God I hate those. they don't even bother to make sure they're acurate to the text. As in they either have words mispronounced or have them read numbers out in a really weird way.
rslash is a pretty great one as well. Whenever he voices a Karen or entitled man, I feel like I wanna go Will Smith on him for subjecting me to it. Not that I'd do it, but I've felt like it, and that's good acting there!
@@WillieManga I don't know if he still does but Damian was also very good at it. but he covered more the dad joke side of Redit. Just his laughter was something else
I'm impressed how much of a great detective that OP made, and the fact that he found so much in such a short period of time compared to the detectives......damn dude, maybe you should become a PI!
Rob / Karma Comment Chameleon, One of your TH-cam subscribers alerted me to this video this morning just as I was waking up. They added the link and as I was trying to get some caffeine in me, I sat and listened to you reading every word. I am the OP. I have listened to Reddit stories (yours and others) for over a year now. Let me first say I am TRULY honored you felt my story was worthy to share. I was floored, flabbergasted and in disbelief for several hours afterward. I am SO glad you narrated the post and it wasn’t done by one of the robot voices as that can get so mundane after a while. You did an EXCELLENT job reading it, even correcting my typos and losing an F-bomb for me. I love that you’re Canadian. You all have the best narrative voices outside of Morgan Freeman of course. It’s part of the reason I enjoy listening to Dr. Jordan Peterson speak, even if I don’t agree with everything he says. The only way I can tell you two are Canadian is your pronunciation of words like house, mouse and spouse. Yes, adding an ‘eh’ at the end of every sentence would be a give away too. Thankfully you ignored the urge. I have read every comment on Reddit and in reply to your posting on TH-cam. People are free to believe what they choose to. Had I not lived my life I wouldn’t believe the situation with Angie and many other incidents to be real either. For those that want answers to questions, most can be found in answers to comments of my Reddit post. But I thought I would take some time to explain a few things for clarification. When I tried to copy and paste to Reddit what I’d written to Word I was over the character limit and had to edit. For those saying it is too long that may be true. But for every detail left out that would just be something else for more doubters to question. At any rate:
1. Let me get this out of the way first and foremost. Angie, despite what she did to me, and her reasoning, did NOT deserve 6 years in prison. I have decided I am going to pull her file and look for any discrepancies / errors that might get her released or her sentence reduced. I have not seen or corresponded with her since her arraignment. I am planning to drive several hours in the next few weeks to visit her in prison to at the very least let her know she hasn’t been put in there to rot. I am NOT telling her what I did to set her up for the DWI and yes, in hindsight it was a very dangerous, unethical thing to do. I have no idea if the meeting (if she allows it, prisoners do have the right to refuse a visitor) will be phone to phone through glass (everything is recorded in that setup so I would be very limited as to what I can say) or face to face. As much as I hate to admit it, I still care about Angie. She will never get a second chance with me. And I know the meeting will bring us both to tears. But if I can help get her out early or get the charges dismissed, I AM going to do that. People must realize that cocaine is one of those zero tolerance drugs that carries mandatory time. I have been in court to hear people swear the drugs weren’t theirs many times. Only once with a very small amount of marijuana (yes THAT should be legal) did the judge buy it. I make no guarantees, but I will try my best without doing anything illegal to help her. Obviously, I am very resourceful, so fingers crossed.
2. Those asking when and how I retrieved my iPhone; I went back to Angie’s a couple of nights later and got it back. The humorous part is that when I got to it, I could see it hanging down slightly from the back bumper. If Will had been observant he would have seen the phone. For the record the settings on that phone were set to maximum low power and it had a changing case. I could have used it to tail Will for a few more days if I had needed to. But once I found out where he was staying, he was easy to follow and predictable.
3. My mother had one of her kidneys removed many years before Angie ever came along. THAT was what made her diagnosis that much more dire. Normally they would have just removed the tumors and kidney. She didn’t have a spare. The Chemo was a new medicine they came up with. I had NO idea how toxic chemo could be. One time I had to drive to the lab where they made the chemo to pick up more. (You couldn’t just buy the stuff at CVS or Walgreens.) Half the chemists in that lab with a viewing window were wearing hazmat suits, the other half were wearing gear to protect themselves from radiation. It was my urging that got my mom to try the chemo, and that is what ended up taking her life. Until my dying day I will never be able to forgive myself for that as there is a chance, she might still be alive if I hadn’t pushed.
4. Those asking what happened to Marcus, Benji and his boys. I honestly have no idea what happened to Marcus. I never heard of any arrest. But if he was smart, he moved several counties away at the very least. I found out a few years ago that Benji died at a hospital in my state. I have no idea what the cause of death was, the obituary just said he was surrounded by friends and family. He was actually glad and happy for me to get my degree and work at the firm. I was a delivery guy for him and then lower dealer, it wasn’t some gang where you were in for life. Plus, Benji was glad to have a connection with a legal background. Dealers are a dime a dozen. Having someone who might be able to give him the downlow on a person was much more valuable. We grew apart not seeing each other as often. He was a bad ass in many ways and despite what he did for a living he was notorious for buying tons of candy and ice cream for a group of kids he didn’t know to enjoy and walking off. One of his boys got arrested and is still in prison last I heard on drug related charges. Another died in a motorcycle accident. A third was banging a married woman and her husband came home early to check up on her. From the newspaper report the husband put 3 rounds into my former friend. She was able to get out from underneath and run but her hubby ended her before she reached the bedroom door. The husband reloaded the gun and gave his skull a sunroof. So, for any of those saying cheating isn’t that big a deal, it very well can be. Regardless of what role in that cheating you play.
5. I tend to get technology terms mixed up for whatever reason. I’m old. To me a RAM is a model of truck and a gig is something bands used to do to become famous. That being said, the video information was placed on a flash drive NOT a sim card. The Reddit post has now been edited to correct this error.
"The Only thing you Should truly FEAR is a man or woman who have Nothing left to lose, for those who have Nothing in life to fear losing.... Have NO FEAR of Anything or Anyone!"
The OP is the kind of guy i want on my side. I have a brother serving 15-30 for sex crimes against children. A revenge like OP would have given me more piece of mind for the victims
I know this comment is old and this may have been a typo but, "peace" of mind for the victims. The only time "piece" is used for mind is piece of my mind, as in you're going to let loose on someone exactly what you think of them haha.
Getting cheated on while your mother is dying is a raw deal, and I wouldn't blame this man for what he did. Hell, I almost introduced the business end of a claw hammer to my nephew's face for basically disrespecting my mother's memory shortly after she passed.
wHaaaaAaaaaAt?? i didn't even notice that it was 40mins until i read this comment !😲 woooooowh! haha *"congrats self, its ur first time hearing/reading a story this long"* 😂👍
I also have epilepsy, when I was 16 my neurologist just said “yeah there’s a chance you could just drop dead at any second.” That took years of therapy to come to terms with.
As someone who watched their mom die from cancer and chemo, I really sympathize with OP in his grief. His might have happened quicker but much of the same happened with my own mom over the course of years. It was devastating and I would not wish the hurt on anyone. I dont blame him entirely for his actions. While it's true that he probably went well beyond the norm, both Angie and Will had it coming for disregarding OP's feelings. He gave her an out. She refused. She tormented him and even for a person without criminal background, that hurt can make everyone snap.
That's my point: OP gave her a chance to break it off but instead she deliberately and shamelessly chose to mess around with a sex offender. Bitch deserved to be framed.
Of course she wasn't gonna breakup with him, he's got a stable well paying job. She saw him as the provider while she fucked around with her bad boy that made her quiver. Too bad she turned out to be just another of the 30-40% leftovers women that litter the dating pool. The other 60-70% of legitimately good women that have never bought into the toxic parts of feminism are already in their ltr & happy. The tiny number of them that are back out in the dating pool are too rare & too much trouble to find it's not worth the heartache dealing with all the leftover skanks to get to them.
@@loganbaxter4685 it's ironic that death is what kept me from putting Will in the hospital when I saw them together. Knowing my mom was soon to leave this earth forced me to hold it all in. That wasn't a good thing to do obviously. But I couldn't have lived with myself if I missed my mother passing and her funeral because I was in jail. Once those events happened I let out what I had held in very slowly. And here we are...
She got what she deserved. She knew about the heartbreak he went through with his first girlfriend. Then his mother. Yet didn't have the decency to break it off with him when he gave her every chance and after his mother got sick encouraged her to find someone else. Instead if being or pretending ti be sad and break it off, she instead chose to string him along.
@campbellscollision you know he didn't mean for her to go jail, he didn't know the drug dude had drugs in her car, also with this snitch shit, so would keep pedo's secret because telling cop would be snitching if would then your hypocrite for saying he shouldn't of
OP's reality reminds me of one of the greatest revenge stories. The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. It was a fictional story based on real events. "The heart breaks when it has swelled too much in the warm breath of hope, then finds itself enclosed in cold reality." - Edmond Dantes
I'm not going to lie. This was a great story to hear and I'm glad Opie got the revenge these two people deserved it especially when he did so much and especially when he needed the girl he thought that was their friend at the most after he lost a good amount of everything so I'm glad he made them lose everything as well I won't lie if I could have stopped laughing throughout the whole entire story because it's just so sweet when it comes to the feel of knowing that two people just got burned up when they mess with the wrong person
Holy shit. I got so invested in this I made my husband wait till we went in ran errands. 🤣 It was only 15mins, but still. 🤦♀️ Also Netflix this needs to be a movie.
This guy is my hero. Was literally taking mental notes and had to stop myself from crying because I never got revenge because I was pretty stupid and naive back then. Truly inspiring.
Truth! Ironically the "cure" will kill you. Who's to say she was accurately diagnosed in the first place. After all, you don't need to graduate at the top of your class to be a doctor. All you need is a passing grade. Job security to drum up business with unsuspecting and trusting patients.
My mother had chemo for ovarian cancer. They tell you to drink large amounts of water. The problem with chemo for ovarian cancer is that it actually is poison. Systemic poison. Because ovarian cancer is never discovered early; it spreads. So the chemo is done by IV directly into the bloodstream to reach everywhere the cancer may have spread. It kills the fastest growing cells first. The fastest growing cells? Hair. Cancer cells. There are some other cell types that grow fast. Probably immune system cells because I know my mom's immune system was compromised while she was having chemo and for a month or two afterwards. She had to be very careful. I think there are fast growing cells in parts of the digestive track too because her nausea was awful or maybe it was because chemo is poison. She could barely eat. She lived on Ensure. And she lost so much weight. I was helping her change clothes one day and she looked like she was skin and bones, like a holocaust camp survivor. The survival rate for ovarian cancer was and still is about 12% to 18%. My mother, somehow, survived. She has blood veins and vessels damage from the chemo.
@@patricialadd520 When you have cancer, the doctors tell you right up front with you that the treatments are the most deadly chemicals known to exist and that the logic is that they kill the cancer before they kill you. And then people act like everyone's stupid for trying to find alternative treatments.
Sieko and others, my mom had cancer five times. She was beating it the 5th time, the tumors had shrunk 75%. But you are 100% correct. The chemo took her life. And I will never forgive myself for urging her to take it.
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Having been cheated on, why does everyone always go hard after the ap? It takes two to tango, and the So is even more guilty and deserves the worse of the punishment.
Rob, I the OP agree with you. Angie wasn't the first woman to cheat on me and I'd never gone after the AP. (One AP came after me months after the fact and that didn't go well for him.) But Will was out on probation for some sicko interactions with underage girls. I was molested as a kid. Had no cheating occurred with Will but I found out about what he'd done I probably would have still done some snooping to help send him back. Not to the degree I did of course. That being said he DID know she was dating someone, me. If a person has no idea the person they are having sex with is involved they are 100% blameless. But I look at it like aiding and abetting in a crime. Considering he was on probation, he should have been VERY cautious with whom he went after...
@@arrowgantonegreen839 oh I 100% agree with how you handled him in this case! I was molested as a child, and am a former leo, and personally think we are entirely to lenient on those who hurt children (my preferred solution to child molesters is a permanent one) and agree also I know for a fact that sometimes the ap might not know the person they are with is still in an active relationship. In rl, and listening to these, everyone almost always wants to go after the ap, while not going after the one cheating on them with same level of drive. Condolences to you on your loss, and I can empathize with on the situation you found yourself in, wishing I had been able to do even a part of that to my son's womb donor when she decided her boss was the better place to be.
I can't blame him because that was the worst time for that to happen and let's face it when a human is breaking or broken the only thing they can bother to feel is the infinite amount of malice
sgithi1 thank you very much for that. She is much better off. She survived cancer 4 times and was winning her 5th battle. The chemo is what killed her. Peace.
I call that Justice served with a side of $0.75! I feel NOTHING for Will & Angie. He gave her a clear and perfect out that she could have easily took and both could have went on with their lives. *People need to understand something about life when you go up against someone or do them wrong. It’s not about what that person won’t do, but what that person will do when pushed that not even they may know they area able to do!*
Hell no! We can pretend it's justice when cheating carries a mandatory 6 year prison sentence for all. Angie was setup and screwed over by two awful men. "Takes one to know one" OP's own words.
@@brenttaylor8907She and Will could have been free and clear if she had taken the out that had been offered to her. Instead, she apparently wanted to have both sides of the fence.
This guy needs to use that mind to write screen plays..... That was absolutely diabolical and sought no recognition or benefit from it, only pure revenge. Getting this much revenge without any sort of violence or coercing has to qualify this dude for some award.
You know one thing that he could have done that would have been even better (and I'm about to get dark here), he should have let her hit and kill someone while following her at a safe distance, THEN call the cops. Therefore, she would have probably gotten a life sentence. There's a possibility she wouldn't hit anyone, but just wait maybe 10 minutes before doing so...
Dude. Your Awesome. Cheaters deserve this and worse. If I knew you I'd buy you a drink and shake your hand. One of the best revenge stories I'd ever heard. Congrats man
Her biggest oof in life was being so naive she couldn’t spot dangerous people. lol I feel that what she got was a bit extreme(op didn’t plan it) but being that ignorant on top of lying when OP gave her an out definitively had Karma coming her direction.
My heart breaks for the OP. To have to go through the pain of losing your Mom then having someone who claims to love and care for you be such a creep gutted me. My mom was on hospice and died almost four years ago now and it still is very rough. I suffered through an abusive marriage and the divorce was almost a year ago. I pray you are well.
Honestly, I respect him for being able to pull through what he has gone through, and I would have done worse in his case, so I respect his self control, this person has gained my complete respect and I feel sympathy for them, R.I.P. OP's mom and his ex wife, may he have a great rest of his life
I'm only half way through and I feel so sick. Cheating makes me feel so sick. I hope this revenge is really good for what I'm going through. My heart beating erratically and my stomach turning and the nauseous feeling. I love all your content, I just feel awful listening to this. I finished it I don't feel the pay off was worth the sickness.
This is the very definition of the Scorched Earth Warfare Strategy. Leave nothing, destroy the crops and fields, then burn all bridges behind you (so the enemy cannot pursue you). There are times when it might be appropriate, and I cannot judge others. But this seems a little harsh, but only a little.
This was a great story that was well written, well read and kept moving along at a good pace. The lying heartless witch copped her right whack, well played that man.
People always say, be careful of a patient person What they should have warned you about though, is be careful of an impatient man, when he goes/gets patient
I like this. Being a woman myself, I am so angry at people who are cheating, especially woman. Congrats ! I wish I could take revenge on some people who betrayed me and put my life in danger because of the level of pain I had to go through...
TH-camr “it’s a long one” Me “I should go pee and grab my water bottle before I get too comfortable” TH-camr “so grab a drink, hit the washroom and settle in because it’s a good one” Me: “HOW THE FUC-“
It would have been way over the top revenge, but they did that to him as his mother was ill and then dying. All her friends knew too. Were they all laughing at him as he was caring for his mother? I like the fact that they'll never know why this happened and it'll eat away at them. The funny thing is, he'd given her an out. He asked her when his mother got ill "do you want to take a break or be with someone else?".
"nuclear" revenge has collateral damages. I don't care for Will. Filling up your "GF" in an attempt to get her DWI is heinous in itself. As a bartender I would SERIOUSLY see red lights flashing when reading such a text.
Great story and I completely understand what OP did. I did something similar to an ex, not as extreme but enough that they lost so much that he will never forget me and so will our “ friends” who had back stabbed me. You really do t know who your dealing with by the way they act normally but will do when pushed too far. Revenge is the best when you use peoples own lies against them and bring them into the light.
What a warm, touching account. BEAUTIFUL!...PERFECT emotional self-control. Super-human, in fact...Awesome and perfectly just scheme!...I SALUTE you, sir.
41:10 "time and place" it was the best advice my father gave growing up, I say this as lesson, if you say or do something at the wrong place in the wrong time, the odds will drastically be stacked against you, and if you ceep doings it, you will reep what you've sown
By far one of the best stories I've EVER heard from Reddit!!! Totally worth the 43 minutes! That dude went total destruction on them and I think they deserved it!
I absolutely love your stories and I also just bought the chameleon cookie jar can't wait to get it and taste those cookies
Is it weird that the only thing that bothers me is that I’m wondering if he ever got the work phone back off the guy’s car?
He did.
@@nolabratteig988 when 😆
There is a post. Here that's pinned
@@nolabratteig988 oh okay tank yu
Damn, that wasn’t just nuclear, we aren’t talking Little Boy, Fat Man, or Castle Bravo, that was Tsar Bomba revenge.
More like black hole
'Tsar Bomba revenge'
I like it.
(Castle Bravo's pretty badass, too.)
Nagasaki revenge
Keaton0801 Agreed!
That was a long story but it was good. This story should be a Netflix movie.
Probably is already a movie maybe not Netflix but a move 😆
Yeah the main actor should be gay or transgender then Netflix will make it
@@Noremo83 sadly tru
This story almost sounds like the tv show POWER, directed by 50cent.
I appreciate TH-camrs like yourself who actually record reading the stories rather then all the ones who just use the text-to-speech tool.
God I hate those. they don't even bother to make sure they're acurate to the text. As in they either have words mispronounced or have them read numbers out in a really weird way.
Wow,! Just Wow!
rslash is a pretty great one as well. Whenever he voices a Karen or entitled man, I feel like I wanna go Will Smith on him for subjecting me to it. Not that I'd do it, but I've felt like it, and that's good acting there!
@@brandonnesfan "This Story Happened Shortly After Nine Slash One One" 🤖
@@WillieManga I don't know if he still does but Damian was also very good at it.
but he covered more the dad joke side of Redit. Just his laughter was something else
I'm impressed how much of a great detective that OP made, and the fact that he found so much in such a short period of time compared to the detectives......damn dude, maybe you should become a PI!
He kinda is, he does background checks
@@GinHindew110 plus, he's motivated as a mf
It's also useful when your a former coke plug and know ALL the signs along with the laws backing you.
This quote come to mind after this....
Friendship dies and true love lies. Night will fall and the dark will rise when a good man goes to war.
Dr who
Good men don't need rules
Doctor Who.
Nice one.
A Doctor Who quote. Very appropriate for this video. I approve.
Wow, alot of whovians here i see 🙂🙂🙂
Rob / Karma Comment Chameleon,
One of your TH-cam subscribers alerted me to this video this morning just as I was waking up. They added the link and as I was trying to get some caffeine in me, I sat and listened to you reading every word. I am the OP. I have listened to Reddit stories (yours and others) for over a year now. Let me first say I am TRULY honored you felt my story was worthy to share. I was floored, flabbergasted and in disbelief for several hours afterward. I am SO glad you narrated the post and it wasn’t done by one of the robot voices as that can get so mundane after a while. You did an EXCELLENT job reading it, even correcting my typos and losing an F-bomb for me. I love that you’re Canadian. You all have the best narrative voices outside of Morgan Freeman of course. It’s part of the reason I enjoy listening to Dr. Jordan Peterson speak, even if I don’t agree with everything he says. The only way I can tell you two are Canadian is your pronunciation of words like house, mouse and spouse. Yes, adding an ‘eh’ at the end of every sentence would be a give away too. Thankfully you ignored the urge.
I have read every comment on Reddit and in reply to your posting on TH-cam. People are free to believe what they choose to. Had I not lived my life I wouldn’t believe the situation with Angie and many other incidents to be real either. For those that want answers to questions, most can be found in answers to comments of my Reddit post. But I thought I would take some time to explain a few things for clarification. When I tried to copy and paste to Reddit what I’d written to Word I was over the character limit and had to edit. For those saying it is too long that may be true. But for every detail left out that would just be something else for more doubters to question. At any rate:
1. Let me get this out of the way first and foremost. Angie, despite what she did to me, and her reasoning, did NOT deserve 6 years in prison. I have decided I am going to pull her file and look for any discrepancies / errors that might get her released or her sentence reduced. I have not seen or corresponded with her since her arraignment. I am planning to drive several hours in the next few weeks to visit her in prison to at the very least let her know she hasn’t been put in there to rot. I am NOT telling her what I did to set her up for the DWI and yes, in hindsight it was a very dangerous, unethical thing to do. I have no idea if the meeting (if she allows it, prisoners do have the right to refuse a visitor) will be phone to phone through glass (everything is recorded in that setup so I would be very limited as to what I can say) or face to face. As much as I hate to admit it, I still care about Angie. She will never get a second chance with me. And I know the meeting will bring us both to tears. But if I can help get her out early or get the charges dismissed, I AM going to do that. People must realize that cocaine is one of those zero tolerance drugs that carries mandatory time. I have been in court to hear people swear the drugs weren’t theirs many times. Only once with a very small amount of marijuana (yes THAT should be legal) did the judge buy it. I make no guarantees, but I will try my best without doing anything illegal to help her. Obviously, I am very resourceful, so fingers crossed.
2. Those asking when and how I retrieved my iPhone; I went back to Angie’s a couple of nights later and got it back. The humorous part is that when I got to it, I could see it hanging down slightly from the back bumper. If Will had been observant he would have seen the phone. For the record the settings on that phone were set to maximum low power and it had a changing case. I could have used it to tail Will for a few more days if I had needed to. But once I found out where he was staying, he was easy to follow and predictable.
3. My mother had one of her kidneys removed many years before Angie ever came along. THAT was what made her diagnosis that much more dire. Normally they would have just removed the tumors and kidney. She didn’t have a spare. The Chemo was a new medicine they came up with. I had NO idea how toxic chemo could be. One time I had to drive to the lab where they made the chemo to pick up more. (You couldn’t just buy the stuff at CVS or Walgreens.) Half the chemists in that lab with a viewing window were wearing hazmat suits, the other half were wearing gear to protect themselves from radiation. It was my urging that got my mom to try the chemo, and that is what ended up taking her life. Until my dying day I will never be able to forgive myself for that as there is a chance, she might still be alive if I hadn’t pushed.
4. Those asking what happened to Marcus, Benji and his boys. I honestly have no idea what happened to Marcus. I never heard of any arrest. But if he was smart, he moved several counties away at the very least. I found out a few years ago that Benji died at a hospital in my state. I have no idea what the cause of death was, the obituary just said he was surrounded by friends and family. He was actually glad and happy for me to get my degree and work at the firm. I was a delivery guy for him and then lower dealer, it wasn’t some gang where you were in for life. Plus, Benji was glad to have a connection with a legal background. Dealers are a dime a dozen. Having someone who might be able to give him the downlow on a person was much more valuable. We grew apart not seeing each other as often. He was a bad ass in many ways and despite what he did for a living he was notorious for buying tons of candy and ice cream for a group of kids he didn’t know to enjoy and walking off. One of his boys got arrested and is still in prison last I heard on drug related charges. Another died in a motorcycle accident. A third was banging a married woman and her husband came home early to check up on her. From the newspaper report the husband put 3 rounds into my former friend. She was able to get out from underneath and run but her hubby ended her before she reached the bedroom door. The husband reloaded the gun and gave his skull a sunroof. So, for any of those saying cheating isn’t that big a deal, it very well can be. Regardless of what role in that cheating you play.
5. I tend to get technology terms mixed up for whatever reason. I’m old. To me a RAM is a model of truck and a gig is something bands used to do to become famous. That being said, the video information was placed on a flash drive NOT a sim card. The Reddit post has now been edited to correct this error.
Fear not the wrath of an evil man who has everything to gain. Fear the wrath of a good man who has everything to lose/has lost everything.
Friendship dies and true love lies. Night will fall and the dark will rise when a good man goes to war.
Random Trinidadian Heeeey, someone got the reference!!
"The Only thing you Should truly FEAR is a man or woman who have Nothing left to lose, for those who have Nothing in life to fear losing.... Have NO FEAR of Anything or Anyone!"
Well-said, sir. Well. Said!
The OP is the kind of guy i want on my side. I have a brother serving 15-30 for sex crimes against children. A revenge like OP would have given me more piece of mind for the victims
Sorry, that must be awful
I know this comment is old and this may have been a typo but, "peace" of mind for the victims. The only time "piece" is used for mind is piece of my mind, as in you're going to let loose on someone exactly what you think of them haha.
Getting cheated on while your mother is dying is a raw deal, and I wouldn't blame this man for what he did. Hell, I almost introduced the business end of a claw hammer to my nephew's face for basically disrespecting my mother's memory shortly after she passed.
This story shows that you don't mess with someone who knows what strings to pull.
wait...that was 40 mins???? it felt like 6 lol!
That’s how you know it’s a good story.
Same here... might explain my stockpile of snacks now being gone...
@@G_de_Coligny funniest comment I have read in either thread. Take a bow.
i didn't even notice that it was 40mins until i read this comment !😲 woooooowh!
haha *"congrats self, its ur first time hearing/reading a story this long"* 😂👍
they should make a movie out of it would be interesting to watch
Yeah, this is a big time lesson of be careful of who you're dealing with...because when the meek snap, it does get out of hand for all involved.
The nicest people can turn into the biggest scariest assholes when pushed to far
This ain't nuclear its apocalyptic
I also have epilepsy, when I was 16 my neurologist just said “yeah there’s a chance you could just drop dead at any second.” That took years of therapy to come to terms with.
As someone who watched their mom die from cancer and chemo, I really sympathize with OP in his grief. His might have happened quicker but much of the same happened with my own mom over the course of years. It was devastating and I would not wish the hurt on anyone.
I dont blame him entirely for his actions. While it's true that he probably went well beyond the norm, both Angie and Will had it coming for disregarding OP's feelings. He gave her an out. She refused. She tormented him and even for a person without criminal background, that hurt can make everyone snap.
That's my point: OP gave her a chance to break it off but instead she deliberately and shamelessly chose to mess around with a sex offender. Bitch deserved to be framed.
Of course she wasn't gonna breakup with him, he's got a stable well paying job. She saw him as the provider while she fucked around with her bad boy that made her quiver. Too bad she turned out to be just another of the 30-40% leftovers women that litter the dating pool. The other 60-70% of legitimately good women that have never bought into the toxic parts of feminism are already in their ltr & happy. The tiny number of them that are back out in the dating pool are too rare & too much trouble to find it's not worth the heartache dealing with all the leftover skanks to get to them.
I sincerely doubt even the most forgiving of people could take such a terrible blow and not completely snap.
@@loganbaxter4685 it's ironic that death is what kept me from putting Will in the hospital when I saw them together. Knowing my mom was soon to leave this earth forced me to hold it all in. That wasn't a good thing to do obviously. But I couldn't have lived with myself if I missed my mother passing and her funeral because I was in jail. Once those events happened I let out what I had held in very slowly. And here we are...
This was based off a movie and completely fake I'm sorry for loss
She got what she deserved. She knew about the heartbreak he went through with his first girlfriend. Then his mother. Yet didn't have the decency to break it off with him when he gave her every chance and after his mother got sick encouraged her to find someone else. Instead if being or pretending ti be sad and break it off, she instead chose to string him along.
She basically put him in the back burner so she could be with someone that is decent vs someone who is a fuckboy.
@campbellscollision you know he didn't mean for her to go jail, he didn't know the drug dude had drugs in her car, also with this snitch shit, so would keep pedo's secret because telling cop would be snitching if would then your hypocrite for saying he shouldn't of
This guy was still an ass for bribing a bartender, then sending her off driving, drunk, where she put innocent peoples lives in jeopardy.
The bitch got what was comming to her. As for the will fellow, Lets just say he got what he had comming to him as well.
You mean the heartbreak of the girl from the one that was there before the girlfriend that died
OP's reality reminds me of one of the greatest revenge stories. The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. It was a fictional story based on real events. "The heart breaks when it has swelled too much in the warm breath of hope, then finds itself enclosed in cold reality." - Edmond Dantes
"No one dishonoures me with impunity."
I actually own the book, I think I'll read it after this just to compare lmao
That book is amazing...so much better than the movie
@@zakattak167 There was a movie?
@@masterfulmoonlighter5402 yes. I don't remember who's in it but they ruined the ending
I'm not going to lie. This was a great story to hear and I'm glad Opie got the revenge these two people deserved it especially when he did so much and especially when he needed the girl he thought that was their friend at the most after he lost a good amount of everything so I'm glad he made them lose everything as well I won't lie if I could have stopped laughing throughout the whole entire story because it's just so sweet when it comes to the feel of knowing that two people just got burned up when they mess with the wrong person
“Opie” lol
@@youtubeveteran5769 OP stands for Original Poster, at least as far as I can tell. Maybe I'll start saying Opie though.
Holy shit. I got so invested in this I made my husband wait till we went in ran errands. 🤣 It was only 15mins, but still. 🤦♀️
Also Netflix this needs to be a movie.
Yea... an ex partner did something similar.
Got both of them fired and blacklisted for 2 years in the field. Was worth it.
Tell the story!
That I can see. Six years in prison, no.
See that is way better sure they get blacklisted but their life isn't ruined so much so that they can't advance in life.
I was honestly confused who was gonna get the revenge until halfway through
I knew something was fishy wenn he described angie she *was* and *could* instead of she *is* and *can*
Paperplain Purple Very subtle, but yeh that tipped me off xD
I get paranoid easy
Dang, well okay, this is beyond nuclear, this is John Conner revenge.
This guy is my hero. Was literally taking mental notes and had to stop myself from crying because I never got revenge because I was pretty stupid and naive back then. Truly inspiring.
Never to late to get revenge
Legend. The ultimate “be careful who you mess with” story. You never know man.
It sounds like the Chemo killed her more than the Cancer. Damn.
I'm so sorry that's the case. I'm even more sorry that she died.
Truth! Ironically the "cure" will kill you. Who's to say she was accurately diagnosed in the first place. After all, you don't need to graduate at the top of your class to be a doctor. All you need is a passing grade. Job security to drum up business with unsuspecting and trusting patients.
My mother had chemo for ovarian cancer.
They tell you to drink large amounts of water. The problem with chemo for ovarian cancer is that it actually is poison. Systemic poison. Because ovarian cancer is never discovered early; it spreads. So the chemo is done by IV directly into the bloodstream to reach everywhere the cancer may have spread.
It kills the fastest growing cells first. The fastest growing cells? Hair. Cancer cells. There are some other cell types that grow fast. Probably immune system cells because I know my mom's immune system was compromised while she was having chemo and for a month or two afterwards. She had to be very careful. I think there are fast growing cells in parts of the digestive track too because her nausea was awful or maybe it was because chemo is poison. She could barely eat. She lived on Ensure. And she lost so much weight. I was helping her change clothes one day and she looked like she was skin and bones, like a holocaust camp survivor.
The survival rate for ovarian cancer was and still is about 12% to 18%. My mother, somehow, survived. She has blood veins and vessels damage from the chemo.
@@patricialadd520 When you have cancer, the doctors tell you right up front with you that the treatments are the most deadly chemicals known to exist and that the logic is that they kill the cancer before they kill you. And then people act like everyone's stupid for trying to find alternative treatments.
Sieko and others, my mom had cancer five times. She was beating it the 5th time, the tumors had shrunk 75%. But you are 100% correct. The chemo took her life. And I will never forgive myself for urging her to take it.
Makes me wonder why they just didnt take out the kidney.
The episode with Shayna broke my heart. Because that happened for me. I don't know if I'll ever come back from it.
Wow 45 mins long , totally not boring and very enjoyable indeed .
Yes like sipping wine with a book at hand 😂
Ouch that's pretty damn brutal. A 6 year sentence for cheating, that is just pretty damn brutal. That was some cold, calculating, and devious revenge.
And fake
This by far is the best revenge posting l have ever read, please post more of this type of revenge stories...
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Are you in cohoots with the arrogant one now? Where are my comments? LMFAO
Awesome story. Revenge well served. Hopefully he's moved on from all the pain 😟
This man is a mastermind! I wish I had one ounce of his skill. I know a lot of people who have it coming
This dude is savage. Those reformed criminals who become loyal are not to be messed with. They lived through too much shit. DAMN
I think this sets the record for longest video on the Channel
Having been cheated on, why does everyone always go hard after the ap? It takes two to tango, and the So is even more guilty and deserves the worse of the punishment.
Rob, I the OP agree with you. Angie wasn't the first woman to cheat on me and I'd never gone after the AP. (One AP came after me months after the fact and that didn't go well for him.) But Will was out on probation for some sicko interactions with underage girls. I was molested as a kid. Had no cheating occurred with Will but I found out about what he'd done I probably would have still done some snooping to help send him back. Not to the degree I did of course.
That being said he DID know she was dating someone, me. If a person has no idea the person they are having sex with is involved they are 100% blameless. But I look at it like aiding and abetting in a crime. Considering he was on probation, he should have been VERY cautious with whom he went after...
@@arrowgantonegreen839 oh I 100% agree with how you handled him in this case! I was molested as a child, and am a former leo, and personally think we are entirely to lenient on those who hurt children (my preferred solution to child molesters is a permanent one) and agree also I know for a fact that sometimes the ap might not know the person they are with is still in an active relationship. In rl, and listening to these, everyone almost always wants to go after the ap, while not going after the one cheating on them with same level of drive. Condolences to you on your loss, and I can empathize with on the situation you found yourself in, wishing I had been able to do even a part of that to my son's womb donor when she decided her boss was the better place to be.
@@arrowgantonegreen839 kudos bro, anyone with any human emotion would understand why you went tsar Bomba on them.
damn hella ppl here been molested
@@cockienagge7574 honestly you'd be surprised at how many people actually get molested smh....
I can't blame him because that was the worst time for that to happen and let's face it when a human is breaking or broken the only thing they can bother to feel is the infinite amount of malice
“We’re teaching you this art so you can defend yourself ONLY! And here’s your gun for when you need to on the offensive”
My god, this story was incredible. It deserves to be adapted into a movie.
I was with my Mum when she passed. I was so pleased that I had been there.
This is one of the best stories I’ve listened to. Couldn’t put the phone down. It was really interesting.. May your mother rest in peace..
sgithi1 thank you very much for that. She is much better off. She survived cancer 4 times and was winning her 5th battle. The chemo is what killed her. Peace.
@@arrowgantonegreen839 At least she won't be ruining other's lives.
@@TheHelper151 I think you're giving me too much credit, but I bet she thinks twice (or more times) before she cheats on anyone again.
@@arrowgantonegreen839 I was talking about the one who died.
@@TheHelper151 Exactly what are you trying to say? I'm not sure who YOU mean by "she" but if you mean my mom or girlfriend who died, please clarify.
I call that Justice served with a side of $0.75! I feel NOTHING for Will & Angie. He gave her a clear and perfect out that she could have easily took and both could have went on with their lives. *People need to understand something about life when you go up against someone or do them wrong. It’s not about what that person won’t do, but what that person will do when pushed that not even they may know they area able to do!*
Darn right!
Hell no! We can pretend it's justice when cheating carries a mandatory 6 year prison sentence for all. Angie was setup and screwed over by two awful men. "Takes one to know one" OP's own words.
@@brenttaylor8907She and Will could have been free and clear if she had taken the out that had been offered to her. Instead, she apparently wanted to have both sides of the fence.
I almost lost my mother this year. This story hits close.
This guy needs to use that mind to write screen plays..... That was absolutely diabolical and sought no recognition or benefit from it, only pure revenge.
Getting this much revenge without any sort of violence or coercing has to qualify this dude for some award.
Vengeance is a dish best served cold and that was sub zero ☃️⛄️❄️
Give this man the Best Revenge Award if the year
I have no idea if this story is true but this guy can tell one hell of a storyteller
Pretty sure it is made up.
They both ABSOLUTELY deserved everything they got.
You know one thing that he could have done that would have been even better (and I'm about to get dark here), he should have let her hit and kill someone while following her at a safe distance, THEN call the cops. Therefore, she would have probably gotten a life sentence. There's a possibility she wouldn't hit anyone, but just wait maybe 10 minutes before doing so...
A inocent person don't deserve to die for this
@@lain5858 I'm just saying....
His mother dying, amplified his anger towards angy... and that's okay.
This is the best payback story I've ever heard.
From nerd to dealer to accomplish men with all perfect round skill full of vengeance
Dude. Your Awesome. Cheaters deserve this and worse. If I knew you I'd buy you a drink and shake your hand. One of the best revenge stories I'd ever heard. Congrats man
One loose end: the original town he was from still has a rampant drug problem that reaches the higher-ups
Her biggest oof in life was being so naive she couldn’t spot dangerous people. lol
I feel that what she got was a bit extreme(op didn’t plan it) but being that ignorant on top of lying when OP gave her an out definitively had Karma coming her direction.
What a roller coaster of emotion! This has to be the best Reddit story ever.
That story was insane!!
My heart breaks for the OP. To have to go through the pain of losing your Mom then having someone who claims to love and care for you be such a creep gutted me. My mom was on hospice and died almost four years ago now and it still is very rough. I suffered through an abusive marriage and the divorce was almost a year ago. I pray you are well.
Holy sht. This pair practically dug, laid in and piled on the dirt on their own graves. OP handled this like a champ. Hat's off to you good sir.
Honestly, I respect him for being able to pull through what he has gone through, and I would have done worse in his case, so I respect his self control, this person has gained my complete respect and I feel sympathy for them, R.I.P. OP's mom and his ex wife, may he have a great rest of his life
Is his phone still taped to the Mustang ?
In the words of Jaoqin Pheonix as the Joker"You get what you deserve"
I'm only half way through and I feel so sick. Cheating makes me feel so sick. I hope this revenge is really good for what I'm going through. My heart beating erratically and my stomach turning and the nauseous feeling. I love all your content, I just feel awful listening to this.
I finished it I don't feel the pay off was worth the sickness.
Cheaters are horrible people. Only a total scum bag cheats on someone they are in a relationship with.
@@karlt8233 and what's more fucked up, he told if she wanted to, she could leave the relationship but she choice not to leave.
@@CrazyGalaxyCat also at any time. If she spoke to him at the first moment it happened, it wouldnt have been that drastic what he had done.
Someone finally put it into words
Two years later I came across this gem and have to give it to OP in going black hole revenge. Definitely earning the title of GOAT in that department.
That. Was. *Awesome!!* His revenge was planned and executed so perfectly, it surpassed even his own expectations!
This is the very definition of the Scorched Earth Warfare Strategy.
Leave nothing, destroy the crops and fields, then burn all bridges behind you (so the enemy cannot pursue you).
There are times when it might be appropriate, and I cannot judge others. But this seems a little harsh, but only a little.
would say he did it more the Roman way: destroy the enemy, raze their cities to the ground, burn their crop and salt their field...
This was a beautiful and near poetic revenge the warmth from this nuclear revenge story will warm me on cold nights to come
This was the longest story of its type that I have listened to, but it was also the best.
Don’t care if the story was long, it was very satisfying beyond measured! 😌
This was a great story that was well written, well read and kept moving along at a good pace. The lying heartless witch copped her right whack, well played that man.
I don't usually let TH-cam autoplay run year old stories. Yet this was pretty epic
A bit longer than the usual, one of the best stories on the channel. Thanks for sharing.
this guy deservs an oscar, emi, an n-word pass, and when he grows old, a boomer pass.
Man... This has got to be one of the kost brutal nuclear revenge stories I've come across so far.
People always say, be careful of a patient person
What they should have warned you about though, is be careful of an impatient man, when he goes/gets patient
I like this. Being a woman myself, I am so angry at people who are cheating, especially woman. Congrats ! I wish I could take revenge on some people who betrayed me and put my life in danger because of the level of pain I had to go through...
It's a Thin line BETWEEN LOVE and HATE..... I UNDERSTAND you, OP....
This guys voice and story telling abilities are great.
This story should be made into a movie
TH-camr “it’s a long one”
Me “I should go pee and grab my water bottle before I get too comfortable”
TH-camr “so grab a drink, hit the washroom and settle in because it’s a good one”
This is what I call poetic justice.
i dont care if this was 45 minutes !! i would gladdly listen to an other one like that any day !! 10/10 !
It would have been way over the top revenge, but they did that to him as his mother was ill and then dying.
All her friends knew too. Were they all laughing at him as he was caring for his mother?
I like the fact that they'll never know why this happened and it'll eat away at them.
The funny thing is, he'd given her an out. He asked her when his mother got ill "do you want to take a break or be with someone else?".
This guy is a fucking legend. He didn't do anything illigal to take them down, and fucked up booth their lives.
This Man needs a Movie.. his life was like a john wick movie he was like i am revenge
This could be made into a movie of the week. Wow.
Op should take up writing, cause this would make an amazing book.
The part about his mum brought a few tears to my eyes
"nuclear" revenge has collateral damages.
I don't care for Will. Filling up your "GF" in an attempt to get her DWI is heinous in itself. As a bartender I would SERIOUSLY see red lights flashing when reading such a text.
“fornicating” when you're not married yourself is a wrong choice of word lol
Great story and I completely understand what OP did. I did something similar to an ex, not as extreme but enough that they lost so much that he will never forget me and so will our “ friends” who had back stabbed me. You really do t know who your dealing with by the way they act normally but will do when pushed too far. Revenge is the best when you use peoples own lies against them and bring them into the light.
He did a great job of revenge. Enjoyed the story throughout.
What a warm, touching account. BEAUTIFUL!...PERFECT emotional self-control. Super-human, in fact...Awesome and perfectly just scheme!...I SALUTE you, sir.
41:10 "time and place" it was the best advice my father gave growing up, I say this as lesson, if you say or do something at the wrong place in the wrong time, the odds will drastically be stacked against you, and if you ceep doings it, you will reep what you've sown
This story deserve to became a movie.
Beware of the anger of a patient man. As one very bad day could turn the sanest man into a monster.
By far one of the best stories I've EVER heard from Reddit!!! Totally worth the 43 minutes! That dude went total destruction on them and I think they deserved it!
They deserved all they got. Thank you for sharing.
That story is so unbelievable that I actually think I believe it.
This deserves to have a movie
I like this one. Dude committed a litany of crimes to get revenge.