About 40 years ago 3 different people from our church quoted the verses from Isaiah 58 over my husband and me and said that God will use us to help be restorers of the breach and to fulfill Isaiah 58. Perhaps the work going on in the old City of David is what this is about! We are praying as watchmen from the Walls! So glad I learned from you where this truly is! I didn't know 40 years ago!
Ms Heymann, Please consider running this back through your editor or the final cut of the clip and NORMALIZE the audio! I Nearly blew my ears out! One section very low followed by a blaster! Otherwise, keep up the excellent work!
I love this woman's spirit. The excavations at the ancient City of David are so important. God is surely in these last days revealing Himself in yet another way. All the lies of the secular historians and archaeologists are being proven wrong and deceitful. Darwin and his minions have not succeeded in their monumental efforts to destroy the faith of mankind. The more science reveals of the mystery of genetics, irreducible complexity of biology and the absolute truths of cataclysmic geologic history ... the more we know the Bible is indeed history and truth.
22 years ago I spent three weeks in Israel. They took us to all the crusader churches and sites and I was completely blasé. Bored. Now I want to go back. Go back with a guide that was not bent on hiding the truth from us.
Hey anna how can david be dead and buried with his fathers when eziek 37 says he will lead the 144 thousand army. Your friend sleeping and camping in the woods
Amen !!!!
I thank God for the Calling he has given AnaRina....... Such a Blessed Woman.
her voice is rising above the din
So proud of jou Annarinna from South Africa!
You are blessed lady !
About 40 years ago 3 different people from our church quoted the verses from Isaiah 58 over my husband and me and said that God will use us to help be restorers of the breach and to fulfill Isaiah 58. Perhaps the work going on in the old City of David is what this is about! We are praying as watchmen from the Walls! So glad I learned from you where this truly is! I didn't know 40 years ago!
Notice the united nations logo...
Ms Heymann, Please consider running this back through your editor or the final cut of the clip and NORMALIZE the audio! I Nearly blew my ears out! One section very low followed by a blaster! Otherwise, keep up the excellent work!
I love this woman's spirit. The excavations at the ancient City of David are so important. God is surely in these last days revealing Himself in yet another way. All the lies of the secular historians and archaeologists are being proven wrong and deceitful. Darwin and his minions have not succeeded in their monumental efforts to destroy the faith of mankind. The more science reveals of the mystery of genetics, irreducible complexity of biology and the absolute truths of cataclysmic geologic history ... the more we know the Bible is indeed history and truth.
22 years ago I spent three weeks in Israel. They took us to all the crusader churches and sites and I was completely blasé. Bored. Now I want to go back. Go back with a guide that was not bent on hiding the truth from us.
Hey anna how can david be dead and buried with his fathers when eziek 37 says he will lead the 144 thousand army. Your friend sleeping and camping in the woods