Emanet 610. Bölüm | Legacy Episode 610

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 2 ก.พ. 2025

ความคิดเห็น • 876

  • @NanYam_Kirimli
    @NanYam_Kirimli ปีที่แล้ว +105

    36:12 Reparem nessa cena da dança deles no jardim. Yaman ficou em alguns momentos sem nitidez, desfocado, a Nana não ficou assim. É como se ele estive se desprendendo, sumindo. Infelizmente os sinais estão claros, Yaman está indo embora, 😭 e eu JAMAIS irei aceitar esse absurdo! Eu só queria ver ele ser feliz com a mulher que realmente o ama de verdade que é a Nana. Passamos por tantas coisas nesse último ano, estamos enfrentando o ódio surreal das fanáticas inconformadas, ordinárias da Silada/Sonseher e é isso que a Naz nos dá? A morte do Yaman? Pq inventar uma quarta temporada sem o Halil? O que essas pessoas tem na cabeça? Absurdo demais! Emanet sem Yaman simplesmente NÃO EXISTE! Eu nunca mais irei assistir nada dessa autora, isso seria loucura! E antes que alguma hater venha falar besteira, Halil compriu seu contrato até o fim, cujo era para fazer três temporadas, ele honrou exatamente o que assinou, por isso eu fico ainda mais revoltada. Pq fazer uma quarta temporada?? A única coisa que me conforta é que ao menos o Yaman conheceu o verdadeiro amor. Yaman e Nana são o real casal de Emanet. Amor puro, genuíno, construído em estrutura sólida, madura. Eles são lindos juntos, almas gêmeas. 💕

    • @nanamosia4177
      @nanamosia4177 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      Видимо маньяк сценарист ,ненавидит счастливых мужчин . И женщин тоже .

    • @soniaferreirarodrigues4679
      @soniaferreirarodrigues4679 ปีที่แล้ว +22

      Concordo com tudo que vc disse.era pra terminar com eles felizes,pra que 4 temporada sem yaman?😢

    • @AnitaKrawczyk-uk9rx
      @AnitaKrawczyk-uk9rx ปีที่แล้ว +9


    • @nataniaoliveira4152
      @nataniaoliveira4152 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Concordo plenamente

    • @anaaparecidamachado4166
      @anaaparecidamachado4166 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      A terceira temporada é um lixo, lixo.

  • @crossmalicia5273
    @crossmalicia5273 ปีที่แล้ว +124

    ENSAYO DE BAILE: ¡El plan de Nana para escapar del ensayo! - Los novios aún siguen mirándose y la organizadora interrumpe y dice: luego podemos pasar al pastel. ¿Qué tipo de pastel tienes en mente? Nana piensa y Yusuf dice: lo sé. Pastel de fresa. A Nana y a mi nos encanta. Nana lo acaricia y dice: es cierto. como dice Canuka, que sea de fresa. Organizadora: de acuerdo. Nos estamos moviendo rápido. Ahora es el momento de los ensayos. Entrada al salón, saludo a los invitados, primer baile. Tendremos que practicarlos. Nana: ¿cuál es el punto de practicar? Saludamos, damos la bienvenida y salimos directamente al pasillo. Tomamos asiento. Organizadora: de ninguna manera, Sra. Nana. Los ojos de todos estarán puestos en ti. Decenas de personas te estarán mirando. Tus pasos deben coincidir con la música. La armonía en la danza también es muy importante. Nana preocupada mira a Yaman. Organizadora: aquí tienes. Comencemos con el ensayo. Se ponen de pie y la tía asiente. Organizadora; podemos empezar por las escaleras. Nana camina y dice: ay, mi tobillo. Yaman: ¿te lastimaste el tobillo? Nana: ujum. Akca: ¿estás bien, querida? Adalet: Te traeré hielo. Yaman: ven y siéntate. Akca: llevémosla al hospital. Quizás sea un hueso fracturado. Nana: no, no, mejorará si descanso. No quiero hospital. Yaman asiente y la organizadora dice: que se recupere pronto, señora Nana. Que mala suerte. En ese caso, tendremos que posponer el ensayo. Nana: lo siento mucho. Yaman; queda mucho tiempo hasta entonces, mejorarás. Yaman le pide el hielo a Adalet y se lo pone diciendo: ¿es aquí? Nana; ¡es muy frío! Duele mucho. Mucho. Yaman; vayamos al hospital. Nana: no, gracias. No. Yaman la mira por qué sabe que no es verdad…
    Nana nerviosa piensa en las palabras de la organizadora: “de ninguna manera, Sra. Nana. Los ojos de todos estarán puestos en ti. Decenas de personas te estarán mirando. Tus pasos deben coincidir con la música. La armonía en la danza también es muy importante.” Nana se dice: por ahora te ahorrarás ensayar delante de todos, Nana. ¿Pero qué vas a hacer en la boda? Llega la tía y dice: ¿querida, porque no te pusiste el hielo? Ayudará. ¿Cómo estás ahora? Nana: todavía duele. Akca; oh dios. La preparación también está incompleta. Pero está bien, solo necesitas mejorar. Comenzaremos los preparativos de inmediato. Lo terminaremos rápidamente. Nana; en realidad, no me siento mal por es, tía Akca. Hoy íbamos a buscar un juego de dormitorio. Pero es imposible con este pie. Y yo iba a buscar encaje para el sofá. Akca: pero me dijiste que no te gustaba ese tipo de cosas. Nana: si, lo dije. Pero después de hablar contigo, entonces, me gusta la idea. Akca; oh, mi querida. No te dejaré sin dote. Iré y me ocuparé de ello. No te preocupes. Nana: la hermana Adalet y Aynur tienen buen gusto. Deberían ir contigo. No vayas sola. Akca: ¡sí, seguro! Entonces me prepararé. Se va la tía.
    Llega Adalet y dice en voz baja: ¡Nana! Cariño mío. Dijiste que a Aynur le gustan las cosas pasadas de moda. Nana: me di cuenta después, hermana Adalet. Aynur tiene muy buen gusto. Recién me estoy dando cuenta de lo que es una dote. Necesito tu opinión. Adalet: no te preocupes. Elegiremos los velos y encajes más bonitos para ti. Confía en nosotras. De acuerdo. Le diré a Aynur que se preparé. Nana asiente y dice: esta bien.

    • @crossmalicia5273
      @crossmalicia5273 ปีที่แล้ว +85

      TIEMPO DE PICNIC: ¡Nana quiere ensayar en un picnic! - Nana con el hielo en su pie. Llega la tía y dice; ¿dónde está Aynur? Adalet; está en el jardín, esperándonos, Sra. Akca. Akca: vamos a salir, querida. Nosotras nos encargaremos de todo. No te preocupes. Nana: gracias. No te canses. Se van y Nana deja la bolsa de hielo. Llega Yusuf: ¡Nana! ¿Te sientes mejor? Nana; podría jugar un partido ahora mismo, pero tenemos asuntos importantes. Ven conmigo. Van a la cocina.
      Yaman la busca y va a la cocina. Nana preparando la comida para el picnic y Yaman le pregunta: ¿qué estás haciendo? ¿Porqué te has levantado? Nana mira a Yusuf y dice: el hielo ayudó. Soy una chica montañesa. ¿Lo olvidaste? Yaman se acerca. Nana; soy fuerte. Estaré mejor, rápido. Pero estoy aburrida de todo esto. Me preguntaba si podríamos hacer un picnic en el jardín. Yusuf: por favor, tío. Si tienes trabajo, hazlo más tarde. Tenemos mucha comida aquí. Yaman: bueno. Si quieres, hagámoslo. Yusuf sonríe. Yaman: ¿dónde está mi tía? Se lo decimos también. Nana: ellas fueron de compras. Ellas insistieron. Hay cosas que necesito comprar. Ellas se encargarán de eso. Yaman: ¿entonces insistieron? Nana: ujum. Yaman; bien entonces. Si lo necesitas, hagámoslo. Nana y Yusuf felices. Yaman la observa contento.
      En el jardín, se miran felices. Yusuf: ¿dónde está mi batido, Nana? Nana: aquí esta, Canuka. Aquí tienes. Nana de repente dice: olvide las cosas mas importantes. Nana sale corriendo. Yaman; ¿que son, Pedazo de Fuego? Yusuf hace gesto que no sabe. Yaman mira y suspira. Nana llega corriendo con una bolsa y Yaman le pregunta; ¿qué hay en la bolsa? Nana saca una chaqueta de Yaman, una toca música, la Tablet y un velo. Yaman: ¿qué es esto? Nana: materiales de ensayo de boda. Yaman y Yusuf la miran. Nana; no me mires así. Estoy tan nerviosa. Dijo que era un ensayo. Ella dijo que todos te estarán mirando. No puedo ensayar en público. Practicaremos juntos. Tengo miedo de estropearlo todo. Yaman la mira. Nana con su carita le suplica: ayúdame por favor. Yaman; por eso te torciste el pie. Nana lo acepta y dice; lo sabias, ¿verdad? Yaman asiente. Nana: no tenia otra opción. Lo lamento. Nana los mira a ambos y pregunta: ¿me ayudarás? Yaman mira a Yusuf y le pregunta: ¿qué opinas, Pedazo de Fuego? Yusuf los mira y asiente sonriente. Nana con esa carita, convence a su amado…

    • @crossmalicia5273
      @crossmalicia5273 ปีที่แล้ว +32

      Nana ❤❤

    • @crossmalicia5273
      @crossmalicia5273 ปีที่แล้ว +78

      ENSAYO EMOCIONANTE: ¡Nana sucumbe a su emoción! - Se preparan para el ensayo, Nana emocionada y se miran intensamente los enamorados. Yusuf sonríen y dice: si están listos, comenzare la grabación. Yaman asiente. Yusuf grabando dice; bienvenidos a la boda de mi tío Yaman Kirimli y mi hermosa maestra Nana Maryam. Nana esta sin aliento, Yaman sale y Nana no da un paso. Yaman: vamos. Nana: pero estoy muy emocionada. Yaman; no hay nada de que emocionarse. Estamos ensayando. Solo somos tú, yo y Yusuf. Nana: ¡estoy emocionada! ¡Mira! No puedo mover las piernas. Estoy atorada aquí. Yusuf sonríe y Yaman la toma de las manos y la acerca y le dice; mirarme a los ojos. ¿Que ves? Nana: Yaban. Yaman le dice tiernamente; ves al hombre que te amara por el resto de su vida. Ves al hombre que te ama lo suficiente, como para ensayar tu matrimonio con una cortina de tul sobre tu cabeza. Nana lo mira enamorada. Yaman: todo comenzara con la firma que firmaremos ahora y la compartiremos con nuestros seres queridos. ¿Llegaremos tarde a nuestra boda? Nana niega y Yaman le ofrece su brazo. Se miran y Nana toma su brazo. Yusuf pone la música y graba.
      Caminan y Nana pregunta: ¿hacia dónde vamos ahora? Yaman: todo es nuestro. Donde quieras. Nana: no, dijo que entrara por el lado izquierdo. ¿O dijo bien? Yo olvide todo. Yaman: esta bien, no entres en pánico. Ella dijo que se fue. Nana: izquierda. Caminan, Yaman sonriendo y Nana saludando. Yaman mira y dice: ¿qué estás haciendo? Nana: vi al tío Seyis y lo estoy saludando. Mis amigos están ahí. Todos lo que amo están aquí. Yaman; eres muy buena ensayando matrimonios. Me pregunto que pasara conmigo en el matrimonio. ¿Qué sigue? ¿A dónde vamos ahora? Nana: ¿qué dijo ella? Ahh, ahora vamos a la pista de baile.
      Yaman asiente sonriente y caminan. Nana: tendremos nuestro primer baile. Pero tengo mucho miedo. ¿Qué pasa si cometo un error y piso tu pie? ¡Ups! Todos me miran. Entenderán que tenia miedo. Yaman le dice bellas palabras; todos te miran porque estas preciosas. La cara de Nana cambia y le dice: detener. No vayamos a la pista de baile. Estoy temblando. Mi nivel de azúcar en la sangre esta bajo. Tomemos un descanso. Comamos algo y luego continuamos. Nana va al picnic y Yaman solo sonríe mirándola. Invita a Yusuf al picnic y suspira…

    • @crossmalicia5273
      @crossmalicia5273 ปีที่แล้ว +28

      Yaman ❤❤

    • @crossmalicia5273
      @crossmalicia5273 ปีที่แล้ว +75

      EL PRIMER BAILE DE NANA Y YAMAN - Nana nerviosa, come sin parar. Yaman los observa comer a ambos; y Yusuf dice: comiste demasiado pastel, Nana. Nana: comí muy poco, querido. En realidad. Nana sigue comiendo y Yaman le dice; ¿tu nivel de azúcar en sangre no se ha estabilizado? Nana: esta mejorando lentamente. Quiero comer más. Yaman: eso es suficiente. Yaman se pone de pie y le ofrece su mano. Nana: incluso en el ensayo, tengo miedo de estropearlo. Yaman; no puedes ni, aunque quieras. Tu bailas muy bien. Hipnotizaras a todos como me hipnotizaste a mí. Nana: no puede ser. Olvide como bailar. Yaman; vamos. No seas terca. Nana le da la mano, Yusuf pone la música y comienza a grabar. Se miran y Yusuf dice: con vuestros aplausos, los novios pasan a la pista de baile a bailar. Yaman: estas temblando. Estas realmente emocionada. Nana asiente, Yaman la mira enamorado y comienza el baile. Nana; uno. Dos. Yaman: deja de contar. Nana: pero los pasos me confunden. Yaman pone su debo en la boca de Nana y la silencia. Yaman: espera, dame tu pie. Yaman le quita los zapatos. Nana: ¿qué estás haciendo? Yaman; te estoy liberando de cuentas, de deberes y deberes. Siempre has sido una mujer que se vale por si misma. Siempre has acompañado mis pasos. Y a veces yo acompañaba los tuyos.
      Yaman toma sus manos y le dice tiernamente: hemos estado bailando contigo desde el principio. Nuestros pasos se completan. Nana lo mira emocionada y se deja llevar al baile. Yaman sigue amoroso: nuestro baile no se parece a ningún otro baile. Danzan sin dejar de mirarse y Yaman dice; los cálculos no cuadran. Los ritmos son a veces torpes, a veces regulares. Yusuf sonríe de felicidad. Nana lo mira enamorada y Yaman le susurra; a veces como peleando, a veces muy cerca. Yusuf sonriente, observa como se aman. Se miran intensamente mientras danzan y Yaman dice; como una tormenta, nadie podía seguir el ritmo. Cálido como el sol. Un mágico momento y Nana une su palma a su palma en una intimida, delicadamente.
      Yusuf aplaude y dice: ¡bravo! ¡Bravo! Fue perfecto. Bailaste maravillosamente. ¿Quizás bailes el segundo baile conmigo, Nana? Nana: por supuesto, Canuka. Yaman la detiene y le dice seductor: ahora puedes bailar con Yusuf. Pero bailare contigo por el resto de mi vida. Nana sonríe feliz. Yusuf: tío, ahora nos filmas. Yaman; bueno. Yaman la firma sonriente, como su sobrino y la mujer que ama, bailan. Yusuf travieso: tío, no estas celoso, ¿verdad? Sonríen felices…❤❤❤

  • @narijobava4743
    @narijobava4743 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    როგორი ლამაზი სერიალი იყო და როგორი ლამაზები და საყვარელები არიან ნანუკა ჯიუტი და ეშმაკუნა იაბან ბეი მიხვდა როგორი ლამაზი გამოხედვა ქონდა მართლაც რომ საუკეთესოები ხართ იუსუპი ძალიან საყვარელია❤
    მუდამ ბედნიერება წარმატებები ყოფილიყო თქვენი მეგზური ნანუკა იამან იუსუპ ❤❤❤

  • @ayesham1002
    @ayesham1002 ปีที่แล้ว +56

    Today we enjoy our NanYam's loving moments 🥰 Yaman enjoyed Nana's innocent and loving gestures❤ Yaman and Nana rehearsed their wedding walk and dance with Yusuf recorded their special moments💞 When Yaman took Nana's hand to dance with her, Nana was quite nervouse about dancing ,Yaman told her that from the beginning they took steps together, 💞 they dance so beautifuly as if they were floating on clouds 🥰 Yaman's deep looks of love mesmerized Nana and his sweet speech again melts Nana's heart ❤️ as he was looking at her , he made such a sweet speech and said she is my wife🥰 and i will never tired of looking at the owner of these eyes,and the hands i will never let go. 😍 Nana in her turn when said Yaban , Yaman bowed to her and said say my husband❤ ,that was so cute and loving Nana with love in her eyes for him said yes he is my life ,my sheltered mountain,my breath ,he is everything to me.😍🥰 Yaman hugged her instinctively,kissed her cheek, they both really melt our 💕 hearts so much today , what a beautiful love they have ❤

  • @evypinheiro4241
    @evypinheiro4241 ปีที่แล้ว +60

    Naná acenando para o povo ...🤣🤣🤣
    Yaman todo atencioso, cuidadoso e apaixonado foi tudo de lindo❤❤❤ Amo vê-lo com expressão de alegria e contentamento no rosto.🥰🥰

    • @farhanahaque4736
      @farhanahaque4736 ปีที่แล้ว +7


    • @doinadumitru8716
      @doinadumitru8716 ปีที่แล้ว +7


    • @nataniaoliveira4152
      @nataniaoliveira4152 ปีที่แล้ว +8


    • @teresadias-eq7fz
      @teresadias-eq7fz ปีที่แล้ว +6


    • @EuniceMartins-ol1gm
      @EuniceMartins-ol1gm ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Ele está feliz pq finalmente vai ficar livre dessa série estúpida e de morticia na nova série estará com uma jovem linda e atriz de verdade.😂😂😂😂

  • @esterrodrigues6991
    @esterrodrigues6991 ปีที่แล้ว +61

    Adoro ver este casal tem tanto amor, o pelo outro Yusuf, sempre a colaborar bom cenas maravilhosas vou ter saudades, parabéns seus grandes atores. Vou seguir os dois.👏

    • @joeliasalomao9452
      @joeliasalomao9452 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Minha linda o dinheiro faz tudo até amar o que não quer.

    • @farhanahaque4736
      @farhanahaque4736 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @jeanefreiredacosta8004
    @jeanefreiredacosta8004 ปีที่แล้ว +49

    O episódio de hoje me reverteu para o dia só casamento de Yaman e Seher principalmente para a cena da dos dois, mas a diferença que aquele casório foi por conveniência e hoje vi um casal pleno e muito apaixonado, Yaman soube conduzir Nana como um verdadeiro Lord...❤❤❤❤

    • @Vio_Neb
      @Vio_Neb ปีที่แล้ว

      Музыка Ямана и Сехер была сегодня, поэтому вы тоже вспомнили

    • @alexandramarshall8960
      @alexandramarshall8960 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Yes. It just proves when love is there, all the props (wedding gown, orchestra, paper stars, etc.) aren’t so important after all.

    • @valmiramineirogarciadeoliv3964
      @valmiramineirogarciadeoliv3964 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Verdade ❤❤

  • @ericaschulte4671
    @ericaschulte4671 ปีที่แล้ว +78

    Em um relacionamento de amor verdadeiro há confiança. Nesse relacionamento de Uaman e Nana, ambos confiam um no outro. Um amor maduro, tranquilo e cheio de momentos delicados, engraçados. São cúmplices, parecidos. Casal perfeito. Triste saber que a série continuará sem Yaman. Creio que deveriam finalizar a série e escreverem outra para que Nanuka possa continuar a brilhar. Foi seu primeiro trabalho e ela cresceu, desenvolveu muito. É notório o amadurecimento de Nana como atriz. Foi uma excelente escolha para a terceira temporada. Prendeu a atenção, divertiu nossos corações afligidos pelas duas primeiras temporadas. Não tiro o mérito de nenhum ator ou atriz das primeiras temporadas, igualmente não tiro o merecido mérito de Nana. A atriz se saiu muito bem e está de parabéns 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 e se não agradar meu comentário, sinto muito, amo a Nana e gostaria de vê-la em outras séries. De qualquer forma agradeço a Emanet ,principalmente por minha temporada favorita,a terceira. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

  • @martaalmeida6721
    @martaalmeida6721 ปีที่แล้ว +51

    Yusuf e a coisas mais linda ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @ElizabethBlanco04
    @ElizabethBlanco04 ปีที่แล้ว +63

    Cuenta la leyenda que Ferit supo que Doga es su hija en la décimo temporada de Emanet 😂😂😂😂

    • @Cleo330
      @Cleo330 ปีที่แล้ว +3


    • @martaalmeida6721
      @martaalmeida6721 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @raiodesol439
      @raiodesol439 ปีที่แล้ว +3


    • @drljacamilos773
      @drljacamilos773 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Hvala vam na komentaru,nasmejali ste me.Mozda neće ni tada saznati.

    • @teresa-357
      @teresa-357 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      ¿ Tan pronto, 😳😳😳😳😲😲😲? Eres más optimista que yo 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅.

  • @ElizabethBlanco04
    @ElizabethBlanco04 ปีที่แล้ว +48

    Yaman por favor entiende que es imposible que Nana no se ponga nerviosa a tu lado, eres el motivo de sus nervios y de su emoción, por eso ella temblaba cuando iban a empezar a bailar ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
    Gracias por tranquilizarla 🤭😏

  • @darlinebrutus8444
    @darlinebrutus8444 ปีที่แล้ว +45

    Oooh finally some love moment. The entire episode I am smiling I see and smell love between Yaman and Nana, what a relief. Yusuf enjoys the moment also. No shooting, no gun for a moment ❤❤❤❤

  • @ayesham1002
    @ayesham1002 ปีที่แล้ว +37

    Yaman today beat Acar on his own game, very intelligently Yaman test Acar by using Arif Baba's wise words , of course Acar didn't know all of Arif Baba's quotes Yaman
    still had strong doubts though he didn't show his cards to him ,the game is on Yaman is getting close to the truth of Acar being Zehir.😎❤️

    • @Cleo330
      @Cleo330 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Let's hope Yaman he gets him soon 🐍

    • @farhanahaque4736
      @farhanahaque4736 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yaman 🔥❤️

  • @sujatauchil1652
    @sujatauchil1652 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Today's episode was very loving. I didn't wanted the episode to end. It was so touching with loving gestures of NanYam which mesmerized us.. Today's dialogues were heart touching. Yusuf asking his Yaman " r u jealous of me" Yaman saying to Nana " But I will dance with you for the rest of my life" . As per the comments, it wl b very sad to watch Yaman ..... I do not want to use the word. But the way the series is going, Today's Yusuf's recording the full rehearsal gives a negative vibes. V have to accept the fact that Mr. Halil is quitting the show and this has to happen. I would be a very sad moment to the Fandom who were watching this drama for last 3 years. V enjoyed Today's episode.

  • @susanabacial9470
    @susanabacial9470 ปีที่แล้ว +42

    The rehearsal was so beautiful ❤🎉 those words from Yaman & Nana were so perfect..so beautiful! Let's not think negatively but let's enjoy the show.❤❤❤
    As for me, i'm on the positive side 🥰🙏 enjoying every scenes of our NanYam💞 Good morning Emanet family ❤(3:40 am here..😊)

  • @muniregevdet5454
    @muniregevdet5454 ปีที่แล้ว +36

    Halil İbrahim Ceyhan: Performans ı Fenomen Mesleğine düşkün karakterin en ince en ufak detayına tüm hakkını veriyor.

    • @sunheri189
      @sunheri189 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yes his expression when Yusef asked if he is jealous. Something so small can impress us.

    • @muniregevdet5454
      @muniregevdet5454 ปีที่แล้ว

      You are right@@sunheri189

    • @farhanahaque4736
      @farhanahaque4736 ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @Manel_du_Grau
    @Manel_du_Grau ปีที่แล้ว +77

    Naná e o yaman é o yussuf são fofos juntos ❤❤❤

  • @Manel_du_Grau
    @Manel_du_Grau ปีที่แล้ว +60

    Casamento mais lindo que eu já vi e o,yaman atrás dá naná

  • @socorroterco3474
    @socorroterco3474 ปีที่แล้ว +35

    Halil e Nana estão arrasando nas cenas em que Yaman e Nana demonstram seu amor, carinho e respeito um pelo outro, essa cena do ensaio foi muito especial. Halil verdadeiramente ultrapassa o limite do talento nas falas lindas e nos gestos junto a Nana. Nanuka também esta excelente na sua atuação. Parabéns lindos atores Halil, Nanuka e Berat que também é um ator mirim promissor.

    • @veronicamanica2243
      @veronicamanica2243 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Splendida coppia, intesa perfetta, halil gigante nel recitare e nana coraggiosa per sver affrontato un ruolo non nella sua lingua quindi difficoltà doppia di misura superata a chi bistratta dmanet 3 to fo ul bel tie rosica e mangiati il fegato

    • @farhanahaque4736
      @farhanahaque4736 ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @luzelenaoviedo4130
    @luzelenaoviedo4130 ปีที่แล้ว +30

    En México 🇲🇽 reconocemos el gran talento de Halil , Nanuka y todos los actores que han participado. Me uno a todos los comentarios que han puesto y me encantan ,ademas agradezco a todas las traductoras pues sin ellas no entenderíamos nada . Gracias Emanet por estos tres años maravillosos y mucho éxito a cada un@ en sus nuevos Proyectos. FELICIDADES ❤

  • @louaneanilou8481
    @louaneanilou8481 ปีที่แล้ว +43

    Ferit! Arrête avec Ayse ! C'est interminable cette histoire ! Ce personnage d'Ayse ne le mérite pas!

  • @sab5455
    @sab5455 ปีที่แล้ว +35

    يوسف أكثر واحد مميز في المسلسل هو حب أكبر عند يمان ونانا احلي كنز من كنوز القلوب يمان يوسف ونانا آلله يدوم هذه الجلسة الرومانسية الحلوى

  • @Cleo330
    @Cleo330 ปีที่แล้ว +35

    Yusuf didn't want to be left out.
    He danced with Nana too. 💕

  • @atenasotamendicovarrubias
    @atenasotamendicovarrubias ปีที่แล้ว +53

    Un ensayo de boda 💒…la antesala del ensayo a la felicidad….pero hasta en los más simples detalles podemos estar creando nuestra felicidad, podemos estar creando recuerdos únicos e inolvidables, la felicidad, la dicha resultan efímeras y es ahí en dónde debemos aprender que hasta en lo más simple existe la felicidad.
    Nana estuvo nerviosa respecto a los preparativos de boda 💒…a su manera, a su estilo, evitó un ensayo con testigos😁 sólo deseo estar un momento a solas con el pequeño Yusuf y su amado Yaman, quiso tener un agradable picnic y darse el valor para hacer el dichoso ensayo de boda 💒…el gran cómplice de este momento, el pequeño Yusuf, qué está verdaderamente emocionado, Nana vuelve a huir, en su naturaleza, no está ser un alma quieta, ella es un alma libre y le aterra no responder de la manera apropiada, pero a Yaman no le importa eso, el ama a su alma rebelde, el baile de Nana y Yaman, han creado un momento mágico y difícil de olvidar, Yaman tan hermosamente le da seguridad, confort…le quita los zapatos para poder bailar, le hace ver qué juntos son uno sólo, qué ella ahora estará siempre protegida😍.. "Nuestro baile no se parece a ningún otro" 🥺🥺🥺
    El discurso de boda….quiero llorar😭😭😭 ¡qué palabras tan hermosas! De Yaman y Nana…Yaman diciendo que es la mujer que lo retó, qué nunca se dió por vencida, es la más grande guerrera qué conozco 😢😢😢
    Y Nana diciendo qué Yaman es su vida, es su montaña protectora, qué es todo para ella…😭😭
    Ese abrazo 🫂 que funden sus almas en una sola…un alma gemela como NanYam 💕💞
    Les comparto para terminar una reflexión melancólica ♥️
    Conoces a cientos de personas y ninguna te deja huella y de repente conoces a una persona y te cambia la vida para siempre.
    Los instantes tan efímeros como la misma felicidad, por eso podemos decir que "la vida es una sucesión de momentos, vivir cada uno, es triunfar"
    Corita Kent
    Por eso atesora cada momento, porque estás creando un recuerdo único y ese recuerdo único atesorarlo en lo más profundo de tu alma y corazón ♥️💞💕

    • @nicoletaeftene6593
      @nicoletaeftene6593 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Thanks Atena! The superlative comment as as always! Bravo 👏👏👏🥰🥰🥰

    • @alexandramarshall8960
      @alexandramarshall8960 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      You always make the most beautiful summaries and manage to find the most appropriate quotations at the end! I am awestricken by your talent! ❤🩷❤️
      About that quotation: What a nice message you shared with us: “The importance of focusing on the gift of the moment which we can treasure forever instead of fretting about what the future may bring”!

    • @besho6194
      @besho6194 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Thank you very much ❤❤❤❤❤

    • @atenasotamendicovarrubias
      @atenasotamendicovarrubias ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Querida amiga ❤️....muchas gracias por tan bello comentario 🙏....para mí es un gusto compartir con ustedes, que podamos disfrutar de nuestra serie favorita, gozar los momentos más importantes de cada capítulo, estamos teniendo los mejores momentos de NanYam 💕💞 han sido hermosos y emotivos, en lo personal han tocado mi corazón ❤️
      Saludos afectuosos 🤗💖

    • @atenasotamendicovarrubias
      @atenasotamendicovarrubias ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Saludos afectuosos 🤗💖 querida amiga ❤️
      Muy amable y a disfrutar de lo qué nos queda de la temporada 😉💖

  • @mariajenniferquinteroabreu5393
    @mariajenniferquinteroabreu5393 ปีที่แล้ว +36

    Bueno hoy fue un episodio hermoso;
    Para empezar una nana nerviosa e ilusionada, para evitar ensayar para la boda finge un esguince en el tobillo, pero yaman sabe que es mentira, al final se cancela el ensayo, todos salen menos nana, yaman y yusuf.
    Al final nana y yusuf organizan un picnic familiar e invitan a yaman, alli nana le dice que quiere ensayar sin publico, yaman le dice por eso lo de tu esguince y nana dice lo sabias yaman asiente, nana le da su chaqueta a yaman y nana se pone una especie de tul en el pelo fingiendo ser un velo con un ramo, mientras pasean por el jardin por el pase de bodas yusuf emocionado los graba con el movil, al final nana con los nervios dice que quiere comer.
    Mientras siguen con el picnic yaman dice hay que ensayar el baile nana no quiere pero yaman le dice no seas terca, mientras empiezan nana va contando los pasos yaman se aleja y le quita los zapatos le da seguridad y confort y bailan le dice bailare contigo el resto de mi vida, nuestra baile es diferente al resto, nana sonrie enamorada. Luego yusuf pide bailar con nana y que su tio grabe, y cuando estan bailando yusuf le dice a su tio no estas celoso no tio nana sonrie.
    Luego toca el discurso, donde yaman dice esta mujer que me reto nunca dejo de ver por mi bienestar, ella es la guerrera mas grande que he visto en mi vida, ella vino y cambio mi vida, ella es mi esposa ahora, ella es la dueña de esos ojos que nunca me cansare de mirar y de las manos que nunca soltare se miran y el le da un beso en el cachete nana emocionada, le toca ella decir unas palabras y dice YABAN yaman le dice debes decir mi marido nana lo mira y sigue hablando pelee mucho con este hombre a mi lado, pero luego lo amaba tanto que al verlo veia mi reflejo, no lo conoce, cuando lo ves parece un salvaje, pero el es mi vida, mi montaña protectora, el es mi aliento, el lo es todo para mi lo dice mirando a yaman y cuando ella dice el es todo para mi yaman se sorprende y se abrazan. Yaman le dice que nunca permitirá que nadie le haga daño se vuelven a abrazar y el le pregunta si esta bien y si el ensayo fue como queria, ella dice que si luego llaman a yaman.
    Yaman va donde veneno y cuando esta a punto de decirle quien es veneno se las ingenia para que no diga nada y salir ileso.

  • @christianotaliban
    @christianotaliban ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Amo vê emanet a Naná e Yamam e o Yusuf estão arrasando !❤💟💫💦💙💝🌟💖💟❣❤❤💛💞💯👍👏👏👏👏

  • @apolianaabreu1769
    @apolianaabreu1769 ปีที่แล้ว +50

    Apesar do meu ❤ está apertado, pensando no que vai acontecer com Yaman Kirimli.. hoje foi tão lindo esse ensaio de casamento. 🥰❤️

    • @besho6194
      @besho6194 ปีที่แล้ว +8


    • @NanYam_Kirimli
      @NanYam_Kirimli ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Repare na cena da dança no jardim, Yaman ficou em alguns momentos sem nitidez, desfocado, a Nana não ficou. Infelizmente está claro os sinais. Yaman está indo embora e eu jamais irei aceitar. Eu só queria ver ele ser feliz com a mulher que realmente o ama de verdade. Passamos por tanta coisa, estamos suportando hater das fanáticas ordinárias da Silada, e é isso que a Naz nos dá? A morte do Yaman?

    • @apolianaabreu1769
      @apolianaabreu1769 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@NanYam_Kirimli verdade 😢😢

    • @martaalmeida6721
      @martaalmeida6721 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Eu só penso que derrepente ele vai parecer morto que nem a Seher aí a temporada pra mim acabou 😢😢😢😢

    • @DaianeMarques-ks8sc
      @DaianeMarques-ks8sc ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @banuniculae5913
    @banuniculae5913 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    Cel mai frumos ,cel mai interesant ,cel mai tare episod .Yaman SI Nana in curte au fost cei mai simpatici de la inceputul seriei am trecut prin toate starile,am ras am plans mi s a umplut inima de fericire cum au dansat impreună,am văzut cum se priveau , nemaipomenite clipe ,bravo !!!NANA tu ești minunată și va femeie din ca actrița !!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤👋👋👋!

    • @farhanahaque4736
      @farhanahaque4736 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @banuniculae5913
      @banuniculae5913 ปีที่แล้ว

      Corectare. ca femeie și ca actriță!!!👍👍👍!!!

  • @ledapatriciaferreira8059
    @ledapatriciaferreira8059 ปีที่แล้ว +42

    Essa música que toca qdo eles estão juntos é linda traz uma paz

    • @evypinheiro4241
      @evypinheiro4241 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      é o tema da Naná

    • @carmenperez1909
      @carmenperez1909 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Es el tema de la temporada 1 y 2 SEHER & YAMAN

    • @evypinheiro4241
      @evypinheiro4241 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@carmenperez1909 negativo, a que eles dançam, aparece a primeira vez no capítulo 419 - Naná dança com Yusuf. A do yaman e Seher é a que toca quando eles estão saindo de dentro de casa; a que o Yusuf põe para tocar.

    • @farhanahaque4736
      @farhanahaque4736 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@evypinheiro4241you are right

  • @dianesmith4907
    @dianesmith4907 ปีที่แล้ว +28

    I cried what a beautiful reharsal.....oh please can there be a happy ending for this man. He has fought for absolutly everything in his life and hs experienced such pain and loss. Now that he has the woman he truely loves may he live to enjoy his life with his Nana and Yuzsuf

    • @dianesmith4907
      @dianesmith4907 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@LoLo-lovac its so sad it's like grieving

    • @charlottecox7041
      @charlottecox7041 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yaman TRULY loved both Nana and Seher.
      Seher opened Yaman’s heart to love.
      Yaman began carving the infinity ♾️ block when he was young and he finished it when he knew he loved Seher and she would be was the woman that would be his throughout eternity.♾️
      Many make comments about all that Seher did to Yaman, yet the only things I remember Seher did was;
      1. Her deep desire to take care of Yusuf (Nana’s too)
      2. She actually shot Yaman, because he convinced her that he killing her sister to save Ziya.
      This was caused by Yaman (Nana wanted to kill him because she believed he killed her
      Brother this was not Yaman’s fault).
      3. Seher’s strong desire to save Yaman’s life because Yusuf needed him. This was caused by
      Canan, Yaman’s mother who poisoned Yaman to get money and position in the mansion
      just to blow it on a young man that was just using her. Canan convinced Seher to make
      Yaman believe she left him for another man… this tore Seher apart and Yaman destroyed
      almost every meaningful item they had between them because of his mother.
      4. Then the memory loss and Zuhal’s screams to get Yaman for herself….
      Nana reminded Yaman that he had room in his heart to love again.

    • @rosaalvia5305
      @rosaalvia5305 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Disculpen fans, pero Seher y Yaman por siempre
      A Nana le hubiesen creado otra historia pero no para ocupar el lugar de Seher, eso ha sido lo duro y triste

  • @lulutokhvadze1133
    @lulutokhvadze1133 ปีที่แล้ว +40

    I don't understand what Nana is nervous about, she already had a rehearsal with a beautiful wedding dress, wedding rings and lots of people (before Yamani said no) 😁😁😁 she did great and she was glamorous bride ❤

    • @vismarantrouble532
      @vismarantrouble532 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Back then she was nervous as well. She was thinking how to escape from the window. Fortunately Yaman had entered the room just in time. Now the wedding is real. The wedding planner made things worse by asking her so many questions. Fortunately Yaman and Yusuf were there to help. Apparently Nana doesn't like big gatherings.

    • @lulutokhvadze1133
      @lulutokhvadze1133 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      ​@@vismarantrouble532 In a few weeks, she will become Mrs Kirimli, it's time to get used to being the center of attention :))❤

    • @evypinheiro4241
      @evypinheiro4241 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      ...quem acalma ela é o Yaman; no dia do casamento, ela ficou petrificada no quarto, pensou em fugir...ela só sentiu segura quando ele foi lá e a buscou ...acho que pelo modo simples como sempre viveu, Naná não gosta desse tipo de exposição.

    • @Cleo330
      @Cleo330 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Yh I know I think she knows this time it's for real. 😊

    • @leilaazen6000
      @leilaazen6000 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Ela tá com medo de escutar outro Não.

  • @muniregevdet5454
    @muniregevdet5454 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    Neşe nin davranışını beğendim suçsuzluğunu çalışıyor ortaya çıkarmaya. Volka na ispat etmek istiyor ki o haklıdır masumdur ve Başak ona bu tuzağı kurdu Neşe aferin sana işte böyle çaresiz olma kalma.

  • @rashisrivastava6885
    @rashisrivastava6885 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    I m not able to imagine next season without yaman 😢 he is the soul of emanet. N very weird fact is
    also that i might not like halil into any new character like a chill n cool person in other series😂, bcoz i hav fallen in love with halil as THE YAMAN. ❤ which is irreplacable

    • @alexandramarshall8960
      @alexandramarshall8960 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      We can all relate to that!

    • @nancygarcia6920
      @nancygarcia6920 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Nana should be out of the series I don’t like how she talk like little girl they should have gotten a woman with strong voice n a strong attitude warrior woman n Yaman wouldn’t left the series 😢

    • @charlottecox7041
      @charlottecox7041 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@nancygarcia6920. agree completely

    • @farhanahaque4736
      @farhanahaque4736 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Beautiful Nana❤🥰

  • @amparotorres6692
    @amparotorres6692 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Nesecitamos un final feliz para nuestro hermoso yaman kirimly y yusuf

  • @farzanatayeb9233
    @farzanatayeb9233 ปีที่แล้ว +71

    Yaman looks so handsome today ❤💕

    • @sylvianalwoga6245
      @sylvianalwoga6245 ปีที่แล้ว +12


    • @nicoletaeftene6593
      @nicoletaeftene6593 ปีที่แล้ว +12


    • @coraliaizquierdo8358
      @coraliaizquierdo8358 ปีที่แล้ว +5


    • @besho6194
      @besho6194 ปีที่แล้ว +8


    • @samuelmanuitt
      @samuelmanuitt ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Son capitulos hermosos pero este capitulo en particular lo es aun más porque si yamam muere nana y yusuf tienen esas grabaciones para recordar a yaman con mucho amor y dolor que cosa tan triste

  • @rosangelareispereira467
    @rosangelareispereira467 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    Sono sospettoso nel fare commenti perché sono così appassionato di questa serie che ho il cuore sicuro di ogni capitolo che sta accadendo, sperando sinceramente che ci sia un po' d'amore. Porquê yusuf Yusuf ha già avuto brutte esperienze, ma riguarda la psicologia del bambino 6:40 ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @mariacarmenmoraru5901
    @mariacarmenmoraru5901 ปีที่แล้ว +35

    👏👏👏💕💕💕 I liked the little "director " Yusuf......

    • @farhanahaque4736
      @farhanahaque4736 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @denizaydin169
      @denizaydin169 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @taherehamini3365
      @taherehamini3365 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      عشق است یوسف در همیشه تاریخ😊

  • @ЛюдмилаРудова-м6э
    @ЛюдмилаРудова-м6э ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Злые тетки , Нана лучшая она просто прекрасна . Сила тоже молодец хорошо играла спору нет . Но Нана это молодчина, талантливый человек талантлив во всём. Халиль доказал что он лучший, из лучших, химия у него и Наной зашкаливает.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @Drthuraya
    @Drthuraya ปีที่แล้ว +29

    حلقة أكثر من رائعة أداء رائع خليل ونانوكا مبدعين و ويوسف ❤❤❤

  • @Manel_du_Grau
    @Manel_du_Grau ปีที่แล้ว +25

    Momento de muito amor é emoção e felicidades pra O yamam e a nana e o yussuf é muito lindo E bonito é FORTE e eu fiquei feliz pelo O que o yamam FALOU pra Naná VC quer ser minha mulher é o yussuf é muito lindo E bonito é fofo demais da conta e eles dois juntos foram UM Belo casal juntos e uma bela família juntos ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😂😂

  • @gilvaniareinaldo7304
    @gilvaniareinaldo7304 ปีที่แล้ว +52

    Se a 3temporada tivesse terminado hoje eu estaria feliz com o nosso casal ❤❤❤ momentos maravilhoso ❤❤❤❤

  • @rosamariamontesano3908
    @rosamariamontesano3908 ปีที่แล้ว +34

    La quarta stagione può avere un senso solo se si va avanti nel tempo, con Yaman vecchio e Yusuf adulto, se muore Yaman sarà una grande " stronzata"! Scusate

    • @leilaazen6000
      @leilaazen6000 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Concordo plenamente com sua palavras.

    • @susanaclaro2276
      @susanaclaro2276 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      como vão fazer isso e parecer real?????? Como se vestem em 2043 ou mais ? Carros ? Telemóveis? Moda?

    • @zmasaveu
      @zmasaveu ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Disculpa. Pero la mayoria de los artistas para poder salir el guionista o director como lo llamen, matan a los artistas, no me sorprenderia ver en el capitulo final que tanto Yaman, Nana y Yusuf mueren, por supuesto que a la 4ta temporada deben quitarle el nombre de esta novela “Legado de Amor” y ya no vale la pena ver ni una temporada mas, graciaa por leerme

    • @alexandramarshall8960
      @alexandramarshall8960 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      I honestly don’t think he will be killed off. He may be absent for a few beginning episodes, but I really believe Naz will hold the door open for his return.

    • @nonakochladze3614
      @nonakochladze3614 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @myneiagomes2927
    @myneiagomes2927 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    O casal mais perfeito que já vim,nossa super combinam em todos os sentidos, A outra atriz Senher e linda,mais só chorava ,Nana e autêntica, linda, guerreira ,Valente sabe o que quer, bem decidida sem contar que o coração e Lindo lindo ,estão de parabéns, atores gigantes ,amo vcs ❤❤❤❤❤❤

    • @farhanahaque4736
      @farhanahaque4736 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @edianaviana6634
      @edianaviana6634 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Ainda tenho uma esperança de Yaman e naná casarem e terem um filho e aí nasce um novo legado para naná proteger dos inimigos de Yaman.

    • @LilianMJesus
      @LilianMJesus 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Concordo com vc Sila é uma atriz fenomenal, mas a Nana tem muitas a ver com Yaman, é uma pena ela não estar desde a primeira temporada talvez a série teria tudo outro desfecho, e não esse tão trágico com tantas perdas na vida de Yusulf😢

  • @Manel_du_Grau
    @Manel_du_Grau ปีที่แล้ว +49

    O,amor,deles dois são muito lindos ❤❤

  • @dianesmith4907
    @dianesmith4907 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    Such a strong man balancing his worries and keeping his family safe and happy

  • @Manel_du_Grau
    @Manel_du_Grau ปีที่แล้ว +46

    O yaman canta pra naná foi muito lindo ❤❤❤

  • @teresadias-eq7fz
    @teresadias-eq7fz ปีที่แล้ว +34

    Sem entender nada adorei a cena do ensaio do casamento ❤❤❤❤

  • @Assepoesterr
    @Assepoesterr ปีที่แล้ว +30

    Yaman malesef diziden cikiyor, baska bir dizide oyniyacak. 🥲

    • @CarmenBalauca-ub8hc
      @CarmenBalauca-ub8hc ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Oare dece părăsește seria emanet 🤔

    • @besho6194
      @besho6194 ปีที่แล้ว +3


    • @CarmenBalauca-ub8hc
      @CarmenBalauca-ub8hc ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Osă fie tristețe mare că Yaman părăsește seria emanet Legacy 😢😭😱😥😢😭😰😨

    • @Assepoesterr
      @Assepoesterr ปีที่แล้ว +4

      ( Kirli sepeti) heet zijn nieuwe serie, je ziet hem in het serie.

    • @luanda2207
      @luanda2207 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ​@@CarmenBalauca-ub8hcnjegov ugovor od 3god je istekao i u međuvremenu je potpisao za novu seriju. Ne mogu da prežalim 🥺🥺🥺

  • @maryowens1963
    @maryowens1963 ปีที่แล้ว +30

    Yufur trying to take pictures and nana didn't want to come yaman went back and pull her out for the pictures we just laughed again😂

  • @selmah1704
    @selmah1704 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Halil Ibrahim Ceyhan is such a graceful dancer! ❤. Whether he is doing ballroom dancing or the zeybek, he moves with pure rhythm and so elegantly! ❤ As Yaman Kirimli, he knows exactly what to say to Nana and when to say it….I will dance with you for the rest of my life…….You are a woman who stands on her own feet! ❤. Yaman Kirimli’s expressions of love to Nana would melt the heart of any woman! ❤.
    Kudos to the script writer who is writing the lines for Yaman Kirimli but more importantly salute to Halil Ibrahim Ceyhan who delivers those lines and makes Yaman Kirimli come to life as a warrior and as a romantic!
    Little Yusuf looked sooo cute making a video of the wedding rehearsal of his Amca and Nana! 😍❤️🥰
    Nese is a good inspiration for young women! She is an intelligent young woman who uses her brains and is also an honest person unlike her sister Ayse.
    Ayse is still very busy spinning her web of lies………will you step into my parlour, said the spider to the fly……….poor Ferit is still hanging around……..Ayse will probably marry her confidant Koray who has now turned into her blackmailer.
    A relief that Yaman has decided to put the partnership with the snake on hold…….just hope that Yaman can end this dangerous alliance before the snake can spread anymore of his venom.
    Looking forward to the producers getting rid of the venomous psychopath and giving us a happy ending to Season 3 with the wedding of Yaman and Nana!

    • @alexandramarshall8960
      @alexandramarshall8960 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      👍Thank you for such a great summary!
      You are so correct about Ayse. Because she seems to have an inner need to create negative drama around herself, she will now have something new to add to her complaints of personal torment - She will become the blackmailed bride of Koray!

    • @selmah1704
      @selmah1704 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@alexandramarshall8960 thank you so much! 🌹

    • @farhanahaque4736
      @farhanahaque4736 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @helenmezes1945
    @helenmezes1945 ปีที่แล้ว +50

    He will always look handsome no matter when

  • @farhanahaque4736
    @farhanahaque4736 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    The legend of Yaman kirimle and his true lover Nana Maryam 💘Emanet season3 ❤❤❤

  • @mami2715
    @mami2715 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Yaman esta bien guapo en este capitulo . Esta como me lo recetó mi doctor. 😍😍😍😍

  • @maryowens1963
    @maryowens1963 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    Those two are meant for each other they are soooo funny makes us laugh we love them both

  • @vaniagolfeto1593
    @vaniagolfeto1593 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    Não quero acreditar q ue yamam morre ,isso não pode acontecer não tem sentifo drpois de tanto cuidado e selo pela familia eles merecem um final feliz.

    • @creusafeliciano2954
      @creusafeliciano2954 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Ele não morre. Ele vai viajar a negócio da empresa .e sosinho e assim não volta mais

    • @janainasilva7311
      @janainasilva7311 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ​@@creusafeliciano2954será tomará ❤

    • @edianaviana6634
      @edianaviana6634 ปีที่แล้ว

      Assim espero, pois seria melhor que vê-lo morrer. 😅😅

    • @marthaluciamarquezcadavid1718
      @marthaluciamarquezcadavid1718 ปีที่แล้ว

      Si eso sucede, hasta ahí llego yo... no veo mas

  • @sandrabodani5336
    @sandrabodani5336 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    Que capítulo lindo, emocionante ! Yanan é muito sedutor, galante ! Ele não fala, ele sussurra , ... e ainda dança elegantemente ! Nana, é de uma delicadeza ! Yusuf está feliz ! Srs Naz, está com a caneta, por favor, faça seu fandom feliz !

  • @luzoxalaluzoxala8543
    @luzoxalaluzoxala8543 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    Que maravilha estes três juntos Halil Nanuka e Berat únicos incríveis fantásticos os melhores mas melhor série 🇬🇪🇹🇷🇧🇷🙏🏻❤️

  • @shawbomuhammad7947
    @shawbomuhammad7947 ปีที่แล้ว +38

    Their story is a description of love ❤

  • @coraliaizquierdo8358
    @coraliaizquierdo8358 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    Yaman, yusuf y nana hermosos ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @assuntalaserra5435
    @assuntalaserra5435 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    Hoje o capitulo e uma emoção parabéns halilll nanuka maravilhosooo ❤❤❤

  • @KarlaWR24
    @KarlaWR24 ปีที่แล้ว +34

    ✨Chicas por favor, esto fue hermoso y entenderlo con los subtítulos mucho mejor 🙏🏻😍😍 no les miento que lloraba, mientras la sonrisa no se borraba de mi rostro, con el corazón a mil, que momento maravilloso, la ilusión de Yusuf grabando todo, la inocencia y emoción de Nana, como Yaman la conoce perfectamente 😂 (él probando el micrófono 🤣) las preciosas palabras que le dijo 🥺 que se dijeron 😍 como se miraban, sonreían, bailaban, se acariciaban, el beso, el abrazo, lo que significa pasa ambos, todo fue tan perfecto, como un sueño increíble ❤️❤️
    "Bailaré contigo por el resto de mi vida"
    "La dueña de ojos que nunca me cansaré de mirar, y de manos que nunca soltaré "
    "Él es mi vida, es mi aliento, él es todo para mí "
    Quiero llorar 😭😭😭😭
    ✨Yaman pudo comprobar que Zehir no es Tuncay, pero el tipo supo salir bien librado nuevamente 🤬🤬
    ✨Por cierto, quisiera agradecer a la producción de la serie, por mantenernos con un poco de ilusión y esperanza en cada capítulo, hoy tan hermoso 😍 pero acabando con ellas al mismo tiempo en sus redes sociales con lo que subieron, ahí se nota lo amorosos y empáticos que son con nosotr@s 😒🙄🤦🏻‍♀️🤬😭💔 (ES SARCASMO POR AQUELLO 💆🏻‍♀️)

    • @besho6194
      @besho6194 ปีที่แล้ว +7


    • @alexandramarshall8960
      @alexandramarshall8960 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Great comment, and as for your last observation - we must remember how Naz loves to offer contradictory messages just to keep us talking (and thus prompt additional free publicity).

    • @KarlaWR24
      @KarlaWR24 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @teresa-357
      @teresa-357 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Tu comentario ya nos hace reír a nosotras, transmites todo lo que sentiste 😅😅😅😅😅.
      De la productora, nada que añadir.

    • @KarlaWR24
      @KarlaWR24 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ​@@teresa-357😂😂 no nos queda de otra 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🥺

  • @ytbpikaboy7089
    @ytbpikaboy7089 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    ❤Seh❤Yam❤Yus only one original weding and love story of SehYam magic couple and one perfect family forever end ever1️⃣🤴🏻👸🏻🤴🏻🕊🕊🕊❤❤❤😘🥰😍✨👍👏♾♾♾♾♾

  • @joycefernandes9502
    @joycefernandes9502 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Another few very Beautiful scenes with Yaman & Nana! Little Yusuf was also so cute taking the videos of their dance rehearsal for their wedding ! Yaman set Nana at ease with his gentle ❤️ words & Nana answered with a loving tribute to husband to be ! Yaman was so touched that he took her in his arms & they gave each other a very loving ❤️ 😍 hug ! 🫂 💘🎯❤️🤩 I don't know what will happen to our Nana & Yusuf when Yaman leaves ! Who is going to protect them !! 🫣🤔All the loyal caring men in their life has been killed ! Maybe the real Tuncay will come to his senses & protect them ! I think he is playing along This guy 's game until he can free himself ! Emanet can't leave them without protection ! 😢🥰 Aysha will really have to confine in Ferit & come out with the truth ! 🙄

    • @ImaneFaouzi-qw2zj
      @ImaneFaouzi-qw2zj ปีที่แล้ว +1

      لا أظن ان هناك موسم رابع لن يكون جميلا .يكفي ان تجعل الكاتبة نهاية سعيدة لهما بعد كل هذه المعاناة والمؤامرات

    • @tajilamei9273
      @tajilamei9273 ปีที่แล้ว

      Emanating was about Yusuf if yaman leve how look after him he last every one exsep ANC’s naz take him. Very sed story and fulih. We don liket

  • @florikatasi6026
    @florikatasi6026 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Halil you unbelievable excellent actor very handsome you are number 1❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🇺🇸 and Ferit is a very good actor and very handsome to ❤️🙏🇺🇸

  • @valeriapereiradesouza6462
    @valeriapereiradesouza6462 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    Dançar com Yaman é uma emoção muito grande. ❤❤❤

  • @muniregevdet5454
    @muniregevdet5454 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    NanaYaman Yusuf bahçede ki dans sahnesi: bu sahneyi defalarca izledim MÜKEMMEL Dİ oyunculuk canlı inandırıcı FEVKALADE.

  • @vismarantrouble532
    @vismarantrouble532 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    Today's episode was great. Yaman looked so calm and happy. He was amused by Nana's behaviour.

  • @patrycjak.-k.6380
    @patrycjak.-k.6380 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Part 1❤️:
    Nana didn't see the point in the wedding rehearsal🤭 She can speak😌 and dance💃 so there was no problem😇 But they all wanted them to do the rehearsal🤭 yet Nana is not the type of person who dances to someone else's music😉 She can dance only to the music of her heart❤️ So she came up with a better idea for this afternoon😍 She couldn't just run away but she could be clumsy😉 to get away with all of that🤭 Yaman😘, you know what they say🤭 if the goat hadn't been jumping, she wouldn't break her leg😂😂😂 But Nana didn't want to go to the hospital😉 and Yaman understood the reason🤭 but he didn't say that at loud🤭 He knew that with his hands that can heal😉 she will be cured by the next rehearsal😍 He knew that if he says😍: "Then I will carry you wherever you want🤭", she will be healed even in one second😂😂😂
    Nana was worried about the wedding and so on🤔 not because she couldn't dance🤭, she can dance💃 but because she was afraid that with Yaman by her side😍 and all the people around her😎, she would forget the right steps😂😂😂 She needed some time only with Yaman and Yusuf🥰 so she sent Akca Hala, Adalet and Aynur to the shop for some lace things for home🤭 She just needed a break even if later the whole house would be covered by lace in different colors😂😂😂 Akca Hala said that she shouldn't be worried about the dowry😌 while she was actually worried if they leave the house after or before her leg will fall off due to frostbite😂🥶😂😂🥶 Thankfully Nana was warmneted by the fire of love😍🔥😍🔥😍 and she kept both of her feet😌
    Yaman thought that he would see Nana lying on the couch🤭 because he wanted...🤭 her to rest😉 but he found her in the kitchen😱 He wasn't terrified hearing about the picnic🥰 and that Nana had a whole basket of food😱 because he was devastated that romance on the couch was canceled🤭 But when Nana told him that the rest went shopping because they "insisted😏" he thought that maybe the romance wasn't fully canceled🤭 He decided to not eat the food🤤 but to be stuffed by love❤️ yet Nana ran away🙈 He was clueless🤷‍♀️ but he didn't chase her because he had been already tired chasing the snake🤦‍♀️ Besides, he knew that his stubborn goat would come back🤭 Nana came back in no time😍 with some clothes and a radio🥰 Yaman didn't feel like dressing even thicker🤭 because he was liquid fire🔥😍🔥😍🔥 and almost burned a hole in the pillow and the ground in the place where he was sitting🔥🤭🔥🤭🔥 but Nana explained her plan to him😍 and admitted that her leg was fine all along😇 He knew what to answer😍 but he asked Yusuf for his opinion🥰 He felt that they set a trap for him🤭 But he was okay with that😍 as long as it was the snare of love❤️🤭❤️🤭❤️
    Yaman knew that every day he looks gorgeous😍 and shines much more than a million dollars in gold bars🤭😍🤭😍🤭 so he wasn't worried at all🤭 But Nana couldn't move because the invisible eyes of imaginated guests were looking at her😂😂😂 Although I think it was because of her shoes😉 I wouldn't even be able to stand in those high high heels😂😂😂 Yaman pulled her outside🤭 and asked what she saw in his eyes😍 She said Yaban😎 but he translated that as "the man who will love her forever❤️ and who can do dozens of rehearsals of their wedding😍 wearing the white veil on his head😂😂😂" That is the man in love😍👏😍👏😍 Ah, the thing we do for love🤭🤫🤭🤫🤭 He asked her if they were going to be late at their own wedding🤭 and Nana nodded that no😍 I am always late for everything😎, I am always the last😎 and when I am asked if it is going to be forever😏, I always say that I will be late even for my own funeral😎 I am not sure if it will be like that in my case🤔 but unfortunately in Yaman's case it is going to be exactly like that😭💔😭💔😭
    I can't tell left from right in a normal state🤭 but by Yaman's side I would forget that I have legs😂🤣😂🤣😂 And memory🤭, with Yaman by my side I would remember only his gorgeous eyes😍 not someone else's words😏 Yaman knew how his charm works on Nana😍 so he remembered all the details😎👏😎👏😎 Yusuf turned on the beautiful😍 yet created a funeral mood music😏 and they started to walk❤️ Nana was waving at us🤭 and Yaman was searching for us with his gorgeous eyes😍 thinking if his fiancée is in her right mind😂😂😂 But it is hard to not lose your mind by Yaman's side😍🤤😍🤤😍 Nana was afraid that she would step on Yaman's foot during their dance🤭 because she would lost herself in his eyes😍 but he wasn't worried at all😎 because he didn't think that she could step on him with the heel from her shoes😏🤭😏🤭😏 She decided to eat something🤤 and then practice again😍 Yaman didn't mind because Nana is as light as a feather🤭 so he wasn't worried that his feet would be crushed during their dance😂😂😂

    • @patrycjak.-k.6380
      @patrycjak.-k.6380 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      This is my summary of 610th episode🥰:
      Part 2🤭:
      When Nana ate all the cake by herself😉 leaving only a small piece to Yusuf🤭, Yaman started to realize that she was going to sit there eating cake by cake🤤 until she gain so much weight that she won't fit herself in her wedding dress🤭 and then she will postpone their wedding😱😱😱 He knew that more kilos here and there wouldn't be bad for her🤭 but postponing their wedding was out of the option😎 so he asked her to dance😍 He thought that she was trembling out of excitement🤭 so he hugged her🤗 and they started to dance😍 but Nana was counting the steps🤭 and Yaman saw her shoes😱😱😱 He silenced her with his finger🤭 because he was the one who should scream😱😱😱 He was terrified😱😱😱 First of all he had no idea how woman can walk wearing something like these😱 without breaking her legs in several places in the end😱😂😱😂😱 Then he saw these heels stepping on his foot😏 and decided that maybe it would be better if they get rid of them immediately😂😂😂 so he asked Nana for her foot🤭 She was very surprised😳 because usually men asked women for a hand😍 and he had already asked her for her hand❤️ so what he was going to do with her feet😱🤭😱🤭😱
      Yaman took off her shoes🤭 and mesmerised her describing their dance😍 so Nana wouldn't think that now she was in danger😱 because if over eighty kilograms of live weight stepped on her foot😱, well...🤭😱🤭😱🤭 Luckily Yaman is a very good dancer😍 and a speaker with a golden tongue🤭 because he was mesmerizing her with his beautiful words🤤 while they were dancing😎😍😎😍😎 She was losing herself into his eyes😍 but luckily no one stepped on nobody😉 She was melting herself under his soft touch🤤 and his gaze full of love😍 Everything was perfect❤️👏❤️👏❤️ Nana and Yaman were flying in the clouds like lovebirds😍❤️😍❤️😍Even the camera trembled🤭 seeing their dance of love😍👏😍👏😍
      Soon later Yusuf asked Nana to dance🥰 and Yaman got a little jealous🤭 He was holding her hand her for a little longer😍 saying that he would dance with her for the rest of his life❤️ but then Yusuf came🥰 Poor Yaman from a groom😍 became the camera man😎 Yusuf and Nana had a great dance🥰 and Yaman was a lovely camera man😍 But what happened with saying that a camera man never dies, no matter what?😱🤭😱🤭😱 Well😏, looking at Yaman😍, you can forget even your own name🙈 so everybody forgot about that popular saying🤷‍♀️ Poor Yaman didn't know what to answer when Yusuf asked him if he was jealous🤭 He couldn't say no🤭 and he couldn't say yes😱, so with a cute face he said nothing😍👏😍👏😍
      Then it was the time for a speech to the guests😎 Yaman was a little nervous🤭 because he knew he could mesmerised Nana😍 but he wasn't sure if it would be the same with the invisible guests🤭🙈🤭🙈🤭 But he said his part in very lovely way😍, all garden gnomes were impressed🤭😂🤭😂🤭 Although the beginning was a little fallacious😏 because he said that he never thought that we live to see these days😍🥺😍🥺😍 Ah, Yaman if you could only speak for yourself🥺😔🥺😔🥺 but no matter what was about to happen later😭, they say that if you can't live to something😏, you can lie resting somewhere waiting to see that😉 But we all lived to see Yaman kissing Nana on the cheek😍😘😍😘😍
      Nana also gave a very nice speech🤭, starting with: "Yaban"😂😂😂 Poor Yaman had a heart attack😱, he saw how invisible guests🙈 and garden gnomes😎 were laughing at him rolling on the grass😂🤣😂🤣😂 But when she said that he is her life😌, her breath😍 and her everything❤️ he couldn't resist🤭 and hugged her🤗❤️🤗❤️🤗 Then he noticed a garden hose out of the corner of his gorgeous eye😉 and remembered the snake😏 He looked very deeply into Nana's eyes😍 and said that he won't let her get hurt🥺 Nana believed😌 and they were hugging again🤗😍🤗😍🤗 but we all know that this promise is always a harbinger of trouble😏 We knew that even before the phone rang🤦‍♀️ The exquisite wedding rehearsal was over❤️👏❤️👏❤️ and Yaman changed the suit jacket on autumn coat🤭 Good that he wore something to cover this blue shirt🙈 because wearing it he looks like sweet blueberry cake from heaven🤤😍🤤😍🤤
      Meanwhile Zehir left his office😎 and jumping for joy🤦‍♀️, saying that he is more intelligent than Yaman😏, was on his way to his hole🤦‍♀️ Suddenly Yaman arrived😎, parked the car🤭 and Zehir was terrified😱 because he couldn't understand who had given Yaman his driving license😂🤣😂🤣😂 All the cars were situated straight like from a ruler😉 only Yaman's car stood crookedly😂🤣😂🤣😂 When Yaman stood in front of him😍, he didn't know where to look🙈 If he had looked at the car, he would have definitely said something🤭 and looking at Yaman was dangerous🤭 because he saw his shirt😍 and thought that Yaman is a Smurf😂😂😂 He turned back🙈 inviting Yaman to his office😏 But then Yaman spoke😎 and Zehir was shocked😱 he thought that if Yaman had found out that he is Zehir😏, he would send him to heaven here and now💔 and suddenly he understood that Yaman is not a Smurf🤭, he is like an angel wearing that blue shirt😍😇😍😇😍
      Yaman told him that he knew that he was excited about the partnership😏 but it had to wait😎 When Zehir asked why Yaman had just broken up with him🤭 he said that it is because he was is so in love😍 that anything else didn't matter🤭👏🤭👏🤭 He made him a short test too😎 He said one part of one of Arif Baba's many wisdoms😌 and waited for him to finish his sentence😏 But the guy couldn't do that🤷‍♀️ so Yaman finished the sentence in the wrong way😉 Like a teacher who wants to check a student😎 I do that too sometimes🤭 He also said that Arif Baba loved pomegranate🤤 while more likely he was allergic to it😏 Zehir agreed with everything what Yaman had just come up with😎 and wanted to walked away happy that Yaman got fooled🤭 But then the guy felt that something was wrong😏 and confessed Yaman that he has problems with his memory🙈 that is why has a diary😏 plus that he can wait as long as Yaman wants😘 because Yaman is his lovely worth waiting friend😍 Yaman wasn't sure about who Acar is😏 for now he only could say that his handwriting was so ugly that the guy who was compering the handwriting needed really long breaks🤦‍♀️ because he results would be the next day😂😂😂 He had to wait a while to see his true face😏, but I guess he wanted to say🤭: "I'm a dentist😎, so open your mouth and we will see how many teeth you have🤭" but he is smart😎 and knows that you shouldn't ask a snake to open its mouth😏, because it will eat you whole😂😱😂😱😂

  • @wadadshiha9243
    @wadadshiha9243 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    When Yaman leaves, l will leave too, there will be nothing for us to enjoy the most handsome
    charismatic genius gentleman like Yaman , he is the legend of Turkish drama .
    your fans from 🇺🇸 🌎 🇺🇲 🇺🇸 🌎
    with love and more successes❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

    • @babe1477
      @babe1477 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I left long ago, with the new girl. She was and still is a horrible actress.

    • @nancygarcia6920
      @nancygarcia6920 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes I will stop watching Emante after Yaman leaves this series 😢

  • @ibifeleton2602
    @ibifeleton2602 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    sve je lako jednostavno i divno kad je ljubav iskrena.... Jaman je to toliko dobro dočarao..koji glumac koje menjanje pogleda u trenutku ...glumi očima bravo🍒

  • @besho6194
    @besho6194 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    بقى المسلسل 9حلقات انتمى من القناة أن تضع لنا الترجمه فكلنا أمل في ذاك وتقبلوا منا كل احترام ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @elisaicha5551
    @elisaicha5551 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    perfect couple,, beautiful and yaman everyday mire more handsome

  • @Cleo330
    @Cleo330 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    Yusuf filming Yaman n Nana ❤❤

  • @ElizabethBlanco04
    @ElizabethBlanco04 ปีที่แล้ว +34

    Hoy tuvimos un capítulo maravillosamente hermoso, las palabras perfectas de Yaman en el baile para mi fue lo más hermoso de este capítulo ❤❤❤

  • @janainasilva7311
    @janainasilva7311 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Gente hoje eu vi as postagens da 4 temporada esse veneno vai está pelo o jeito yaman vai morrer aff espero que eu esteja errada queria que essa 3 temporada yaman nana e yusuf acabasse felizes nana e yaman com seus filhos 😢 Ferit pelo o jeito só fica sabendo lá para 10 temporada que dodo é filha dele aff 😅que venha um final feliz para yaman ele merece halill Ibrahim é ator extraordinário essa série sem ele não tem mais sentido fica triste igual ficou sem seher perde o brilho o encanto da série ,espero um final lindo para os três ❤❤❤

  • @MariaConceicao-bo2ng
    @MariaConceicao-bo2ng ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Muito muito ótimo lindos Yaman Nana e Yusuf juntos ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Ayser tem que contar tudo a Ferat antes de o demônio Koray faça mal Doga 😠 ARRASOU Neser linda Jogue duro na ex-sem noção 😠 Volkan emplorar o perdão de Neser

  • @thiagosouza7223
    @thiagosouza7223 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    Lindos Yaman e Nana e yusuf juntos não sei o que Ayser esta esperando para contar tudo a Ferat sobre Koray ARRASOU super Neser esperta jogue duro na ex-moluca

  • @tomrisbildirici359
    @tomrisbildirici359 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Cok guzeller Yamani Sakin oldurmeyin Mutlu guzel devam etsin Yaman geri gelsin Nanayla devam etsin ❤❤❤

  • @agnesezona6508
    @agnesezona6508 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    All this makes me feel sad because Yaman will dies before he marries Nana or else wny show all this pre marriage events. Hope that they really get married but that snake is getting too near them😢😢😢

    • @shahrzadfouladvand5922
      @shahrzadfouladvand5922 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I was thinking of that too there is not being a wedding anymore they all will be memory , I hope not, I wish this writer knows nobody want Yaman dies and leave the show we all wants he leaves this series with happiness and no more season to come 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @mariajosemonteiro4569
    @mariajosemonteiro4569 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Foi London amor di yaman nana eles esta cabado foi maravilhoso gala muito bom actor ferit tenho que fica junto ate final

  • @amoredelavida9155
    @amoredelavida9155 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Kkkk YAMAN KIRIMLI estava terrível no capítulo de hoje 610
    Dançando com NANA até os câmeras se apaixonou por KIRIMLI 😂

  • @nadiatobal8595
    @nadiatobal8595 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    الحلقات الذي ظهر فيها زهير لا علاقة لها بالقصة. والله لم افهم لما اضيفت. كان بالامكان ان تكون النهاية زواج نانا و يمان بعد موت نديم و ادريس

    • @alexandramarshall8960
      @alexandramarshall8960 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I agree with you 100% But…From a writer’s perspective, they have to introduce new characters that will add continuity to the next season. It’s been officially confirmed this fiend will be in S4.

  • @ummohsin790
    @ummohsin790 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    As usual
    Yaman 🔥
    Always looks graceful, unique, decent all in all

  • @MarleneSantos-s4u
    @MarleneSantos-s4u ปีที่แล้ว +41

    Que belissima cena

  • @leeroy9627
    @leeroy9627 ปีที่แล้ว +28

    Even it was just rehearsal
    but it was beautiful
    and especially the words
    Yaman is just extraordinary lover , the way he made her comfortable in every step and said those words 🫠 and i also really liked how nana become nervous 8n one minute but dont shy away to express her love in next minute too ❤

  • @ericaschulte4671
    @ericaschulte4671 ปีที่แล้ว +34

    Penso eu que nesse final de capítulo o Yaman plantou verde pra colher maduro.

    • @evypinheiro4241
      @evypinheiro4241 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      o que eu gosto do Yaman é essa inteligência e esse jeito dar corda para o inimigo se enforcar....no outro capítulo, quando ele jogou as chaves e o Zehir pegou de forma ágil, acredito que ele não estava testando o reflexo mas antes, estava tentando descobrir se ele é destro ou canhoto.

    • @stelacouto3367
      @stelacouto3367 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      ​@@evypinheiro4241nossa verdade não tinha percebido isso mas agora que falou é isso mesmo 👏

  • @NeekieC
    @NeekieC ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Lovely episode until the end 😔with that reptile 🐍, I hope Yaman doesn’t fall into a trap, loved the rehearsal ❤❤❤.

  • @fatimamarques9222
    @fatimamarques9222 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    Capítulo para namorar com o Yamam e Nana ❤❤lindo Yosuf lindo foi muito lindo ver o amor e cumplicidade dos três ❤❤❤os comissários é sempre o mesmo 😢😢e tem os dois lunáticos e a lunática para estragar a felicidade dos outros são as ovelhas ranhosas do rebanho 😢😢😂😂😂 boa noite mundo abraço 🙏🙏💜💜🌷🌷🌷🌷🇵🇹

  • @CarmenBalauca-ub8hc
    @CarmenBalauca-ub8hc ปีที่แล้ว +29

    Dragostea lui Yaman ve Nana este foarte important și frumos că Yusuf are părinți NanYam nuta lor Dacă astfel de iubire adevărată între Nana Yaman nar exista în realitate lumea ar fi o dragoste mare și frumoasă NanYam îmi place aspectul lor dragoste cea profundă ❤NANA ȘI YAMAN SUNT LOGODIȚI ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🥰

    • @sab5455
      @sab5455 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      نانا متزوجة ولديها بنت

    • @CarmenBalauca-ub8hc
      @CarmenBalauca-ub8hc ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Da este adevărat eu am scris comentarii că Nana Yaman sunt împreună cu Yusuf 🥰

    • @alexandramarshall8960
      @alexandramarshall8960 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@sab5455 The fact that the actress is married and has a daughter has absolutely nothing to do with the beautiful comment Carmen made about Yaman, Nana, and Yusuf.

    • @doinadumitru8716
      @doinadumitru8716 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      ​@@CarmenBalauca-ub8hcați scris corect , adevărat frumoasa poveste de dragoste Yaman, Nana și scumpul lor Yusuf , care este fericit !❤❤❤

    • @CarmenBalauca-ub8hc
      @CarmenBalauca-ub8hc ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@doinadumitru8716 Mulțumesc frumos 🥰😍🤩

  • @elizabethalvarez1376
    @elizabethalvarez1376 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Si, ya es hora de que se acabe con un buen final y que no vuelvan a cometer el error de sacar a la protagonista que realmente le dio vida a la verdadera serie. Nana fue buena , excellent pero Seher hubiese sido el final percto ya que hacian una buena pareja en el contexto de lo romantico, maternal, y sobre todo tenian quimica sin usar la violencia sino en la femininidad que ella inspiraba con su ternura amor hacia Yusuf y admiracion y amor por Yaman!

  • @Stefania54
    @Stefania54 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Un episod frumos cu Yaman fericit lângă persoana iubită, emotionante momente cu repetitiile pentru nuntă, frumos dansul mirilor dar si spiciul cu declarațiile lor ❤❤❤❤ Yusuf foarte fericit pentru unchiul lui ❤❤❤❤
    Felicitări Halil pentru noul proiect ești foarte frumos in rolul lui Murat iar postarile cu ședința foto au fost magice 👍👍👍👍❤❤❤❤✌️✌️✌️

    • @nicoleaiancu759
      @nicoleaiancu759 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Felicitări, pentru comentarii, sunt foarte frumoase și adevărate ❤❤❤❤

    • @Stefania54
      @Stefania54 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@nicoleaiancu759 ❤❤❤💐💐💐💐💐💐

    • @rodicaalupului1039
      @rodicaalupului1039 ปีที่แล้ว

      Arată mult mai bine in rolul ,, Murat ", frumos , elegant si nu așa crunt !

    • @Stefania54
      @Stefania54 ปีที่แล้ว

      Halil este un actor foarte expresiv, rolul lui Yaman l-a jucat foarte bine și expresivitatea lui a fost fantastica schimband-o in fracțiune de secundă . Acum in rolul lui Murat așteptăm să vedem oricum este genial

  • @segundaherrera8052
    @segundaherrera8052 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Halil esta para enloquecer a todas lasmujeres que voz tiene mi turco bello❤❤ RD

  • @teresa-357
    @teresa-357 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    ¿ Quién recordará los momentos grabados en video? 🤔🤔🤔🤔. Capítulo maravilloso.

    • @louddt3668
      @louddt3668 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Nosotras y @auroradantino4568 que es la memoria de Emanet

  • @marioladziegielewska3800
    @marioladziegielewska3800 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Nana jest dziwna ale ze Yaman też stał się taki to dziwne😂😂😂

    • @drljacamilos773
      @drljacamilos773 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Mislim da su oboje pozitivno čudni.Jaman je čovek sa puno osećajnost i nežnosti koju je prikrivao strogošcu i grubošču. Kao i svako ljudsko biće i on je željan ljubavi i nežnosti a ponekad da se opusti i pokaže svoju detinjastu stranu.

    • @farhanahaque4736
      @farhanahaque4736 ปีที่แล้ว

      NanYam 🔥🥰❤️

  • @MariaSilva-gp4jr
    @MariaSilva-gp4jr ปีที่แล้ว +25

    Que cenas linda eles dançando!
    Tomara a que esse casamento aconteça!🇧🇷🇧🇷

  • @stelacouto3367
    @stelacouto3367 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Graças a Deus hoje tivemos um episódio cheio de momentos maravilhosos de NanYam, me emocionei muito na parte da dança, onde ele tira os sapatos dela e diz que ela é livre, o carinho deles, a emoção, as carinhas de felicidade, as carinhas de sapeca de Yaman, o companheirismo deles, tudo me deixa cada vez mais apaixonado por eles, nunca pensei que veria esses momentos perfeitos deles, há cada momento mágico deles percebo que é uma despedida e que o final está próximo, mais os momentos lindos deles vam ficar no meu coração, amei Yusuf de fotógrafo registrado cada detalhe deles, o momento família Kirimli foi fofo demais, a equipe emanet está de parabéns por essas cenas lindas e memoráveis 🎉❤🥹🥹

  • @Cleo330
    @Cleo330 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Ayse stop lying to Ferit for God's sake.. 😡

  • @MariaConceicao-bo2ng
    @MariaConceicao-bo2ng ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Yaman tem que ficar mas esperto para pegar o demônio Zeri Ferat tem que descobrir logo toda verdade antes que o demônio Koray não faça mal a Doga tadinha

  • @martaalmeida6721
    @martaalmeida6721 ปีที่แล้ว +45

    Essa cena foi muito linda

  • @tomrisbildirici359
    @tomrisbildirici359 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    Dugun programlari bolumu cok guzel Yaman geri don budiziye baska kisiye gerek yok Senden ve Yamandan baskasi bu dizide guzel yapamaz Muhtesemler❤❤