Labour stupid, Tories stupid, bunch of amateurs. What's the problem? The governments are trying to do too much, too many things at once. People need some stability in their country to make long-term decisions. Even the IFS talks about this, changing all these small taxes has unforeseen consequences.
@@laggytimtaxation is all well and good to run a country but at these levels and by these means all it does is harm ,it's just total incompetence nothing more 😊
What the country needed was a better government that the Tories wasn't providing. What we got is the labour party and an event bigger disaster than anyone wanted.
Part of the WEF plan to bring in CBDC so that they can control people at every level and stop access to monies if we exceed our carbon credits or post thought crimes on social media.
But it will also destroy the Labour Party too. The tories are gon, the duopoly will not be replaced by a monopoly, we have an alternative in Reform, nothing ventured nothing gained. He who dares (to think differently) wins
Indeed, and just a week or so ago Starmer said of his first five months in government that he wouldn't do anything differently. So there we have it. Even if many of his policies were blowing up in his face, he still wouldn't change direction.
No, they are not targeting children,they are targeting what they consider to be rich families and public schools. Labour have for many decades been ideologically opposed to public schools. The children are collateral damage.
But Starmers son needed a million pound apartment to study for his GCSE,s where his compassion for all the rest of our children....some won't be even able to get an education
Do these clowns realise that we hold them in the deepest contempt? I can't tell you how deep. The ignorance, the stupidity, the arrogance are at levels never seen before.
These clowns also know that they had less voters in 2024 than 2019. They didn't win, the Tories lost. If you add Con+RUK in the constituency level results, not only would the Tories have won if reform hadn't split the vote, they would have done so with an increase in seats. Just consider that: despite how pathetic the tories had been for nearly 2 decades, the public still wanted that more than what Labour was offering. Labour know this, realise they started with a handicap, so don't really care about public opinion. If reform manage to displace the tories then Labour are cooked.
Soon, the invaders will run their own ethnic based political parties. The useful idiots working for decades to undermine and destroy civilization were never intended to outlive their usefulness.
@valeriegrimshaw1365 If you think that you're easily fooled, there are over a 150 mps who are members of the WEF, Then look into the Fabian Society, Chattham house, Common purpose, Lucis trust and you'll soon wake up and s ell the coffee.
I went without a nice house, nice car etc so that my daughters (Now in their 20s) could get a decent education at a private school. One is now a Vet, the other a teacher. If this was now I wouldn't be able to afford it. Not all parents of privately educated children are rich, they just go without.
How was a private education beneficial in applying to study to be a vet? Your daughter must have had some competence. The problem is the number of private school kids that are over represented in professions where competence can be bypassed through "connections".
@@GlasPthalocyaninestate schools are crap. I know, I went to a crap comprehensive and my kids do now. You can't blame people for choosing to pay for a better education.
Same. My mother went without nice new things for herself and scrimped and saved to send me to a good private school. It was an excellent education and I am now enjoying a rewarding professional job where I can be of great service to other people.
My daughter has learning difficulties (dyslexia) and 2 state schools have failed her. The first school ignored her, the second stuck her in with a group of disruptive pupils as they were unable/unwilling to provide any suitable learning support. After many sleepless nights I decided to send her to an independent school for her last 2 GCSE years. She is now extremely happy, thriving, fully supported and doing well. This Labour policy is extremely cruel as it might mean that I have to put her back in the state school system which has already failed her.
@@user-dd7fw8ox3cseems like an easy fix. But if the IP and their partner both work full time. Are there enough hours and energy in the day to home school.
That is shocking. While I have no time for the whines of private schools, pupils like your daughter are special cases and should always be fully supported by the state. The other respondent's idea of home schooling must be an option, although I imagine it would be appallingly disruptive for you?
I truly feel for you. Children are being failed by this and previous Governments, however, this current Government is a shambles and not fit to govern. I hope that your daughter keeps her happiness in education one way or the other.
Could you explain why please. I don’t understand what this is all about. Have they banned private schools ? What is causing the kids to be forced out ? It’s the most outrageous thing I can think of. Who attacks their own education system this way. It just doesn’t make sense so I just don’t understand or even comprehend something here. Is this over taxes ? Regardless the Uk has fallen apart in 6 months. Shocking
What I call the lowest common denominator. Exactly as i levveling down. Thats the commi way but bear in mind, as always, thosezat the helm eill.always be OK. Having said that, Commies eventualy land up either eating one another up or collapsing everything or both at once..
It’s a bit like reducing electrical power generation by blowing up our coal fired power stations , whilst pushing people towards more electric power consumption ( electric cars ) and having to create new laws and powers to ration peoples’ power use ( Energy Act 2023 - Chapter 10) .
Exactly. The supposed "stupidity" is propaganda, functioning as a great cover story for the way this government treats us. They are getting RICHER and MORE POWERFUL, as we become poorer and more controlled. And, as you rightly point out, THEIR OWN children will not be affected by this. That's NOT 'stupidity' is it?
Also the rich will still be able to afford the fees. So all Labour are doing is punishing the ordinary people who are just trying to do the best for their kids.
It was always a brain dead thought process... "I know, let's force kids out of schooling that we, the government (taxpayers), aren't currently paying for, as the parents are paying it out of their own pocket, and bring them into the state system so we, the government (taxpayers), will have to pick up the bill". PURE GENIUS.
It's one of many Labour genius level ideas. Means testing the Winter Fuel Allowance is another one. Firstly, you've got the cost of working out who is and who isn't entitled to it any more. I suspect that this eats up a large chunk of the £200 saved. Secondly, it royally pissed off many pensioners who previously weren't claiming various benefits they are entitled to, but who would be entitled to the WFA if they were claiming such benefits. So guess what those pensioners are now doing? Yes, they're now claiming those benefits (worth much more than £200) along with the WFA. - Another Labour own goal. Then of course there's the company NI increases. Many companies were struggling even before that increase, especially in the service and hospitality sectors. So those companies have been desperately cutting costs in an attempt to stay afloat. Cutting costs = letting staff go = drop in productivity + benefits being paid to sacked workers. - Another genius Labour idea. And to add insult to injury, this is all billed as 'investing in the economy'. Also inheritance tax on farms is going to mean that parts of farms will need to be sold of by heirs to pay the tax and the result will be lots of smaller farms, which of course wrecks efficiency. The industry is already struggling, so this will mean many farms will go under. There's no accounting for how genius this Labour crowd is. On the positive side, Labour have promised to build millions more houses. That's great, but, err ... to do that you need millions of house builders (brick layers, plumbers, electricians, carpenters etc.). Since we don't have millions of such house builders sitting around waiting for the next job, who's going to do the building? I can only hope that the geniuses in charge are better at house building than they are at governing.
ago @LibertarianGalt the poet Ebenezer Elliot explained this perfectly in 1850: What is a Communist? One who hath yearnings For the equal division of unequal earnings. Idler, or bungler, or both, he is willing To fork out his penny and pocket your shilling.
I had the privilege to go to junior private school many years ago. I transferred to the local ('good') state school at the age of 10. I was TWO YEARS ahead of my peers in my schooling and abilities. At 10 years old! Goodness knows what damage will be caused to children who have to transfer at a later stage of their education - because they will most likely be even more advanced. So, there are going to be thousands of children being released into he state schools that are 2 plus years ahead of their peers. That is REALLY going to be disruptive to those children, the other kids in the classes and school! This is so, so wrong.
As a (state-educated) teacher, thank you for your continued public support in highlighting not only the endless flaws of this detrimental policy, but the callous manner in which it has been implemented.
Imagine for some of these kids how huge this is..they are not moving house but are being forced to leave all their friends and go to a new school, which will probably be a very different environment. Then that school also has to then deal with this new influx. I feel so horrified that the government of this country would do this to kids and teachers like yourself.
There are no flaws not of the making of the recalcitrant public schools which could easily absorb the VAT charged, collect input tax repayments and slightly increase classroom sizes to compensate. Simples.
This government knows its time is limited, so is trying to salt the earth as quickly as possible. Or, perhaps, it’s been manipulated to bring the UK as rapidly as possible to the same breaking point as the EU?
…and Labour told us everything would be alright as “…the adults are back in the room…” Those of us who have lived through previous Labour governments knew exactly how this would go.
Every single one since 1945, they always find out that being in opposition is easy. Make the noises they think the electorate will like, take the paycheck, take the lifestyle, take the pension. Then they find out that student ideologies don't work out so well I real life and someone else is left to sort out the mess.
@@william_marshalbollocks, they set up the Tories ten years of austerity and Blair opened the floodgates to the current problems which 25 years later we are reaping what he sowed! Get a grip.
Many of us knew that an awful lot of parents who send their kids to private schools are far from rich, and make incredible sacrifices to give them the best possible start in life. We predicted that adding 20% to their bill would push them beyond what they could afford. But Labour didn't want to hear the truth. Now, with state resources already overstretched, kids who never went to private schools are also going to suffer. An own goal by Labour!
It's also illegal because the children have a right to an education and the government's policy is blocking this right. Parents should pool the money they are saving from this policy and crowd fund taking the government to court. ...
@culmalachie they don't know any better than too vote for the clowns that they do there doing it out of hope you can't get out of the way of something you don't see coming i spend hours researching on the Internet and spending as many hours looking for validation iv been telling everyone to store none perishable foods and have water on hand because I have realised that we are going to witness a global credit freeze in the near future and understanding that everything runs on credit I know that we are going to need to afend for ourselves and our family's people don't realise how much credit is needed just to produce a loaf of bread they'll realise when they can't get any
@@culmalachie The people were voting other clowns out. To bad the next lot are clowns too. If Farage takes over he will prove to be a clown also. We are a nation of clowns and get what we deserve.
Same as the cost of paying pension credit will be many fold higher than paying the winter fuel allowance. They are relying on old folk not claiming. Completely messed up thinking and just poor arithmetic.
And how many pensioners in hospital beds with hypothermia? What will that cost? How much of a shortfall in their "black hole" when companies lay people off because they can't afford employment cost increases? These people are either idiotic or nasty.'s the latter.
Yes at the moment Private Schools can only claim back a small amount of input tax ( tax on purchases and services) as they must follow partial exemption rules on the attribution of input tax because they make exempt supplies . They will now be able to reclaim the majority if not all input tax .Also they may be able to reclaim some input tax on past purchases under capital goods scheme for example if they paid £750,000 vat on a new swimming pool block one year ago they may well be able to reclaim some of this now .
@@catman2629 What percentage of their outgoings are actually Vatable that they will be able to save VAT on? 5%., 10%??? Spoken like an accountant and not as a business person I'm afraid.
When I sold my house 30 years ago, I put all the money into private school for my daughter. As an autistic she struggled in primary school, going to private school has got her into university and she is now a psychologist working with children. Ordinary school would not have had the resources to help her.
We put our autistic daughter into home school on line it cost thousands , we got no help from the government agencies at all , she did pass her a levels, but it was a struggle, we couldn't have done it with vat whacked on top
This is by far the strongest and BEST reason for private schooling - Most of the people who say "it's only for the rich toffs" absolutely DO NOT COMPREHEND that many of the people who go private is because the state systems cannot give these children the support they need, and I don't mean just the special needs, but also the other end of the spectrum, those of us (like myself) that would have struggled in a state school because they teach at a pace that suits the SLOWEST CHILD, while I was obviously smarter. So I went (at great expense and debt) to a private school that sorted the children according to ABILITY, thus I was in a class of children all of whom were of above average IQ, because that's how we were sorted - we each took the official test, and the results determined which of the 5 groups we were placed. - Lol haha a bit like the sorting hat! a funny thought that's only just occured to me :). Personally, sorting children by ability allows the smart to get the educational curriculum and speed they need and those with learning difficulties, the attention that better serves them. this "one size fits all" system DOES NOT WORK. And for any twats reading who think "your family must be rich" - no my father ended up getting divorced as he was over £100,000 in debt by the end, and my STEPMOTHER (who was never particularly nice to me) didn't like that.
Same with my son. He wasn't autistic but dyslexic and dyspraxic. State schools just ignored my concerns about his struggles, which were affecting his physical health, and when I mentioned removing him and sending him to an independent school, the head just shrugged and told me to go ahead. It wasn't about resources per se - it was an attitude of sheer indifference. Like your daughter, and thanks to his independent school, my son was also a success and is now the clinical lead of a mental health team in an NHS hospital.
The decision was ideological. Not data driven, correctly costed and impact assessed. "Rich people bad" makes stuff like this an easy sell to their supporter base in the electorate.
I think it mainly appealed to their members and activists, who I'd guess are urban liberals in public sector jobs. Nothing they do seems properly thought through, with the knock on effects considered.
And the supreme irony is that the people in the upper echelons of the Labour Party are all "rich people." Quite why so many lemmings fail to see this almost beggars belief.
I think it was an attempt to kill two birds - make it look like you're going after the wealthy while protecting the really wealthy from the middle class! They don't want "ordinary" people getting too big for their boots. It hasn't worked, Starmer may be educated, but he's not intelligent.
Callahan was a decent man who never wanted to hurt people, even admitting he felt regret over the suffering people felt during the 70s. Starmer has targeted all groups who never vote Labour in the first place, and to deny he has not targeted people in this way is laughable. You don’t target groups who don’t vote for you that’s evil to say the least
Many of them did, at the same time as decrying it in public. When it came to criticism of their personal family arrangements, that was off limits for reasons of privacy. Hypocritical doesn’t even begin to cover it.
Some of these people send their kids to private because the state schools in the area are a disaster. London being an example. Old friends of mine went to Balham Boys and the Dick Shepherd in Brixton. Nightmare for kids who wanted to learn/not join a gang etc etc.
A relative of mine has just left teaching because it is impossible to teach kids physics if they don’t have a proper grasp of English. When English is not spoken in the home or immediate community then it is an uphill battle. Consequently the schools will be increasingly judged to be failing by Ofsted.
@ But I know people who went to state schools where doing your homework or being respectful to the teachers got them a kicking. Bullying may be everywhere but at different levels and in different forms.
I have a learning disability, my parents were told that the public school don’t have the time or resources to teach me, so my parents made the decision to send me to private school, they were working class, both my parents worked two jobs, no holidays, I used to wonder why they were always working, tired and why we never had holidays like other families. I know now. And it made me the man I am today. Playing politics with children is wrong, the lowest of the low, not even the conservatives would steep that low.
Your parents did the right thing, sacrifice their lives to give you a chance. I know many parents from middle class or Asian backgrounds... They SHOULD be supported because their sacrifice is a bonus for society! Instead of becoming a burden 🤷
My nephew had the same problem, my mother home schooled him for 2 years and in that 2 years he got what must've been 8 years worth of school in a better environment.
Sadly innocent people like you get caught up in the politics of envy. When Labour tries to drag everybody into the gutter to suffer together, they really don't care who they hurt.
Trouble with this 'costing' is, I suspect, it was reliant on the billionaires & millionaires staying in the country so they could be taxed to pay for all this... They forgot that these people can move abroad in the drop of a hat to their 2nd homes & I can't say I blame them. W⚓s
All manifestos are always fully costed by requirement by HMRC. Costed doesn't mean affordable. & costed doesn't mean it will destroy the ecconomy by knock on effects. 'Fully costed' is always true, and they don't bother doing it themselves. Another bit of word play.
The costing for this particular policy was done by one bloke at the IFS who was the best man at the wedding of a Labour MP and who openly admits the figures for his paper are ropey. So, as Rachel from accounts would say, completely sound.
Only 33% of people voted for them, that gives me a little hope. Our electoral system is seriously messed up though that anyone could win a dominating majority with only 33% of the vote...
@@bobeyes3284We are not going to vote our way out of this. If, by some miracle, the FPA remains in force by 2029, bad Govt will be the least of our concerns.
They cannot reverse this policy , if they even debate it , they will have to debate every single policy . it would open up a breach , think of Liz Truss , admitting Kwazi did a bad budget sank her .
@@teddybaker7231 To be replaced by a duly elected Party for the reasons of not fulfilling their campaign promises and implementing foolhardy and dangerous policies like this.
@ thanks Daniel, I’m not a fan of starmer, but I’m not a fan of the tories or reform either, and I wonder after the lies concerning Brexit, the Southport riots, and the poor handling of Covid and the ppe scandal etc how anyone could want either of these 2 groups in number ten. Who would you like to see in power ?
@@danielclark-hughes692 thanks, but I don’t think there’s a person or party that’s fit to take over. If there is well they are unknown to me. All parties promise the moon and we have little choice to give them a try. I just think people need to look at the past very closely in 5 years time, I worry that Reform or whatever they will be called then will have huge support from a naive youth group who don’t realise it was Farage that cut their legs off.
THEY’VE HAD 14 YEARS!!!! 14 years to prepare, and this is what we get from a Labour Government… Starmer and co have levelled up the word, “Incompetence”
During the election I wrote to the Labour candidate in my area in Surrey to ask what their plans were to provide places for children displaced by their policy. He didn't even have the courtesy to reply or acknowledge my email. This is a policy of division and politcs of envy despite Free Gear Keir receiving a free private education.
The first Labour term under Blair, MPs eventually admitted they didn’t know what they were doing. It took them the first 4-5 years to get used to Power. 🤦♂️
@@phillipcarter8045you are giving them credit. They were too fixed on getting in that they haven’t thought one single policy right through. Look for example still phasing out petrol cars by 2030. Manufacturers are moving away from them. There is also not the infrastructure for it. Won’t even go into carbon capture.
I am a teacher. Many of the independent schools educate children of foreign nationals, many of those children then go on to study at British universities. These foreign uni students pay full tuition fees and those fees are important sources of income for the British unis. If the students do not come to the UK, then the schools and Unis dont receive their fees. The Labour government is fixated on ideologies not realities and they should not be given any space to be re elected either at local or national level.
My son's school passed on the full amount. It was really harsh. We signed a House of Commons petition to stop this -- I'm not confident that things will change.
Why not ask your son's school to only charge parents what they have been in fees, absorb itself the VAT due and reclaim the input tax that VAT-rating allows, and increase class sizes by 10-12 per cent to generate compensatory additional income? Class sizes if it is a typical private school would still be well below those in state schools. Often the solution to conundra lies in lateral thought.
@@MarkPayne-ss6yu It's more complicated than that. Yes, the schools will be able to claim SOME of the VAT back on purchases, but not on teachers' salaries etc. In addition, they have the extra National Insurance to pay on those salaries. I understand that they will also lose their charitable status, which means they have to pay council tax (but I may have got that wrong).
@@Chris-hf2sl True, but all employers have the NI issue to contend with. In any event, my principle holds good and public schools could increase class sizes to bring in additional revenue and thereby be able to keep the sums paid by parents constant. Of course, they will not do that as they want to play the victimhood card which sickens most of us when all businesses are struggling to survive. But, this is a way to avoid pupils flooding state schools where there are few or no places for them, and to keep parents "happy". I suspect however that professional victims of the special case variety by definition can never be that. In the longer term., there is nothing "special" about private schools as one can be perfectly well educated at state schools. Independent schools are essentially snake-oil sales emporia preying on insecure parents and selling a chimera.
This is so important. The poor children being thrust into a school with a different coriculum, children being bullied for being posh or having manners, or being respectful to teachers. It doesn’t bare thinking about their mental state just because their parents wanted the best education for the best start and more choices in life. My granddaughter was given a scholarship to a top school because she was gifted at swimming. Her parents couldn’t afford the add ons to this so we, her grandparents covered this. Uniform, fees for transport to nearest Olympic swimming pool. Swimming costumes at 300 pounds a time and lots more. She has benefited from the work ethic of starts and evening training after school. She has worked hard ever since and has made a very good comfortable life for herself through persistence and hard work. All taught at this school.
Both my kids are adults now, but my wife and i scrimpt and saved to put them through private school. My wife a nurse and me a truck driver just prove that working class people also send their kids to private school
How the hell did they not see this coming, the total incompetence is staggering. Even the man on the street knew what would happen. The king needs to step in now. VOTE REFORM
My son's dyslexia went ignored for some years before one teacher spoke out. The result was that he was put in the remedial class and his GCSEs we're not impressive. He left school at 16, worked as a barman and made and delivered pizzas. He went to the local college to study engineering. The course was closed after the first year and replaced by tourism and nail bar courses. Largely through his own efforts, finding a place at the other school in town and a private maths teach teacher he was accepted into a good university with good A level results. He now has an MSc. in structural and civil engineering and a Phd. The state education failed him. We have a lot to thank that teacher for because subsequently he did receive help at university. Fortunately the second school was much better. Parents of children who are forced to leave their private education should be very worried.
They are like Trump a Con -trolled opposition to divide and rule, Barrage wanted to make Blair the vaccine Minister and was 100% behind mandatory jabs and Digital ID's during the planndemic ,watch UK Column news for more facts.
If schools are forced to close because of the loss of revenue from parents who cannot afford the VAT, the Government will thus lose the VAT from parents who could afford to pay it, plus the National Insurance and tax revenue from the staff who are thus made redundant at the same time as having to find school accommodation for the displaced pupils. This could see the farce of the Government taking over schools that close and reopening them to provide places for the displaced pupils and shouldering the costs involved as it loses revenue. It obviously takes a highly qualified and intelligent Chancellor to introduce a tax that cuts revenue and increases costs. Ha Ha Ha. It Reeves me flabbergasted
It’s just so disappointing that the U.K. political scene consists of such a poor choice! Self serving , greedy and economical with the truth, smoke and mirrors…. 😖🐷🤬
@DanielDavies347 😂 I think it is going to cost the gov more money in the end with children leaving private schools with more on the way & less going in the first place. Plus on top of that private school closures!
@@susanhunter5524 It isn't just rich people. There are a variety of private schools, some due to the curriculum, their faith or a child's needs. There will be less or no scholarships or bursaries for children who have a gifted child who isn't being catered for in the state system & who are poor. No grammar schools either where I live. My child is dead now but benefited from going to one when he was aged 11.
Are THEY suffering? No. Are WE suffering? Yes. Are THEY gaining? Yes. Are WE gaining? No. To me, that's looks like they know _exactly_ what they are doing.
It makes my blood boil to hear that Starmer entity whining to the nation about giving his son the best chance at his exams, then promptly sets about deliberately scuppering the chances of other children. I can't begin to imagine the turmoil he's created in other children's lives. I know from experience the scrimping and saving involved. Not forgetting, too, that he's simultaneously ruining the teachers' careers and turning their lives upside down. I call these actions pure evil.
To be fair, many of these teachers got what they asked for. They've been manipulating children to support the left since I was in school, if not before. It's poetic that their careers would eventually be ruined by their own people.
Why aren't politicians especially our PM ever held to account for their actions , if they worked in a "proper job" they would be in front of the boss and sacked for incompetence/ gross negligence or similar. A governments job is to look after its countrys (indigenous ) people. Where is our king in all this 🤔
Didn’t Stalin say, in one of his monologues (“snore”) that if you don’t like his policies, “Leave”? Well, if I could just up sticks and leave this god-forsaken country, I would!
I won't be leaving. This is my country and my home. Labour won't be in charge for long. Their self-inflicted implosion is coming. Grab your popcorn because it will be spectacular.
Not too dissimilar to the WFA. If all the people who were eligible to claim Pension Credit did so, it would completely dwarf the savings from killing the WFA payments for pensioners above the Pension Credit threshold.
It looks like a campaign of asset-stripping the people of this land. I don't think he's thinking about any future elections. May be planning not to have any more. Is he seizing power?
Is Bridget Phillipson being investigated regarding her involvement or knowledge of the alleged financial impropriety of her mother concerning the alleged misappropriation of taxpayers money for a non existent womens refuge?
I was born in the late 50s, I went to a comprehensive school in the 70s. We had ex grammar school teachers and the school was great. These days things are so dumbed down because of "mental health". There are no boundaries anymore and I blame the Governments for the last 40years!!!
Let’s not forget also the job losses among teaching staff, peripatetic teachers, catering and cleaning not to mention those organisations who supply schools: food, uniforms and so on. The decision to impose VAT is vindictive and the timing disgraceful.
@@hlwhhlwh2351 Far more disruption from this than people realise. Many of these schools are the biggest employers in the area. Unlike the VAT increase the NI increase has been completely unplanned. Our union rep. for the non-teaching staff had to have some very frank meetings.
This is one of the most nasty, vindictive, and plain stupid policies I have ever seen. Even if Labour’s nonsensical predictions came true, the amount of tax it would have raised would have made virtually no difference to the problems with education. At best the this will work out about even, but I bet this ends up losing us money as all the kids leaving private have to now be educated by the state. And it’s caused so much distress and upset. They are unfit to rule and so are the Tories.
My friend is SLT at an independent school, they've already seen a massive drop off in pupils attending in years 7 and 12, this is before the tax is even implemented. He and I sat over some beers and did the maths. If the changes filter through, i.e., if the same number of pupils join in 2025/26, 2026/27 etc. as in 2024, the Exchequer will end up making the sum total of around £60,000 from the entire school. Not even enough for two teachers. That also isn't factoring in any SEND provision they provide. This is not an Eton. They previously provided bursaries for around 13% of pupils. That has halved. Moreover, the LEA has no places for the pupils that are no longer attending his school. This will not work. The only precedent we have for this policy is Greece, where it failed and was reversed.
How come they never thought of how many children would be affected? I can’t believe that absolutely no one thought of this. If the public could see what would happen, why couldn’t anyone in the government? They are really incompetent.
They didn't think of how many children because they don't see these children as 'children'. They see them as the privileged offspring of the mostly only marginally wealthier families that Labour die-hards hate. They didn't think of them because they don't care about them.
One can barely comprehend the level of ineptitude of this Labour govt, they are literally stupid! 😡😡😡
They're not stupid, they're vindictive and evil
i think your being kind to them
every english government for past 50 years been crap and its the low iq english voting them in.
Labour stupid, Tories stupid, bunch of amateurs. What's the problem? The governments are trying to do too much, too many things at once. People need some stability in their country to make long-term decisions. Even the IFS talks about this, changing all these small taxes has unforeseen consequences.
@ArthurRoberts-f7z. Yeah,very kind to them
The politics of spite and envy.
Extremely spiteful when Starmer had a free grammar school and free private school education.
masonic traitors
or in other words...."socialistic".....
I imagine Starmer is full to the brim with spite and envy.
Totally agree.
No education should be taxed
Most Education is free. Luxuries and businesses should be.
@@laggytimeducation is not free , it’s paid for through taxation , even people without kids pay for it indirectly 😂
Does that include University education?
@@laggytimtaxation is all well and good to run a country but at these levels and by these means all it does is harm ,it's just total incompetence nothing more 😊
Nothing should be taxed
My God! What a bunch of incompetent, embarrassing clowns.
the dep prime ministers sum total paid work experience was a cleaner in a care home. what did you expect really ?
Treacherous is the word
That’s an insult to clowns
What the country needed was a better government that the Tories wasn't providing. What we got is the labour party and an event bigger disaster than anyone wanted.
Don’t praise them🤷
Labour's incompetence and greed will destroy the UK's economy.
Part of the WEF plan to bring in CBDC so that they can control people at every level and stop access to monies if we exceed our carbon credits or post thought crimes on social media.
The UKs economy has been stagnant for the last 3 months, zero growth, it's looking good for Labour.
But it will also destroy the Labour Party too. The tories are gon, the duopoly will not be replaced by a monopoly, we have an alternative in Reform, nothing ventured nothing gained. He who dares (to think differently) wins
Has destroyed!
That's the idea.
The schools in my town are full of foreign kids who need interpreters because they don't speak English...
Same as when a ton of eu nationals came over all at once.
Infrastructure is never conveyed.
Targeting children and pensioners.
Nice aren’t they. 😡
While paying billions in forgin aid and too illegal imagrints.
And food suppliers
Indeed, and just a week or so ago Starmer said of his first five months in government that he wouldn't do anything differently. So there we have it. Even if many of his policies were blowing up in his face, he still wouldn't change direction.
No, they are not targeting children,they are targeting what they consider to be rich families and public schools.
Labour have for many decades been ideologically opposed to public schools. The children are collateral damage.
A mess, entirely of their own making.
They hate this country.
I can’t stomach looking or hearing any of these traitors
me too , cant stand / hate every one of them .
Labour are idiots .. and I thought the tories were bad!
They're both discovering how much easier it is to be in opposition
Are they different parties?
Same party.
I don't think they are idiots, we only have to look to history to see how these type of governments operate. Things will get far worse.
You lot make me laugh already forgiving Tories, maybe politics isn't for you😂
But Starmers son needed a million pound apartment to study for his GCSE,s where his compassion for all the rest of our children....some won't be even able to get an education
He actually justified that on the basis that "you only get one chance". Yeah.
Orwellian....straight out of Animal Farm....Der Starmer believes in equality, but not really when he is involved
Its okay, the parents can be arrested for not sending their kids to school
Do you think Starmer was telling the truth?
@josephe3697 aha...... shhhh......
Do these clowns realise that we hold them in the deepest contempt? I can't tell you how deep. The ignorance, the stupidity, the arrogance are at levels never seen before.
These clowns also know that they had less voters in 2024 than 2019. They didn't win, the Tories lost. If you add Con+RUK in the constituency level results, not only would the Tories have won if reform hadn't split the vote, they would have done so with an increase in seats.
Just consider that: despite how pathetic the tories had been for nearly 2 decades, the public still wanted that more than what Labour was offering.
Labour know this, realise they started with a handicap, so don't really care about public opinion. If reform manage to displace the tories then Labour are cooked.
How much contempt does there have to be before the people act though. Not enough yet obviously.
Soon, the invaders will run their own ethnic based political parties.
The useful idiots working for decades to undermine and destroy civilization were never intended to outlive their usefulness.
Sure, but they hate the people even more.
@kelly4187 Too bad Conservatives embraced globalists instead of listening to the people. The party hated their voters.
Schools closing down, leaving lots of empty multi-roomed buildings free to accommodate.. ooh, I can't imagine what.
All be bought up at a cheap price and then be renovated by our taxes.
Excellent point
Making room for all our homeless veterans ha ha ha.
And sports fields suitable for the renewable energy scam or maybe even more cultural enrichment housing.
Yes, two bunk beds easily in every classroom. The sports hall is another massive number.
This is not a government its a goon show
Except The Goons deliberately acted like goons....this shower are totally oblivious and just pile in with class ridden filth
The goons were funny, this bunch are far from funny
Don't be hard, they're only doing what Schwab tells them
@valeriegrimshaw1365 If you think that you're easily fooled, there are over a 150 mps who are members of the WEF,
Then look into the Fabian Society, Chattham house, Common purpose, Lucis trust and you'll soon wake up and s ell the coffee.
This offensive to all goons, we were never this inept, incompetent or so wilfully evasive and misleading
I went without a nice house, nice car etc so that my daughters (Now in their 20s) could get a decent education at a private school. One is now a Vet, the other a teacher. If this was now I wouldn't be able to afford it. Not all parents of privately educated children are rich, they just go without.
It's so frustrating. These are professions that are so valuable to society. Such short sightedness (and, I believe envy) on the part of Labour.
@@acacia_w Liebour are demonstrating the politics of the jealous and envious kind. Guess that's what 14 years in opposition does to some...
How was a private education beneficial in applying to study to be a vet? Your daughter must have had some competence. The problem is the number of private school kids that are over represented in professions where competence can be bypassed through "connections".
@@GlasPthalocyaninestate schools are crap. I know, I went to a crap comprehensive and my kids do now. You can't blame people for choosing to pay for a better education.
Same. My mother went without nice new things for herself and scrimped and saved to send me to a good private school. It was an excellent education and I am now enjoying a rewarding professional job where I can be of great service to other people.
Starmer must be sacked.
And the rest
Something stronger I think .
Life sentence with Blair
He needs kicked out of the country
It’s not just Starmer, cuz who replaces him will be as bad if not worse, the whole chain of command needs to go…..
Labour out….Reform In…ASAP.
My daughter has learning difficulties (dyslexia) and 2 state schools have failed her. The first school ignored her, the second stuck her in with a group of disruptive pupils as they were unable/unwilling to provide any suitable learning support. After many sleepless nights I decided to send her to an independent school for her last 2 GCSE years. She is now extremely happy, thriving, fully supported and doing well. This Labour policy is extremely cruel as it might mean that I have to put her back in the state school system which has already failed her.
Home school her you can claim the education allowance that would of been hers.
@@user-dd7fw8ox3cseems like an easy fix.
But if the IP and their partner both work full time. Are there enough hours and energy in the day to home school.
That is shocking. While I have no time for the whines of private schools, pupils like your daughter are special cases and should always be fully supported by the state. The other respondent's idea of home schooling must be an option, although I imagine it would be appallingly disruptive for you?
I truly feel for you. Children are being failed by this and previous Governments, however, this current Government is a shambles and not fit to govern. I hope that your daughter keeps her happiness in education one way or the other.
Could you explain why please. I don’t understand what this is all about. Have they banned private schools ? What is causing the kids to be forced out ? It’s the most outrageous thing I can think of. Who attacks their own education system this way. It just doesn’t make sense so I just don’t understand or even comprehend something here. Is this over taxes ? Regardless the Uk has fallen apart in 6 months. Shocking
Ah, the politics of envy. Labour was always about levelling down not improving what the state offered.
100% agree
What I call the lowest common denominator.
Exactly as i levveling down. Thats the commi way but bear in mind, as always, thosezat the helm eill.always be OK.
Having said that, Commies eventualy land up either eating one another up or collapsing everything or both at once..
Never a truer word said 👍
Government just wants obedient, dumbed down little worker bees able to follow blindly.
Socialism: the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance and the gospel of envy.... the late Sir Winston Churchill
Shame on anyone who voted labour.
Totally agree with you there 👏👏
SORRY I DID , they promised so much .
They are ah! Souls.
@@phillipcarter8045do you have buyer's remorse?
@@phillipcarter8045 Well the always do, but never deliver.
This is easily the most incompetent government of my life. Wow. Just, wow.
Wait till the next government comes in .
Incompetent and treasonous in equal measure.
@@phillipcarter8045no, you can't get any worse than these muppets.
I could not have put it better myself.
It’s a bit like reducing electrical power generation by blowing up our coal fired power stations , whilst pushing people towards more electric power consumption ( electric cars ) and having to create new laws and powers to ration peoples’ power use ( Energy Act 2023 - Chapter 10) .
I don't understand how people can still think the government isn't deliberately wrecking exerything.
Exactly. The supposed "stupidity" is propaganda, functioning as a great cover story for the way this government treats us. They are getting RICHER and MORE POWERFUL, as we become poorer and more controlled. And, as you rightly point out, THEIR OWN children will not be affected by this. That's NOT 'stupidity' is it?
Also the rich will still be able to afford the fees. So all Labour are doing is punishing the ordinary people who are just trying to do the best for their kids.
@@6581punkof course it’s the new feudalism - elites, serfs and instead of church there is academia
Not to mention they will be warm at home!
Lord Alibaba will help with uniforms 😅😅😅😅
Another of their 'politics of spite & hate' that crashes and burns...
It was always a brain dead thought process... "I know, let's force kids out of schooling that we, the government (taxpayers), aren't currently paying for, as the parents are paying it out of their own pocket, and bring them into the state system so we, the government (taxpayers), will have to pick up the bill". PURE GENIUS.
It's one of many Labour genius level ideas. Means testing the Winter Fuel Allowance is another one. Firstly, you've got the cost of working out who is and who isn't entitled to it any more. I suspect that this eats up a large chunk of the £200 saved. Secondly, it royally pissed off many pensioners who previously weren't claiming various benefits they are entitled to, but who would be entitled to the WFA if they were claiming such benefits. So guess what those pensioners are now doing? Yes, they're now claiming those benefits (worth much more than £200) along with the WFA. - Another Labour own goal.
Then of course there's the company NI increases. Many companies were struggling even before that increase, especially in the service and hospitality sectors. So those companies have been desperately cutting costs in an attempt to stay afloat. Cutting costs = letting staff go = drop in productivity + benefits being paid to sacked workers. - Another genius Labour idea. And to add insult to injury, this is all billed as 'investing in the economy'.
Also inheritance tax on farms is going to mean that parts of farms will need to be sold of by heirs to pay the tax and the result will be lots of smaller farms, which of course wrecks efficiency. The industry is already struggling, so this will mean many farms will go under. There's no accounting for how genius this Labour crowd is.
On the positive side, Labour have promised to build millions more houses. That's great, but, err ... to do that you need millions of house builders (brick layers, plumbers, electricians, carpenters etc.). Since we don't have millions of such house builders sitting around waiting for the next job, who's going to do the building? I can only hope that the geniuses in charge are better at house building than they are at governing.
It is not incompetence its evil and deliberate, this is Government by vengeance. They are disgusting.
Evil, WEF/UN agenda !!
The absolute disgrace of charging vat on private schooling when they ALL enjoyed tax free schooling. Sickening.
What’s good for the goose, is apparently NOT good for the gander! 😤
@ always rules for thee not for me as shown with literally everything in the past 10 years I’ve been observing politics
Socialists can never have enough of other peoples money.
And including schools for special needs kids?? That's disgusting.
@LibertarianGalt the poet Ebenezer Elliot explained this perfectly in 1850:
What is a Communist? One who hath yearnings
For the equal division of unequal earnings.
Idler, or bungler, or both, he is willing
To fork out his penny and pocket your shilling.
I had the privilege to go to junior private school many years ago. I transferred to the local ('good') state school at the age of 10. I was TWO YEARS ahead of my peers in my schooling and abilities. At 10 years old! Goodness knows what damage will be caused to children who have to transfer at a later stage of their education - because they will most likely be even more advanced. So, there are going to be thousands of children being released into he state schools that are 2 plus years ahead of their peers. That is REALLY going to be disruptive to those children, the other kids in the classes and school! This is so, so wrong.
As a (state-educated) teacher, thank you for your continued public support in highlighting not only the endless flaws of this detrimental policy, but the callous manner in which it has been implemented.
"Callous maner" is too nice, I would say amateurish with a huge amount of stupidity 🫤
But I'm French...
@@rubentishkoff6971 It doesn't matter what nationality you are, you are still correct.
@@rubentishkoff6971 Labour and their supporters don't seem to have cottoned on to the fact that nobody in Europe puts VAT on education.
Imagine for some of these kids how huge this is..they are not moving house but are being forced to leave all their friends and go to a new school, which will probably be a very different environment.
Then that school also has to then deal with this new influx.
I feel so horrified that the government of this country would do this to kids and teachers like yourself.
There are no flaws not of the making of the recalcitrant public schools which could easily absorb the VAT charged, collect input tax repayments and slightly increase classroom sizes to compensate. Simples.
This Labour government seem hell bent on trashing our country.
Along with the eu
It looks like it
This government knows its time is limited, so is trying to salt the earth as quickly as possible.
Or, perhaps, it’s been manipulated to bring the UK as rapidly as possible to the same breaking point as the EU?
as they do every single time
Thats communism for you
Typical Labour short-sightedness. On this occasion born out of spite.
…and Labour told us everything would be alright as “…the adults are back in the room…” Those of us who have lived through previous Labour governments knew exactly how this would go.
Every single one since 1945, they always find out that being in opposition is easy. Make the noises they think the electorate will like, take the paycheck, take the lifestyle, take the pension. Then they find out that student ideologies don't work out so well I real life and someone else is left to sort out the mess.
Exactly Exactly.
@@william_marshalbollocks, they set up the Tories ten years of austerity and Blair opened the floodgates to the current problems which 25 years later we are reaping what he sowed!
Get a grip.
Are you high?@@william_marshal
@william_marshal What the hell are you talking about? Blair put the country billions in debt through the illegal war when Tories took over.
Many of us knew that an awful lot of parents who send their kids to private schools are far from rich, and make incredible sacrifices to give them the best possible start in life. We predicted that adding 20% to their bill would push them beyond what they could afford. But Labour didn't want to hear the truth. Now, with state resources already overstretched, kids who never went to private schools are also going to suffer. An own goal by Labour!
A goal for the WEF
Thought police deleted my comment
It's also illegal because the children have a right to an education and the government's policy is blocking this right. Parents should pool the money they are saving from this policy and crowd fund taking the government to court. ...
It’s absolutely awful what’s happening in the UK
He's carrying out the wef global zinist 2030 agenda
It’s absolutely awful that people VOTE these clowns in to power. "Basta"
@culmalachie they don't know any better than too vote for the clowns that they do there doing it out of hope you can't get out of the way of something you don't see coming i spend hours researching on the Internet and spending as many hours looking for validation iv been telling everyone to store none perishable foods and have water on hand because I have realised that we are going to witness a global credit freeze in the near future and understanding that everything runs on credit I know that we are going to need to afend for ourselves and our family's people don't realise how much credit is needed just to produce a loaf of bread they'll realise when they can't get any
@@culmalachie The people were voting other clowns out. To bad the next lot are clowns too. If Farage takes over he will prove to be a clown also. We are a nation of clowns and get what we deserve.
Will cost far more than the vat gained - incredible.
Same as the cost of paying pension credit will be many fold higher than paying the winter fuel allowance. They are relying on old folk not claiming. Completely messed up thinking and just poor arithmetic.
And how many pensioners in hospital beds with hypothermia? What will that cost?
How much of a shortfall in their "black hole" when companies lay people off because they can't afford employment cost increases?
These people are either idiotic or nasty.'s the latter.
Yes at the moment Private Schools can only claim back a small amount of input tax ( tax on purchases and services) as they must follow partial exemption rules on the attribution of input tax because they make exempt supplies . They will now be able to reclaim the majority if not all input tax .Also they may be able to reclaim some input tax on past purchases under capital goods scheme for example if they paid £750,000 vat on a new swimming pool block one year ago they may well be able to reclaim some of this now .
@@catman2629 What percentage of their outgoings are actually Vatable that they will be able to save VAT on? 5%., 10%??? Spoken like an accountant and not as a business person I'm afraid.
All this taxation is to pay for these immigrants who are costing this country this country absolute fortune.
@@JuBennett-p6c absolute lie
Of course. These illegal immigrants will one day be the next bunch of labour voters, to keep labour in power forever.
When I sold my house 30 years ago, I put all the money into private school for my daughter. As an autistic she struggled in primary school, going to private school has got her into university and she is now a psychologist working with children. Ordinary school would not have had the resources to help her.
We put our autistic daughter into home school on line it cost thousands , we got no help from the government agencies at all , she did pass her a levels, but it was a struggle, we couldn't have done it with vat whacked on top
I did the same , it breaks my heart thinking about those poor children and parents that this effects
This is by far the strongest and BEST reason for private schooling - Most of the people who say "it's only for the rich toffs" absolutely DO NOT COMPREHEND that many of the people who go private is because the state systems cannot give these children the support they need, and I don't mean just the special needs, but also the other end of the spectrum, those of us (like myself) that would have struggled in a state school because they teach at a pace that suits the SLOWEST CHILD, while I was obviously smarter. So I went (at great expense and debt) to a private school that sorted the children according to ABILITY, thus I was in a class of children all of whom were of above average IQ, because that's how we were sorted - we each took the official test, and the results determined which of the 5 groups we were placed. - Lol haha a bit like the sorting hat! a funny thought that's only just occured to me :).
Personally, sorting children by ability allows the smart to get the educational curriculum and speed they need and those with learning difficulties, the attention that better serves them. this "one size fits all" system DOES NOT WORK.
And for any twats reading who think "your family must be rich" - no my father ended up getting divorced as he was over £100,000 in debt by the end, and my STEPMOTHER (who was never particularly nice to me) didn't like that.
Same with my son. He wasn't autistic but dyslexic and dyspraxic. State schools just ignored my concerns about his struggles, which were affecting his physical health, and when I mentioned removing him and sending him to an independent school, the head just shrugged and told me to go ahead. It wasn't about resources per se - it was an attitude of sheer indifference.
Like your daughter, and thanks to his independent school, my son was also a success and is now the clinical lead of a mental health team in an NHS hospital.
But let's not forget the rich toffees that also go to private school.
It's not just about SEND pupils..
The decision was ideological. Not data driven, correctly costed and impact assessed. "Rich people bad" makes stuff like this an easy sell to their supporter base in the electorate.
Typical class warfare from the trade unions.
I think it mainly appealed to their members and activists, who I'd guess are urban liberals in public sector jobs. Nothing they do seems properly thought through, with the knock on effects considered.
And the supreme irony is that the people in the upper echelons of the Labour Party are all "rich people."
Quite why so many lemmings fail to see this almost beggars belief.
I think it was an attempt to kill two birds - make it look like you're going after the wealthy while protecting the really wealthy from the middle class! They don't want "ordinary" people getting too big for their boots. It hasn't worked, Starmer may be educated, but he's not intelligent.
UK Want Nigel Farage,,, UK needs Nigel Farage
I thought the Labour government of Jim Callahan that ended in disgrace in 1979 was incompetent but Kier Starmer’s is on another level.
Callahan was a decent man who never wanted to hurt people, even admitting he felt regret over the suffering people felt during the 70s. Starmer has targeted all groups who never vote Labour in the first place, and to deny he has not targeted people in this way is laughable. You don’t target groups who don’t vote for you that’s evil to say the least
Every Labour government since the 70's has been a failure.
Totally agree
@@thomashowe1509 The same as the Conservatives with the triple lock pension for short term gain paid for us that won't allowed to become pensioners.
* Callaghan * Keir. Ah , the benefit of private education.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Only problem is, they are playing the stupid game and we are getting the stupid prizes.
Maybe if some of these labour MPs went to a private school they could have learnt something like basic maths.
Starmer did and on scholarship.
@@emstirling-is4nu Too much for Reeves i am afraid
Many of them did, at the same time as decrying it in public. When it came to criticism of their personal family arrangements, that was off limits for reasons of privacy. Hypocritical doesn’t even begin to cover it.
There has been no mention of the cultural shock and bullying caused to the private school pupil having to go to comprehensive schools.
Some of these people send their kids to private because the state schools in the area are a disaster. London being an example. Old friends of mine went to Balham Boys and the Dick Shepherd in Brixton. Nightmare for kids who wanted to learn/not join a gang etc etc.
If you think bullying dosnt happen at a private school then .....i dunno what to tell you
A relative of mine has just left teaching because it is impossible to teach kids physics if they don’t have a proper grasp of English. When English is not spoken in the home or immediate community then it is an uphill battle. Consequently the schools will be increasingly judged to be failing by Ofsted.
@ But I know people who went to state schools where doing your homework or being respectful to the teachers got them a kicking. Bullying may be everywhere but at different levels and in different forms.
Yes l worked in private school and can tell you some of the bullying done by students was mental torture to anyone without the correct credentials.
I have a learning disability, my parents were told that the public school don’t have the time or resources to teach me, so my parents made the decision to send me to private school, they were working class, both my parents worked two jobs, no holidays, I used to wonder why they were always working, tired and why we never had holidays like other families. I know now. And it made me the man I am today. Playing politics with children is wrong, the lowest of the low, not even the conservatives would steep that low.
State school plus extra tutoring or home school were other options available.
Your parents did the right thing, sacrifice their lives to give you a chance. I know many parents from middle class or Asian backgrounds...
They SHOULD be supported because their sacrifice is a bonus for society! Instead of becoming a burden 🤷
@ thank you for your kind words
My nephew had the same problem, my mother home schooled him for 2 years and in that 2 years he got what must've been 8 years worth of school in a better environment.
Sadly innocent people like you get caught up in the politics of envy. When Labour tries to drag everybody into the gutter to suffer together, they really don't care who they hurt.
Rachel from complaints will definitely need to have it read & explained to her in very small words
A shining example, of a fully costed and funded manifesto!
Kier and the gang strike again!
Trouble with this 'costing' is, I suspect, it was reliant on the billionaires & millionaires staying in the country so they could be taxed to pay for all this... They forgot that these people can move abroad in the drop of a hat to their 2nd homes & I can't say I blame them. W⚓s
All manifestos are always fully costed by requirement by HMRC. Costed doesn't mean affordable. & costed doesn't mean it will destroy the ecconomy by knock on effects.
'Fully costed' is always true, and they don't bother doing it themselves. Another bit of word play.
Marxists, each and every one. Envy, reverse snobbery and utter immaturity. The politics of the sixth form.
i call him Captain Clueless.
The costing for this particular policy was done by one bloke at the IFS who was the best man at the wedding of a Labour MP and who openly admits the figures for his paper are ropey.
So, as Rachel from accounts would say, completely sound.
How can ANYONE with a modicum of common sense. EVER support or vote for Labour again.
Civil servants and communist will
I don’t understand how anyone with any common sense voted for labour in July. It was obvious all this was going to happen!
Those who are either blinded by their ideology or/and have something to gain.
Only 33% of people voted for them, that gives me a little hope. Our electoral system is seriously messed up though that anyone could win a dominating majority with only 33% of the vote...
It’s mad, it’s like voting conservative again after the largest theft of public money. As a country we are in trouble regardless who you support
My friend has just been made redudant after working for the same company for 26 years. All Because if this useless Government
We had a clown Government before now we have a bunch of Idiots! We need rid!
Hear hear spot on❤
The only way out of this mess is to vote our way out. Any of you that voted for the main 2 are the problem.
We do. How do you plan on achieving that, without violence or contravening the law ?
@@bobeyes3284We are not going to vote our way out of this. If, by some miracle, the FPA remains in force by 2029, bad Govt will be the least of our concerns.
Tories were far worst
Now who would have ever imagined that this would be the consequence of this spiteful act.
Only 1 in 5 people ,who could vote , voted Labour yet we are all suffering under this shower.
any decent sort of human being would admit their mistake and roll back this disastrous policy, but thats a lot to ask for from this Labour Government
They cannot reverse this policy , if they even debate it , they will have to debate every single policy . it would open up a breach , think of Liz Truss , admitting Kwazi did a bad budget sank her .
@malcolm huge fault in the system then, hey? We humans have a tendency to make mistakes 😐
Like the Tories did😂
@@malcolmcuthbertson3359 And sank the country and the party.
That's the problem, there are no decent human beings in the Labour party.
Great video. Not a fan of private schools but am a fan of freedoms. I want this Labour Government gone.
@@stevebloomer7027 to be replaced by who, for what reason?
@@teddybaker7231 To be replaced by a duly elected Party for the reasons of not fulfilling their campaign promises and implementing foolhardy and dangerous policies like this.
@ thanks Daniel, I’m not a fan of starmer, but I’m not a fan of the tories or reform either, and I wonder after the lies concerning Brexit, the Southport riots, and the poor handling of Covid and the ppe scandal etc how anyone could want either of these 2 groups in number ten. Who would you like to see in power ?
@@danielclark-hughes692 thanks, but I don’t think there’s a person or party that’s fit to take over. If there is well they are unknown to me. All parties promise the moon and we have little choice to give them a try. I just think people need to look at the past very closely in 5 years time, I worry that Reform or whatever they will be called then will have huge support from a naive youth group who don’t realise it was Farage that cut their legs off.
THEY’VE HAD 14 YEARS!!!! 14 years to prepare, and this is what we get from a Labour Government…
Starmer and co have levelled up the word, “Incompetence”
During the election I wrote to the Labour candidate in my area in Surrey to ask what their plans were to provide places for children displaced by their policy. He didn't even have the courtesy to reply or acknowledge my email. This is a policy of division and politcs of envy despite Free Gear Keir receiving a free private education.
And he isn`t the only one plus abacus and the rest sending their own children to private schools talk about two tier !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Send a Freedom of Information request. I believe these have to be answered.
They don’t know what they are doing
Yes they do , they know exactly, what they are doing .
The first Labour term under Blair, MPs eventually admitted they didn’t know what they were doing.
It took them the first 4-5 years to get used to Power. 🤦♂️
@@phillipcarter8045you are giving them credit. They were too fixed on getting in that they haven’t thought one single policy right through. Look for example still phasing out petrol cars by 2030. Manufacturers are moving away from them. There is also not the infrastructure for it. Won’t even go into carbon capture.
They are continuing to play student politics but with real consequences, exactly as many predicted they would.
They only seen more money they could send to terrorists.
I cannot see the country standing quiet for much longer with the gifts that stamer keeps giving out. It will all end in tears.
The Politics of Envy never bring Happiness.
"Monumental levels of stupid" that should be the Ker Starmer's Labour Slogan.
Its one that defo needs to be used wholly when mentioning them in the future xxx
No, just the word Traitor will do .
Thought police deleted my comment
Politics of Envy.
This government is utterly atrocious.
I am a teacher. Many of the independent schools educate children of foreign nationals, many of those children then go on to study at British universities. These foreign uni students pay full tuition fees and those fees are important sources of income for the British unis. If the students do not come to the UK, then the schools and Unis dont receive their fees.
The Labour government is fixated on ideologies not realities and they should not be given any space to be re elected either at local or national level.
And there is the nub of it 'indefensible ' ideologies employed across the board.
Yes, that is so true.
What a total disgrace and total shambles. It's infuriating.. He needs sacking now....
Good luck with that. He has a 170 majority.
Labour had nearly two decades to prepare for government..The toolmakers son has risen to the level of his incompetence as has his party.
My son's school passed on the full amount. It was really harsh. We signed a House of Commons petition to stop this -- I'm not confident that things will change.
You are going to see a wealth transfer which is happening right under the noise of everyone
Why not ask your son's school to only charge parents what they have been in fees, absorb itself the VAT due and reclaim the input tax that VAT-rating allows, and increase class sizes by 10-12 per cent to generate compensatory additional income? Class sizes if it is a typical private school would still be well below those in state schools. Often the solution to conundra lies in lateral thought.
@@MarkPayne-ss6yu It's more complicated than that. Yes, the schools will be able to claim SOME of the VAT back on purchases, but not on teachers' salaries etc. In addition, they have the extra National Insurance to pay on those salaries. I understand that they will also lose their charitable status, which means they have to pay council tax (but I may have got that wrong).
@@Chris-hf2sl True, but all employers have the NI issue to contend with. In any event, my principle holds good and public schools could increase class sizes to bring in additional revenue and thereby be able to keep the sums paid by parents constant. Of course, they will not do that as they want to play the victimhood card which sickens most of us when all businesses are struggling to survive. But, this is a way to avoid pupils flooding state schools where there are few or no places for them, and to keep parents "happy". I suspect however that professional victims of the special case variety by definition can never be that.
In the longer term., there is nothing "special" about private schools as one can be perfectly well educated at state schools. Independent schools are essentially snake-oil sales emporia preying on insecure parents and selling a chimera.
This is so important. The poor children being thrust into a school with a different coriculum, children being bullied for being posh or having manners, or being respectful to teachers. It doesn’t bare thinking about their mental state just because their parents wanted the best education for the best start and more choices in life. My granddaughter was given a scholarship to a top school because she was gifted at swimming. Her parents couldn’t afford the add ons to this so we, her grandparents covered this. Uniform, fees for transport to nearest Olympic swimming pool. Swimming costumes at 300 pounds a time and lots more. She has benefited from the work ethic of starts and evening training after school. She has worked hard ever since and has made a very good comfortable life for herself through persistence and hard work. All taught at this school.
If it wasn't so sad, it'd be laughable.
Should we consider an IQ test for qualification to be an MP 😂
Would need to be held visibly & with cheating imposable.
That is an offensive suggestion that clearly discriminates against Labour MP’s!
@@DestinyOneProductions 😂😂😂
There is no test you can do, as to be devious and evil as they are takes a type of intelligence.
I think we should consider an IQ test to qualify as a voter.
Haven't you just committed a hate crime? You are liable for arrest, now! 🙄
This government shouldn't be governing anything 😒
It isn’t. It’s just fucking everything up.
If all our state schools were run along the lines of that of Katharine Birbal Singh we wouldn't need private education.
'They haven't accounted for' . This is all you need to know when talking Labour.
Who, in their right mind would tax education? How stupid would they have to be?
Private schools educate not indoctrinate which scares Starmer's puppet masters the WEF
Just as bad as taxing hot food !
You have to be LIEbour
People who want a system which churns out factory workers who can be conscripted in a hurry.
Both my kids are adults now, but my wife and i scrimpt and saved to put them through private school. My wife a nurse and me a truck driver just prove that working class people also send their kids to private school
How the hell did they not see this coming, the total incompetence is staggering. Even the man on the street knew what would happen. The king needs to step in now. VOTE REFORM
Your “king” is part of the problem
Actually, the King is powerless against the Government
Farage? Never! Hateful little man, bankrolled be Elonia
Dont talk rubbish, the monarch never interferes.
👑 is compromised
I feel so sorry for all of these people and specially the children who's lives have been totally up ended.
My son's dyslexia went ignored for some years before one teacher spoke out. The result was that he was put in the remedial class and his GCSEs we're not impressive. He left school at 16, worked as a barman and made and delivered pizzas. He went to the local college to study engineering. The course was closed after the first year and replaced by tourism and nail bar courses. Largely through his own efforts, finding a place at the other school in town and a private maths teach teacher he was accepted into a good university with good A level results. He now has an MSc. in structural and civil engineering and a Phd. The state education failed him. We have a lot to thank that teacher for because subsequently he did receive help at university. Fortunately the second school was much better. Parents of children who are forced to leave their private education should be very worried.
Reform membership well ahead of Conservatives now 👍 We have a glimmer of hope 🙏
They're not talking of the mass deportations that are now required to fix this country
They are like Trump a Con -trolled opposition to divide and rule, Barrage wanted to make Blair the vaccine Minister and was 100% behind mandatory jabs and Digital ID's during the planndemic ,watch UK Column news for more facts.
No, Reform now has a flaming beacon showing the way to Survive and Thrive!
Sadly, they're not the answer. We need comprehensive deportations and reimmigration, something Reform are not committing to.
I just joined them . First time in 50 years I've joined a party
Everyone except this government knows how to solve this problem.
"This problem", and "this other problem", and "this additional problem" and so infinitum...they have enfirced so many errors.
If schools are forced to close because of the loss of revenue from parents who cannot afford the VAT, the Government will thus lose the VAT from parents who could afford to pay it, plus the National Insurance and tax revenue from the staff who are thus made redundant at the same time as having to find school accommodation for the displaced pupils. This could see the farce of the Government taking over schools that close and reopening them to provide places for the displaced pupils and shouldering the costs involved as it loses revenue. It obviously takes a highly qualified and intelligent Chancellor to introduce a tax that cuts revenue and increases costs. Ha Ha Ha. It Reeves me flabbergasted
It’s just so disappointing that the U.K. political scene consists of such a poor choice! Self serving , greedy and economical with the truth, smoke and mirrors…. 😖🐷🤬
@queenofmyownuniverse2339 "Disappointing" ??? Is that all ????
this goverment is sickening to the core.
Anything that punishes children unjustly always will be
Extreme incompetence comes to mind.
The government accounted for none of them leaving!!
Wouldn’t surprise me at this point 😅
@DanielDavies347 😂 I think it is going to cost the gov more money in the end with children leaving private schools with more on the way & less going in the first place. Plus on top of that private school closures!
That clearly indicates that there was no policy development, just a spiteful decision to tax ‘rich’ people.
6 months?
@@susanhunter5524 It isn't just rich people. There are a variety of private schools, some due to the curriculum, their faith or a child's needs. There will be less or no scholarships or bursaries for children who have a gifted child who isn't being catered for in the state system & who are poor. No grammar schools either where I live. My child is dead now but benefited from going to one when he was aged 11.
If it was not so serious it would be laughable, but the potential future of our children is being destroyed by grown ups who cannot even add up.
Getting rid of private schools is just spiteful. What other motivation is there
It proves they have no idea what's going on outside their hateful bubble.
Are THEY suffering? No.
Are WE suffering? Yes.
Are THEY gaining? Yes.
Are WE gaining? No.
To me, that's looks like they know _exactly_ what they are doing.
It makes my blood boil to hear that Starmer entity whining to the nation about giving his son the best chance at his exams, then promptly sets about deliberately scuppering the chances of other children. I can't begin to imagine the turmoil he's created in other children's lives. I know from experience the scrimping and saving involved. Not forgetting, too, that he's simultaneously ruining the teachers' careers and turning their lives upside down. I call these actions pure evil.
To be fair, many of these teachers got what they asked for. They've been manipulating children to support the left since I was in school, if not before. It's poetic that their careers would eventually be ruined by their own people.
Starmer is a privileged as I say.....not as i do
Why aren't politicians especially our PM ever held to account for their actions , if they worked in a "proper job" they would be in front of the boss and sacked for incompetence/ gross negligence or similar. A governments job is to look after its countrys (indigenous ) people. Where is our king in all this 🤔
Didn’t Stalin say, in one of his monologues (“snore”) that if you don’t like his policies, “Leave”? Well, if I could just up sticks and leave this god-forsaken country, I would!
As would most of us i am sure
Which is a massive shame, as we aren’t the ones who should be leaving.
If I remember correctly, didn't comrade Starmer say the same thing a couple of years ago?
And.... Where do you go?
The lunatics are controlling this shite everywhere!
I won't be leaving. This is my country and my home. Labour won't be in charge for long.
Their self-inflicted implosion is coming. Grab your popcorn because it will be spectacular.
Which will cost them more than what they thought they would collect in tax.
Not too dissimilar to the WFA. If all the people who were eligible to claim Pension Credit did so, it would completely dwarf the savings from killing the WFA payments for pensioners above the Pension Credit threshold.
@ I don’t know anyone. Who has been able to claim pension credit successfully. 2016 pensions cannot claim any benefits at all.
It looks like a campaign of asset-stripping the people of this land. I don't think he's thinking about any future elections. May be planning not to have any more. Is he seizing power?
Is Bridget Phillipson being investigated regarding her involvement or knowledge of the alleged financial impropriety of her mother concerning the alleged misappropriation of taxpayers money for a non existent womens refuge?
Restricting education is a valid government tactic... Although not usually for democracies, even pretend ones like ours.
If you tolerate this, then YOUR CHILDREN will be next!
So true
....will be next, will be next....will be next.
Unfortunately this government are just plainly thick.
I was born in the late 50s, I went to a comprehensive school in the 70s. We had ex grammar school teachers and the school was great. These days things are so dumbed down because of "mental health". There are no boundaries anymore and I blame the Governments for the last 40years!!!
Luckily my school was like that. 2yrs after going comprehensive but with the grammar school quality teachers. Poor kids today.
Not only do the state schools have a lack of places, they also have a lack of staff.
@@simplyk6965 Next generation all going to learn about napoleon , and Alexander the Great , and valid the inpaler . and royal bloodlines .
Glad I won’t be around in 20 years. This is nothing of what is yet to come 😢
Let’s not forget also the job losses among teaching staff, peripatetic teachers, catering and cleaning not to mention those organisations who supply schools: food, uniforms and so on. The decision to impose VAT is vindictive and the timing disgraceful.
On top of the VAT is the increase of employer NI.
@@hlwhhlwh2351 Far more disruption from this than people realise. Many of these schools are the biggest employers in the area. Unlike the VAT increase the NI increase has been completely unplanned. Our union rep. for the non-teaching staff had to have some very frank meetings.
This is one of the most nasty, vindictive, and plain stupid policies I have ever seen. Even if Labour’s nonsensical predictions came true, the amount of tax it would have raised would have made virtually no difference to the problems with education. At best the this will work out about even, but I bet this ends up losing us money as all the kids leaving private have to now be educated by the state. And it’s caused so much distress and upset. They are unfit to rule and so are the Tories.
My friend is SLT at an independent school, they've already seen a massive drop off in pupils attending in years 7 and 12, this is before the tax is even implemented. He and I sat over some beers and did the maths. If the changes filter through, i.e., if the same number of pupils join in 2025/26, 2026/27 etc. as in 2024, the Exchequer will end up making the sum total of around £60,000 from the entire school. Not even enough for two teachers. That also isn't factoring in any SEND provision they provide.
This is not an Eton. They previously provided bursaries for around 13% of pupils. That has halved. Moreover, the LEA has no places for the pupils that are no longer attending his school.
This will not work. The only precedent we have for this policy is Greece, where it failed and was reversed.
and those students who came to the Uk to attend boarding school they will need to pump money into state education same as nhs lots leaving burned out
How come they never thought of how many children would be affected? I can’t believe that absolutely no one thought of this. If the public could see what would happen, why couldn’t anyone in the government? They are really incompetent.
They didn't think of how many children because they don't see these children as 'children'. They see them as the privileged offspring of the mostly only marginally wealthier families that Labour die-hards hate. They didn't think of them because they don't care about them.
Because they believed their own BS, that it was only multi millionaires that send their children to private schools.
I would guess that they thought people would just pay up...or just didn't think at all.