"Photosynthesis" experiment (How to make oxygen at home)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ม.ค. 2025
  • For cool and safe experiments sign up to MEL Science here: goo.gl/tZpTHs
    Here is an in­ter­est­ing and en­ter­tain­ing ex­per­i­ment that lies on the bor­der­line of two sci­ences - chem­istry and bi­ol­o­gy. You can eas­i­ly re­peat it at home and amaze your friends and fam­i­ly.
    Reagents and equip­ment:
    so­lu­tion of bak­ing soda (5 g/l);
    wa­ter plant (in our case it is wa­ter­weed);
    test tube;
    match or splin­ter;
    Step-by-step in­struc­tions
    Place the wa­ter plant in the beaker, cov­er it with a fun­nel and fill the beaker with the salt so­lu­tion, then place a test tube con­tain­ing wa­ter in the fun­nel. Turn on a bright light and wait for around two to three hours. Af­ter the test tube fills com­plete­ly, care­ful­ly re­move it from the fun­nel and hold a smol­der­ing splin­ter or match up to it. Watch the splin­ter burn.
    Pro­cess­es de­scrip­tion
    Pho­to­syn­the­sis is a com­plex chem­i­cal process in which light en­er­gy trans­forms into the en­er­gy of chem­i­cal bonds, or more sim­ply it is a process in which car­bon diox­ide and wa­ter trans­form into or­gan­ic sub­stances and oxy­gen un­der the im­pact of light:
    СО₂ + Н₂О → Or­gan­ic sub­stances + О₂
    It is easy to prove the pres­ence of oxy­gen - just low­er a smol­der­ing splin­ter or match into the test tube, and it will im­me­di­ate­ly flare up, as oxy­gen is a gas that sup­ports com­bus­tion.
    Why the so­lu­tion of bak­ing soda is re­quired: as the car­bon diox­ide in the air dis­solves poor­ly in wa­ter, to in­crease its con­cen­tra­tion we can use car­bon­ates or bi­car­bon­ates, which by their na­ture are salts of car­bon­ic acid (CO₂・H₂O).

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