Some epistemologies are more helpful in understanding reality than others. There are a lot of epistemologies. Most are low accuracy. One must understand all of them to be able to empathize with all other points of view. Aint nobody got time for that. Instead we have a standardized epistemology available that everyone could learn and use to work with others in a multicultural world. We are all connected for the first time in the entire history of the universe. Thanks internet.
Kinda feels like you stretching descriptions of very general psychological principles with very specific justifications for you wanting to cheat on your girlfriend
I read both your books: The Art of Living a Meaningless Existence and The Art of Living an Absurd Existence. I have never in my entire life read anything that I have been able to resonate with as much as these books. I suffer from childhood sexual trauma with abusive parents and it has affected my sense of meaning and purpose in life so greatly to where I could not find any for many years of my life. I am now in my late 20s, and I have found solace in your essays and philosophy through your books, and it has drastically changed my perspective and interpretation of things. I am now able to experience my existence with less pain, more wonder, and gratitude than I have ever been able to. I wanted to write this post to say thank you for the work you put into your passion, I am now able to heal from these tremendous wounds that have been afflicted on me from such a young age. From my perspective, you are doing incredible work for people that really need it. 🙏
i dont know if he read this, but i did and i'm happy it's made some difference for you. you have a lot to work with so it likely won't be easy for you. i know it probably sounds trite by this point (but i myself have struggled with the tedium and frustration of this existence) you might consider learning about buddhism, specifically 'zen' buddhism or 'cha'n' buddhism (the chinese progenitor of zen). they say a lot about the nature of existence and minimizing pain and struggle but there are concrete exercises that you can learn, think about and practice that can offer real long-term perspective... which can pull us out of our myopic view of what happens in our daily lives and give us long term focus. since we may never speak again I'd recommend a book called 'zen flesh zen bones' by paul reps that is a translation of some zen texts. if you take the book wholly and slowly perhaps a day and an exercise/koan at a time, it may change your life completely - it truly did mine. but you have to look deeeep into the metaphors, they aren't saying what they seem to be on the surface. if you read one and think you get it immediately, you've obviously left something unexamined. at any rate, i wish you well on your journey. i want it to be light and learned and full of joy. good luck brother.
Yeah, it's almost paradoxical, isn't it? Humans are never satisfied with the status quo, we are always searching for _more._ And yet we are also most comforted by, and attracted to, patterns and regularity.
There are 4 certainties in life: Death, Taxes, Stupidity and Change. We generally refuse to play an active roll when it comes to change or transformation. However, we might be driven to change the minute we see greater benefits coming from it, or by becoming aware of something we were not before. This is a great channel and Robert´s books are great too.
I think because change is so constant that when we are finally aware of these psychological traps and are on the way to change them or avoid them we are in a new trap and it’s kind of impossible to live without such. so best must be to live in the present and fight one issue at a time. it is cool tho to be aware of these things
To quote Marceline the Vampire Queen: "Let's go in the garden You'll find something waiting Right there where you left it Lying upside down When you finally find it You'll see how it's faded The underside is lighter When you turn it around Everything stays Right where you left it Everything stays But it still changes Ever so slightly Daily and nightly In little ways When everything stays"
@@Xmota hi! I love this quote! I'm not familiar with the character, where, or what, is she from? I was a MASSIVE btvs fan back in the day, but that's about as far as my vampire lore fandom went. Still... I love that quote, ty for sharing! ❤️
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” It's ok to make mistakes just as long as you learn from them and seek to repeat them.
This is why I try to form strong opinions on personal experiences only. I take what others think with a grain of salt. To understand that I may very well be wrong in all my assumptions, and to never try to convince others of my beliefs because of it. If I’m asked I will share my opinions with the reasons I hold them. They can then form their own conclusions with the information. Get ready to not be liked by many people. I’ve found most people don’t like it when they can’t put you in a box. They need to easily “understand” you or they won’t try. They need to make sure you are on “their side”. People love labels and boxes.
This is exactly why you should NOT form your opinions by personal experiences only. Your mind is too flawed. Like anyone else's... Rely on empirical data instead.
@Jan-ny6 You should search-What is the meaning of empirical data? “Empirical implies that the information is based on (experience), and data is information we (gather) about something. Thus the information acquired by (scientists) through (experimentation) and (observation) is called empirical data.” I think one could call this life experience imo. Where does imperial data come from? Who collects it and interprets it? Has it ever been wrong in the past and does it ever change? If it were so easy to live life perfectly off the data others collect and give out why hasn’t that happened yet? If you’re just giving me your grain of salt that’s fine because that’s how I’m taking it. If you want to debate on this I’m not interested. All just give you this small essay as a token of good will. If you find joy living your life using “imperial data” that’s awesome. As for me, well my experience/ intuition tells me what to believe and how to live. Or you could call it my imperial data if you’d like. I understand your point, and I do take in a lot of information from areas other than my own personal experience. But at the end of the day, I’m the one that decides if I believe it or not. I don’t take anything as pure truth without question. And even then it’s subject to change with enough time and study. Kinda like the scientists that collect data and give it out as empirical. Again this is my way, you do what works for you.
Biases are the mental shortcut. Our brain uses to deal with the complexity of different situations. But there is not only the thing that they are bad. But they can be beneficial too if you think about it.
How bad they are is debatable. For individuals, they can be bad, but biases towards the familiar can be beneficial. In each one of these cases, I can concoct a situation in which the delusion is good and another in which it's bad. If you want a yardstick for evaluating when it's bad, ask yourself and/or someone you trust. You can't see it, they may, and you should definitely leave if they're not sure. Inversely, these biases can also save us from rejecting people we love and who love is. We should give some leeway to those we care about, but it shouldn't be absolute. If somebody can't give you the same kindness you give them, you're not compatible, and one way or another, you should make sure you're not together. If you have some conscience and broadly demand more of someone else than you're willing to give you shouldn't be in that relationship, for their sake first and also for yourself, because that's a deep pool of loathing to wallow in.
@@talideon I do not agree, some people struggle with relationships due to mental health issues, I experience this first hand due to mine own, I don't agree that it is ok to leave somebody just because they can't give love at that moment, as for people like me, it takes time to learn things like that, as many people love and are loved differently, making it difficult for people like me, and others that aren't, so yes you can leave a person if they aren't loving you at all, but have patience because maybe they just don't know how to love you specifically.
I spent years studying different biases, amongst other subjects in psychiatry, and at the end of it came out questioning everything I thought I knew and believed in. It broke me down in some very personal areas of my life, but also allowed me to build up and grow in ways I never knew possible. Looking deeper into these subjects can be like looking at the sun; you gotta do it once in a while, but if you do it too much you might get burned. Great video.
Right, human desire to classify and name things, real or imaginary. Just live your life however you want, there is no right way to do it. Enjoy it while you can.
There are most certainly right and wrong ways to do nearly anything. The key is to identify at least the BASICS of any given task *prior* to delving into it. Ethics are clearly important. Studying the foundations of X, Y, or Z are as well. And obviously, we don't steal, keel people, tromp all over them, exploit them, nor do we lie. WE *CAN*, YES. But we shouldn't. Unfortunately, if you want to become wealthy, powerful, and influential, you will need to ignore those last three sentences. ;) No exceptions.
This is the "Peter Pan" cognitive bias. It's all fun and games playing indians and pirates until you realize there's more to the real world than that 😂
The stoics say what stands in the way becomes the way. Camus says things are meaningless. Absurdity is something to revolt against. Acceptance is the key to serenity today. Live in the moment.
What's in the way, is the way" or "The obstacle is the path". - Zen proverb "There is no pathway to peace, peace is the pathway" - AJ Muste And by Suzuki "Standing before the high raised sword, You see hell and tremble, But step forward into the land of bliss"
Sorry, your bias-explanation has a bias towards being able to realize biases, and understand that you're affected by these biases, hence circling back to being biased. So, I don't trust you. Or myself?
I agree. I'm beginning to think the producers of this video are trying to see how many people will catch that it is actually a cyclical argument. But to your other point, I trust myself more than the speaker in this video thinks I should.
I’m a scientist and in the world of science the driving force behind learning new things is the acceptance that we know so little, and there’s always something new to learn. Each answer reveals so many new questions. We never reach an end goal in science. It’s a journey where the destination is always moving forward too.
Your videos had helped me in my dark phase of my life. Currently, not so good happening but still i have recovered from where i was. Lots of love❤. Thank you 👍🏻😊
"Discipline. Consistency. Deadlines. Creativity. Reflection. Repeat." --an award-winning author Study hard. Do your work. Get educated, trustworthy opinions about stuff. Make the best decisions you can. That's all you can do. YOU CANNOT POSSIBLY KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT EVERYTHING, but that doesn't mean you need to trust the first sign of information about something. Do the research, double-check things, and use logic! It's actually not that hard, but it does require efforts. You can't go on auto-pilot.
I noticed the "halo effect" but didn't know it had a name nor could articulately express it in my language. i always had very pretty maths teachers (it happend a few times) but one thing that i realize was that they were mean and not super nice. As for the anchoring one i knew about it too when comparing prices of goods. Some places always give a discount with the original price shown as much higher to convince us that this really is a nice deal.
This is single-handedly one of the best videos I have ever watched on youtube. I thank you for creating content like this and am beyond excited to read your book.
Please do a reading of your book. If you did I’d pay for it. Your voice is unique and is part of the reason why I absorb your content. Thanks and keep up the great work.
So he experienced the halo effect with his abusive girlfriend, then semi-consciously felt compelled to start seeing Margaret using the confirmation bias.. In the end his brain was indeed protecting him and helping him survive 🤔 While it may have been arguably cowardly, these biases potentially helped him to become a happier guy.
This is really good!! I was reading a Quora post earlier today and there was a question posted that read, “if Mercury loses an electron can it transmute into gold?” A “professor” answered condescendingly “Not even close, you would have an ion of mercury, and you would need some fine tweezers to remove that proton!” he then goes on to say in the comments to his reply to the person “in order for me to answer in a way that you could understand, it wouldn’t be the full picture but if I give you the full picture, you won’t understand it!”, comparing a brief explanation to the problem like explaining how to plan a rocket launch to a fast food worker. To which I thought; ‘how evasive and dismissive of this professor!’ He didn’t even think about beta decay (beta minus decay?) where mercury loses an electron and an antineutrino and becomes Gold as one of the neutrons simultaneously turns into a proton that’s not hard to explain and you don’t have to use tweezers on the proton….??!! You just have to hit the nucleus of the atom with a neutron that’s not rocket science or difficult to explain: on top of that the person asking the question wasnt even completely wrong!! Wtf Im thinking is this even a real professor or just someone who has a fat ego and talks like they know what they’re talking about so most people who can’t see what he’s doing listen… or are afraid to speak up. what is this effect? where people tend to either think that the someone who is dismissive of others thoughts, and seems more intimidating or, is condescending is the one who is correct? This is a thing, where the nerd archetype with a higher pitched voice can in reality be correct but isn’t listened to I’ve been silenced by an adult before and even by peers before for going against beliefs or speaking up from a place of honesty in light of fair education and being treated ad though I were an enemy for doing so. It’s a very secluded feeling. Id love to know what the effect is, if you dare to find out. Thanks Is it tribalism? Chimp brain syndrom… in an endless game of one-upping each other in a need to be right? If the person teaching really valued their profession as a person who teaches truth they shouldn’t need to justify false claims by dismissing explanations to a questions as not comprehendible. Or a dumb question.
The way the video uses a storyline and uses transitions so seamlessly with the help if the storyline, this is awesome, good job on the writing and editing. I can see you guys put a lot of thought into this!!
4:33 acc to psychology.. liking someone in general isn't psychological but getting psychologically biased is only psychology.. nowadays on social media psychology has become something diff than the study/talk of mental phenomenons and changes.. just like a diff subject which being unironically anotherworldly.. biases are mental phenomenon too affected by your perception and by the world around you.. this social media is pretty much of a psychological trick to biased to make us believe that this information is what we need.. and we end up taking up more useless info stored in our minds than we ever needed in our life or career and waste our precious time. now off you go!!!😤
Biases are inherent, subconscious filters in our perception of the world, we all have them. But with conscious effort we can catch us in the act, and maybe alter our desicions.
I'm constantly trying to overcome biases and recognising them even when something is at odds with what, I believe are, my beliefs. I know I'll never totally not be influenced by anything or anyone but at least, in a large part, it's done by choice as in I've let it happen because I wanted it to. ALOT of introspection and retrospection
This video is awesome! I knew it was going to be great because it's from my favorite channel and now I can't stop talking about it to everyone. Plus, I'm pretty sure I understood everything perfectly on the first watch.
I love your videos and will continue to watch as you upload. I fell under the halo effect in my last relationship and didn’t even realize it. Thanks for converting my unworded thoughts to ACTUALwords :)
He realizes it. He's trying to create a bias I. The viewer by using people in his life to see if you will fall for his bias, like a snake eating it's tale. It doesn't add up. For instance, why is there only the picture of the woman in the middle and not the two other researchers who he claims studied this concept! It's a ruse. Did he put this video out on April 1st?
What a well put together video. Makes you think a bit deeper about your thoughts and actions. Great conclusion, as I love you mentioning that we shall never truly be in control of our minds', but we can at least try to be more aware.
I've recognized the first in myself many times, where I try to take on information from all sides of an issue and almost always feel myself leaning towards either my original assessment if it was made long ago or I will lean towards the most recent argument if I'm new to an issue completely. It's incredibly frustrating knowing that past me is just as capable of being wrong as present and future me and I always have to be cognizant of that or risk getting lost in a sea of hormones and hurt feelings, my own or other's.
It is worth to learn lucid dreaming as well, that is the part of us as well. And it leads to better self understanding that your unconscious may be telling you, face and bear your fears and phoias. So powerful. Did it myself, it's been a long time since I had a lucid dream, still working to have another one, but can tell one thing, for those who never experienced it, it's pretty much life of thought changing experience. Worth to try.
Damn that's me. I just left a 90 mental mental health residency in Battle Creek VA hospital in Mi. And you did what the couldn't do, without meeting me. Can't wait to read the book!
"... And you are currently being affected by the halo effect." Thats such a perfect line, it was obvious that halo effect at play but the line is still so sudden and in the face
I would like to thank you for helping me so much in my life widening my perspective, and helping me in the pursuit of wonder, I truly could not thank anyone more than you for helping make me the man I am today,
I guess the halo effect is why I let the girl I wanted to be with treat me poorly, lead me on, and ultimately break my heart. I didn't see how things really were because it wasn't how I wanted it to be. I chased her for almost 5 years but last November I told her to not call or text me anymore and am proud of myself for finally putting an end to it. We all deserve to be treated and loved the way we want to be. "If someone keeps making you feel like they don't give a shit about you, then they probably don't"
Did she lead you on or were you projecting a relationship and hoping for it that you knew she had no intention of having with you...... because there are two sides to every coin and I have thought that people were my friend only to discover that they were putting up a false pretense and pretending to be my friend with the hope that someday they could get in my pants, guess what I now will not even speak to men who I don't consider fornicating with because I don't like being vilified for doing nothing wrong I don't like being told that I've led someone on when in no way shape or form have I communicated that I had any sexual interest in them. You lying being creepy and sipping is not the halo effect it's you living in delusion. I have experienced the halo effect with men I was actively romantically engaged with, I put up with the worst treatment ever from a guy who seems like all of his Ducks were in a row and he was a high-value man he wasn't studly or Chad like but he was pleasant, I let that man get away with murder because he already came with the image of hey I'm pretty perfect,,, nonsense is over all I can do is think back to one of my boyfriends who stalks were not in a row who treated me like gold whenever he was paying enough attention but because of his lifestyle and the pieces of trash he hung out with,, anyways I had zero patience with that man and if he had to pull the fraction of what my most recent text did I would have been out in record time
I really liked this video, I always watch a lot of content about how the human mind works and this channel has much better quality than any other in this platform. Your voice sounds cool and warm, which makes your videos easier to enjoy. I knew there were lots of biases that control how we think, and this video confirms it. And as you can see from this comment, I've been victim of all of them.
@@manphan6689everything is bias including your comment. Me saying that is a bias. Two people in conversation will always be in a bias state until one subject matches. Whats your point? Whats any point? Please, show your bias towards me
They used a Roulette wheel for their own experiment. It does not mean it was the game of casino roulette. Maybe it was all multiples of 5. It could've been random numbers or maybe just 10 & 5. Ok. I think I'll watch porn now. Bye
Love your videos. Always good to be reminded of our own biases and how easily we can all be deceived. I do live a pointless meaningless existence, but I am sure many others out there also feel this way. I mean there is No real purpose or reason for any of us to be here. We just are and life is all about surviving until you die and it's expensive to live in this world. But we are here and we must keeping doing what we can to survive while trying to find some meaning to all this when in reality there really is none.
To be truly authentic one has to realize that their current beliefs, values and biases are indeed absolutely arbitrary and should not be viewed as superior to opposing ideas, but rather as inferior. Only then may one break out of their biases. That implies you judging and questioning yourself more than anything. Be your focus, don't focus on anything else.
I like to tell myself that I am probably somewhat more biased than average, but if I put in the proper effort to consciously counteract it I can get myself to average or even maybe below average in being biased. But it's simply not possible to not be biased, because our brains are always going to put greater import on the experiences we've actually had, they are always going to be more 'real' to us
This is the way I think all of the time, especially concerning decision making and interpreting politics. When I want something, it is so easy to rationalize why it would be the right decision that I assume I am simply justifying the choice. In politics, I believe that my perspective is the right one because I have done the research and know what the truth is. However, I also know that at least one side is being lied to and they accept that it isn't them. We wish to open the eyes of the opposition to the truth but what if WE are the ones being deceived? Someone is. What if it's me? Does my willingness to question what I believe make me any less likely to be deceived? Would I even be able to tell? I once had a boss tell me I was the kind of guy he used stay up all night long arguing with in college. No amount of introspection ever provides any solid proof that I am right. In the end, I have to accept that my view is the right one because, whichever way I choose to see things, I know there must be a right/wrong. I can only see one as right so I choose that one - and find myself right back to where I started.
I discovered one day that i had been making assumptions without realizing I had made them. Things that i "knew" complete with details but they were there without my ever having placed them in my mind. The ground crumbled beneath my feet and I haven't been the same since. But, Does it just seem this way? I can't be sure. When i build a conclusion, how am i supposed to know that I haven't quickly skipped over some assumptions? I know that I probably do. It's terrifying. Self delusion works because we don't know that it's taking place. No matter how careful we are.
Fascinating exploration! Understanding the anchoring, halo, and mere exposure effects not only enhances self-awareness but can dramatically improve how we navigate complex situations in both personal and professional realms. 🧠
so am I experiencing confirmation bias right now? This video supports most of my beliefs about society, human nature and biases... I (secretely) think that people who believe otherwise are wrong (because of religion, lack of knowledge, ignorance,...) but at the same time I'm aware that these biases exist, I'm certainly not immune to them and I know of several occasions where I fell for one of them...
You talk to your friend about a specific product that you've never talked about before. You go on social media and all of a sudden, you see nothing but ads after ads for the exact product! You are experiencing something known as...
When he said "your girlfriend is so pretty" I went straight to "Halo effect" and two seconds later he said "halo effect" and I went "Ha!Knew that one already!" But yeah, amazing to see how our brains, for as much of a potent "computer" as they can be, they're also so easy to fool.
I have your guided journal and I really enjoy writing in it. The prompt about imagining if you had no legs or no arms right at the beginning was pretty intense tho lol
I find that the deeper you dive into the origins of your thoughts the less moral values seem to make sense. How does one question everything, without giving up everything making them themselves?
we are being influenced beyond our own recognition, it’s impossible to know what choices are yours alone
I agree 100% with you on that. Oh wait…😮
This the danger of AI as propaganda developers that will surpass what we think is free will.
Some epistemologies are more helpful in understanding reality than others. There are a lot of epistemologies. Most are low accuracy. One must understand all of them to be able to empathize with all other points of view. Aint nobody got time for that. Instead we have a standardized epistemology available that everyone could learn and use to work with others in a multicultural world. We are all connected for the first time in the entire history of the universe. Thanks internet.
damn true!
@@RemotelySkilled actually to both 🙏🏻
I really liked how each example was strung along by a continuing story.
You're built like a continuous story
but whatever happened with the blonde and the abusive girlfriend?
Kinda feels like you stretching descriptions of very general psychological principles with very specific justifications for you wanting to cheat on your girlfriend
0:13 The anchoring effect
2:17 the halo effect
3:48 the mere-exposure effect
5:14 confirmation bias
6:37 selective confirmation bias
6:49 bias blind spot
Selective perception bias
Main character syndrome!
Thank you
2:17 the dump her effect
0:00 Clickbait title
The rest of the video: Things unrelated to the title of the video
We'll never become the sole driver of our minds, of ourselves. But we can, perhaps, become a more observant passenger.
@@69rpmrecords Makes sense to me
You can be completely in control of your mind. Stop consuming advertising and watch how quickly you change.🤷♀️
@@dpelpalfree will isn’t real. Only an illusion
I like this a lot. Thank you!
I read both your books: The Art of Living a Meaningless Existence and The Art of Living an Absurd Existence. I have never in my entire life read anything that I have been able to resonate with as much as these books. I suffer from childhood sexual trauma with abusive parents and it has affected my sense of meaning and purpose in life so greatly to where I could not find any for many years of my life. I am now in my late 20s, and I have found solace in your essays and philosophy through your books, and it has drastically changed my perspective and interpretation of things. I am now able to experience my existence with less pain, more wonder, and gratitude than I have ever been able to. I wanted to write this post to say thank you for the work you put into your passion, I am now able to heal from these tremendous wounds that have been afflicted on me from such a young age. From my perspective, you are doing incredible work for people that really need it. 🙏
i dont know if he read this, but i did and i'm happy it's made some difference for you. you have a lot to work with so it likely won't be easy for you. i know it probably sounds trite by this point (but i myself have struggled with the tedium and frustration of this existence) you might consider learning about buddhism, specifically 'zen' buddhism or 'cha'n' buddhism (the chinese progenitor of zen).
they say a lot about the nature of existence and minimizing pain and struggle but there are concrete exercises that you can learn, think about and practice that can offer real long-term perspective... which can pull us out of our myopic view of what happens in our daily lives and give us long term focus.
since we may never speak again I'd recommend a book called 'zen flesh zen bones' by paul reps that is a translation of some zen texts. if you take the book wholly and slowly perhaps a day and an exercise/koan at a time, it may change your life completely - it truly did mine. but you have to look deeeep into the metaphors, they aren't saying what they seem to be on the surface. if you read one and think you get it immediately, you've obviously left something unexamined.
at any rate, i wish you well on your journey. i want it to be light and learned and full of joy. good luck brother.
I hope you find peace in your life you deserve it sweetheart
Reading this comment has also helped because me too…. Me too.
Doesn't it suck that he didn't even acknowledge your wonderful praise?
I am happy you found solace, either way 🙏
its amazing that we can be aware of such things but be unable to change them while change is also a constant fuel for life.
Yeah, it's almost paradoxical, isn't it? Humans are never satisfied with the status quo, we are always searching for _more._ And yet we are also most comforted by, and attracted to, patterns and regularity.
There are 4 certainties in life: Death, Taxes, Stupidity and Change. We generally refuse to play an active roll when it comes to change or transformation. However, we might be driven to change the minute we see greater benefits coming from it, or by becoming aware of something we were not before. This is a great channel and Robert´s books are great too.
I think because change is so constant that when we are finally aware of these psychological traps and are on the way to change them or avoid them we are in a new trap and it’s kind of impossible to live without such. so best must be to live in the present and fight one issue at a time.
it is cool tho to be aware of these things
To quote Marceline the Vampire Queen:
"Let's go in the garden
You'll find something waiting
Right there where you left it
Lying upside down
When you finally find it
You'll see how it's faded
The underside is lighter
When you turn it around
Everything stays
Right where you left it
Everything stays
But it still changes
Ever so slightly
Daily and nightly
In little ways
When everything stays"
@@Xmota hi! I love this quote! I'm not familiar with the character, where, or what, is she from? I was a MASSIVE btvs fan back in the day, but that's about as far as my vampire lore fandom went. Still... I love that quote, ty for sharing! ❤️
The timing of this video is divine, i almost made a horrible decision
Don’t worry. There’s plenty of time to make more
@@jayk5549 hopefully this tool helps me overcome
I also stumbled across this just as I have a big decision to make that needs lucidity and clarity. Who is driving this vessel?!?
@mylesjeffers6148 whoever it is, we say thank you🤌
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” It's ok to make mistakes just as long as you learn from them and seek to repeat them.
Every once in a while, you realize some shit is going wrong but not exactly what is going wrong
Every day
It's due to these biases coupled with subtle brainwashing of society.
A perfect example and addition would be the Stockholm syndrome
This is why I try to form strong opinions on personal experiences only. I take what others think with a grain of salt. To understand that I may very well be wrong in all my assumptions, and to never try to convince others of my beliefs because of it. If I’m asked I will share my opinions with the reasons I hold them. They can then form their own conclusions with the information.
Get ready to not be liked by many people. I’ve found most people don’t like it when they can’t put you in a box. They need to easily “understand” you or they won’t try. They need to make sure you are on “their side”. People love labels and boxes.
If I don't care what my mind thinks of me, why would I care what any other mind thinks of me?😂
This is exactly why you should NOT form your opinions by personal experiences only. Your mind is too flawed. Like anyone else's...
Rely on empirical data instead.
You should search-What is the meaning of empirical data?
“Empirical implies that the information is based on (experience), and data is information we (gather) about something. Thus the information acquired by (scientists) through (experimentation) and (observation) is called empirical data.” I think one could call this life experience imo.
Where does imperial data come from? Who collects it and interprets it? Has it ever been wrong in the past and does it ever change? If it were so easy to live life perfectly off the data others collect and give out why hasn’t that happened yet? If you’re just giving me your grain of salt that’s fine because that’s how I’m taking it. If you want to debate on this I’m not interested. All just give you this small essay as a token of good will. If you find joy living your life using “imperial data” that’s awesome. As for me, well my experience/ intuition tells me what to believe and how to live. Or you could call it my imperial data if you’d like. I understand your point, and I do take in a lot of information from areas other than my own personal experience. But at the end of the day, I’m the one that decides if I believe it or not. I don’t take anything as pure truth without question. And even then it’s subject to change with enough time and study. Kinda like the scientists that collect data and give it out as empirical. Again this is my way, you do what works for you.
Well put
@Jan-ny6sl life and it's decisions, choices and beliefs can't be determined from empirical data and certainly not alone.
Biases are the mental shortcut. Our brain uses to deal with the complexity of different situations.
But there is not only the thing that they are bad. But they can be beneficial too if you think about it.
it is a habit formed in your subconscious
they are all bad in the long run
How bad they are is debatable. For individuals, they can be bad, but biases towards the familiar can be beneficial.
In each one of these cases, I can concoct a situation in which the delusion is good and another in which it's bad. If you want a yardstick for evaluating when it's bad, ask yourself and/or someone you trust. You can't see it, they may, and you should definitely leave if they're not sure.
Inversely, these biases can also save us from rejecting people we love and who love is. We should give some leeway to those we care about, but it shouldn't be absolute.
If somebody can't give you the same kindness you give them, you're not compatible, and one way or another, you should make sure you're not together. If you have some conscience and broadly demand more of someone else than you're willing to give you shouldn't be in that relationship, for their sake first and also for yourself, because that's a deep pool of loathing to wallow in.
@@talideon I do not agree, some people struggle with relationships due to mental health issues, I experience this first hand due to mine own, I don't agree that it is ok to leave somebody just because they can't give love at that moment, as for people like me, it takes time to learn things like that, as many people love and are loved differently, making it difficult for people like me, and others that aren't, so yes you can leave a person if they aren't loving you at all, but have patience because maybe they just don't know how to love you specifically.
"A more aware passenger."
I like that.
I spent years studying different biases, amongst other subjects in psychiatry, and at the end of it came out questioning everything I thought I knew and believed in. It broke me down in some very personal areas of my life, but also allowed me to build up and grow in ways I never knew possible. Looking deeper into these subjects can be like looking at the sun; you gotta do it once in a while, but if you do it too much you might get burned. Great video.
Right, human desire to classify and name things, real or imaginary. Just live your life however you want, there is no right way to do it. Enjoy it while you can.
There are most certainly right and wrong ways to do nearly anything. The key is to identify at least the BASICS of any given task *prior* to delving into it. Ethics are clearly important. Studying the foundations of X, Y, or Z are as well. And obviously, we don't steal, keel people, tromp all over them, exploit them, nor do we lie. WE *CAN*, YES. But we shouldn't. Unfortunately, if you want to become wealthy, powerful, and influential, you will need to ignore those last three sentences. ;) No exceptions.
This is the "Peter Pan" cognitive bias. It's all fun and games playing indians and pirates until you realize there's more to the real world than that 😂
Yes, this is so. When I'm asked what my favourite food, piece of music, book etc. is, I always say it changes all the time.
@@Novastar.SaberCombat Quote: There are most certainly right and wrong ways to do nearly anything. End Quote. And who determines that, I wonder...
Your biased just right there!😂
The stoics say what stands in the way becomes the way. Camus says things are meaningless. Absurdity is something to revolt against. Acceptance is the key to serenity today. Live in the moment.
Absurdity is eternal and must be accepted
“The obstacle is the way”
@@norwardradtke1361*except for video games
What's in the way, is the way" or "The obstacle is the path". - Zen proverb
"There is no pathway to peace, peace is the pathway" - AJ Muste
And by Suzuki
"Standing before the high raised sword,
You see hell and tremble,
But step forward into the land of bliss"
Please make a video about your team so we can honor them.
Thanks for all the videos over the years
@@BandoLyrix Am I missing something? Like an inside joke? They literally named 65 on a roulette table. 65 doesn't exist on ANY roulette table.
@@QsPracticalNonsense Must have modified for the experiment man.
@@deaf_penguin dude, they use a roulette table as a comparison? It's so stupid considering how bad it translates
@@QsPracticalNonsense Idk man they got what they wanted out of it.
Sorry, your bias-explanation has a bias towards being able to realize biases, and understand that you're affected by these biases, hence circling back to being biased. So, I don't trust you. Or myself?
Overthinking is real
Go for a walk in the woods, and remember: you are not your thoughts; you are the person having the thoughts.
I agree. I'm beginning to think the producers of this video are trying to see how many people will catch that it is actually a cyclical argument. But to your other point, I trust myself more than the speaker in this video thinks I should.
@@SilkCityIndependentdetachment is real it has the clarity
1) anchor effect
2) halo effect
3) mere-exposure effect
4) confirmation bias
5) bias blind spot
@kittywalker2944 thanks, i didn't notice that one. Do you have the time stamp?
7. Living worth bias.
I’m a scientist and in the world of science the driving force behind learning new things is the acceptance that we know so little, and there’s always something new to learn. Each answer reveals so many new questions. We never reach an end goal in science. It’s a journey where the destination is always moving forward too.
"For I was conscious that I knew practically nothing..." (Plato, Apology 22d, translated by Harold North Fowler, 1966)
Your videos had helped me in my dark phase of my life. Currently, not so good happening but still i have recovered from where i was. Lots of love❤. Thank you 👍🏻😊
Keep going
@@thec0untess I will, thank you 🩷
Nice work. Bias is a topic that runs deeper than almost anyone is able to understand. Thank you!
And this is precisely why our environment and how we treat ourselves and others is of the utmost importance for our species.
"Discipline. Consistency. Deadlines. Creativity. Reflection. Repeat." --an award-winning author
Study hard. Do your work. Get educated, trustworthy opinions about stuff. Make the best decisions you can. That's all you can do. YOU CANNOT POSSIBLY KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT EVERYTHING, but that doesn't mean you need to trust the first sign of information about something. Do the research, double-check things, and use logic! It's actually not that hard, but it does require efforts. You can't go on auto-pilot.
I noticed the "halo effect" but didn't know it had a name nor could articulately express it in my language. i always had very pretty maths teachers (it happend a few times) but one thing that i realize was that they were mean and not super nice. As for the anchoring one i knew about it too when comparing prices of goods. Some places always give a discount with the original price shown as much higher to convince us that this really is a nice deal.
This is single-handedly one of the best videos I have ever watched on youtube. I thank you for creating content like this and am beyond excited to read your book.
Please do a reading of your book. If you did I’d pay for it. Your voice is unique and is part of the reason why I absorb your content. Thanks and keep up the great work.
Mere exposure effect
@@Diamondragan didn’t know about this one, thanks.
So he experienced the halo effect with his abusive girlfriend, then semi-consciously felt compelled to start seeing Margaret using the confirmation bias..
In the end his brain was indeed protecting him and helping him survive 🤔 While it may have been arguably cowardly, these biases potentially helped him to become a happier guy.
Dude every video of yours I watch gets me to reflect more and more in myself, for real. Keep it up with the good work and thank you
This is really good!! I was reading a Quora post earlier today and there was a question posted that read, “if Mercury loses an electron can it transmute into gold?” A “professor” answered condescendingly “Not even close, you would have an ion of mercury, and you would need some fine tweezers to remove that proton!” he then goes on to say in the comments to his reply to the person “in order for me to answer in a way that you could understand, it wouldn’t be the full picture but if I give you the full picture, you won’t understand it!”, comparing a brief explanation to the problem like explaining how to plan a rocket launch to a fast food worker.
To which I thought; ‘how evasive and dismissive of this professor!’
He didn’t even think about beta decay (beta minus decay?) where mercury loses an electron and an antineutrino and becomes Gold as one of the neutrons simultaneously turns into a proton that’s not hard to explain and you don’t have to use tweezers on the proton….??!! You just have to hit the nucleus of the atom with a neutron that’s not rocket science or difficult to explain: on top of that the person asking the question wasnt even completely wrong!! Wtf Im thinking is this even a real professor or just someone who has a fat ego and talks like they know what they’re talking about so most people who can’t see what he’s doing listen… or are afraid to speak up.
what is this effect?
where people tend to either think that the someone who is dismissive of others thoughts, and seems more intimidating or, is condescending is the one who is correct?
This is a thing, where the nerd archetype with a higher pitched voice can in reality be correct but isn’t listened to
I’ve been silenced by an adult before and even by peers before for going against beliefs or speaking up from a place of honesty in light of fair education and being treated ad though I were an enemy for doing so. It’s a very secluded feeling. Id love to know what the effect is, if you dare to find out. Thanks
Is it tribalism? Chimp brain syndrom… in an endless game of one-upping each other in a need to be right? If the person teaching really valued their profession as a person who teaches truth they shouldn’t need to justify false claims by dismissing explanations to a questions as not comprehendible. Or a dumb question.
The way the video uses a storyline and uses transitions so seamlessly with the help if the storyline, this is awesome, good job on the writing and editing. I can see you guys put a lot of thought into this!!
4:33 acc to psychology.. liking someone in general isn't psychological but getting psychologically biased is only psychology.. nowadays on social media psychology has become something diff than the study/talk of mental phenomenons and changes.. just like a diff subject which being unironically anotherworldly.. biases are mental phenomenon too affected by your perception and by the world around you.. this social media is pretty much of a psychological trick to biased to make us believe that this information is what we need.. and we end up taking up more useless info stored in our minds than we ever needed in our life or career and waste our precious time.
now off you go!!!😤
Biases are inherent, subconscious filters in our perception of the world, we all have them. But with conscious effort we can catch us in the act, and maybe alter our desicions.
I got the book at 0:11.
How is it?
@@judynya3176it is how it is.
ive had a rough week i cannot describe the help this channel provides to me in understanding myself and somewhat of others.
I'm constantly trying to overcome biases and recognising them even when something is at odds with what, I believe are, my beliefs. I know I'll never totally not be influenced by anything or anyone but at least, in a large part, it's done by choice as in I've let it happen because I wanted it to. ALOT of introspection and retrospection
This video is awesome! I knew it was going to be great because it's from my favorite channel and now I can't stop talking about it to everyone. Plus, I'm pretty sure I understood everything perfectly on the first watch.
I love your videos and will continue to watch as you upload. I fell under the halo effect in my last relationship and didn’t even realize it. Thanks for converting my unworded thoughts to ACTUALwords :)
Plot twist:
The narrator has a coworker named Margaret and is talking about himself without realising it
He realizes it. He's trying to create a bias I. The viewer by using people in his life to see if you will fall for his bias, like a snake eating it's tale. It doesn't add up. For instance, why is there only the picture of the woman in the middle and not the two other researchers who he claims studied this concept! It's a ruse.
Did he put this video out on April 1st?
I truly cherish your channel and your books. Thanks for spreading great thoughts.
What a well put together video. Makes you think a bit deeper about your thoughts and actions. Great conclusion, as I love you mentioning that we shall never truly be in control of our minds', but we can at least try to be more aware.
Love, best wishes and a big thank you for sharing these insights , all the way from KASHMIR
Damn the transition is so smooth!!! I didn't even realise that it's already a different list every time 😂 Awesome video dude
Ty for not meshing an ad into the story, I hate when you do that. Quality content this video was.
7:07 thought it was going to talk about the Dunning-Kruger effect. 😂 was able to guess the mere exposure and halo effect though
Cant wait to get your new book, bought your previous ones and loved them
I've recognized the first in myself many times, where I try to take on information from all sides of an issue and almost always feel myself leaning towards either my original assessment if it was made long ago or I will lean towards the most recent argument if I'm new to an issue completely. It's incredibly frustrating knowing that past me is just as capable of being wrong as present and future me and I always have to be cognizant of that or risk getting lost in a sea of hormones and hurt feelings, my own or other's.
you see your mother's face, your father is talking softly to you, everything seems new and comforting. you're experiencing the "being born" effect
Newborns can't see yet. It takes around 5 month after being born to make out proper shapes and color.
This is a super important topic.
It is worth to learn lucid dreaming as well, that is the part of us as well. And it leads to better self understanding that your unconscious may be telling you, face and bear your fears and phoias. So powerful. Did it myself, it's been a long time since I had a lucid dream, still working to have another one, but can tell one thing, for those who never experienced it, it's pretty much life of thought changing experience. Worth to try.
You should make your book hardcover! I don’t really like paperback as they usually get messed up. I really want to add this book to my collection.
Damn that's me. I just left a 90 mental mental health residency in Battle Creek VA hospital in Mi. And you did what the couldn't do, without meeting me. Can't wait to read the book!
I subbed in the first sentence. Your voice has me captivated
"... And you are currently being affected by the halo effect." Thats such a perfect line, it was obvious that halo effect at play but the line is still so sudden and in the face
2:50 hits home hard
I would like to thank you for helping me so much in my life widening my perspective, and helping me in the pursuit of wonder, I truly could not thank anyone more than you for helping make me the man I am today,
Fantastic video, phenomenal storytelling and fluency. Thank you.
Just got super creeped out by the eye in the rearview mirror at 8:59
This is also amplified when there’s an obvious force of persuasion.
I guess the halo effect is why I let the girl I wanted to be with treat me poorly, lead me on, and ultimately break my heart. I didn't see how things really were because it wasn't how I wanted it to be. I chased her for almost 5 years but last November I told her to not call or text me anymore and am proud of myself for finally putting an end to it. We all deserve to be treated and loved the way we want to be.
"If someone keeps making you feel like they don't give a shit about you, then they probably don't"
Did she lead you on or were you projecting a relationship and hoping for it that you knew she had no intention of having with you...... because there are two sides to every coin and I have thought that people were my friend only to discover that they were putting up a false pretense and pretending to be my friend with the hope that someday they could get in my pants, guess what I now will not even speak to men who I don't consider fornicating with because I don't like being vilified for doing nothing wrong I don't like being told that I've led someone on when in no way shape or form have I communicated that I had any sexual interest in them.
You lying being creepy and sipping is not the halo effect it's you living in delusion.
I have experienced the halo effect with men I was actively romantically engaged with, I put up with the worst treatment ever from a guy who seems like all of his Ducks were in a row and he was a high-value man he wasn't studly or Chad like but he was pleasant, I let that man get away with murder because he already came with the image of hey I'm pretty perfect,,, nonsense is over all I can do is think back to one of my boyfriends who stalks were not in a row who treated me like gold whenever he was paying enough attention but because of his lifestyle and the pieces of trash he hung out with,, anyways I had zero patience with that man and if he had to pull the fraction of what my most recent text did I would have been out in record time
I really liked this video, I always watch a lot of content about how the human mind works and this channel has much better quality than any other in this platform. Your voice sounds cool and warm, which makes your videos easier to enjoy. I knew there were lots of biases that control how we think, and this video confirms it. And as you can see from this comment, I've been victim of all of them.
I’m never asking Reddit to confirm my bias again
using google is confirmation bias if u dont provide all the information about your specific situation when it comes to relationships
@@manphan6689everything is bias including your comment. Me saying that is a bias. Two people in conversation will always be in a bias state until one subject matches.
Whats your point? Whats any point? Please, show your bias towards me
Always such thought-provoking an awesome videos I love that I found your channel thank you so much always
What a grate explanation!
I'll watch it again.
I love this video!! You did such an excellent job on presenting these effects.
This video got me through a tough Tuesday. Thank you🎉
There is no 65 on a roulette wheel?
Yes. Good point
Found the gambler
They used a Roulette wheel for their own experiment. It does not mean it was the game of casino roulette. Maybe it was all multiples of 5. It could've been random numbers or maybe just 10 & 5. Ok. I think I'll watch porn now. Bye
Russian Roulette
@@patrickpilkington6241if it’s not an exact roulette wheel, why call it that?
I found myself guilty of cognitive biases while listening to this. Really makes me want to be more observant
Great content, glad I stumbled across this channel
I love your videos. So glad you produce this content for us. Many thanks and well wishes!
🧡your content, just bought your book. Cheers!
Love your videos. Always good to be reminded of our own biases and how easily we can all be deceived. I do live a pointless meaningless existence, but I am sure many others out there also feel this way. I mean there is No real purpose or reason for any of us to be here. We just are and life is all about surviving until you die and it's expensive to live in this world. But we are here and we must keeping doing what we can to survive while trying to find some meaning to all this when in reality there really is none.
To be truly authentic one has to realize that their current beliefs, values and biases are indeed absolutely arbitrary and should not be viewed as superior to opposing ideas, but rather as inferior. Only then may one break out of their biases. That implies you judging and questioning yourself more than anything. Be your focus, don't focus on anything else.
I like to tell myself that I am probably somewhat more biased than average, but if I put in the proper effort to consciously counteract it I can get myself to average or even maybe below average in being biased. But it's simply not possible to not be biased, because our brains are always going to put greater import on the experiences we've actually had, they are always going to be more 'real' to us
This is the way I think all of the time, especially concerning decision making and interpreting politics. When I want something, it is so easy to rationalize why it would be the right decision that I assume I am simply justifying the choice. In politics, I believe that my perspective is the right one because I have done the research and know what the truth is. However, I also know that at least one side is being lied to and they accept that it isn't them. We wish to open the eyes of the opposition to the truth but what if WE are the ones being deceived? Someone is. What if it's me? Does my willingness to question what I believe make me any less likely to be deceived? Would I even be able to tell? I once had a boss tell me I was the kind of guy he used stay up all night long arguing with in college. No amount of introspection ever provides any solid proof that I am right.
In the end, I have to accept that my view is the right one because, whichever way I choose to see things, I know there must be a right/wrong. I can only see one as right so I choose that one - and find myself right back to where I started.
I discovered one day that i had been making assumptions without realizing I had made them. Things that i "knew" complete with details but they were there without my ever having placed them in my mind. The ground crumbled beneath my feet and I haven't been the same since.
Does it just seem this way?
I can't be sure.
When i build a conclusion, how am i supposed to know that I haven't quickly skipped over some assumptions?
I know that I probably do.
It's terrifying.
Self delusion works because we don't know that it's taking place.
No matter how careful we are.
This was a fantastic video. I think EVERYONE needs to watch this. Especially now
isnane this video just put my life in such a good perspective, thankyou! u spoke to my soul
Fascinating exploration! Understanding the anchoring, halo, and mere exposure effects not only enhances self-awareness but can dramatically improve how we navigate complex situations in both personal and professional realms. 🧠
so am I experiencing confirmation bias right now? This video supports most of my beliefs about society, human nature and biases...
I (secretely) think that people who believe otherwise are wrong (because of religion, lack of knowledge, ignorance,...) but at the same time I'm aware that these biases exist, I'm certainly not immune to them and I know of several occasions where I fell for one of them...
8:39 interesting choice of an image
This is so true. I have always thought that my mind makes excuses for something sometimes such good excuses i dont reconsider and reflect
Exposure effect is great. It can turn a 3 into a 7 or even an 8
Thankyou I really enjoyed hearing about our conceptual bias of reality.
I suppose its easy like a comfortable couch we dont want to leave.
You talk to your friend about a specific product that you've never talked about before. You go on social media and all of a sudden, you see nothing but ads after ads for the exact product! You are experiencing something known as...
Great job, very concise summary of useful details.
Amazing video! Love it 💕
got hit by selective confirmation bias when telling my self I know about confirmation bias but I'm diferent and I can beat it.
it's the way I confindently predicted "confirmation bias" before he said it and then realized I was waiting for him to confirm it...
When he said "your girlfriend is so pretty" I went straight to "Halo effect" and two seconds later he said "halo effect" and I went "Ha!Knew that one already!"
But yeah, amazing to see how our brains, for as much of a potent "computer" as they can be, they're also so easy to fool.
More amazing information thank you
Just grabbed your book!
I have your guided journal and I really enjoy writing in it.
The prompt about imagining if you had no legs or no arms right at the beginning was pretty intense tho lol
I have the mere-exposure effect to this channel. 😂 I’ve been watching their videos for years.
These are exactly why i avoid relationships i cant deny. I spend a lot of time alone. I dont chase "happiness".
After thinking very hard about all these things, you find that you are still you
I find that the deeper you dive into the origins of your thoughts the less moral values seem to make sense. How does one question everything, without giving up everything making them themselves?
There is no number 65 on the table 1:34. You thought I wouldn't notice, but I'm hyper aware of details :D
Nice catch!
I love your work!!!!!
Read the book “Thinking, fast and slow”, biases are a big part of it!