.
Ineos chased this guy and we were bombarded with player transfer-esque stories about a sporting director. He signed for millions of pounds, and has left a few months later. This is at the very least not normal.
How can you be surprised that non football people don't know how to run what may be the biggest club in the world? Start with the Glazers, add Ratcliffe and Brailsfor... these are not football people. If he was that good, Ratcliffe would have changed things for Nice and Lausanne. No doubt, they have success in other areas, but they won't succeed at MU, proof that money alone will not change anything.
Omar Berrada is the CEO though. Does he not know football? Or Jason Wilcox? How about Jean Claude Blanc? It's perfect ordinary for there to be teething troubles. This wouldn't be a story if it was an executive of a huge oil company or something. It's just cause it's in the public eye that it's been made out to be hugely significant.
May? Definitely not. In fact not even the neighbourhood of "biggest club in the world". Never have been. The type of nonsense you trotter out in the media long enough and people especially Man Utd fans start to believe it. The biggest clubs are institutions. They have infrastructures that allow them to compete on the BIGGEST stage regularly and the trophies back it up. For club football, it's the European Cup. The pinnacle of club football and the metric by which you judge the ability of a club? the number of European Cups. Man Utd are not even at the royalty levels which the likes of Real, Milan, Liverpool, Munchen and Barca occupy. In fact, Man Utd don't even have a data analysis team!. For the "biggest club in the world" that is laughable. Best in Class, We're Man Uniiiiited, Biggest In The World...... Please.
@@jarazimmerman3400 Well, the list of names you quote make the whole fiasco worse, not better. Teething troubles? Is that what it is then? Big names, lots of money, no coherence. Bad performance on the pitch is mirrored by that in management, or is it the opposite?
United - 12 years since a PL 16 years since a CL - they are only halfway through their banter era. Liverpool only went 15 between league & CL in theirs...
The funniest thing about this comment is you've got one title in nearly 40 years with a couple of we finished behind City on 90-odd points ribbons, and you're acting like it's a football dynasty.
@keyjones1678 they're getting those titles in the post & if they win it this season it's 20 titles each but your club has half the number of european cups. liverpool will win both again within this decade. the football dynasty would be Paisley winning as many in 8 years as your club in a century+. good luck! 🤣
@@indexpictures You didn't just hit me with the stereotypical Liverpool history merchant drivel, did you? Awfully confident for someone whose 3 best players are holding the club for ransom and a couple of weeks away from being able to talk to other clubs. Even if they stay, which I think they probably will, how long have they got left at the top? Fair play for the excellent start to the season, but with your 10-year prediction, you're glossing over the fact that everything isn't as rosy as it seems at Liverpool.
@@Key-j5o why would I care about players? liverpool are the bigger club already. players come & go, luckily for you boys with not one single CL quality player in yours
@@indexpictures Yes, you're so big that your main targets don't want to sign for you. Liverpool fans are jokers. You're here gloating because United sacked their sporting director, yet you've just sacked yours after 6 months and failing to get any of the main targets and replaced him with the guy you let go. Make it make sense.
I don’t get why people are seeing this as a negative, they made what they think is a mistake and are trying to rectify it. The Glazers spent a billion under Woodward with no positive outcome, why would they do the same?
The simple and obvious answer would be that SJR has the option to buy Glazers out 3-5 years after the initial buyin (about 2 years' time) like their earlier bids.
As I think David said maybe the existing model of Sporting Director is too big. Could it be that recruitment becomes one person and the rest of sporting director role is undertaken by another? Ironically I suspect the latter role would have been better suited to Ashworth
There is a joint interview from September 3 where Berrada and Ashworth said the decision to extend ETH was made before they joined the club. SJR should take responsibility for his own mistakes. BTW Most of this fanbase wanted ETH extended so it's funny they are so angry about the decision. I remember polls at the time showed around 90 percent of United fans wanted the ETH extension.
@@almac9203 I wanted Ten Hag gone at the start of last season when it was clear he couldn’t fix blatant tactical issues. Somebody with Ashworth’s experience should have identified those issues right away and taken action. His job isn’t to cater to fans, especially not a fanbase as fickle as ours.
@@YMY_1999 Ashworth and Omar Barrada weren't involved in the decision to extend ETH. They started after the decision had been made. Once SJR extended ETH they were on the hook for £18m. If SJR is angry about the wasted money he should be angry at himself and Brailsford as they were the ones that approved the contract extension. Ashworth is being scapegoated.
😅 I wish (Newcastle fan). Ashworth was never all he’s been cracked up to be to be honest. Although I’m wondering why Ratcliffe is blaming so many of these decisions on him despite so many of them having been made before Ashworth was eventually released from his Newcastle contract. Would be fun if NUFC had grounds to sue Man U.
do these journalists even watch football ? whats this obsession with 3-4-3 formation, its the same damn thing(formationwise) every big team more or less is 3-2-5 in possesion.
I dont think people really understand what it takes to create culture change. You dont do it by moving slowly and not changing the status quo. If everyone agrees with Rangnicks assessement; open heart surgery, it means you have to look at everything. INEOS seem like theyre trying to do it; the changes arent popular, but they are necessary. It also requires all leadership to aligned with the same goal; if not, it wont work. Move fast, break things; its the key to success when this level of change is required
Ineos briefing that Ashworth wanted Southgate as manager is clearly deflection. They have been such a failure its comical. How Man U fans cant see through it is crazy.
100% agree. United fan but I don't buy any of their excuses for this. Am starting to lack confidence in INEOS' decision making already. Between the transfer decisions of the summer, keep ten hag, then fire ten hag, then have ashworth leave so promptly....they're looking quite out of their depth
Just because you don't wanna believe it doesn't mean it's a deflection. "Clearly" a deflection..yeah ok. They have been for hardly a year so can't judge if it's a failure or success. You just want it to be a failure to suit your agenda. Fans who are smart enough won't bother with this garbage too much and will wait and see the results for a while and then judge. Others can make whatever comments they like to make themselves feel better.
Funny because a few months ago Newcastle fans were claiming that Ashworth was useless 😅. Now Ineos are some kind of disaster after a few months because they sacked him 🤦
Ashworth is the only person in the leadership group with a proven track record. Sir Jim and Brailsford know bugger all about running a football club. Berrada is a commercial/marketing guy. He wasn't a player or coach. He came from City where the wheels are coming off. Wilcox spent nine months at Southampton as technical director and they are about to be relegated, before that he was an academy director. The only person who appeared qualified to turn the club around was Ashworth, who was fired. The United shit show continues.
Imagine coming to the meeting with Southgate and potter as your suggestions. He is a level below the top clubs. He needed time to level up so to speak.
The problem is that Ashworth's contacts seem to have been made at the FA so if you want a non English manager he's not got anything particularly special to offer. Tony Bloom's company has this sort of data on managers in world football but no individual such as Ashworth when they work for Brighton is privy to all this information.
@@jiahao8487 your right. You can only suggest what you know I suppose. Is it a bad appointment by United or are there too many guys doing similar jobs at the club?
I have and I do and you don't do it like this unless you want to replicate INEOS wonderful results at Nice and Lausanne and the cycling team they took over and f*^ked up. How does this align with Ratcliffe saying sacking managers isn't the solution to a club culture problem; we need to revitalise and modernise the transfer business and Dan Ashworth is a 10/10 guy; we need to have more data analytics? Oh and the cost of extending ETH and then firing him and his coaching group and chasing DA and then sacking him is the equivalent of a really good LB or Erikson replacement.
Ornstein is clearly carrying water for Ratcliffe here, it's obvious. I'm not suggesting Ornstein's name is on the Man U payroll, but he is blatantly doing the job of Man U's P.R department here. If anyone wants to see the costs of access journalism, watch this. The price is your professional integrity and all pretence of objectivity. Whatever it takes to stay ahead I suppose.
Sir Jim needs to exercise more patience and purposefulness. The issues are too complex for any quick fixing. He needs colleagues who will be able to speak their mind and contradict him if need be. By this I mean brave lieutenants.
Newcastle fan here - not his biggest fan considering his lack of loyalty, but Ashworth is good at what he does. Look at the players he signed - perfect for the manager. The players themselves might not be great, but he backs the manager. I thought United were onto something when I saw them act early in the transfer market. Ten Hag was at fault for not performing with players he knows. However it does look like too many Chiefs, not enough Indians in the hierarchy over at United. Ashworth was at fault for signing Tonali considering he had a betting ban looming over his head. Southgate wouldn't have been an awful option. Tactically not great, but I'm sure it would have steadied the ship. Right now Amorim is trying to fit a square peg in a round hole with these players. It was more of a risk hiring Amorim, who has limited managerial experience but is all of a sudden Man United manager. I wonder if he's up to it.
Fans have faith in Amorim. He’s honest, bold, brave, great man manager but tough & a brilliant communicator to players, media & fans. Best we’ve had since SAF. But he’s fighting a losing battle if he doesn’t get proper backing in the market to build his own squad. That looks very doubtful due to past mistakes & wastage. Fans fear Amorim won’t hang around if he’s not backed.
Whatever the reason for letting Ashworth go - why do it like that, after a game attended by his family, in front of the media, frog marched out by security? Why do it like that and not on a Tuesday morning after a calm conversation?
When an onwer like Ratcliffe cares everyone goes crazy, when an owner like Glazers doesn’t care at all, everyone goes crazy, here you are people, classic Man United fan 🤷🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️
Notice how Radcliffe keeps talking about efficiencies, which just means cuts and savings, when man United’s problems aren’t money related. They are organisational you can’t cut your way to those kinds of improvements. But hey, what the fuck would a billionaire know about running a football club?
Liverpool changed there whole football structure and replaced one of their best ever coaches seeminglessly Michael Edwards Julian ward Richard Hughes Pedro marques etc etc 3 or 4 other appointments and also arne slot yet it's been seamless let's not act like performances should drop off because of change no club has had more change than liverpool yet there's been no drop off whatsoever
This could be a case of be careful what you wish for. Utd fans wanted somebody other than the Glazers. Well they've got a hybrid of Glazers plus INEOS instead. INEOS sporting ambitions have been huge but their performance has been modest. In cycling their management of the previously successful Sky team has been incoherent. They never seem to be able to pick a team leader and support them adequately. Incremental gains a la Brailsford requires a clear plan and athletes to work on. That's not happening. Their other football projects are modest to say the least.
It’s obvious to me that this was the result of the lack of understanding of his abilities and the farce of overseeing of the signings in the summer and continuing backing of Ten Haag
Omar Barrada said in an interview that himself and Ashworth had nothing to do with the ETH extension as that decision was made before they started working at the club. This is from a joint interview with Ashworth on September 3.
Maybe Ashworth might have over sold himself for the job and he couldn't justify his words with action. It is easy to blame the hierarchy but no employers would easily sack someone new especially the they coughed out a few million for an employee who supposedly sold them the world.
I don't know that he oversold anything. They went behind Newcastles' back to talk to Ashworth, Ratcliffe was RAVING about how Ashworth was the best thing since sliced bread, etc, etc. I'd lay this at Ratcliffes door, I think it's too many chiefs all bumping into each other.
£66 x 74,310 seats x 3% x 19 games = £2.8 million How much did we pay Newcastle for Ashworth?… Maybe the tax dodger should pay for his bad hires and not the fans 🤷🏻♂️
It’s funny these same fools on this stream were the main people pushing INEOS onto Man United fans when most wanted Qatar takeover. Now look how happy and quick they are to point out every negative factor they can about INEOS now that they are here and we are stuck with them. These type of people are so toxic for Man United and mean the club no good. Build up INEOS drag them down after couple months, build up Amorim then turn on him after 4 games. Honestly tired of all these TH-cam channels even the ones I used to respect are weird now
Man United had an idiot absentee owner and his banker stooge in charge for over 10 years, and it was a total disaster. Besides the embarrasing public nature of extracting him from Newcastle, I really don't see how this is that sensational. I'd rather this than the pre-INEOS state of things.
David, how have the signings not worked so far? Besides Zirkzee, everyone is giving a good enough account of themselves. Would they work better if they were British?
If he really wanted to bring Southgate to be the new manager then he honestly needed to go.
Having Berrada Brailsford Wilcox Ashworth and Ratcliffe is just too many cooks
INEOS need to get their stuff together, the fanbase's patience is starting to wear thin with their weird decisions(ticket prices etc). Ratcliffe might become the third Glazer brother in the eyes of the fans
I don't understand how he got the job if his taste in managers was so bad. Did they not ask him in the interview process what his vision for the club would be lol.
@@mikeywallis4085 Exactly people saying he was fired over something Ineos could've nipped in the bud during the initial consultation is crazy & if true says more about the competence of Ineos than Ashworth. All I know is that Utd are in 13th place & they play City next. Amorim needs wins & he needs them sooner rather than later.
You have all decided Anorim is the next big thing, what you gonna do when he is the next Villa Boas
This message keeps popping up so much I think it’s a campaign on behalf of INEOS. It’s blatantly false.
@@mpj1969villa are way better run than United are and villa are way better as a team, so if Amorim went there it would be a step up the ladder. I wouldn't begrudge him of it.
In 2019, INEOS took over the most successful, most dominant cycling team in the world and since then the team has gone into a steady decline. This year they were a shadow of their past selves, they haven't won a Grand Tour in 4 years and they lost top riders, directors and performance staff. Not saying that it will be the same for ManU, but the track record is not great.
Nice is also a mess
I think Tadej Pogačar might have something to do with Ineos not being as successful in the Grand Tours. He is arguably the greatest cyclist in history and wins all the time.
Maybe their current cyclists not having asthma and therefore needing all sorts of drugs ( to treat the disease of course) has something to do with them not winning races
I work for INEOS Automotive and we have been on a steady decline since the launch 😁 As far as INEOS leadership is concerned United is on the right track 🤣🤣🤣
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[사법부의 기능 상실]
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[비상계엄의 당위성]
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계엄선포문에서 '반국가세력'이라 칭하고 국회는 설렁설렁 막고 선관위는 6분만에 투입시켰을 뿐만 아니라, 국회보다 많은 인원을 투입시킨 거 보면 명백히 선관위에서 어떤 부정이 있었는지 밝혀내고자 한 거 같은데 이걸 응원하고 지켜봐주지는 못할망정 탄핵에 동참하자고 하시네요. 그 저의가 참 궁금합니다.
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삼립빵상자에 가득한 사전투표용지들, 형상기억복원 종이라며 접은 자국이 없는 투표종이들, 오산시에서 나온 관리관도장이 이상한 투표용지, 개별적인 투표용지 모음이라 하기엔 너무 이상한 일렬로 묻은 잉크 자국, 심지어는 관리관도장이 없는 투표용지까지, 사전투표만 여니까 역전되는 52개 지역구, 선관위는 해킹 보안망 허술해서 전산에서 유령 유권자를 넣을 수 있거나 명부를 바꿀 수 있다는 게 드러났다는 점 등
[선관위 채용비리]
선관위 채용비리 1200건, 심지어 문서 파쇄하고 자료를 삭제...겨우 5% 정도만 털었는데 나온 결과입니다
공정성이 중요한 선거에서 주관하는 조직이 이렇게 비리로 점철돼있는데 선거에서 공정성과 무결성을 기대할 수 있으십니까? 이걸 밝힌 감사원은 지원받는 게 아니라 갑자기 민주당에서 감사위원장 탄핵도 시키고 있습니다.
삼권분립은 이미 망가져있고, 선거마저 무결성을 훼손된 상황에서 이와 관련된 언급은 없고 탄핵을 지지한다고요? 우파의 기본적인 가치도 제대로 가리지 못하면서 보수인 척 하지 말아주십시오.
패션으로 공부하고 신념도 전후 상황에 대한 이해도 없이 매스미디어에서 나온 워딩에 선동되면서 상당한 시간동안 보수정당을 지지해 온 국민'이라는 표현도 동의할 수 없고우파인 척 하는 좌파로서 우파도 탄핵에 찬성한다고 선동하는 작태로 밖에 안보입니다.
여러분 정말 국가의 명운이 달린 일입니다.
감성과 선동에 휩쓸리지 말고 한 번만 이성과 합리로 찬찬히 봐주십시오.
부정선거가 어떻게 21세기에 있냐라며 음모론자 취급을 했었지만, 전세계적으로 심지어 미국에서조차 현재 부정선거와 관련된 의혹/증거들이 드러나고 있습니다. 만일 거짓이라면 그 때 심판하면 되는 거 아닙니까? 대체 왜 미디어는 위와 관련된 배경과 이면에 대한 이야기는 안하고 탄핵시켜야 된다는 의견만 보도하는 걸까요.
광우병 선동, 천안함 선동, 세월호 선동, 오염수 선동...언제까지 주체성을 잃고 판단을 미디어에 의탁하실 겁니까.
온라인 커뮤니티, 뉴스 발췌
Regarding the Glazers, they paid £790m, have been taking money out and just got £1.3bn from Ratcliffe. They probably see this as a complete win already.
Glazers didn't pay £790m. Most of the purchase price was debt that they put on Manchester United's balance sheet. The debt is still on the club's books!
@@almac9203levied buyout I believe
They paid £200 odd million. The rest was loaned against the value of the club.
They didn't get £1.3bn, more like half.
@@almac9203 I know, what I meant was they could get out at any time and still be in profit.
I would not be surprised if Ashworth was fuming about them hiring Amorim. Liverpool passed on him because he plays a 3-4-3 so they'd need to change the squad significantly. Man U have decided to go with him, despite making redundancies and cutbacks across the club and having a team even less suited to 3-4-3 than Liverpool. Somehow Ashworth is expected to facilitate a squad rebuild with all this going on is he?
@@Brascofarian Chelsea had a look at him too and decided he wasn't the right manager.
Well said..mate everyone has ignored the chaos that hiring Amorim has caused the club in terms of continuity
Respectfully disagree, I think united's squad is well suited to a 343, both in attacking/defensive phases. Martinez is very similar to inacio; yoro is a ball playing CB that fits the RCB role. Deligt has played in a back three. Hojlund is a striker with similar traits as Gyokeres, who needed more service and players around him with the two 10s around him in this system should provide. Also, if you look at the average positions, we attack in a 325 (a shape that most modern teams build up in anyways). In defense, its almost a 442 with amad as RWB being a bit higher. --- I think the good thing about the Amorim appointment is that having a clear system unlike ETH will at least give the players some clarity and consistency.
@pc15494 Man Utd's highest earners Bruno Fernandes, Rashford and Casemiro do not fit the system. Garnacho does not either.
@@arglc your point is well-taken, however, I think the management is not looking at how to get the most out of our highest earners since all of them are around or nearing 30. In fact, it's probably on purpose that we dont build a team around those players. Garnacho on the other hand is a bit different. I think he has a lot of potential and is still young. I dont see why he wouldn't be able to learn a new system. With zirkzee as the 9/false 9 in the 343 system, at least one of the 10s should be a traditional direct inside forward to make runs off zirkzee.
I'm not a Man U fan by any stretch, but this screams of toxic senior management. Ineos don't have a good track record. Ratcliffe doesn't have one. As loads of people point out, everything they touch is tanking and it's all about sports washing.
The problem is, they aren't letting good people do their job, they doing the whole thing by the seat of their pants and it clearly isn't working. UTD will be a time told thing, but as a wider view it seems like classic poor leadership at the top stifling what happens below. The wrong hires, the wrong decisions, the wrong players, a manager the whole world could see wouldn't work.
It seems to be a surprise to no one but the people in the building and that is mental.
"Jim Ratcliffe is a guy in a hurry"
Jim Ratcliffe - "I would rather walk to the right decision that run to the wrong one" "Dan Asworth is a 10/10 sporting director"
Ineos appointment of Dan Asworth was a crawl to the wrong decision and is only so shocking due to the amount of PR that Ratcliffe himself gave it prior to him starting.
He's clearly not a 10/10 sporting director if he was targeting Eddie Howe and Marco Silva as Ten Hag replacements.
Is anyone surprised Ineos are screwing up this badly, this quickly?
Did people not look at Sir Jim's record at his other football clubs and sporting teams?
Nice is his "biggest success". Nice were in the Champions League one season before Ineos took over... In the five seasons since they've yo-yoed between 5th and 9th. And that's their biggest success.
Sir Jim needed a scapegoat for all the money and jobs lost and the record bad start to the season despite the firings and the money spent. Berrada made sure it wasn't him. That's what happened.
Sir Jim is out of his depth, overrates his own abilities, and has a habit of letting his mouth write cheques his capability can't cash ... "dream Team", "best in class", "10/10" ... ?
Aye. Ratcliffe, a CEO of a global petrochemicals corporation and known asset stripper who clearly has no real interest in football (how many times did he say “The Premiership” in that interview?) Why did so many Man U fans think that he was going to be their saviour?! His concern is money. Obviously that’s not exclusive to Man United’s ownership, but the days of new owners of Premier League clubs “saving the day” for the good of the team and the fans are sadly long, long gone.
INEOS not having a great start to their tenure I must say. Boehly & Co have shown sentiment can turn around pretty quickly if results pick up though.
they won the FA Cup
@@CMEAGAIN Ineos didn't. They were still doing their "strategic review" when that fa cup came along
@@TheSixYardBox ?..they took over in February, won the cup in May, therefore they won the cup under their tenure. Hopefully this clears up your confusion
@ and what did they do in that time? They were doing a strategic review and had said they weren't going to do anything till that review was complete. You're the one who's confused. Just because they were the owners on paper doesn't make them fa cup winners.
@@TheSixYardBox a strategic review relates to the managers performance. Go back to bed my friend
As a Newcastle Fan I’m not surprised by this in the slightest. A man who has completely torched his own career in the most unbelievable of ways. What reputation he had in England now lies in absolute tatters.
You reap what you sow Dirty Dan
Left by mutual agreement is like when someone claims that a relationship break up is mutual. It never is.
Laurie really is smashing it, isn't he? A pretty young guy and he is producing some excellent work.
As a liverpool fan I must say Laurie is one of my favorite media people.
Bro I would suggest you being happy for Liverpool rather than thinking of United downfall)) But maybe in England hate is to the core, then I get you 😁
Man Utd selling better?
Who gave Bruno the new contract, making him unsellable?
When you see David, Laurie and Adam on the line up you know it's: A - a big story. And B - it's going to be a great pod! These guys are taking over from the likes of Henry Winter and Shaun Custis. On their level in my opinion! Always great content when these guys are involved!
There's no surprise in this at all. When a new organisational structure is put in place with lots of new high level executive positions, there will always be a new working dynamic forms as so many "alphas" find their position on the pole. Obvioulsy Wilcox, Barada, Brailsford and Ratcliffe are on the same page, and Ashworth was looking a different way. Ashworth either wasn;t able, or wasn't willing, to compromise his vision to work in that same direction.
If he didn't want Amorim and either wanted to keep ten Hag or wanted someone the rest of the executive structure didn't and felt that he wasn't being given the autonomy he expected, then there's obviously been a sense that he wasn't going to fit in with nurturing the new team dynamic.
It won't have helped Ashworth that he said that the decision to keep ten Hag was made before he joined... Basically putting Ratcliffe in a position where INEOS can't say, "He WAS involved in decision making while he was on Garden Leave" that will have automatically set up a difficult relationship between the two, as Ratcliffe will have been mighty pissed off at that.
I imagine his days were numbered from the point he said that.
Does Ineos track record at Nice and Lausanne make the current chaos at United predictable?
But, there is one BIG difference. Manchester united. Meaning bigger revenues, more cash, the clubs pull to get the best of the best as is seen with Berrada etc.
@HareKrsna1 All that means Is more money for more mishaps.
@@killbotone6210 yes brudda, maybe so.
@@killbotone6210 but i disagree
That sounds like lots of excuses for INEOS nad Ratcliffe. Clearlake were labelled "clueless" for doing a lot better than this.
What exactly was better. They sacked multiple members they hired and it worked in the end.
@shardassolutions8547 For starters, Clearlake and Boehly let go of players on high wages and not the backroom club staff members as means of cost cutting. INEOS have allowed the flop players on high wages to stay while sacking backroom staff and increased the ticket prices as means of saving money.
Ratcliffe seems like such an unlikeable guy. Classic Alan Sugar type, thinks too highly of his own excrement. I see a lot of the "ruthlessness is to be applauded" talk but you shouldn't be making high level apportionments like this without being sure of what you are getting. Especially because the success of a DoF can surely only be evaluated after a certain period of time..not mere months. That said, Ashworth is a bit of a revolving door man himself so maybe there is something about him despite alll the industry love ins.
@@arglc Couldn't this situation be seen in the same way as when Vivell left Chelsea?
@FieldTestedSemenKun Vivell was hired to lead the multi club model. He didn't have any say in any of the incoming transfers or hiring of managers while he was at Chelsea. They were all done by Winstanley and Stewart. Vivell did not want to wait around for the multi club model to be set up and was frustrated because his opinions did not matter at the time. The sacking of Ashworth would have been equivalent to sacking of either Winstanley or Stewart at Chelsea.
is Ashworth another person who's been overpromoted on the basis of Brighton's recruitment success? Certainly the data is Tony Bloom's and didn't involve Ashworth.
He did a fantastic job at West Brom (my club) and we have been on the slide ever since he left.
He didn't have the balls to announce any of this during the bidding process, mass redundancies, huge cutbacks for low level office staff, increasing ticket prices, just shows the horrible snake like behaviour of these billionaire CEOs.
United had twice as many total working staff than clubs like Liverpool, City and Arsenal before Jim started making these redundancies. That just confirms the 'jobs for the boys" and "lowering of standards" allegations made towards the club over the past 10 years. Why on earth should we have twice as many employees as the clubs competing for the league every year? United isn’t a charity, it’s a business!
More like it shows how Naive you are if you didn't see shit like this coming. Welcome to the world of business and making hard decisions never pleases everyone. It isn't all daisies and rainbows ffs, particularly fixing a club that financially is fucked.
Are you even a fan? Or just a short sighted one?
There were far too many people doing literally nothing at utd . Ask any company who dealt with them just how hard it was to get decisions as everything had to go through endless management levels .
@@FivePastMidnight It's funny how the "tough decisions" of business always affects the lowest paid isn't it.
@jared_slouch395 Lower skilled, easier to replace jobs. Tends to work that way, yes. Easier to restructure and get rid of unnecessary positions - also allows to consolidate some positions.
The hiring and firing of Ashworth would have cost the club well over 15million pounds, but they then turn around and announce £66 kids tickets because of finances. It leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. They are passing on their and their predecessors financial mistakes on to the fans.
Data is good and important for modern day football. Chelsea squad built on data and as you can see, it is yielding some good results. United needs to sell at least 11 players and replace them with better quality before anything will change.
Ayo is already on top of it 💥
Always overdoing it. We know he's a minority but why not just behave as others?
Disagree with building stadium effecting the team. Madrid did both at the same time, we just love excuses at Utd . These rules don’t seem to stop Chelsea buying every player in the world and don’t give me they sell players, the math don’t math
What does it say about the new leadership at the club? It says: meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Incompetence
No it doesn’t… ruthlessness is required…
So it wasn't the right fit and they've moved on quickly. What you want them to do, keep him for a couple of years? You're obviously not going to get every single appointment or signing right, nobody does. Prefer them to recognise it isn't working and move on quickly.
It's a perfectly normal occurrence in business. It's just not as well publicised as for a football club.
That's nonsense, old regime was lack of change, decisiveness and jobs for the boys.
@@itsmeprasad1987wish he was that ruthless in removing the glazers from this club… oh shit forgot he’s in bed with them…
Having watched this interview, it's clear that no one really knows what happened for the club to reach this decision.
The media will try to generate content and trigger emotions but at the end of the day the only fact is that Dan Ashworh is gone. All other things are speculation and trying to "put two and two together". No need to get wound up about it. People are fired from jobs everyday
Exactly, learnt nothing new from this podcast. Worst bit is now all media outlets that didnt even have an iota of what was going behind the scenes are now quoting their "sources" as to why it went wrong. I have read a handful of different versions now.
Adam comes off as great and really likable here. I’m floored and looking forward to hearing more from him please
Yep, Adam the Zionist, proper likeable him
22:22 Ashworth conducts himself with dignity?! What a load of 💩 that is. He was having discussions with Manchester while he was still employed by Newcastle. Very honourable and dignified.
Have you ever moved jobs in your life? Don't cry he wanted to join a bigger club. How he went about it was dignified
@@acackc9138 Cry? Everyone's laughing at you!
All I can say as a Liverpool fan is that I'm glad Jim Ratcliffe geew up a United fan. Shambles. Ordinary working staff made redundant, whilst jacking up ticket prices? Gross. Let alone this and the Ten Hag mess.
Nice to see people finally acknowledging how building a new stadium hamstrings the club financially and hinders your team building. I said it when Spurs were planning to build theirs that it wasn’t the time. They had a promising team and if they had invested in the team they would’ve won something by now. Clearly, no one’s learning from Arsenal.
Simply, SJR has used this situation to firstly try to move the fanbase off ticket prices, and secondly to make an example of someone senior and public. It sets a tone for everyone at the club and a clear message - live and die for the cause or be gone
Thanks for an excellent podcast
It's not difficult to understand what Ratcliffe is up to. This is a man who is tight with senior policy makers in both the Conservative and Labour parties. So get your foot in the door at United and then via back-channels lobby Parliament to enact (tax) policies which make it progressively more difficult for the Glazers to operate in the UK without losing money. Eventually the dam bursts and Ratcliffe and company are in position one to purchase a majority stake in the business.
Hood to see Adam crafton still asleep
Promise not asleep. A few yawns as it was 7am for me in the U.S. when we recorded 😅😅😅
Ultimately, it's the (admittedly very expensive) owning of a mistake, but an owning nonetheless.
That has to be a positive.
It's proving Ratcliffe cares, certainly more than the aliens who had previous stewardship of the club.
About the bloke called Garlick at Arsenal:
Funny if there were another employee called Roger Dracula, and he kept screaming and running away in the corridor.
Dave Brailsford has brought nothing to the table as far as I can see, he recruited Ashworth and then when things went wrong it was Ashworths fault, I wasnt overly convinced on Dan Ashworth but what is Brailsford history in football and if other sports had any bearing on it do we ever see anyone from F1 come to football and be a major success?, probably not because just because theyre both sports doesn’t mean they are in any way similar.
Big, big fan of the United fan boys saying how this is normal, now it’s standard practices for businesses, etc.
Ashworth was first shortlisted for this job more than six years ago. He’s not some new kid on the block who has been unexpectedly found wanting.
And the time he spent on gardening leave at Newcastle before going to Old Trafford, is exactly the same duration - five months - that he spent in Manchester.
The club have s**t the bed here. They’ve made a major appointment, at no little cost, in a key role, and have immediately lost their nerve. It undermines every reason why clubs *have* someone in this position, as it’s meant to offer stability and consistency even when individual managers or coaches don’t work out.
Jim Ratcliffe has already failed at running one football club. It’s striking how quickly he’s failing at running another.
You lose all credibility when your opening statement is a blatant lie.
Adam's comments re the Glazers are spot on. Its the bit of all this that has never made sense. As long as the glazers are in play it will continue to be chaos.
Making mountain out of molehills. Things were not working out with him so he left. Previous management would have kept him despite that. End of story
Ashworth leaving isnt a molehill by any stretch of imagination
Ineos chased this guy and we were bombarded with player transfer-esque stories about a sporting director. He signed for millions of pounds, and has left a few months later. This is at the very least not normal.
Respectfully, this isn’t a Pub, or some office. It’s a multi billion pound enterprise and global brand.
Nah mate. This is serious. Stop glossing over it. It's more and more money wasted.
Sure it means nothing. PSR is already close to stuffed and this and ETH mean no funds for a LB or Erikson replacement. End of story. Molehills.
Maybe it's because he sold Gyokeres for 1 mil lol Sporting takeover after the Ajax era
How can you be surprised that non football people don't know how to run what may be the biggest club in the world? Start with the Glazers, add Ratcliffe and Brailsfor... these are not football people. If he was that good, Ratcliffe would have changed things for Nice and Lausanne. No doubt, they have success in other areas, but they won't succeed at MU, proof that money alone will not change anything.
Omar Berrada is the CEO though. Does he not know football? Or Jason Wilcox? How about Jean Claude Blanc? It's perfect ordinary for there to be teething troubles. This wouldn't be a story if it was an executive of a huge oil company or something. It's just cause it's in the public eye that it's been made out to be hugely significant.
May? Definitely not. In fact not even the neighbourhood of "biggest club in the world". Never have been.
The type of nonsense you trotter out in the media long enough and people especially Man Utd fans start to believe it.
The biggest clubs are institutions. They have infrastructures that allow them to compete on the BIGGEST stage regularly and the trophies back it up. For club football, it's the European Cup. The pinnacle of club football and the metric by which you judge the ability of a club? the number of European Cups. Man Utd are not even at the royalty levels which the likes of Real, Milan, Liverpool, Munchen and Barca occupy.
In fact, Man Utd don't even have a data analysis team!. For the "biggest club in the world" that is laughable.
Best in Class, We're Man Uniiiiited, Biggest In The World......
@@jarazimmerman3400 Well, the list of names you quote make the whole fiasco worse, not better. Teething troubles? Is that what it is then? Big names, lots of money, no coherence. Bad performance on the pitch is mirrored by that in management, or is it the opposite?
@@cedricberner8507weird move to have your point immediately disproven and then just claim it proves you even more right
SJR is Théoden of Rohan, Brailsford is Grima Wormtongue
United - 12 years since a PL 16 years since a CL - they are only halfway through their banter era. Liverpool only went 15 between league & CL in theirs...
The funniest thing about this comment is you've got one title in nearly 40 years with a couple of we finished behind City on 90-odd points ribbons, and you're acting like it's a football dynasty.
@keyjones1678 they're getting those titles in the post & if they win it this season it's 20 titles each but your club has half the number of european cups. liverpool will win both again within this decade. the football dynasty would be Paisley winning as many in 8 years as your club in a century+. good luck! 🤣
@@indexpictures You didn't just hit me with the stereotypical Liverpool history merchant drivel, did you? Awfully confident for someone whose 3 best players are holding the club for ransom and a couple of weeks away from being able to talk to other clubs. Even if they stay, which I think they probably will, how long have they got left at the top? Fair play for the excellent start to the season, but with your 10-year prediction, you're glossing over the fact that everything isn't as rosy as it seems at Liverpool.
@@Key-j5o why would I care about players? liverpool are the bigger club already. players come & go, luckily for you boys with not one single CL quality player in yours
@@indexpictures Yes, you're so big that your main targets don't want to sign for you. Liverpool fans are jokers. You're here gloating because United sacked their sporting director, yet you've just sacked yours after 6 months and failing to get any of the main targets and replaced him with the guy you let go. Make it make sense.
I don’t get why people are seeing this as a negative, they made what they think is a mistake and are trying to rectify it.
The Glazers spent a billion under Woodward with no positive outcome, why would they do the same?
Good to listen to a sensible debate after all the pathetic whining from Neville and those guys at ESPN. Keep up the good work lads👍
Lads. If you are confused about about who ultimately makes the decisions try to get hold of the DOA.
The simple and obvious answer would be that SJR has the option to buy Glazers out 3-5 years after the initial buyin (about 2 years' time) like their earlier bids.
Wasn't Dan Ashworth in Nathan Barley?
Yeah I heard he got a job at a zoo after that
As I think David said maybe the existing model of Sporting Director is too big. Could it be that recruitment becomes one person and the rest of sporting director role is undertaken by another? Ironically I suspect the latter role would have been better suited to Ashworth
Out of nowhere. If you’re telling me there isn’t some scandal coming out, you’re nuts.
I'd love to what Ashworth Fixed term contact is worth a validity, he is a clever man....easy money for nowt.....all clubs should give a wide birth
If Ashworth made the call on keeping Ten Hag, that’s a sackable offence alone.
There is a joint interview from September 3 where Berrada and Ashworth said the decision to extend ETH was made before they joined the club. SJR should take responsibility for his own mistakes. BTW Most of this fanbase wanted ETH extended so it's funny they are so angry about the decision. I remember polls at the time showed around 90 percent of United fans wanted the ETH extension.
@@almac9203 I wanted Ten Hag gone at the start of last season when it was clear he couldn’t fix blatant tactical issues. Somebody with Ashworth’s experience should have identified those issues right away and taken action. His job isn’t to cater to fans, especially not a fanbase as fickle as ours.
@@YMY_1999 Ashworth and Omar Barrada weren't involved in the decision to extend ETH. They started after the decision had been made. Once SJR extended ETH they were on the hook for £18m. If SJR is angry about the wasted money he should be angry at himself and Brailsford as they were the ones that approved the contract extension. Ashworth is being scapegoated.
You think Utd summer signings havent worked? Have you actually watched any football this season? Jesus wept
Newcastle sleeper agent
😅 I wish (Newcastle fan). Ashworth was never all he’s been cracked up to be to be honest. Although I’m wondering why Ratcliffe is blaming so many of these decisions on him despite so many of them having been made before Ashworth was eventually released from his Newcastle contract. Would be fun if NUFC had grounds to sue Man U.
£66 for kids tickets, Ineos are shite look at Nice, long tough journey for United
do these journalists even watch football ? whats this obsession with 3-4-3 formation, its the same damn thing(formationwise) every big team more or less is 3-2-5 in possesion.
what mic is Laurie using? sounds amazing
I dont think people really understand what it takes to create culture change. You dont do it by moving slowly and not changing the status quo. If everyone agrees with Rangnicks assessement; open heart surgery, it means you have to look at everything. INEOS seem like theyre trying to do it; the changes arent popular, but they are necessary. It also requires all leadership to aligned with the same goal; if not, it wont work. Move fast, break things; its the key to success when this level of change is required
Ratcliffe is running MU like he runs his energy company, just ask the guys offshore, penny pinching
he'll be back!
Ineos briefing that Ashworth wanted Southgate as manager is clearly deflection. They have been such a failure its comical. How Man U fans cant see through it is crazy.
100% agree. United fan but I don't buy any of their excuses for this. Am starting to lack confidence in INEOS' decision making already. Between the transfer decisions of the summer, keep ten hag, then fire ten hag, then have ashworth leave so promptly....they're looking quite out of their depth
Just because you don't wanna believe it doesn't mean it's a deflection. "Clearly" a deflection..yeah ok.
They have been for hardly a year so can't judge if it's a failure or success. You just want it to be a failure to suit your agenda.
Fans who are smart enough won't bother with this garbage too much and will wait and see the results for a while and then judge. Others can make whatever comments they like to make themselves feel better.
@@aakarmamtora3470I’m happy whatever change happening is happening early. At least we have a owner who understands football and wants to win trophies
I'll take my chances with the word of journalists with good track records over that of a random speculator.
Funny because a few months ago Newcastle fans were claiming that Ashworth was useless 😅. Now Ineos are some kind of disaster after a few months because they sacked him 🤦
When Radcliffe took over, the money should have paid the debt off. Instead of the Glazers stealing more money from the club.
6 months gardening
5omths later out of the job
Ineos is surely making Man United great again.
Ashworth is the only person in the leadership group with a proven track record. Sir Jim and Brailsford know bugger all about running a football club. Berrada is a commercial/marketing guy. He wasn't a player or coach. He came from City where the wheels are coming off. Wilcox spent nine months at Southampton as technical director and they are about to be relegated, before that he was an academy director. The only person who appeared qualified to turn the club around was Ashworth, who was fired. The United shit show continues.
Your evidence for Berrada not being good at his job is that City are falling apart AFTER he left?
Imagine coming to the meeting with Southgate and potter as your suggestions. He is a level below the top clubs. He needed time to level up so to speak.
The problem is that Ashworth's contacts seem to have been made at the FA so if you want a non English manager he's not got anything particularly special to offer. Tony Bloom's company has this sort of data on managers in world football but no individual such as Ashworth when they work for Brighton is privy to all this information.
@@jcd-kh7rntotally agree on that. But can’t blame him he will want to bring names in that he’s familiar with.
@@jiahao8487 your right. You can only suggest what you know I suppose. Is it a bad appointment by United or are there too many guys doing similar jobs at the club?
"People have been talking about..."...you mean youve been buzzing up the stories
Who knew Man Utd could lose as much off the pitch as much as on it. This decline is absolutely delicious and long may it continue.
Good to get rid sooner rather than later if it wasn't going to work. All those people criticizing here have never run a business or hired employees.
I have and I do and you don't do it like this unless you want to replicate INEOS wonderful results at Nice and Lausanne and the cycling team they took over and f*^ked up. How does this align with Ratcliffe saying sacking managers isn't the solution to a club culture problem; we need to revitalise and modernise the transfer business and Dan Ashworth is a 10/10 guy; we need to have more data analytics? Oh and the cost of extending ETH and then firing him and his coaching group and chasing DA and then sacking him is the equivalent of a really good LB or Erikson replacement.
INEOS are going to completely isolate themselves to fans and it’ll leave United in a HUGE mess
Ornstein is clearly carrying water for Ratcliffe here, it's obvious. I'm not suggesting Ornstein's name is on the Man U payroll, but he is blatantly doing the job of Man U's P.R department here. If anyone wants to see the costs of access journalism, watch this. The price is your professional integrity and all pretence of objectivity.
Whatever it takes to stay ahead I suppose.
How do you think journalists find out stories by having relationships with people, so they talk to them .
@@mpj1969 If you cross the line and become their P.R rep in return for access , you're no longer a credible journalist.
@@allgonewrongfulAthletic are owned by the NYT. Welcome to mainstream media
Sir Jim needs to exercise more patience and purposefulness. The issues are too complex for any quick fixing. He needs colleagues who will be able to speak their mind and contradict him if need be. By this I mean brave lieutenants.
NO THE TAX PAYER, WILL NOT PAY for a United stadium build
Newcastle fan here - not his biggest fan considering his lack of loyalty, but Ashworth is good at what he does. Look at the players he signed - perfect for the manager. The players themselves might not be great, but he backs the manager. I thought United were onto something when I saw them act early in the transfer market. Ten Hag was at fault for not performing with players he knows. However it does look like too many Chiefs, not enough Indians in the hierarchy over at United.
Ashworth was at fault for signing Tonali considering he had a betting ban looming over his head. Southgate wouldn't have been an awful option. Tactically not great, but I'm sure it would have steadied the ship. Right now Amorim is trying to fit a square peg in a round hole with these players. It was more of a risk hiring Amorim, who has limited managerial experience but is all of a sudden Man United manager. I wonder if he's up to it.
Fans have faith in Amorim. He’s honest, bold, brave, great man manager but tough & a brilliant communicator to players, media & fans. Best we’ve had since SAF. But he’s fighting a losing battle if he doesn’t get proper backing in the market to build his own squad. That looks very doubtful due to past mistakes & wastage. Fans fear Amorim won’t hang around if he’s not backed.
Whatever the reason for letting Ashworth go - why do it like that, after a game attended by his family, in front of the media, frog marched out by security?
Why do it like that and not on a Tuesday morning after a calm conversation?
Crazy how all this knowledge is after tje fact.
"Because so much has been made of..." You mean because you made so much of it?
When an onwer like Ratcliffe cares everyone goes crazy, when an owner like Glazers doesn’t care at all, everyone goes crazy, here you are people, classic Man United fan 🤷🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️
Everything’s easier when you oversimplify 👍
Chased him longer than they employed him 😂😂😂😂
Notice how Radcliffe keeps talking about efficiencies, which just means cuts and savings, when man United’s problems aren’t money related. They are organisational you can’t cut your way to those kinds of improvements. But hey, what the fuck would a billionaire know about running a football club?
Liverpool changed there whole football structure and replaced one of their best ever coaches seeminglessly Michael Edwards Julian ward Richard Hughes Pedro marques etc etc 3 or 4 other appointments and also arne slot yet it's been seamless let's not act like performances should drop off because of change no club has had more change than liverpool yet there's been no drop off whatsoever
Perhaps Radcliffe is a genius and he's making the job look completely untenable so that even the Glazers cave and eventually sell to him.
This could be a case of be careful what you wish for. Utd fans wanted somebody other than the Glazers. Well they've got a hybrid of Glazers plus INEOS instead. INEOS sporting ambitions have been huge but their performance has been modest. In cycling their management of the previously successful Sky team has been incoherent. They never seem to be able to pick a team leader and support them adequately. Incremental gains a la Brailsford requires a clear plan and athletes to work on. That's not happening. Their other football projects are modest to say the least.
Man United seems to enjoy funding other clubs.
It’s obvious to me that this was the result of the lack of understanding of his abilities and the farce of overseeing of the signings in the summer and continuing backing of Ten Haag
Omar Barrada said in an interview that himself and Ashworth had nothing to do with the ETH extension as that decision was made before they started working at the club. This is from a joint interview with Ashworth on September 3.
Ornstein gone full Ali G
Maybe Ashworth might have over sold himself for the job and he couldn't justify his words with action.
It is easy to blame the hierarchy but no employers would easily sack someone new especially the they coughed out a few million for an employee who supposedly sold them the world.
I don't know that he oversold anything. They went behind Newcastles' back to talk to Ashworth, Ratcliffe was RAVING about how Ashworth was the best thing since sliced bread, etc, etc. I'd lay this at Ratcliffes door, I think it's too many chiefs all bumping into each other.
Gravechester is the meme that keeps on giving
Rashford Shaw and Maguire still there earning a total of £1mil per week for doing nothing 😂😂😂
Good riddance I say. The guy gave ten hag a new deal and wanted to get Southgate as the new United manager.
If Utd sink any lower they'll be playing Aussie Rules! 😜
Well done Agent Ashworth dont worry youll get het your pay off with the ticket price rise 😂😂😂😂😂
Oh how ironic, 'C ashworth' binned off, karma strikes back, nevermind 😅
£66 x 74,310 seats x 3% x 19 games = £2.8 million
How much did we pay Newcastle for Ashworth?…
Maybe the tax dodger should pay for his bad hires and not the fans 🤷🏻♂️
Do any other united fans think we would have been better off with Qatari ownership? I'm starting to think so.
Respectfully, who cares. I'm just a football fan.
It’s funny these same fools on this stream were the main people pushing INEOS onto Man United fans when most wanted Qatar takeover. Now look how happy and quick they are to point out every negative factor they can about INEOS now that they are here and we are stuck with them. These type of people are so toxic for Man United and mean the club no good. Build up INEOS drag them down after couple months, build up Amorim then turn on him after 4 games. Honestly tired of all these TH-cam channels even the ones I used to respect are weird now
Man United had an idiot absentee owner and his banker stooge in charge for over 10 years, and it was a total disaster. Besides the embarrasing public nature of extracting him from Newcastle, I really don't see how this is that sensational. I'd rather this than the pre-INEOS state of things.
If he really suggested Gareth Southpark then he too is a joke and needs to go blud
David, how have the signings not worked so far? Besides Zirkzee, everyone is giving a good enough account of themselves. Would they work better if they were British?
Stop making a joke of the club and sell to Qatar, INEOS