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Andre The Giant: How Amazing Genetics Made Life Impossible
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.พ. 2025
- Andre The Giant's crazy genetics afforded him money, fame and endless opportunity. However, his unmanageable size also made life very difficult. How?
This is, Andre The Giant: The Painful Life Of A Genetic Impossibility
Thank you guys for watching, like and sub if you enjoyed, SunnyV2
Also, the idea for this video was inspired by "Grunge" who posted a video on a similar topic in May 2018 titled "The Tragic Real-Life Story Of Andre The Giant" You can watch their version here - • The Tragic Real-Life S...
I’d imagine when he got money, he went and tried to buy the sports car he always dreamed of only to not be able to fit in it. RIP.
The then WWF did a skit once where Andre tried to buy a car, but ended up buying a bulldozer cause that was the only vehicle he could fit in.
@DudleyDawg do you know perhaps,how can I find the clip with the bulldozer that you are talking about??
@@fatbgmanbg975 It was from the old "Hulk Hogan's Rock 'n' Wrestling" cartoon. They had live comedy skits with the wrestlers between cartoons.
big deal
He didn't want a sports car. He wanted a Rolls Royce. That's not a sports car
It is important to point out that Andre was a *true* giant. What I mean by this is that he not only was way, way, way taller than average, but his bone structure had a width and thickness proportional to his height.
You can be 7'+ tall, but if you're rail thin you are just a giant for height but not a true giant. Andre's wrists and ankles were 250% thicker than that of your average 5'9 man. His shoulder blades were almost 3 X the width of the average man as well.
Arnie said that Andre's strength was unfathomable. Arnie used to compete at at 230-240 lbs(237 lbs at the 1974 Mr.Olympia). Dyring the off-season, Arnie was 260-270 lbs. Well, Schwarzenegger said that once in a restaurant, Andre grabbed him beneath the arms and lifted him up in the air and put him on too of a shelf in the same way that a dad would do to his toddler. Imagine doing that to a 260 lba man. Truly unspeakable strength. Like Andre once said himself:
"Respect the giant."
It's pretty interesting how skeletal frames work with strength. I'm 5'8, when I was young I'd wrestle at 190-203. I did a lot of lifting to stay in the upper weight class and my strength for weight was great, but taller guys with thicker bones who didn't even lift could really jerk me around. I remember that feeling of massive bones grinding against mine, feeling like a toothpick about the be snapped. And that was just in my own weight class. Guys with big frames have something us normies can never compete against.
Respect the giant, or he will send you to Secunda
He actually had two things acromegaly (which adults can get) and gigantism. Acromegaly made he jaw hands and feet grow and gigantism was responsible for his height. Both are disorders related to growth hormone but acromegaly can occur in adulthood and gigantism usually in childhood. Some 7ft people are really skinny but he was not.
@scoob69295 that must have been so rare to get both of them
@@Flesh_Wizard Ironically, there were 2 guys that Andre feared. One was Harley Race, who was known as a legit tough guy and the other was Haku, the father of Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa, who has had stories told by the other guys on his legit toughness.
My dad met Andre when he was a kid and he said he was the most kind hearted, respectful intimidating guy he ever met, truly was a gentle giant.
I remember that during th cuban missile crisis, Cheeze Pizza was legal in th us but not in the soviet union. I liked it when we were the good guys 🥲
How old is your dad!?
@ 49, met him when he was in his early teens, 13 or 14
u just know he had a monster hog too
@@Blernster real
Just fyi, after that colossal fart, the director asked if he was ok. His response was, “I am now, boss.” Dude was a national treasure.
imagine you sit with him in a car or bus while he rips one of those.
The fact that Andre is so big that the cops doesn't even challenge him when he drove a car illegally is crazy
Same with Mike Tyson, he had club security running from him
@@SleepyjoeOG i mean when people talk about aura thats the type of energy theyre talking about just one look and people know.
handcuffs wouldn't be big enough.
You know it’s bad when even a cop wouldn’t want to question Andre.
I’ve seen specialized tasers work on a bull. That might work on him lol
"Andre the Giant didn’t just live life on hard mode; he invented the cheat codes for being larger than life... literally."
Fr bro but this is irrelevant to this vid but I jus wanna let u know ur website is insane and the prices are real good from ur bio and hope everything goes well
@@aflshots8492try and keep the stuff video related but I do have to agree with his website it is insane
@@aflshots8492did you just reoly to yourself? 😂
_"giant men have giant hearts"_
Small men have small hearts then.
@@Fr3nchFlag They have microscopic hearts that you have to look under the microscope.
They are the Brute squad
-Miracle Max
nope he had acromegaly
@@kim-xo Your self-hatred is showing.
'His voice sounds like when they mask someone's voice hidden in shadow that doesn't want to reveal their identity, but all the time...
He’s very mysterious
I loved Andre's acting in the princess bride. That is the first time I saw him as a child, and is the best movie hands down. I hope he's at peace with himself. Fly high, Andre 🕊
That’s one of my top three movies ever! Tied with Goonies and Romancing the Stone! Glad Sunny did this video! Brings back so many memories!!!
Completely agree, my dad showed me that movie when I was about 9, didn't like it that much, but now as a sixteen year old kid I absolutely love it.
Seems like the character he played in the movie wasn't too different from his real personality.
@@DOSStorm Yeah he seems like he was just as good and sweet a person as Fezzik is written to be.
To this day I think of his scenes in that movie.
This turned into a surprisingly tragic and sad story. When they said "you'd never think a guy like that would cry" it made me tear up a little 🥺
I wonder who would think that a "guy like that" wouldn't cry - because he's big he has no emotions, or what's the logic here?
@@benfrese3573that and that he is a man. We are not allowed to be emotional even today
@@benfrese3573 Yeah, the old way of thinking. :)
@@benfrese3573 It's that stereotype that big strong dudes don't show emotion. Andre was like Fezzik, as gentle as a kitten when they want to be.
@@benfrese3573welcome to earth, how was your trip?
My step dad was really into entertainment wrestling as a teen, and Andre was one of his favorite wrestling stars. Give him a few beers and he’ll give a whole TED Talk on why Andre the Giant is an absolute legend.
It broke my heart the magic he gave in the film, The Princess Bride, seeing him throw boulders and catching the princess, only to find out he was in agony the entire time and had to use a lot of "movie magic" for the film. I remember watching it when I was a kid and asking my dad if people can really get that big and if I was going to be that big, and my dad softly took me down a notch saying being big has it's perks but the world isn't built for tall people. I am the shortest guy in my family at 5'7.
my dad never gave me any advice or wisdom or even a single compliment and then he ran off with another woman when I was 15.. Today I'm a junkie, not saying the 2 are related
You can still turn your life around.
Stop seeing yourself as a victim.@@dagfinissocool
@dagfinissocool I’m sorry to hear that man, genuinely. I don’t know if you’re seeking help or not, or really anything about your situation but I sincerely hope you feel and do better. All the best
Bro 5'7 is average height! You'll be okay. Don't let your height be your personality or identity
@@WheatGaming 5'7 is below average height in most western countries, it's average globally i think, and above average in some countries
Andre was bigger than life, & the normal life he dreamt of I’m sure he got now. Rest easy Gentle Giant!!
Imagine constant pain and people staring at you that was his life. But his strong personality gav him his legacy and he will never be forgotten. Thanks Andre for making my childhood a little bit brighter!
"no trenches big enough" imagine Andre screaming and charging at you, rifle in hand
Big target
rifle in one hand
Using M-16s as pistols
Throwing grenades like marbles ...
He'd have to get a modified trigger group to fit his finger
It's sad to hear that how his own height became his worst enemy to Andre in the end. The man really went through so much pain. Both physically and mentally, but he'll always be remembered as a wrestling legend.
Andre is an absolute legend and a wonderful human being. I’m glad that Sunny reviewed his life.
R.I.P. Andre the Giant
One of my favorite things I ever heard about him was how proud he was of Princess Bride. Supposedly, and I believe it, he watched it very often and was so excited to share it with each of his friends. Andre was such a gentle soul in so much torment, and his favorite thing he did was put forth his soul in that movie. A giant who, despite his flaws, had a heart of gold within
Andre the Giant was the absolute man.
He was an entertainer but was such a kind soul.
Misspell edit. Thanks
So amazing that you can't even be fucked to spell his name right eh
@@ferbintegabriel4714 andre*
@@KataHub André*
Andre* you know that he was such a kind soul but can't even spell his name correctly? Bot.
His voice sounds like when they mask someone's voice hidden in shadow that doesn't want to reveal their identity, but all the time.
It's because he's the one who does that
Usually your work is about people ending their career by their own hands, but this one definitely hits different and has a different tone. I like it, it gave us insight into a figure often mentioned by media but one we never truly understood
André lived his life like a champ as best as he could, he dealt with the cards like a champion.
I study wrestling like some study the stock market and I have to say, it's almost impossible to articulate how much he did for not only wrestling but entertainment as a whole.
He pioneered modern wrestling and was influential to a wide variety of names in other forms of entertainment. A gem of a man
that's so cool:)
He seems like a genuine guy
The gentle giant
A lot of people who saw Andre only in his later years never knew how good he really was in the ring.
Prove it
How do you study choregraphed mat dancing? Do you find copies of the scripts and then compare it to how it played out on set?
This just makes that match at Wrestlemania with Hulk Hogan much more special. That final Bodyslam is one of the most iconic moments not only in professional wrestling, but in the world ever. Also, Andre's English is very good.
Wow, I feel so bad for people of that size, it must be such a struggle, especially for Andre to live like that
It's also the reason he was a very rich man.
@ yeah, your right
it sucks so much, im not quite as tall as he is but still
@@kwispy670 same. im around 6 8 and cant even find clothes because i am very big ( i weigh around 145 kg)
@@KarmaCast im like the same weight and height, and i honestly dont have a problem with clothes, just fitting everywhere
1:39 “No trenches deep enough” that's crazy
Lmao you said it before me
digging is hard and time consuming, absolutely no way you're trenching any deeper than you absolutely have to
His voice is so deep it sounds like one of those voice filters people in cartoons use
Andre was truly one of a kind. The definition of a gentle giant and an incredible wrestler that changed wrestling forever.
Princess bride is fuckin classic. Andre did a fine job playing misunderstood giant. RIP
I still remember the Andre vs Hulk Hogan fight to this day. It was legendary.
Which one? Wrestlemania 3 in 1987 or Shea Stadium in 1980?
@@elizabethhughes1067 87
@@elizabethhughes1067 Or there last match against each other at wwe Saturday night main event where Andre beat hogan for the wwe championship and bribed it to Ted diabease.
Oh I remember when both of them staring each other. In fact street fighter, Hugo based on Andre while Alex based on hulk Hogan.
I’ve always enjoyed hearing Andre talk. So soft and well spoken
wtf bro, i just clocked into work and you already uploading in my time zone :)
I can't imagine living like Andre The Giant, where every waking moment is in pain due to his size. At least he's in a better place in the skies.
God bless Andre the Giant, with literally and metaphorically a giant heart as well.
Andre looks like the most kind and friendly person ever (just my opinion).
Such a lovely dude. There will always be awful, hateful, envy people that have to ridicoule someone because they cant focus on their own problems.
Andre was such a great person. He was 1000% the gentle giant. Just loved everyone.
Throw "ahhhhhhh" at the end over every damn word. I'm trying, man. I'm trying to get through this 😂
I lost it at "money-ahhh", it's so ridiculous.
Problem -ahhhhhh
It’s clearly on purpose, probably what he decided to be his “TH-cam voice”. Incredibly unbearable, his videos are so short yet I still need to view them in parts sometimes.
he played soccahh
Thank you for doing a piece on Andre, he was one of my favorite wrestlers and all around great man.
I don't even like wrestling but the documentaries, stories, and movies that come from it are simply incredible.
Andre talking about the things he would do if he were regular-sized is so heartbreaking to me. He just wanted to do things the rest of us take for granted, like going to the movies or driving a car.
6:10 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 "There's no Toilet that's Gon take his A$$!"
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 6:14 got me fkn crying!!! 😂😂😂😂😂
That was Jake the snake Roberts who said that. He meant no disrespect. Andre was a dear friend to Jake.
@@cmarcusdryan I don't think anyone took it as disrespectful
What a great idea for a video. Especially for a content creator like yourself. I appreciate this even more because it’s not like you’re a wrestling channel. As a life long fan of wrestling, thank you.
a lot of people say ¨dam i wish i could be 2 meters tall¨ but they dont realize that also comes with a some disadvantages and they incrase the taller you are
edit sorry for my U.S brothers i cant exactly tell how much are 2 meters on imperial
Can confirm, my car is essentially a 4 seater because I have to push my seat back so far.
@ i put 2 meters as example but yeah maybe not big a lot of disadvantages, theres still some most common ones can be related to cars space or clotching
@@ChessAccount-zq4yx I'm 6'0 and i live in a 110 year old house made for when people were shorter. The doorknobs are all very low, I have to bend my back to use the bathroom sink, and there's this one spot where I bang my head sometimes cause the ceiling is too low. Small toilets are annoying to use, leg room is hard to come by, back pain, joint pain, and blood pressure issues are real. Being tall absolutely has disadvantages.
Cost of living/eating is a big one. @@ChessAccount-zq4yx
@@ChessAccount-zq4yx2 meters is about 6'7"
Grew up in the 80s... 50 now. Us kids really loved Andre The Giant. We all thought he was just awesome. A gentle giant to be sure. Andre The Giant & Mr T were my all time faves as a young one!!
He was a legend. As a WWE fan I thank you sir for making this masterpiece ❤❤❤
One of my grandpas coolest stories is from years ago, I believe when he lived near LA. He had some free time and went to the bar. This was around when computers were just becoming popular use items and he was sent to the coast to be trained with them. Anyway, he’s sat next to this massive man he quickly recognized as Andre. So, just as my grandpa does to this day, he got his drink and had a nice conversation with him. He said he was a nice, lowkey kind of guy.
I always think it’s cool to say my grandpa had a beer with Andre the Giant!
That poor human I feel his pain in many ways. I never knew his story, I wish I could give him a hug and tell him he’s an amazing person no matter what he looks like I’ll still respect him.
Puts a whole ‘nother level of respect for this man. Had so many difficulties due to his size, but embraced it fully and leveraged it to the very max he could. What a legend 🙌
7:34 This is what inspired the Peter Griffin outfit
Pls stop making fun of him your not funny kid one day you will laugh at yourself for your existence
@Romanreignsbiggestfanever124 bro it's a joke like no offense
@Romanreignsbiggestfanever124smokin that andre pack🚬
@Romanreignsbiggestfanever124how can you deny it his outfit is the exact same as Peter griffin nor is it making fun of him
@Romanreignsbiggestfanever124it was funny maybe you just overreact
7:13 is it me or did he dress like peter griffin in this clip?
Yes that’s what I thought
or did Peter dress like him?😅
I've ALWAYS wanted a video on André from you!
One photo showed him holding an entire beer can with just 2 fingers and his thumb. Thats crazy
There's a famous picture of him drinking a small, green Perrier bottle.
Only it's not... it's a full size bottle of wine.
I can hold a beer with one finger and my thumb.
I was gonna say "That's Nothing; I Grip My..." 🙃
@jakep8921 So can I, but can you make it look like a miniature toy?
Did you explain that wrong, or am I not imagining it right? Because I'm a regular 180lb 5'11 dude who can do the same thing
I knew a guy who had Acromegaly. He was very much like Andre. A gentle giant. He had to stay on medication in order to stop growing and lead a normal life. Tough as bricks, nicest guy you'd ever meet, humble, down to earth, loved his mom. He was so tough he felt almost no pain. Died in a car accident. Old man going 60mph fell asleep behind the wheel and hit him head-on. Probably the only thing that COULD kill him. RIP bro.
The giant hell of a man had a heart of gold, deserved better. Rest in peace.
he's dead now
Andre is one of the most important wrestlers in pro wrestling history, and it just sucks knowing how bad it was for the man…
I feel so bad for him. Fly high Andre 🕊️🪦
R.I.P to the first 12 inch 😢
@@Grimm_Light Sorry, typed the w on accident. brb amma fix it
DAWG I'm 5'11 at 12. (Close to him, 6'3 at 12) I'm genuinely kinda scared that I'm gonna live to 50
@@DROXXZZ77 I dontr think you have to be scared, since you may not grow as big as Andre, and even if you somehow do I think there are things to stop your growth
9:53 he was a legend because his ashes were heavy???
Bro was the real gentle giant wow he could’ve easily stomped on all the people that made fun of him but instead he would cry… that just goes to show you how powerful human emotions are
Not a bad word ever said about him from those that knew him. That's the best legacy you could possibly leave.
RIP Andre.
This is actually made me tear up...
Watch the HBO Documentary of Andre. It was beautifully done.
It's so sad to hear about his constant pain. It helps to hear just how loved he was by people lucky enough to know him.
wake up sunnyv2 uploaded
6:57 “oh my god look at the guy” is a pretty tame thing to say about a literal giant. It is just fascination not unkind. I am sure people did say some mean things, this just isn’t a good example
@@morrisfromnorthvan agreed, him lying about how the people behind the George Foreman grill contacted him first but he didn’t answer his phone is hilarious
I mean I feel like Hogan wasn’t saying the full story… probably didn’t want to say what else they said
I cried through this. I saw him first in the princess bride, and he was amazing. He was my best friend’s favorite wrestler, and by extension mine. RIP
Completely unrelated, but let's apreciate that this is one of the very few TH-cam videos that is actually *_exactly_* 10:00 minutes long.
Yes, a moment in history
Giants are big...and so are their feelings...
It's always the best people who die early😢
I wish I had a chance to have a conversation with him. Sounds like a cool and friendly guy👍
He is, without a doubt, a pioneer among wrestlers with Acromegaly.
The only other pro wrestlers whose Acromegaly got treated relatively early on are The Great Khali and The Big Show, and they are still alive.
This is actually very informative and entertaining. Id actually like to see more biopic style pieces, and* fewer weekly hit pieces.
When I was a kid and saw Andre on TV, I told myself I wanted to be a giant when I grew up. Decades later and I'm a normal 5ft 5in.
5'5 aint a normal male height bro lol
5'5 is NOT normal bro 😭
@@5Puff It depends where you're from. I'm regular size for my country (5ft10)
Rather 5'5 then 7'5 thats for sure
@@5Puff Very normal in any non Western/European countries bro
Couldn’t help but shed a tear when got to the part when Andre cried. People were ridiculing him just for being himself!
Not an uncommon thing alas 😢 Even supposedly 'nice' people can be incredibly lacking in empathy when it comes to dealing with anyone they perceive as somehow "different". It definitely erodes one's faith in human nature...
Bless Andre, I can see in his eyes that he was a good man. Sure we all do bad things sometimes, but I really can see that he just wanted to be loved like us all 💚
Andre seemed like he was so damn cool and laidback. The most monstrous, dangerous looking men in history always turn out to be the nicest, humblest individuals.
Andre was the defenition of a gentle giant and its sad to think of that he was always smiling when meeting people but actually in pain
As someone living with chronic pain, I feel desperately for him and his challenges. And to hear that people were mocking him for his difference... It never ceases to upset and frustrate me how lacking in empathy people can be, something you really learn about when living with disability.
Me when im insanely bored and see a new sunnyv2 video: 😮
Pretty cool seeing the Macho Man at his service. Another legend who left us too soon.
Andre became very good friends with Billy Crystal during the filming of The Princess Bride. Crystal visited Andre at his ranch often and said that it was Andre's favorite place. Andre told him that it was because "The animals don't stare at and make fun of me." Andre wanted to retire from the ring after WrestleMania 3 but Vince McMahon kept pressuring him to stay.
9:23 More proof that the Honda 3 wheelers are the toughest machines ever made.
Gavin would totally agree with u
-- Hi I'm a fellow Australian TH-camr - I love your content :)💓
At 6'9, I'll say I can only vaguely commiserate how small this world is, how rude people can be, and how isolated one can feel. I would say I'm at the extreme upper end of what can still be classified as normal, but that just makes me cry for what this man must've went through.
Wouldn’t the ladies fall for you?
@@Labyrinth6000 Thats the issue, women who only fall for you based on looks tend to be shallow.
They're all shallow though.
The fact that 6'9" is still in the category of normal speaks volumes about how unkind the world was to Andre. The world can at least kind of accomodate the tall, but not the large.
Rip bro.
I am only 6'6 and I am already painfully aware of how nothing is catered to taller people.
Everytime I go for the elevator in my apartment building, I have to lower my neck or I will hit my head.
My 4 seat car is effectively 3 seat car, because noone can sit behind me.
Buying shoes is an issue, stores usually stock up on 41-46 size the most, shame I am 48.
I usually have to get 3-4XL shirts or they wont go lower than my bellybutton
So many little things people never even think about..
Amazing to see sunny covering my favourite wrestler
I had a brother in law that had acromegaly. I'm a retired RN and he was in the hospital being mean to the staff. I took my chair into his room and got up on it and treated him like he was treating others.
I don't know why, but I feel that this channel always makes videos about topics that I watch on TH-cam at the same time I am interested on that topic. In this case Wrestling.
Andre the Giant was an absolute legend. I remember watching his WWE matches with my dad growing up. Certified champion
I didn’t expect Sunny to make this video but I’m a wrestling fan so I’m happy by the way do one on hulk hogan
Another fun fact about Andre the giant is he had 74 teeth. Yes, you read that right. Average human has 32.
Plz upload more
This is a NICE VID!!✨ Someone worth talking about instead of those nobodies from the last 2 vids!
7:13 why is he dressed like peter griffin
He died before family guy even aired 🤦♂️
@@user-iv1ze6cr8t i feel like thats just your opinion
@@user-iv1ze6cr8tOP’s not asking if he was alive during airing, he just so happened to be dressed like peter, its more rhetorical
7:20 that breaks my heart. He was such a humble man. But that was probably due to the ridicule.
I think he’s so cool. If he didn’t have such pain, being a giant is awesome.
thank you for doing this, he is a legend, never forgotten.
Andre The Giant is the reason why CaseOh exists
CaseOh is big, not tall
Andre's been one of my favorite wrestlers ever, so the minute I saw this video, didn't hesitate to click 😭
6:05 “there’s no toilet that’s gonna take his ass” how quick ge even a series that sounded like he was traumatized lol
😂😂😂 I died when he said that
thats so funny lmaooo
Hearing about Andre the giant being called thing that he was sensitive about and actually cry about nearly put me into tears
6:15 vinces description of andres fart combined with the look of genuine concern on his face and the music in the background loooooooooool
Love your video SunnyV2 and keep up the great work you are awesome
Its amazing how andre even survived being so large. Quite sad to learn his backstory :(
Andre once passed out in a hotel lobby, but he was so big that no one could move him, so he spend the whole night asleep on the lobby floor.
I love Andre.
7:12 peter griffin ahh outfit