only here in jp version he does have winquotes,a piece of dialogue when you encounter him and a full-on ending(2 of them,one is when you beat cpu akuma)
12:24 The first rime I played this game I remember thinking to myself, "good I don't have to fight Bison"........little did I know that Akuma was 10x better 😅
IF i recall maybe im completely confused with another version, on the shakunetsu hadoken the particular sprite that has both arms connected with the armbands has a forgotten hitbox
So happy I found this video. I did this a single time in the arcade in the mid 90s, took me about 6 I thought I'd imagined it. The memories... Loved playing a fun version of him in X-Men Children of the Atom as well... Then SF Alpha... Good times.
The fact that akuma (in super turbo and hyper) cant really get stunned is op. I mean yes, he does have the stun indication when he gets stunned, but he immidiatly recovers when he gets back up. So basically akuma cannot get stunned
The draw game against Shin Akuma was the highlight in this video. That said, I was hoping Shin Akuma won the 3rd round to lead to a nail biting 4th round.
Man, you're worse than the computer (in an excellent way) Sagat was a defiant bamboo but you broke him down and you and Akuma went to WAR! No wonder Ryu never showed up he saw all of that and was like "Nope none for me thank you kindly" lol. This was an awesome video, I know for a fact that I wouldn't want to fight you lol.
@ology007, I will like to see him do same on SF 30th anniversary super street fighter 2 turbo, that’s the most difficult Super street fighter 2 turbo ever created . The first CPU can mess you up talkless of fighting Akuma.
That Akuma v Akuma fight was ROUGH. Like edge of your seat craziness. Always thought it was ridiculous though. You have one air fireball, the computer could always do 2. Never made any sense.
I used to know this akuma, he liked to hide, he was a dark type, later I learned that he was bad at fighting. Then I heard that he joined Street Fighter.
There are multple ways to play this. There's the Ultra SF2 version on Switch,there's also the Anniversary Collection for obvious reasons, and you can also play Hyper SF2 via the Capcom Fighting Collection.
É muito satisfatório assistir as gameplays desse canal. O cara não joga casualmente, o objetivo dele é entreter quem já é familiarizado com os jogos de luta. 👍 😎
That Akuma vs Akuma was intense!!
I love that Akuma has so little respect for his opponents he doesn’t even take off his flip flops or offer any trash talk after.
only here
in jp version he does have winquotes,a piece of dialogue when you encounter him and a full-on ending(2 of them,one is when you beat cpu akuma)
13:15 To be a great Warrior.... One must overcome oneself
12:24 The first rime I played this game I remember thinking to myself, "good I don't have to fight Bison"........little did I know that Akuma was 10x better 😅
Capcom at 1:00 "Did i just catch you havin fun?"
4:12 - first time seeing that.
IF i recall maybe im completely confused with another version, on the shakunetsu hadoken the particular sprite that has both arms connected with the armbands has a forgotten hitbox
I was waiting for you to do this video with Akuma. Was not disappointed watching the beautiful combos ❤
holy shit, that last double sho ryu ken was timeless
That Akuma v Akuma battle was CRAZY SHIT 🔥
So happy I found this video. I did this a single time in the arcade in the mid 90s, took me about 6
I thought I'd imagined it.
The memories... Loved playing a fun version of him in X-Men Children of the Atom as well... Then SF Alpha... Good times.
The fact that akuma (in super turbo and hyper) cant really get stunned is op. I mean yes, he does have the stun indication when he gets stunned, but he immidiatly recovers when he gets back up. So basically akuma cannot get stunned
Now Sagat knows how does it feel to be spammed with fireballs. And damn, that 8 hit combo on Zangief and that final battle was intense!
Dude that was EPIC!!!!!! Especially Akuma vs Akuma 🔥🔥🔥
Always Akuma. So entertaining! Thanks for doing these.
1:02 Capcom at its finest moment.
The draw game against Shin Akuma was the highlight in this video. That said, I was hoping Shin Akuma won the 3rd round to lead to a nail biting 4th round.
Man, you're worse than the computer (in an excellent way) Sagat was a defiant bamboo but you broke him down and you and Akuma went to WAR! No wonder Ryu never showed up he saw all of that and was like "Nope none for me thank you kindly" lol. This was an awesome video, I know for a fact that I wouldn't want to fight you lol.
"Defiant Bamboo" has me WEAK! LMAO
@@montyjean-jacques4585 Just call it as I saw it, now on my channel the fighting games I play my ask is hollering and screaming at victory and defeat.
@@Ology007 LOL, I respect it my friend. Also I appreciate you responding!
@@montyjean-jacques4585 all good brother!
@ology007, I will like to see him do same on SF 30th anniversary super street fighter 2 turbo, that’s the most difficult Super street fighter 2 turbo ever created . The first CPU can mess you up talkless of fighting Akuma.
Akuma is so brutal
Especially when you're fighting against Shin Akuma.
this how streetfighter needed to look
Ashura 🆚 Ashura(teleport) is still the second best thing about this video.😂
That 6 hit combo 😮 😳
Imaging Akuna en route to next fight sitting in coach class next to a crying baby.
At least he ain't evil enough to hit a baby
Those are awesome combos!
Amazing, I never seen a draw before.
I usually see double ko, win or lose scenario
I knew Akuma was going to win the last fight.
I like the shadow movements
Youre pretty good. Nice combos and execution
Akuma music is no joke❤
The debut of "Ken"😊
He had the same standing Roundhouse as Ryu for at least 1/2 a decade.
Ken is kinda goofy. Bro was out of range but just had to flowchart.
Art of fighting have those flame around the shoulder when charging energy!
And takuma came earlier than akuma!
Awesome combos! Akuma is so brutal
The filter on these graphics make it look like a much better hd update than the hd remix version
8 hit combo?! Hoookay buddy
Best streets fighter adaptation ever
Bro. ..boss to the next level!
That Akuma v Akuma fight was ROUGH. Like edge of your seat craziness. Always thought it was ridiculous though. You have one air fireball, the computer could always do 2. Never made any sense.
Akuma. Meet Shin Akuma... 💁🏾♂️
Akuma vs Shin Akuma
Great combos! For a second there I thought Fei-Long had you beat in 2nd round..nice comeback. Man that 6 hit finisher on T.Hawk was a beauty!
Fei Long just spared him. The CPU could have finished that 5-hit combo.
13:28-13:38 is elite fighting 😂🔥🔥🔥🔥
I love tha Akuma's teleport not like more recent SF
Damn it, it's Akuma is brutal
Why Akuma doesn't have the "Super bar" to do Raging Demon!? There are different versions?
What you did to T. Hawk is a crime to humanity 😢
The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
- Refuses to elaborate further
- Casually messatsu Bison again
Great game and video
And for me akuma is... maybe the master sheng long ryu and ken's sensei
I think so
Well played 💪💪💪💪💪
Akuma 🤘🤘🤘🤘
Those fire balls were so meaty. You could call them steaks.
This game had a great combo system.
It did but a combo is half your health and almost always a stun!
No escape for Zangief damn lol
it's Shin Akuma/Gouki not regular Gouki /Akuma
I used to know this akuma, he liked to hide, he was a dark type, later I learned that he was bad at fighting. Then I heard that he joined Street Fighter.
How do you play as Shin Gouki?
I don't see why it doesn't allow more combos for every character as akuma has. Just look at how many times he can hit opponents with the huricane kick
Where is the Shungokusatsu?
Akuma doesn't have access to it in Super Turbo. Don't worry, he's still so good he's banned from every tournament!
Akuma vs akuma feels like watching dbz
This Akuma is deadly
Btw if buy the 30th street fighter anniversary collection, you can actually play it very cool.
No, he's not overpowered. It's all relative and subjective. Trust Einstein
Where we can play this one nowadays?
There are multple ways to play this. There's the Ultra SF2 version on Switch,there's also the Anniversary Collection for obvious reasons, and you can also play Hyper SF2 via the Capcom Fighting Collection.
The debut of Akuma.
Akuma is a mixture of kung Fu and ninjutsu
What was the secret to make Akuma show up in the player selection?
Stay 60frames on T-Hawk, 60f on guile, 60f on cammy and 60f on ryu on the menu select screen
Evil Ryu is a mixture of kung Fu and ninjutsu
14:10 Just epic
1991 Street Fighter 2 needed a teleport.😊
In 1994, there was no more U.S.S.R
This is a mistake in this game.
It's a game with a fantasy plot, they could have actually called it CCCP if they wanted more realism.
I love akuma he just the character
I'm just here for Black Rasta Jesus in Las Vegas 😅
One jumping heavy combo 60%😮
so we will never fight M bison on this trubo
2 Akuma XD
I dont remember Akuma having no pause in between his power moves.
How do you pull a dragon punch so effortlessly?
I don't even know this man and im scared of him already with Akuma
Amazing achievement. May as well just put the 2nd controller on and do the same thing.
Gerardo Andrés Barragán Carreño 23
How does selec to akıma pls help me
조리 신고 저렇게 선풍각하면서도 조리가 안날라감 = 발가락 수련이 절정에 달한자임
Is this a speed challenge
Its about a fair match considering how badly overpowered the cpu is.
Dhalsim neden yok...??
So aew we gonna talk about the damage on Guile's combo in the second round...😢
Es compatible para psp 3
TR'deki en iyi SFci gelsin
how did you even unlock akuma
Akuma vs Akuma
Cpu learn how not to block when you go lowers health
Destruidor isso sim, se tive especial fuminava qualquer um questão de segundos kkkk.
É muito satisfatório assistir as gameplays desse canal. O cara não joga casualmente, o objetivo dele é entreter quem já é familiarizado com os jogos de luta. 👍 😎
draw game is super rare
It hurts when his fist hits my wrist during uppercut...?
use scaline better then this splash
What port is this??