He's so cute ... He's amazing ... He's adorable ... He's funny ... He's very talented ... He's very entertaining and enjoyable to watch ... He's so handsome ... He's very attractive ... He's sexy ... He's very charismatic ... He's a very nice person ... He cares so much about his fans ... He's a fine gentleman ... He's very humble ... He sets the bar so high in humanity ... His Mom raised him with a heart of Gold ... His smiles ... His dimples ... His tantalizing eyes ... His deep, raspy voice ... His moves ... His jokes ... In short, he's PERFECT!!! 👌❤️💕😘🎤 I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT HARRY STYLES!!! 👏👏❤️❤️😘😘💕💕🎤🎤
My Network I wish I could, if I had tickets to his show. Honestly, that would've been my first actual time seeing him though I had a close encounter back in 2015 if I knew that was him back then
Really?? OMG 😱what is he like?lucky you but yeah kinda upsetting because you didnt know him yet that time..i was in the fandom myself during their hiatus and that sucks
My Network Well, I didn't meet him in reality in which I didn't get to know him personally, but I actually saw him pass by my family car. I think I almost cracked my neck when my head snapped up seeing him. I could've told my parents, but hopefully I'll get to see him in the summer when he's coming to my city... again if I had tickets to his show
I’m so glad he’s smiling while performing it means he’s enjoying it and music ofc should always make u smile bc well it’s music. If I ever get the chance to sing to this many people my face surely will give away how much I’m enjoying it!
ok but i legit think about this all the time, it's my favourite thing... So you're an angel for making a whole video about it 😭 'good shot of his dimple' lmao, i love you
This made me cry of happiness... it just shows that a simple smile, from someone amazing and cute like Harry, can spread tonnes of joy to other people making their day. 🖤
I love his smile so much he have the best smile ever 😭🥺👼🏻 so cute smile I love to watch his smile all the time I hope he is always happy and smiling all the time
Love u Harry!, "Soooooooo much! My favorite. Member of one direction was zayn! But when I meet Harry!. My whole life get changed, he is such a humble guy! I've no words! I just love him 💞I wish I could live with him as his brother or best friend
I was literally smiling the whole time and now my cheekbones hurt😂😊.
Mahzabin Chowdhury same girl same i meaaan its totally normal😍 are we?😂
My Network it's just him who is killing us hehehhe 😊💖.
3 years ago-
@@thildeangelica1559 I know, right!!🥺
@@mahzabinc141 oh waitt, you’re still here!!
Omg his smile 2:19 i love him more than words can explain
ikr if there's a scale to measure our love for him it will definitely go WAY WAY beyond that
Larry Is my life right..
@@rosewishes2232 yaaas
*That almost autocorrected to hazza*
*I just realized the second option was boo bear*
@@7llininthedream omggg
Title: harry styles smiling laughing while singing
Thumbnail: Harry looking overly serious
He's so cute ...
He's amazing ...
He's adorable ...
He's funny ...
He's very talented ...
He's very entertaining and enjoyable to watch ...
He's so handsome ...
He's very attractive ...
He's sexy ...
He's very charismatic ...
He's a very nice person ...
He cares so much about his fans ...
He's a fine gentleman ...
He's very humble ...
He sets the bar so high in humanity ...
His Mom raised him with a heart of Gold ...
His smiles ...
His dimples ...
His tantalizing eyes ...
His deep, raspy voice ...
His moves ...
His jokes ...
In short, he's PERFECT!!! 👌❤️💕😘🎤
Ada Escartin
I agree! In short, just two words to describe Harry Styles ......
HE'S PERFECT!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
so how long its take to write this? 😂
wait, there's more 😝💖😍💖💖💖😍😍💖💖💖💖💖😍😍
Girl same
1:22 is so freaking adorable!
Itz_yasii_ xoxo yasssss totally my favourite moment cause he's so cuteeee there
1:21 Ladies, this is how to get Harry to notice you and smile. Btw, that girl is my spirit animal 😂
Akemi Dawn couldnt agree more girl haha you should try it then let me know😉
My Network I wish I could, if I had tickets to his show. Honestly, that would've been my first actual time seeing him though I had a close encounter back in 2015 if I knew that was him back then
Really?? OMG 😱what is he like?lucky you but yeah kinda upsetting because you didnt know him yet that time..i was in the fandom myself during their hiatus and that sucks
Akemi Dawn whopps forgot to tag
My Network Well, I didn't meet him in reality in which I didn't get to know him personally, but I actually saw him pass by my family car. I think I almost cracked my neck when my head snapped up seeing him. I could've told my parents, but hopefully I'll get to see him in the summer when he's coming to my city... again if I had tickets to his show
he's so absolutely beautiful when he sings and smiles and it's why this video can't get dislikes
Melissa Ngai ikr the fact that i completely fallen for him is because he doesnt lip sync and those laugh and smile just proves it all
I wasn't ready for those One Direction parts in between
2:30 omgggggg😻😻😻😻😻💚💚💚💚
his smile is the whole world to me ♥
lariheslm exactly what i was thinking!
awww ♥ he is an angel, a beautiful angel
lariheslm ikr he is an actual angel we dont deserve him😫
he is so special and deserves all the love, happiness and respect, always 💖
i love 1:22 because he made that girl her day too (i suppose) aw i can’t. HE JUST MADE MY NIGHT
harry is the most beautiful creature in the whole universe
BEST smile of the world
I’m so glad he’s smiling while performing it means he’s enjoying it and music ofc should always make u smile bc well it’s music. If I ever get the chance to sing to this many people my face surely will give away how much I’m enjoying it!
I love his smill. Love u Harry. ❤😍
ok but i legit think about this all the time, it's my favourite thing... So you're an angel for making a whole video about it 😭 'good shot of his dimple' lmao, i love you
Lila Hesse Aww thats so sweet of you thank you should i make a part two?
for sure! would watch and recommend 😊
Lila Hesse okay dear will work on that😊i just need to find time to do that rn my schedule are a bit tight
you're so sweet, no worries 💚
So enjoyable to watch, I'll just leave it at that-all the comments reflect how I feel about this sweetheart of a man.
ho my god I love it
That smile❤😍😘
2:30 I’ve never seen anyone blowing a kiss any cuter
All I want to achieve in life is to meet him😞😞❤️😔❤️❤️❤️
im just so in luv with that smile of his
Oh Father OH GOD Why do you create such lovely humans in rarity?
This made me cry of happiness... it just shows that a simple smile, from someone amazing and cute like Harry, can spread tonnes of joy to other people making their day. 🖤
that sign of the times he was smiling the whole time it's my favorite
His dimples are my everything 👼
this video is so wholesome i can't
I love his smile so much he have the best smile ever 😭🥺👼🏻 so cute smile I love to watch his smile all the time I hope he is always happy and smiling all the time
his dimple has got to be my favorite thing on earth.
the compilation i never knew i needed 😍😍
I just love his smile thanks for making this video😊
thanks for loving it
My baby 😘😘
Beautiful inside and out. His warmth and genuineness radiate from his soul. He’s a beautiful example of God’s best work. We all love him so, so much.
I can jus watch this over and over again💖💖💖💖💖
His smile and laugh is a peek into heaven!
Das Ende hat mich gekillt...
Sophie G. Mission erfüllt😆
i go off when he smiles or laoughs my cheeks pain 😘😘😂😂😊😊
Yep facts we love you New York City thanks you for being you Anthony, Donna, and Michelle⚘♥️👍Amazing Talented young man 👍😊👍⚘🌷⚘🌷⚘
THE most adorable gorgeous man on this planet....
I literally adore his smile
I love you Harry
Forget coffee, this is what i need to get through my day
I love this boy so much
my computer's pov-me genuinely grinning like a lunatic for 3 minutes and 57 seconds straight
So cute!!!!!!❤
So cute
i can't explain and tell how much i love him 😘😘😘😘😘
Tannishtha Dsouza same girl same😄
My Network 👍👍👊👊🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌hi 5bro
he’s so pretty i legit can’t omfg
My heart cant take this
God, I love this man.
I love ❤️ Harry Styles
It's reaaly a beautiful thing seeing him smiling ..but I'm curious about the reason in every single song 😀
Him seeing us with various behaviours while he is performing probably tickles his heart as much as us🤣
My Network 😂😂😂😂maybe u r right 😅
1:22 he is just soo fragile....
the ending is literally beautiful
You are so talented please never stop making this vedios
Aww thank you so much dear! I'll try.
1:21 adorable
Love u Harry!, "Soooooooo much! My favorite. Member of one direction was zayn! But when I meet Harry!. My whole life get changed, he is such a humble guy! I've no words! I just love him 💞I wish I could live with him as his brother or best friend
I was crying and giggling and smiling all at the same time like an idiot.
i can’t stop smiling
this is a gift from god
1:40 🤭😏
what song was that
That's what he does to Louis 😏
nautika James it‘s ,,the chain“ by fleetwood mac
@@7llininthedream *THIS IS A FAMILY SHOW*
the cutest video ever!
no body else than harry love it.....
es tan malditamente adorable!
Hes sooooooooooooo cute
Well that made my day
This is the best compilation idea!! ❤
Loves it
when he got distracted by the I love you omg😍😍
you made my day!
3:26 He looked at Louis when he said that okay I'm slowly turning into a full time larry shipper
Im crying in a cool way
It's so beautiful :)
this is the best video on the internet
Harry's cheekbones look so good at 3:39 Just beautiful.... T_T
I was too busy looking at his jawline
Min 1.21 😍😁😍 the best part of the vid 😁😍😁 i Adore Him so much 😍
Oh myyy...i love you...
Thanks for making the video
i stan an icon
Im in love...
holy shit i miss him
Harry is so pretty in the last clip
I'm dead
The 4 minutes of my life I didn’t know I was missing
what's the song at 1:47?
Loved this lyrics *"Oh Taylor Swift to me"*
Ikr i was like 😯😜
this is how i like spending my evenings ... who needs to study for their finals anyway
Harry styles is the only angel
My happy flog🐸💗
Hey, we match! This is my favourite photo of present Harry Styles..😙✌ nice video tho😊
Cute.... 😘😘😘
BumBleBee he is isn't he..cute as a button
BumBleBee he is isn't he..cute as a button
Harry 😍 je t’aime
2:28 howw😍😍 j’imagine qu’il me fait sa a moi Mdr JE FAIT UNE CRISE CARDIAQUE DIRECT