The paramount issue is as to whether it was grossed professional negligence by security personal or the police and others security personal hands were tied by the government on May the 9th because the government didn’t want to pile up the corpses so rebels had been left free in causing results of vandalism. Imran wanted a civil war by killing civilians by security personal. This issue still resolute.
قانون انکا آپنا اور یہ قانون کے لاڈلے
نو مٸ گولی کیوں نہیں چلاٸ۔ چھبیس نومبر گولی کیوں چلاٸی
The paramount issue is as to whether it was grossed professional negligence by security personal or the police and others security personal hands were tied by the government on May the 9th because the government didn’t want to pile up the corpses so rebels had been left free in causing results of vandalism. Imran wanted a civil war by killing civilians by security personal. This issue still resolute.