I left Minnesota a few year back. I really miss my Bombardier snow track. Been looking at these little blizzards, just to have on the shelf for that one week of the year we do get snow here. Have fun, man.
Yes, it's a snow guard to stop build up on the back of the body, it also help to some extent of keeping snow out of the insides. I have have changed the style of it since then to a longer version for better coverage. It's printed out of PLA and just bolted onto the existing holes on chassis plate with M3 hardware. I try not to self promote too much since I know it gets annoying but here are my links www.thingiverse.com/thing:5369928 www.ebay.com/itm/175534088213?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=n_0TZb4PR_2&sssrc=2524149&ssuid=n_0TZb4PR_2&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
I left Minnesota a few year back. I really miss my Bombardier snow track.
Been looking at these little blizzards, just to have on the shelf for that one week of the year we do get snow here.
Have fun, man.
Is that a cowl covering the rear portion of the tracks? Homemade?
Yes, it's a snow guard to stop build up on the back of the body, it also help to some extent of keeping snow out of the insides. I have have changed the style of it since then to a longer version for better coverage. It's printed out of PLA and just bolted onto the existing holes on chassis plate with M3 hardware.
I try not to self promote too much since I know it gets annoying but here are my links
@@CRCG_00 :0 thanks alot
I cleaned my windows with rubbing alcohol & paper towels looks great 👍
Paint the base flat black - the blue matches nothing.