Az anya csak a babáját védte. Angela viselkedése azt fejezte ki, hogy ő a domináns, és Rainbow alatta van, és akkor azt csinál vele, amit akar. Nagyon megdöbbentő volt számomra, mikor megtudtam, hogy a majom társadalomban a hierarchia szabályai milyen erősek, és akik megszegik a szabályokat, sokszor az életükkel fizetnek érte. Angela jobb, ha megkeresi a saját helyét és nem egy másik baba helyére akar telepedni. Most csak egy kis büntetést kapott.
Angela viselkedését én nem találom viccesnek, mert Angela uralni akarta Rainbow-t, és a helyére akart kerülni. Ezért harapta, és lenyomta, ami azt jelentette, hogy ő a domináns, és Rainbow az ő alárendeltje.
@@АсмикМартоян The abandoned pets dont have any clue who or what a mother is. At this time and place the infants being dropped off was immense and Kunthea was behind the majority of those being abandoned leaving the smaller infant to cling onto who ever they could swipe milk from and that was mainly libby at the time. This Park pirate Amanda hod forced herself onto libby with kunthias help thinking she had gotten milk was older she could take what and when she wanted from libby as you can see she was mortified that she was given a NO and lost her literal poop over it. This was about the time that the Navy group started tieing libby down so the abandoned infants could drain her dry and put RB on a bottle drugging her and libby up pretty good. (Well they were all drugged up at this time right up to now) I guess that's beside the point here. No they have no idea how to monkey they have no understanding of Troop rules they just do what their instincts tell them that is to force out the new and take their place by as much force as is necessary. Libby didnt know she could say NO. So, when she started to enforce her boundaries on her Surrogate infant RB by proxy the others were told NO, libby = she got tied up was forced to deal with being the Neighborhood nipples be she liked it or not. When she did what they wanted everything was fine for the owners= people who left them. When she would balk at them forcing her to do what was very unnatural to her, her surrogate infant would came up missing again and again and again making libby a lot of confused and angry then a bit crazy. She is today what she was made to be, an irritated cranky untrusting female monkey who does not like to be hung onto pacified on or touched unless she says so. Hope there was some help in this for you? Be well.
It's good to see how they were when they were little. How adorable. But Libby should have let Rainbow drink more milk. Maybe she would of grown taller. I love Rainbow ❤❤❤❤😊
Почему она вообще должна была давать молоко грязной чужой крысе? Если бы эти глупые Либби и Луна не у людей воспитывались, а жили изначально в природной среде, никаких бы крыс с ними рядом не стояло. Только люди могут непонятно зачем тащить злого уродливого ублюдка непонятного пола и происхождения в ущерб настоящим малышам. В природе все ставится на место быстро.
Angela solo tomo los poquitos q Libby le dio de leche y crecio tan hermosa q esta bien desarroyada arcoiris de x si ya hiba ser enana xq nacio muy desnutrida xq Libby si le dio lo suficiente hasta grande
Радуга всегда была жадной и много жрала, а растет она плохо потому что родилась рахиткой недоношенной, за что розка от нее и избавилась, а Анжела была прелесть в детстве, очень хорошенькая, в отличии от крысёнка радуги! ((
It's hard for ALL the monkeys in Sovanna. 99% of them are dropped off pets like garbage and they don't know how to interact with their own kind. Libby is SO easily currupted because she understands humans playing charades and does exactly what they want for the cameras. When you look how she treats leo. And when the NGO took leo to fix his eyes, she was not at ALL freaking out over where her son was. She didn't care. She grabbed Jovi and just carried on hurting ANY baby for more food. Jovi didn't do a damn thing and they can't call her torture of Jovi "weaning" because she's not even her child.
@@michaelmclaren1333It’s my understanding that Libby was also one of those abandoned by her human owners. All things considered I would say that Libby is doing a fine job of being mom. ❤❤
huh? you create a typical monkey channel. As a result you have created a couple of generations of stressed, maladapted monkeys. Then you dump them and let them try to sort out complex relationships which take ages to learn and to live by. Finally, channel watchers get to play the monkey blame game, second guessing how these complex creatures.from the WILD ought to behave after.growing up HABITUATED by force. Pretty.unjust to the monkeys and only mildly critical of the channel owners and VOs. Weird. 7:28
That's rubbish. The Vos pushed Angela onto Libby at every opportunity for Libby to feed her. Nobody ran to get Angela and especially her "dad". Libby pushed Angela away every single time she tried pushing Rainbow from her breasts and when Angela was humping and biting Rainbow to keep her away from her mother Libby. Libby did feed Angela many times because the VO's kept pushing Angela at her. PLENTY off videos that actually show Angela SUCKING ON Libby
Normal Angela n'a jamais été adopté par LIBBY elle s'imposait d'elle même car elle voulait uniquement le lait de LIBBY, sauf que ANGELA a toujours été jalouse de tous les autres ,elle voulait toujours boire en première lorsque KT amenait du lait ANGELA etait hystérique complètement instable mentalement. Donc LIBBY euy entièrement raison de la repousser sans arrêt sinon ANGELA aurait poussé la petite RAINBOW que LIBBY AVAIT ADOPTÉE !!! ET ANGELA AURAIT ÉTÉ INSUPPORTABLE UNIQUEMENT PAR INTÉRÊT POUR LE LAIT DE LIBBY. Elle a fait ca avec toutes les femelles
You are exactly right! Very well said. KT tried turning her into a little monster, she started biting and being a bully. I remember when she first came she would not let go of Libby and aggressively attacked Rainbow. It was upsetting. Poor Libby, to this day she has never been free. Regardless, little Rainbow is just the cutest of them all. She is my favorite always❤
😂😂poor Angela 3:15 and you can hear her *POOF*and hit the ground and continue screaming best tantrum from CLASSIC Footage RIP Ol Girl she made it far!!! I think the VOs poison her cause she was sick then passed away 😢
They pushed Angela to Libby but Libby did not want Angela. Later they also pushed Lucie to Libby by luring Rainbow away but Libby also did not want to have anything to do with Lucy.
I love watching Rainbow when she was a baby. Angela too. You see that's why Rainbow is small, Libby doesn't let her have milk. She needed that breast milk from Libby to grow big.
До года 🌈висела у либби на сиськах, и пила молоко, все претензии к роуз, кого она выносила, недоношенную и какую родила, это не либби виновата ,кормила нормально и не отбрасывала на землю, была возле живота, и не была битая об землю мордочкой, головой как лео
Ну теперь то вы довольны Анжела умерла а Радуга сама прыгает в обьятия чужих матерей стараясь отделить мать от малыша причем от одной к другой хотя ей уже 2 года чем она лучше Анжелы во сто раз хуже она неблагодарна ни Либби не Луне
Did this really need to be said? Do you honestly think that Rainbow wanted to be with Libby and the band of misfits instead of with her mother and troop? Yes greedy needy Angela and Nori are dead. Rainbow has nothing to do with either death so let’s stop blaming a little monkey. Now maybe Rainbow can be around her mother, brother and extended family without having to stop Angela from attacking the babies! I bet you forgot that part, Angela should have never been forced on Libby nor any of the other abandoned monkeys! Rainbow is where she belongs and with monkeys who love her so f-off with the ignorance! It’s not cute or funny it’s just sad and pathetic! Grow up!
@@gwenbigginsЭто с подачи таких как вы Анжелу отравили ,а сказали что стукнуло током .И в отличии от вашей любимой крысы РБ ,Анжела никогда не оттаскивала детёнышей от сосков матерей .А крысе РБ два с половиной года ,но она всё ещё хочет внимания ,как новорожденный ребёнок от всех самок.
It was cute at first when she was consoling rainbow n talking n her ear all soft and giving her kisses lol too cute n then she goes and ruins it !! Who’s her real mom or family
Веселка схожа наматір Розу птілтки по очах, для маленького тіла дрвгохвоста у неї велика голова з очами косички Рози, тільки Роза має такі вилупкувпті очі, що робить її вираз завжди неначе здивована . Маючи одну породу кіски відрізняються одна від одної, хоча есть дуже схожі і важко відрізнити на перший погляд. Ліза, ліббі, Катріна, Луна зовсім різні, дуже важко було відрізнити Джойс, Лої, Ліру, Флору, Джулі , Ліпу вони були одного віку і схожі, а зараз ,коли вони мають мавпенят , вони стали зовсім різні..
@@margolockwood5390that part, and the videos of KT coming to give them cartons of milk. This was the ONLY one acting a fool. Even biting her and she STILL rewarded IT🤡💩🙊🙉🙈
Adonde viste éso.Libby sigue siendo la protagonista de la mayoría de los vídeos.ahora con su hijo Leo a sido muy comentado su Riguroso trato que le daba a su hijo ahora las cosas están mejor ya Leo está + grande es + independiente aunque sigue con ella ya es Libre de andar adónde quiera
The thump when Angela lands in the background is hysterical!😂😂
I hate u😂😂😂😂
Az anya csak a babáját védte. Angela viselkedése azt fejezte ki, hogy ő a domináns, és Rainbow alatta van, és akkor azt csinál vele, amit akar. Nagyon megdöbbentő volt számomra, mikor megtudtam, hogy a majom társadalomban a hierarchia szabályai milyen erősek, és akik megszegik a szabályokat, sokszor az életükkel fizetnek érte. Angela jobb, ha megkeresi a saját helyét és nem egy másik baba helyére akar telepedni. Most csak egy kis büntetést kapott.
I have a better sense now of Libby, poor Libby and Rainbow- that was all such an unjustified experience for them.
Angela’s temper tantrums is funny. Glad Libby didn’t ever be bothered by her tantrum.
Angela viselkedését én nem találom viccesnek, mert Angela uralni akarta Rainbow-t, és a helyére akart kerülni. Ezért harapta, és lenyomta, ami azt jelentette, hogy ő a domináns, és Rainbow az ő alárendeltje.
Disappointed, she needs to go to Ashley and be her kid. Leave Rainbow and Libby alone
Ей КТ покоя не давала с брошенками и до сих пор то же самое.
Just like Rbrat and Lbrat need to leave Luna aline and let her live Luci???😂😂😂
Они что кого хотьят выбирают себе в матерья? Как такого может быть?
The abandoned pets dont have any clue who or what a mother is. At this time and place the infants being dropped off was immense and Kunthea was behind the majority of those being abandoned leaving the smaller infant to cling onto who ever they could swipe milk from and that was mainly libby at the time.
This Park pirate Amanda hod forced herself onto libby with kunthias help thinking she had gotten milk was older she could take what and when she wanted from libby as you can see she was mortified that she was given a NO and lost her literal poop over it.
This was about the time that the Navy group started tieing libby down so the abandoned infants could drain her dry and put RB on a bottle drugging her and libby up pretty good. (Well they were all drugged up at this time right up to now) I guess that's beside the point here.
No they have no idea how to monkey they have no understanding of Troop rules they just do what their instincts tell them that is to force out the new and take their place by as much force as is necessary.
Libby didnt know she could say NO. So, when she started to enforce her boundaries on her Surrogate infant RB by proxy the others were told NO, libby = she got tied up was forced to deal with being the Neighborhood nipples be she liked it or not. When she did what they wanted everything was fine for the owners= people who left them. When she would balk at them forcing her to do what was very unnatural to her, her surrogate infant would came up missing again and again and again making libby a lot of confused and angry then a bit crazy.
She is today what she was made to be, an irritated cranky untrusting female monkey who does not like to be hung onto pacified on or touched unless she says so.
Hope there was some help in this for you?
Be well.
That monkey is so spoiled she loses control of her entire body when she doesn’t get her way. That kid bang when she hit just have hurt. She hit HARD.
When I see these old videos of Rose, Rainbow,& Libby it reminds me of how sad their lives are now.
These vos should have handled this better.
It's good to see how they were when they were little.
How adorable. But Libby should have let Rainbow drink more milk. Maybe she would of grown taller. I love Rainbow ❤❤❤❤😊
Почему она вообще должна была давать молоко грязной чужой крысе? Если бы эти глупые Либби и Луна не у людей воспитывались, а жили изначально в природной среде, никаких бы крыс с ними рядом не стояло. Только люди могут непонятно зачем тащить злого уродливого ублюдка непонятного пола и происхождения в ущерб настоящим малышам. В природе все ставится на место быстро.
Angela solo tomo los poquitos q Libby le dio de leche y crecio tan hermosa q esta bien desarroyada arcoiris de x si ya hiba ser enana xq nacio muy desnutrida xq Libby si le dio lo suficiente hasta grande
Радуга всегда была жадной и много жрала, а растет она плохо потому что родилась рахиткой недоношенной, за что розка от нее и избавилась, а Анжела была прелесть в детстве, очень хорошенькая, в отличии от крысёнка радуги! ((
@user-fz8um6ek2i did you ever watch the video, rose did not throw her a way. Angela was brat to start with and still is😊
You can clearly see Libby didn't want to have anything to do with angela but y'all kept pushing her on them and still are!
It's hard for ALL the monkeys in Sovanna. 99% of them are dropped off pets like garbage and they don't know how to interact with their own kind. Libby is SO easily currupted because she understands humans playing charades and does exactly what they want for the cameras. When you look how she treats leo. And when the NGO took leo to fix his eyes, she was not at ALL freaking out over where her son was. She didn't care. She grabbed Jovi and just carried on hurting ANY baby for more food. Jovi didn't do a damn thing and they can't call her torture of Jovi "weaning" because she's not even her child.
@@michaelmclaren1333It’s my understanding that Libby was also one of those abandoned by her human owners. All things considered I would say that Libby is doing a fine job of being mom. ❤❤
Around 6 minutes he bites her tit several times, and she jumps!
huh? you create a typical monkey channel. As a result you have created a couple of generations of stressed, maladapted monkeys.
Then you dump them and let them try to sort out complex relationships which take ages to learn and to live by.
Finally, channel watchers get to play the monkey blame game, second guessing how these complex creatures.from the WILD ought to behave after.growing up HABITUATED by force. Pretty.unjust to the monkeys and only mildly critical of the channel owners and VOs. Weird. 7:28
The parasite is not hugging it is biting and humping because it is repulsive in every way.
Bex...I agree
Bex...I agree
Real Parasites with cameras 😂and flip flops.
They are selfish vermin after all.
Angela's daddy had to run and pick her up, Libby was trying to make it perfectly clear she didn't want Angela around her.
That's rubbish. The Vos pushed Angela onto Libby at every opportunity for Libby to feed her. Nobody ran to get Angela and especially her "dad". Libby pushed Angela away every single time she tried pushing Rainbow from her breasts and when Angela was humping and biting Rainbow to keep her away from her mother Libby. Libby did feed Angela many times because the VO's kept pushing Angela at her. PLENTY off videos that actually show Angela SUCKING ON Libby
I do totally agree with you that Libby was trying to make it perfectly clear that she didn't want Angela around her
Normal Angela n'a jamais été adopté par LIBBY elle s'imposait d'elle même car elle voulait uniquement le lait de LIBBY, sauf que ANGELA a toujours été jalouse de tous les autres ,elle voulait toujours boire en première lorsque KT amenait du lait ANGELA etait hystérique complètement instable mentalement. Donc LIBBY euy entièrement raison de la repousser sans arrêt sinon ANGELA aurait poussé la petite RAINBOW que LIBBY AVAIT ADOPTÉE !!! ET ANGELA AURAIT ÉTÉ INSUPPORTABLE UNIQUEMENT PAR INTÉRÊT POUR LE LAIT DE LIBBY. Elle a fait ca avec toutes les femelles
You are exactly right! Very well said. KT tried turning her into a little monster, she started biting and being a bully. I remember when she first came she would not let go of Libby and aggressively attacked Rainbow. It was upsetting. Poor Libby, to this day she has never been free. Regardless, little Rainbow is just the cutest of them all. She is my favorite always❤
Egyetértek. Én ugyanúgy látom ezt a helyzetet, mint te. Angela nagyon erőszakos és mindenáron Rainbow helyére akart telepedni.
@@MoonStar-v1w Egyetértek veled. Rainbow nagyon cuki és jó, hogy az anyja megvédte.
😂😂poor Angela 3:15 and you can hear her *POOF*and hit the ground and continue screaming best tantrum from CLASSIC Footage RIP Ol Girl she made it far!!! I think the VOs poison her cause she was sick then passed away 😢
Aggressive Angela the monkey
monster, i think you mean
Holy crap lol she went loco😆
They pushed Angela to Libby but Libby did not want Angela. Later they also pushed Lucie to Libby by luring Rainbow away but Libby also did not want to have anything to do with Lucy.
Angela just wanted rainbows milk 😂😂 how is sngela doing today??! Still alive??
Poor Libby. Rainbow is having her teeth come in and is biting Libby's nipples. Libby is very obviously reacting to being bitten. I bet it hurts.
I don't think that was a hug. :))
Gone now but was a lil Cunning monkey. I was never fond of her.
Totally agree! Even watching these old videos triggers my dislike for her even though she’s dead!
Rainbow is a preemie , you should have seen how small she was at birth! She was so so tiny holding onto Roses belly
I love watching Rainbow when she was a baby.
Angela too.
You see that's why Rainbow is small, Libby doesn't let her have milk. She needed that breast milk from Libby to grow big.
До года 🌈висела у либби на сиськах, и пила молоко, все претензии к роуз, кого она выносила, недоношенную и какую родила, это не либби виновата ,кормила нормально и не отбрасывала на землю, была возле живота, и не была битая об землю мордочкой, головой как лео
No she needed to go back to her mom, libbey was nit her mom and had no responsibility to feed her and she was nit a premie
Этому видео не год , а года два ,) Радуга ❤😍
Ну теперь то вы довольны Анжела умерла а Радуга сама прыгает в обьятия чужих матерей стараясь отделить мать от малыша причем от одной к другой хотя ей уже 2 года чем она лучше Анжелы во сто раз хуже она неблагодарна ни Либби не Луне
Did this really need to be said? Do you honestly think that Rainbow wanted to be with Libby and the band of misfits instead of with her mother and troop? Yes greedy needy Angela and Nori are dead. Rainbow has nothing to do with either death so let’s stop blaming a little monkey. Now maybe Rainbow can be around her mother, brother and extended family without having to stop Angela from attacking the babies! I bet you forgot that part, Angela should have never been forced on Libby nor any of the other abandoned monkeys! Rainbow is where she belongs and with monkeys who love her so f-off with the ignorance! It’s not cute or funny it’s just sad and pathetic! Grow up!
@@gwenbigginsЭто с подачи таких как вы Анжелу отравили ,а сказали что стукнуло током .И в отличии от вашей любимой крысы РБ ,Анжела никогда не оттаскивала детёнышей от сосков матерей .А крысе РБ два с половиной года ,но она всё ещё хочет внимания ,как новорожденный ребёнок от всех самок.
It was cute at first when she was consoling rainbow n talking n her ear all soft and giving her kisses lol too cute n then she goes and ruins it !! Who’s her real mom or family
Клещ,наверное,когда лезет к вам,тоже лезет ,,утешать,,?😂😂😂
...thud😂😂😂 rewound it too many times😅
Love it
Very old video cause sngelas allmost 3 yrs old a grown adult now
We're's did and has yr old comments 😊
Анджела дуже настирна, скільки їй на цьому кадрі? Всі говорять вона старша за веселку але на скільки місяців.?
Angela was at least 7 months older than Rainbow
More like 2 rb has dwarf features angela birn healthy
Angela is dead. 😅 gone for ever. What was the use of born being healthy????😅@@LeashaTerry
Awwwww sweet
She will let Angela nurse when she want rainbow can't it's so sad for her she would beat on rain but not angela
That was nit her child vos put rb off on her
Веселка схожа наматір Розу птілтки по очах, для маленького тіла дрвгохвоста у неї велика голова з очами косички Рози, тільки Роза має такі вилупкувпті очі, що робить її вираз завжди неначе здивована . Маючи одну породу кіски відрізняються одна від одної, хоча есть дуже схожі і важко відрізнити на перший погляд. Ліза, ліббі, Катріна, Луна зовсім різні, дуже важко було відрізнити Джойс, Лої, Ліру, Флору, Джулі , Ліпу вони були одного віку і схожі, а зараз ,коли вони мають мавпенят , вони стали зовсім різні..
Анжела́ красавица и РБ здесь милая
РБ везде милая,и здесь и потом. А анжелкина слащавая подхалимская морда так и осталась навсегда😂😂😂
Angela is her name right???😊😊😊
Who is Angelas mother?
She does not have one outside of KT. The person who left her in the park to fend for herself anyone can see why she was abandoned.
@@margolockwood5390that part, and the videos of KT coming to give them cartons of milk. This was the ONLY one acting a fool. Even biting her and she STILL rewarded IT🤡💩🙊🙉🙈
И Либби здесь любящая мать обеих
Angela isnt libbys baby tho
not that either are hers tho, poor thing
Жалко Анжелку,, 😮
She's so scared
Анжела маленькая хорошенькая,, а крысеныш есть крысеныш... 😮
Pero Libby la mató su propia madre
What is you talking about libby isn't dead
Adonde viste éso.Libby sigue siendo la protagonista de la mayoría de los vídeos.ahora con su hijo Leo a sido muy comentado su Riguroso trato que le daba a su hijo ahora las cosas están mejor ya Leo está + grande es + independiente aunque sigue con ella ya es Libre de andar adónde quiera
@@blancabojorquez3115 sabes la próxima vez voy apuntar donde lo ví contenta ???
Wheres angela today??! Still alive??
Yep..I recently saw a video of her attacking Leo. One thing 4 sure iz these pigtails do not stop attacking until they want to stop
@@IndustryClassyyeah pigtails are very agressive
И радугу и либку на фарш😂скатины