Buy the Arrows Bigfoot 1300mm here: Use our promo code and save $20: Bigfoot20 For under $170, this big rc airplane with lights, flaps, and big wheels is an amazing find! The Arrows Bigfoot is a 130mm rc plane that can "do it all". We are so excited to maiden this for you! Let us know your thoughts in the comments! Disclosure: This description box contains affiliate links. Buy the Arrows Bigfoot 1300mm here: Use our promo code and save $20: Bigfoot20 Battery: Charger: Transmitter/Receiver: The products in this video are rated for ages 14+. Support TheRcSaylors Patreon & Stickers | Ebay | Merch | Mail | 1140 Carter Ave, P.O. Box 361, Ashland, Kentucky 41101 Social Media Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Vlog and Live Channel | SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR PATREON FAMILY!! Haar Bear, Priyan, Jack Richardson, Chris Hamlett, Terry Kellogg, Joseph Schauber, michael baney, Ian Coulson, Daniel atwood, Pete Schmitt, walter stimax, Dan Conroy, Eddie Williamson, Jeff Buys, Derek Trombley, Jeff Acevedo, TA Zorek, Mike Gaffney, Rich Hull, Jermaine Spencer, Jamey Crowl, Doug Dahlheimer, Mickey, Kevin Trappen, David Chenzoff, Michel J. Gaudet, Gary Burt, Richard Higginson, john salt, Chuck R, Ryan Alexander, Alan Savage, Brandon Tibbetts, Raymond Hausele, Michael Califf Sr, Richard Bereczky, Banks McDade, Ron Erickson, Robert Hipp, Jesper Larsen, and Gary Zion #rc #rcplane #rcairplane
Thank you all very much. I have a balsa kit coming in so i can build. Yet i saw this video and ordered one right away. I usually stick to my 4 channel planes so this should be fun, I have never had flaps before. ALSO thanks for the double battery link i almost over paid by $5. Keep doing the lords work.
SWEET PLANE, it's my new favorite!! GREAT JOB Nate and Abby!! The design on the top of the wing looks like two BIG EYES!! Thanks Saylors for the SUPER FUN maiden!! 💟👍😘
I've looked this plane over a few times. It's a LOT of features for the price, and even more so with the discount! I'm impressed with Arrow RC's offerings that I have seen. I notice the aileron rolls look tighter and faster than my Timber.
Another great airplane video. Just wanted to thank you, I've been wanting the Bigfoot for some time and with the discount I just could not pass it up, so I just ordered one. Keep up the good reviews.
I love the larger planes. So easy to see and I love the larger wheels. Too many planes have landing gear tha are, what I consider, to be more decorative.
Nice video, thanks. Another great rc plane from Hobby Zone Arrows RC. One of the best bush plane and for $159, it's a steal. My Bigfoot easily got over 50 flight over the mid-west winter. Really great plane. 👏👏👍
I am going to look into this plane for sure! Very nice video and flying! I have flown for years but have never had a model with flaps, with all the nice features and great flying that you guys demonstrated I have finally found my plane! Thank You so much ❤️ for your channel and fun, plus info. Mark
That's awesome Mark! I encourage you to shop around and personally challenge you to find a better deal on a similar plane. I say this because if you find that, I'll gladly buy one to be featured on the channel!! You'll love this plane my friend 👍👍 I do ask, if you decide to pick one up please do so with the coupon code paired with our link and save yourself $20 💵💵 Happy Flying ⚓😎💯
Wow didn't realize how big the plane was until you held it up. I like it,it looks great. Both of ya flew well, though would like you to do more on air flying Abby. Very nice plane, good review. ⚓⚓👍👍💗💗👍👍⚓⚓.
Very much agreed but to be fair this plane coming in at $160 with our coupon code is a very rare situation. One of the best deals for a quality plane that weve seen possibly ever 👍⚓😎
@@TheRcSaylors Even at a normal price... that is still excellent for a big bird. Also, like that you are not required to spend weeks assembling balsa skeletons haha.
Have Bigfoot it's a great flyer, many flights, very hard not putting it in the hauler. Nice long flight times on 3s 2200 battery with mixed throttle. Great video, Jeff in LA USA
It's a really well made plane isn't it?! Just as soon as you take it out of the box, you know you've got a quality plane. In the air it feels and flies even better than our initial impressions. Love the lights and how easy they were to simply plug in! Two giant thumbs up from us!
@@TheRcSaylors Love mine also, but had an issue with getting only 4 minutes or less flight time, then the ESC died, customer service thought it might have been a faulty motor driving the ESC failure- and promptly sent me a replacement, and I gave back the old ones so they can do a root cause analysis..great people to work with! And the Marlin is flawless, I have had nothing but fun with that one!
TheRcSaylors did I mention I won it on a TH-cam channel as a giveaway? How awesome is that! Before that I hadn’t flown in 10 plus years. So fun to be flying again!
I've been waiting 4 weeks for the Tundra to get back in stock and after seeing this video, I ordered one via your link. The AR620 receiver I just bought will have a home. Thanks for the great review.
Nice quiet motor 👍 but I would want SAFE+ Technology 🤔🎉⚓ I'm looking more and more at the Timber X 1.3.. I just wish it wasn't illuminous green.. I like the aeroscout colours..
Absolutely sweet Plane. The size and price is perfect for what you get. I would have thought about 250. Yeah Good Job to you both. 💯 I'm jealous as I want to fly my new Bugs 4w 4k but the weather here in the UK is way too windy and it keeps spitting on with rain showers lol..but good job 👍😉 I can't wait to get my maiden flight in. And I have x3 Batteries.
Looks a lot like a Cessna 152 with a tailwheel conversion and big tundra tires. Nice look overall. I have several hundred hours in the 150 series and they are nice flying airplanes.
"Leveled up to Daddy" HAHAHA! I love it. Another great video and good looking plane. If I hadn't just bought a Turbo Timber I probably would have bought this and put a LemonRX Stabilizer Plus in it.
I recently ordered the Arrows Bigfoot, it’s actually on its way to me now. Couldn’t pass it up, looks like a nice model with led lighting and rugged landing gear AND $20.00 off! I’m a novice RC pilot with a little experience flying a little cub sport that held up well to crashing but the battery quickly lost its ability to recharge so the plane was returned to Amazon with the intent to buy a larger model. So six months later after watching your reviews I’m getting back into the hobby. Purchased a 6 channel Flysky FS-i6X transmitter with receiver, a couple of batteries and a charger which should work well with the Bigfoot. Still waiting on two rtf trainer planes a voluntex 500 and a xk430 ordered from BG which I will fly the wings off to get my feet wet again before I fly the Arrows Bigfoot. Thanks for your insightful reviews.
Hey Nate, just purchased my very first arrows big foot, I would just want to know the dual rates and expo you setted up or think would be the best for scale flying. Much thanks for the reply
Great video, thanks. I’ve just got a Bigfoot but without the radio so had to set it up on my RadioMasterTX16S with a RadioMaster R86C receiver. I connected to it with the SBUS lead but cannot get flaps. I setup the model on the TX on Channel 5 to a 3-way switch. I noticed that the flaps & ailerons are wired in to the same plug which is in the aileron slot on the vector unit. Don’t understand that. Any suggestions where the problem may be? Nigel (English living in France)
The coupon code may be good for a few days or so. Well worth every penny Alan!! Of course we understand staying on budget, that is smart. If you can swing it, I'd tap into next months funds 😉 I can almost gurantee itd end up being one of your favorites 👍⚓😎 Happy Flying!
Hello you two, thanks for all the work you do, even though we all know your having fun doing it. OK back to the Bigfoot, what percent down elevator do you add with full flaps for landing. I love the half flaps for take off but land with out any. Its a little fast but lands great. Any info you can offer would be great. Thanks for your time.
So, the way I do one may not be how everyone else does one but it sure is fun! I usually pick up some speed, then angle the plane up a hair right before snapping. Then I throttle down and full left rudder at the same time full down elevator and full right roll. Then when the plane levels back out after a couple rolls, I throttle back up and keep cruising 👍⚓😎 Hope that makes sense. I'm not sure if you are a Patron or not, but if not I'd like to invite you to sign up and support our channel, plus you get some amazing stickers!! Thanks and Happy Flying! -Nate
Ok got the code to work. Off the topic but would you think about reviewing giro stabilizers on the market. There are several on the market and the price range is $29 to $49. Love your channel by the way.
That's a nice airplane, maybe I will get one my grand children would love it. Big QUESTION! the new regs for FFA, how would it effect a RC plane like that one?? you two Saylors do great videos on RC Things. Thanks
Ive noticed sometimes you guys forget to include the actual plane in the review. lol Maybe a couple minutes less flying and a couple minutes more of close ups of the plane, show the parts up close, battery bay, included electronics, gear, etc. All relevant information for someone looking to purchase.
@@SimplifiedTruth you dont. Frsky and jumper both run on opensource and can be set up to run spectrum "safe" modes. Also, the plane in this video doesn't come with a receiver, so you can put an opensource receiver in it & not bind to an opensource transmitter or put a spectrum receiver in & bind to opensource. Theres a number of youtube videos on how to do this. Happy flying.
Oh absolutely, if you've already got a sport Cub you are good to go. If you have room though, this would make a sweet back up plane if your cub ever goes down especially at $160 😉👍⚓😎 Thanks for tuning in and Happy Flying!
Yeah exactly!! You used to! Planes have come a LONG way in the last 5 years or so. Now when foam snaps (if it even does) about 10 cents worth of hot glue and 2 minutes later and you are Flying again 👍⚓😎
Thank you so much for all your great videos! I love your review, your enthusiasm and the fun you show for this hobby. Thank you so much not only for the objective reviews, but also for the intentai ment you offer, a real p,easier to view you! This seems to be a great plane. However, I had very bad experience with ArrowsRC (owned the Sky Trainer Cessna 182, only had problems with that plane...). Therefore, my question: how do you evaluate the build quality of this plane? Arrows servos tend to be bad, I had them fail on me, resulting in crash..., so would change them in any case. How would you compare this plane to the durafly tundra? I’m a beginner-intermediate, mostly flying scale. Considering a bush plane mainly because of the big wheels and the poor fields I’m flying off (grass fields, often not well maintained and with holes or irregularities). Hand launch is usually required because of the filed, so that is a must for any plane I consider so that I can use it independently of the poor filed conditions, but the planes still need to land, hence the landing gear I modify for my planes for bigger wheels... I like this bigfoot because of lights and all, but as mentioned doubt the quality. On the other hand, I heard about the tundra’s tendency to stall, and this scares me slightly. Another aspect important for me: wings need to be easy to come off and assemble at the field since I don’t have enough space to store the full plane with wings on... Lastly, I’m also considering the Valiant, with a wheel mod for larger/bush wheels because it seems to be an easy plane to fly at a great price point. Where I live, all three have more or less the same price. Any suggestion?
@@TheRcSaylors Okay - just bought plane. If not as GREAT as you say, I will come visit and FORCE you and Abby to put me up and feed me for three full days... I LOVE BACON!!! hint hint hint :-)
@ RC started saying something about replacing one of your Tundra's with this plane , then totally started talking about the wind.....please finish your comparison , because as a beginner, I would like to know what plane handles better ..thanks
Awesome plane. Ya know I drug my feet for years. I thought Airplanes were too expensive and I was terrified to try to fly one. I so glad that I found you guys when I did. Now I'm flying practically every day and I love it. Its so relaxing. I was so scared of landing and now I can do it with ease. Love ya guys.🐾🐾😎🐾🐾 Oh, also I had an old Wal-Mart helicopter. I took the lights out of it and put them in my Champ. It looks so cool now. The first Champ with navigation lights. I haven't flown my Mini Apprentice yet but I'm planning on that this weekend. Again Thank You both for everything.☺
I have a tactic ttx850 8 channel and wondered if there was any way to get any flight stabilization with it? They don't make it anymore. Flite test has the aura 5 that I think is supposed to work with any transmitter, but not sure of that. Do you know of anything or will I have to switch to spektrum?
@@bretsnoke9213 what you need is an add gyro. This one will work or this one if you prefer a more simplified version.
Looked like it was skidding like a Cub would do without the rudder. I own an 1/4 scale clipped wing Cub and you have to use the rudder or it looks weird in the turns like this plane. Crazy how much the rudder does once you learn how to use it properly.
I want to buy one now but unfortunately I'm not an AMA member and there are no fields in my area I can fly this thing without breaking some rule or regulation. I'd have to drive an hour away to clear the 5 mile rule since there are airports everywhere where I live.
I'm really bummed now, I ordered this plane several days ago, NOW there's a discount! LOL. After watching your video I reallly can't wait until it shows up.
In the RC Plane world there are quite a few radios to chose from. Good ones as cheap as $60 (not universal) and expensive ones as high as $1,400.00! Really just depends what you are going for. We are recommending that radio that we linked because of our positive experience with it and that brand over the last seven years and can speak very highly from personal use. Happy Flying! -Nate
I have the DX-18 Gen2. I have a lot of airplanes that cost less than the TX. And a few that cost more. I have flown planes using the Dynam RTF package deal 4 and 6 channel radios and they work fine. I used to buy Dynam RTF packages so I could give away the TX and RX to upgrade the radios when someone brought a Harbor Freight Cub to the field. The Harbor Freight Cub is actually pretty good if it has a better radio than what they supply.
Buy the Arrows Bigfoot 1300mm here:
Use our promo code and save $20: Bigfoot20
For under $170, this big rc airplane with lights, flaps, and big wheels is an amazing find! The Arrows Bigfoot is a 130mm rc plane that can "do it all". We are so excited to maiden this for you! Let us know your thoughts in the comments!
Disclosure: This description box contains affiliate links.
Buy the Arrows Bigfoot 1300mm here:
Use our promo code and save $20: Bigfoot20
The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.
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Haar Bear, Priyan, Jack Richardson, Chris Hamlett, Terry Kellogg, Joseph Schauber, michael baney, Ian Coulson, Daniel atwood, Pete Schmitt, walter stimax, Dan Conroy, Eddie Williamson, Jeff Buys, Derek Trombley, Jeff Acevedo, TA Zorek, Mike Gaffney, Rich Hull, Jermaine Spencer, Jamey Crowl, Doug Dahlheimer, Mickey, Kevin Trappen, David Chenzoff, Michel J. Gaudet, Gary Burt, Richard Higginson, john salt, Chuck R, Ryan Alexander, Alan Savage, Brandon Tibbetts, Raymond Hausele, Michael Califf Sr, Richard Bereczky, Banks McDade, Ron Erickson, Robert Hipp, Jesper Larsen, and Gary Zion
#rc #rcplane #rcairplane
Thank you all very much. I have a balsa kit coming in so i can build. Yet i saw this video and ordered one right away. I usually stick to my 4 channel planes so this should be fun, I have never had flaps before. ALSO thanks for the double battery link i almost over paid by $5. Keep doing the lords work.
Very nice guys ! That was the best drone footage of Abby flying that I have seen!! Well Done both of you.
The RCSaylers just keep giving 😮 that’s an awesome plane for that price. Cool vid 🤘😎
Thanks Carnage! Yeah, this thing is sticking around in our line up for a Very Long Time :-)
It can do some awesome acrobatics. Also, I love the drone footage of it flying. What drone are you flying beside it?
been flying mine for 8 weeks love it
SWEET PLANE, it's my new favorite!! GREAT JOB Nate and Abby!! The design on the top of the wing looks like two BIG EYES!! Thanks Saylors for the SUPER FUN maiden!! 💟👍😘
Super cool plane and a $20 coupon! This channel keeps getting better and better!
I've looked this plane over a few times. It's a LOT of features for the price, and even more so with the discount! I'm impressed with Arrow RC's offerings that I have seen. I notice the aileron rolls look tighter and faster than my Timber.
Another great airplane video. Just wanted to thank you, I've been wanting the Bigfoot for some time and with the discount I just could not pass it up, so I just ordered one. Keep up the good reviews.
I love the larger planes. So easy to see and I love the larger wheels. Too many planes have landing gear tha are, what I consider, to be more decorative.
You two have been working really hard of late. Truly appreciated.
Glad to know it is recognized and appreciated! Having fun doing it all, but it does take a lot more time 👍⚓😎
Awesome 👍 plane guys WOW sounds great 👍 looking great Nate & you too Abby good job guys AWESOME
Nice video, thanks. Another great rc plane from Hobby Zone Arrows RC. One of the best bush plane and for $159, it's a steal. My Bigfoot easily got over 50 flight over the mid-west winter. Really great plane. 👏👏👍
Definitely an amazing plane! Excellent review & flights Nate & Abby!! 😊 ⚓⚓
you are awesome. I love your reviews and suggestions. I can't wait to purchase my first plane.
If Hobbyking do lose the plot and you can't buy a Tundra anymore, I think this'd be a good option.
Great camera work on this one BTW Abby! 😁👍
I am going to look into this plane for sure! Very nice video and flying! I have flown for years but have never had a model with flaps, with all the nice features and great flying that you guys demonstrated I have finally found my plane! Thank You so much ❤️ for your channel and fun, plus info. Mark
That's awesome Mark! I encourage you to shop around and personally challenge you to find a better deal on a similar plane. I say this because if you find that, I'll gladly buy one to be featured on the channel!! You'll love this plane my friend 👍👍 I do ask, if you decide to pick one up please do so with the coupon code paired with our link and save yourself $20 💵💵 Happy Flying ⚓😎💯
That's a sweet looking plane! Thanks Saylors!!!
Love the UK hat!!!!!
Great plane and the price without the promo code is incredible. Love the lights and Bush tires
Rudder in the turns man!!
Nice review. I enjoy watching you two. It's great that you work together so well.
Good job team RC Saylor!
OMG! This plane is soo awesome! SO big! So many feaures and ot looks awesome! Thanks guys for another great vid!
Great Plane! Wish I had more room to store planes! Great Review!
Seeing the race track got me thinking: What happend to the race series you were planning for the club?
Dang I like that plane!
It does look amazing!!!!! Cheers!!!!
Thanks a lot for tuning in Rick 👍⚓😎
Wow didn't realize how big the plane was until you held it up. I like it,it looks great. Both of ya flew well, though would like you to do more on air flying Abby. Very nice plane, good review. ⚓⚓👍👍💗💗👍👍⚓⚓.
I'm amazed how cheap you can get into nice RC planes these days. I might have to try this and add FPV when I get my drones all set.
Very much agreed but to be fair this plane coming in at $160 with our coupon code is a very rare situation. One of the best deals for a quality plane that weve seen possibly ever 👍⚓😎
@@TheRcSaylors Even at a normal price... that is still excellent for a big bird. Also, like that you are not required to spend weeks assembling balsa skeletons haha.
Cool looking plane. Love your channel guys, especially your t shirt Nate. 👍✈️✈️😊
Have Bigfoot it's a great flyer, many flights, very hard not putting it in the hauler. Nice long flight times on 3s 2200 battery with mixed throttle. Great video, Jeff in LA USA
I love my Arrows Bigfoot!
It's a really well made plane isn't it?! Just as soon as you take it out of the box, you know you've got a quality plane. In the air it feels and flies even better than our initial impressions. Love the lights and how easy they were to simply plug in! Two giant thumbs up from us!
@@TheRcSaylors Love mine also, but had an issue with getting only 4 minutes or less flight time, then the ESC died, customer service thought it might have been a faulty motor driving the ESC failure- and promptly sent me a replacement, and I gave back the old ones so they can do a root cause analysis..great people to work with! And the Marlin is flawless, I have had nothing but fun with that one!
TheRcSaylors did I mention I won it on a TH-cam channel as a giveaway? How awesome is that! Before that I hadn’t flown in 10 plus years. So fun to be flying again!
I've been waiting 4 weeks for the Tundra to get back in stock and after seeing this video, I ordered one via your link. The AR620 receiver I just bought will have a home. Thanks for the great review.
Ordered one!
Woot!! You are gonna Love this plane. Gurantee it ends up being one of your all time favorites 👍⚓😎
When the video first came on I honestly thought it was a real plane lol another great video guys thanks again for the entertainment as always
I just purchased this plane, thanks for the discount guy's! What a great deal...
You will Love this plane 😃 If it isnt one of your favorites, if not your actual favorite I would be very surprised! 👍⚓😎
Nice quiet motor 👍 but I would want SAFE+ Technology 🤔🎉⚓
I'm looking more and more at the Timber X 1.3.. I just wish it wasn't illuminous green.. I like the aeroscout colours..
Just buy this one and add an Admiral RX600SP receiver from motionrc. You'll be right where you want to be for $190 all up!
cool RC.
Absolutely sweet Plane. The size and price is perfect for what you get. I would have thought about 250. Yeah Good Job to you both. 💯 I'm jealous as I want to fly my new Bugs 4w 4k but the weather here in the UK is way too windy and it keeps spitting on with rain showers lol..but good job 👍😉 I can't wait to get my maiden flight in. And I have x3 Batteries.
Looks like a great plane for the price 👍
Very much agreed 👍⚓😎
🔥Fire video🔥💯
Thank you 👍⚓😎
Looks a lot like a Cessna 152 with a tailwheel conversion and big tundra tires. Nice look overall. I have several hundred hours in the 150 series and they are nice flying airplanes.
Excellent, very cool plane. Looks like a blast to fly.
A solid winner for sure 👍⚓😎 Thanks for tuning in!
@@TheRcSaylors Thank you for taking the time and effort to provide the great video reviews!
Awesome cap! Go Cats!
Thank you!! I was wondering if anyone would catch that 👍⚓😎
pretty cool plane, nice price point....
I picked it up, thanks! Can't wait to fly it!
Absolutely Gary!! Hey, let us know how your first flights go!! 👍⚓😎
"Leveled up to Daddy" HAHAHA! I love it.
Another great video and good looking plane. If I hadn't just bought a Turbo Timber I probably would have bought this and put a LemonRX Stabilizer Plus in it.
Early squad where you guys at (:
Fam Jay Crew In The House!!!
TheRcSaylors always try to friends 😎😎😎⚓️⚓️⚓️⚓️⚓️⚓️
I recently ordered the Arrows Bigfoot, it’s actually on its way to me now. Couldn’t pass it up, looks like a nice model with led lighting and rugged landing gear AND $20.00 off! I’m a novice
RC pilot with a little experience flying a little cub sport that held up well to crashing but the battery quickly lost its ability to recharge so the plane was returned to Amazon with the intent to buy a larger model. So six months later after watching your reviews I’m getting back into the hobby.
Purchased a 6 channel Flysky FS-i6X transmitter with receiver, a couple of batteries and a charger which should work well with the Bigfoot.
Still waiting on two rtf trainer planes a voluntex 500 and a xk430 ordered from BG which I will fly the wings off to get my feet wet again before I fly the Arrows Bigfoot. Thanks for your insightful reviews.
Thanks 👍⚓😎 Very proud Dad!
@@TheRcSaylors keep up all the hard work. Great reviews
Also the big FMS Skytrainer 182 :D Same pricepoint but a bit bigger and looks much much better :D
Great video!
Thanks 👍⚓😎
Can I Bind it to my Spectrum Receiver?
I know you recommend dx6e but that's not really in the budget what transmitter and receiver would you recommend on lower end just getting into pnp
Hey Nate, just purchased my very first arrows big foot, I would just want to know the dual rates and expo you setted up or think would be the best for scale flying. Much thanks for the reply
Great video, thanks.
I’ve just got a Bigfoot but without the radio so had to set it up on my RadioMasterTX16S with a RadioMaster R86C receiver. I connected
to it with the SBUS lead but cannot get flaps. I setup the model on the TX on Channel 5 to a 3-way switch. I noticed that the flaps &
ailerons are wired in to the same plug which is in the aileron slot on the vector unit. Don’t understand that.
Any suggestions where the problem may be? Nigel (English living in France)
Which receiver are you using the ar620? and what kind of stability does that have for a beginner/med pilot please guys??
That's a great price! Unfortunately I spent my rc funds for this month 😕 Another awesome video from the Rcsaylors 👍🙏⚓😀
The coupon code may be good for a few days or so. Well worth every penny Alan!! Of course we understand staying on budget, that is smart. If you can swing it, I'd tap into next months funds 😉 I can almost gurantee itd end up being one of your favorites 👍⚓😎 Happy Flying!
Awesome 😊 airplane guys 👍 looking good 👍😎😎 videos
The aerial footage looks fantastic! Who’s flying the quad while you fly the plane? Looks great and flies really nicely (the plane.)
That sure is a nice plane! Great drone shots too - what camera are you using on the race drone? Thanks for another great review.
Thanks Michael! That's just a really old GoPro, like five years old 👍⚓😎
Hello you two, thanks for all the work you do, even though we all know your having fun doing it. OK back to the Bigfoot, what percent down elevator do you add with full flaps for landing. I love the half flaps for take off but land with out any. Its a little fast but lands great. Any info you can offer would be great. Thanks for your time.
How do you do the snap roll... ???
So, the way I do one may not be how everyone else does one but it sure is fun! I usually pick up some speed, then angle the plane up a hair right before snapping. Then I throttle down and full left rudder at the same time full down elevator and full right roll. Then when the plane levels back out after a couple rolls, I throttle back up and keep cruising 👍⚓😎 Hope that makes sense. I'm not sure if you are a Patron or not, but if not I'd like to invite you to sign up and support our channel, plus you get some amazing stickers!! Thanks and Happy Flying!
what is this extra single yellow wire coming off the esc??
Ok got the code to work. Off the topic but would you think about reviewing giro stabilizers on the market. There are several on the market and the price range is $29 to $49. Love your channel by the way.
That's a nice airplane, maybe I will get one my grand children would love it. Big QUESTION! the new regs for FFA, how would it effect a RC plane like that one?? you two Saylors do great videos on RC Things. Thanks
I give you guys a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 👍🏻
Ive noticed sometimes you guys forget to include the actual plane in the review. lol Maybe a couple minutes less flying and a couple minutes more of close ups of the plane, show the parts up close, battery bay, included electronics, gear, etc. All relevant information for someone looking to purchase.
We intend to do a follow up video later this week, as this was just our maiden. 👍⚓😎
How would you say this airplane compares with the E-flite Valiant?
Yea I'm interested to. Valiant gonna be hard to beat. Got one on my list! Just wish didnt have to get a 200$ radio to keep "safe" technology
I was thinking the same thing, Valiant vs Bigfoot?
@@SimplifiedTruth you dont. Frsky and jumper both run on opensource and can be set up to run spectrum "safe" modes. Also, the plane in this video doesn't come with a receiver, so you can put an opensource receiver in it & not bind to an opensource transmitter or put a spectrum receiver in & bind to opensource. Theres a number of youtube videos on how to do this. Happy flying.
How long was that flight? Seemed like a pretty long flight. How long will this plane fly on a full charge. Enjoyed the video. Thanks
It's on back-order. On a funny note, I recently purchased the Venom Pro Duo charger, Ovonic 2200's and the Spektrum DX6e!
what receiver are you using?
Nice plane but I see no positives over my parkzone sport cub. Sweet price though!
Oh absolutely, if you've already got a sport Cub you are good to go. If you have room though, this would make a sweet back up plane if your cub ever goes down especially at $160 😉👍⚓😎 Thanks for tuning in and Happy Flying!
The Sport Cub is legendary, mine has more flights than I can count.
I use to see customer's buy them in the box and bring them back in a bag 😆 LOL. That's why I love the cars and trucks!
Yeah exactly!! You used to! Planes have come a LONG way in the last 5 years or so. Now when foam snaps (if it even does) about 10 cents worth of hot glue and 2 minutes later and you are Flying again 👍⚓😎
You are right because carbon fiber and smaller lithium batteries reduce the weight and durability
Looking forward to getting this and thanks for coupon. Should make a good fpv plane.
Thanks for the coupon as well
Thank you so much for all your great videos! I love your review, your enthusiasm and the fun you show for this hobby. Thank you so much not only for the objective reviews, but also for the intentai ment you offer, a real p,easier to view you!
This seems to be a great plane. However, I had very bad experience with ArrowsRC (owned the Sky Trainer Cessna 182, only had problems with that plane...). Therefore, my question: how do you evaluate the build quality of this plane? Arrows servos tend to be bad, I had them fail on me, resulting in crash..., so would change them in any case. How would you compare this plane to the durafly tundra? I’m a beginner-intermediate, mostly flying scale. Considering a bush plane mainly because of the big wheels and the poor fields I’m flying off (grass fields, often not well maintained and with holes or irregularities). Hand launch is usually required because of the filed, so that is a must for any plane I consider so that I can use it independently of the poor filed conditions, but the planes still need to land, hence the landing gear I modify for my planes for bigger wheels... I like this bigfoot because of lights and all, but as mentioned doubt the quality. On the other hand, I heard about the tundra’s tendency to stall, and this scares me slightly. Another aspect important for me: wings need to be easy to come off and assemble at the field since I don’t have enough space to store the full plane with wings on... Lastly, I’m also considering the Valiant, with a wheel mod for larger/bush wheels because it seems to be an easy plane to fly at a great price point. Where I live, all three have more or less the same price. Any suggestion?
Ooooo_ a TUNDRA type of plane! Me likee!✨🤗✨
Michael this plane is Rock Solid and an absolute steal at $160. Pick one up brother!! Those lights are AMAZING! 👍⚓😎
TheRcSaylors So... ya sayin, “Go MORE into debt, Michel. YOU WON’T BE SORRY!” lol 😂
Love 💕 ya!
@@TheRcSaylors Okay - just bought plane. If not as GREAT as you say, I will come visit and FORCE you and Abby to put me up and feed me for three full days... I LOVE BACON!!! hint hint hint :-)
Ha Ha Ha
Nice shirt eh, Nate
By the way nice video too!!! code works fine also...!!!
Sweet! Me want
Hi rc saylors
Hey Noah!
Can you find a large rc plane with a controller and batteries for under £70 which is 4ch? Thanx!
@ RC started saying something about replacing one of your Tundra's with this plane , then totally started talking about the wind.....please finish your comparison , because as a beginner, I would like to know what plane handles better ..thanks
Nate when you laugh I also laugh. lol.
Glad to hear it Don! Life can be so good, and even better with RC! 👍⚓😎
@@TheRcSaylors Your videos are so fun to watch and relaxing. only because I'm not the one crashing.
Has the coupon code run out? I keep getting "invalid coupon".
You need to fpv this one
Awesome plane. Ya know I drug my feet for years. I thought Airplanes were too expensive and I was terrified to try to fly one. I so glad that I found you guys when I did. Now I'm flying practically every day and I love it. Its so relaxing. I was so scared of landing and now I can do it with ease. Love ya guys.🐾🐾😎🐾🐾
Oh, also I had an old Wal-Mart helicopter. I took the lights out of it and put them in my Champ. It looks so cool now. The first Champ with navigation lights. I haven't flown my Mini Apprentice yet but I'm planning on that this weekend. Again Thank You both for everything.☺
Nate, I have an issue i want your input on. How can i discuss it with you?
Happy to discuss it here if it is something that others might be able to gain knowledge on as well 👍⚓😎
I have a tactic ttx850 8 channel and wondered if there was any way to get any flight stabilization with it? They don't make it anymore. Flite test has the aura 5 that I think is supposed to work with any transmitter, but not sure of that. Do you know of anything or will I have to switch to spektrum?
@@bretsnoke9213 what you need is an add gyro.
This one will work or this one if you prefer a more simplified version.
How dose it take him 10 minutes for the plane to setup I got the same plane and it taking me like An hour to set up
I can't get the coupon code. When I click on link
No spaces, try it exactly how we have it typed out. Have had others tell us it works perfectly. Also gives free shipping 😉👍⚓😎
can i use a 4s battery in this plane
Your turns don't look coordinated. Are you using the rudder?
Very little to no rudder as I was very focused on the weak battery issue during the first flight.
Looked like it was skidding like a Cub would do without the rudder. I own an 1/4 scale clipped wing Cub and you have to use the rudder or it looks weird in the turns like this plane. Crazy how much the rudder does once you learn how to use it properly.
Wonder how low light you could still fly this in, usually civil aviation lights aren't quite enough to safely night fly a bird like this.
I want to buy one now but unfortunately I'm not an AMA member and there are no fields in my area I can fly this thing without breaking some rule or regulation. I'd have to drive an hour away to clear the 5 mile rule since there are airports everywhere where I live.
I'm really bummed now, I ordered this plane several days ago, NOW there's a discount! LOL. After watching your video I reallly can't wait until it shows up.
Hey, you've got yourself a sweet plane on the way Darrel! Even without our coupon you've still got a winner 👍 Happy Flying!! 👍⚓😎
where do you purches plain .. i am ready to buy
Linked in our video description box! 👍😀😎⚓️
Wish I would’ve found your channel sooner
Glad to have you here now 😁👍😎⚓
When the transmitter costs more than the actual plane
That's hardly unusual. 🙄
In the RC Plane world there are quite a few radios to chose from. Good ones as cheap as $60 (not universal) and expensive ones as high as $1,400.00! Really just depends what you are going for. We are recommending that radio that we linked because of our positive experience with it and that brand over the last seven years and can speak very highly from personal use. Happy Flying!
I have the DX-18 Gen2. I have a lot of airplanes that cost less than the TX. And a few that cost more.
I have flown planes using the Dynam RTF package deal 4 and 6 channel radios and they work fine. I used to buy Dynam RTF packages so I could give away the TX and RX to upgrade the radios when someone brought a Harbor Freight Cub to the field. The Harbor Freight Cub is actually pretty good if it has a better radio than what they supply.
Please try to use rudder lol