Miracles are Possible - The Good Luck Doctor's service on miracles at Universal Unity of Spirit.

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 20

  • @bigdaddyrcp
    @bigdaddyrcp 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    He is correct. I have healed...redirected storms...and brought harmony into my world the world around me. The dream of life is fluid and can be bent or shaped unto your presence with intention and desire. Next time you are faced with a stressful situation such as for me...Club shopping....before you arrive envision a smooth shopping experience and affirm this to your higher self with "it is done". The results are amazing. Remember...life is only a dream just like your dreams at night and "YOU" are not a pawn you are the King!

    • @thegoodluckdoctor
      @thegoodluckdoctor  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Dear Robert, Thank you for adding your positive and supportive remark. We are Being-becoming.

    • @thegoodluckdoctor
      @thegoodluckdoctor  ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you for sharing your wisdom Robert.

  • @SolutionsWithin
    @SolutionsWithin 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Does this form of TM include kundalini awakening? I have had 3rd eye awakening but not a kundalini experience as far as o know.

    • @thegoodluckdoctor
      @thegoodluckdoctor  หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Thank you for your question.
      It is my experience that Transcendental Meditation is Natural, Effortless and Spontaneous. The use of a mantra effortlessly allows the mind to settle down into a more charming and peaceful, natural state without any focus, or efort or trying. It is my experience-based understanding that awakening the Kundalini can be a natural, effortless and spontaneous evolutionary component of the evolution of consciousness.
      However, speaking from personal experience TM never introduces or incorporates any strain or focus or specific intention as a mental practice. To the best of my understanding, the goal of TM is to naturally, effortlessly, spontaneously, and fully, integrate the transcendental field of consciousness in waking-awareness. This is naturally accomplished through routine, twice-daily TM meditation practice. Once awareness become established and lively at the level of Transcendental Consciousness--home of all the laws of Nature, desires are naturally, effortlessly, and spontaneously fulfilled without any effort what-so-ever.
      Stan, TGLD
      Below is additional information on this subject:
      According to Dr. Deepak Chopra (digitaldeepak.ai/chat):
      Yes, transcendental meditation can be related to the awakening of Kundalini energy. Kundalini is a natural energy present in all humans and is part of our physiological and psychological development. However, it's important to note that certain practices can artificially stimulate this energy, which may not be beneficial.
      According to AI:
      Transcendental Meditation (TM) and the concept of the Kundalini awakening both deal with the expansion of consciousness and spiritual development, but they originate from different traditions and have different focuses.
      Transcendental Meditation (TM)
      TM is a simple, mantra-based meditation technique introduced by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. It is practiced for 15-20 minutes twice daily while sitting comfortably with eyes closed. TM is designed to bring the mind to a state of restful alertness, reducing stress and promoting inner peace. The goal is to allow the mind to transcend ordinary thinking and experience a state of pure consciousness, or transcendental awareness. TM does not directly focus on the awakening of Kundalini energy but rather on achieving higher states of consciousness through regular practice.
      Kundalini Awakening
      Kundalini is a concept from the yogic tradition that describes a dormant energy located at the base of the spine, often symbolized as a coiled serpent. Kundalini awakening involves the activation of this energy, which then rises through the chakras (energy centers) in the body, leading to profound spiritual experiences and enlightenment. This process can be spontaneous or induced through practices such as Kundalini Yoga, meditation, pranayama (breath control), or other spiritual disciplines.
      Connection Between TM and Kundalini
      While TM aims to transcend ordinary states of consciousness, it does not specifically target the awakening of Kundalini. However, some practitioners have reported experiences that they interpret as Kundalini-related during their TM practice. These experiences might be a byproduct of the deep states of relaxation and consciousness TM induces, but they are not the primary focus of the practice.
      In summary, while both Transcendental Meditation and Kundalini awakening are related to spiritual growth and consciousness expansion, they come from different traditions and have different methods and goals. TM focuses on a straightforward, mantra-based meditation practice, while Kundalini awakening involves more complex energy work and is often considered a more intense and potentially challenging spiritual path.

    • @SolutionsWithin
      @SolutionsWithin หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Thank you for your thorough and interesting response, Stan. Blessings to you and Namaste ❤🙏

    @MUSABBPT 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @thesecretsofthegalaxyknown5828
    @thesecretsofthegalaxyknown5828 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    cool stuff can you teach me all you know of became a supernatual begin

    • @thegoodluckdoctor
      @thegoodluckdoctor  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Only transcendental Pure-consciousness, can self-effulgently blossom as you. When you commit to routinely transcend twice daily your evolution as a divine Being begins.
      Be sure to learn to transcend from a Self-referral Being or one instructed to represent a Self-referral Being and or lineage.
      As you know, I practice Transcendental Meditation for many, many good reasons. However, natural, effortless, spontaneous and easy to integrate with a western lifestyle make it the most enjoyable transcendent technology I know of. Enjoy, Namaste!

    • @kshatriyarajput4908
      @kshatriyarajput4908 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ​@@thegoodluckdoctorcan we cure Every uncurable body ailment or Deformity through this transcendental Conciousness meditation ?

    • @thegoodluckdoctor
      @thegoodluckdoctor  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@kshatriyarajput4908 Dear @kshatriyarajput4908,
      Yes. When awareness is awake and established in lively Self-referral consciousness, infinite possibilities exist.

  • @SolutionsWithin
    @SolutionsWithin 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Wayne dyer used to talk about stuff like this and I found it very intriguing. I guess I’ve been waiting to be convinced as to the utmost optimal practice to reach my highest potential. I’m curious, and I promise not trying to be flippant, can these methods be used to get rid of being overweight (big tire gut), old age progression, grey hair, and death itself? And if so, why do teachers never seem to do that?

    • @thegoodluckdoctor
      @thegoodluckdoctor  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Thank you for taking the time to ask a very interesting question, one that I have been pondering for years.
      I believe integrating and metabolizing the Transcendent through the routine twice daily practice of the TM and TM Siddhies Programs results in the direct knowing that "Consciousness Is All There Is".
      Below is a link to the comprehensive newly published book on this topic:
      Once an individual fully metabolizes this knowledge from direct personal experience of an integration of awareness with the transcendent, that "Consciousness Alone Is All There Is" then their awareness gradually functions from the transcendental level of consciousness, the Unified Field, the infinite potential of all the Laws of Nature.
      As the transcendent is routinely metabolized in awareness, Yoga or unity occurs, and the Self is immortally appreciated as All this and All That. Since the transcendental field by its very nature has to be primary to all the other laws of nature. The perceived individual, apparently functioning in the universe as the transcendental field becomes naturally effortlessly and spontaneously Self-fulfilling.
      Perceived individuals report natural, spontaneous, effortless expressions of correct action from the very first time they experienced their perceived transcendent nature. From their first transcendental meditation practice. This correct action can be apparently appreciated in the form of losing the desire for habituated lifestyle choices. If you take the time to look through the literature you will see new meditators make better choices in their eating habits and their smoking habits in their living habits all of which improve their quality of life.
      My own apparent personal experience is that spontaneous healing is not only possible it is the very essence of our true nature.
      Thank you for bringing out this answer.
      Jai Guru Dev

    • @SolutionsWithin
      @SolutionsWithin 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@thegoodluckdoctor Thank you for this detailed response. I will keep it and ponder it over time. I will also buy this book you linked. Is there a place in different cities to go to gatherings like the one in the video? All the best. Namaste 🙏🫶

    • @SolutionsWithin
      @SolutionsWithin 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@thegoodluckdoctor Also, I don’t have google email so it won’t let me open the link without making an account, which doesn’t suit me, so can you kindly tell me the name of the book so I can buy it on another site? Thank you in adv. 😊

    • @thegoodluckdoctor
      @thegoodluckdoctor  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@SolutionsWithin "Consciousness Is All There Is: How Understanding and Experiencing Consciousness Will Transform Your Life" MD, PhD. Tony Nader Published August 6 2024. Enjoy.
      I was invited to speak at the Universal Unity of Spirit, in Lilly Dale NY in the above video.
      Maharishi International University in Fairfield, IA is the global seat of research on consciousness and Maharishi's re-established Knowledge about Consciousness and Veda.

    • @SolutionsWithin
      @SolutionsWithin 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@thegoodluckdoctor wow! That’s excellent! Very interesting. Thank you very much for that. I will look into all this. I’ve heard time is short and the way to prepare is by raising one’s consciousness awareness, so I’ve been contemplating how I will approach it further. I’ve done the gateway experience a bit but never stick to it. Maybe TM is a better way. I think gateway is meant to help one have an out-of-body experience, but I’m not quite sure that’s what you’re recommending to work toward. However I can see that an OBE would give a person a good glimpse of the fact that they are consciousness rather than merely body. What do you think? Have you heard of the gateway experience from the Monroe Institute? Do you recommend working toward OBE for yourself or others for this task of raising one’s frequency and consciousness awareness? GE is a guided meditation which some TM practitioners say GMs aren’t reeally meditation per se. Thanks in advance. appreciate your generosity with your time.