Почему холодно хз) смотрю чисто по этим отрывкам. Но думаю то что он прятал это был для нее сюрприз. Видите там всякие милые штучки нарисованы думаю это он и подготавливал. А вообще это очень мило) она первой ему призналась, но он устроил ей сюрприз как бы делая ей "воспоминания"
She should have kicked him in the balls. When someone tells you they like you, do you really need time to think about it ? He made her wait for over a week to tell her, was blank with her at the library and then just walked away when he saw her outside her house. I really can't see how any of this is romantic, it is depressing.
You should watch the whole drama before u comment because he wasn’t actually “thinking” about it, he already knew he liked her back. He was trying to make it perfect but the girl confessed too early so he was actually just preparing the whole set up for her. So that he could prove how much he actually likes her
@@s.k09 Telling her would have been a good idea rather than leaving her hanging for a week thinking he doesn't like her. I don't know how ignoring her and making her feel like he is not interested in her is making it perfect for her.
@@s.k09 You can't explain it to me because it makes no sense. How would you feel if you told someone that you liked them and then they made you wait for a week for an answer. You see them a few days later and say hello and they just look at you all cold and tell you that they are busy , bye!. You would obviously think they are not interested and that they do not like you. How is making someone feel bad and unwanted a good thing? He was all ready to tell her first but she beat him to it, his confession was redundant after that. He should have told her at the time that he liked her and then took her to the lighthouse a few days later and shown her how special she was to him. He decided to make her feel like shit for a week first. You understanding the simplest things does not shock me, it is probably why you like talking down to people
MUY HERMOSAS CANCIONES 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
BONITO RECUERDO DE ESTE DRAMA ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️👩❤️👨👩❤️👨👩❤️👨👩❤️👨👩❤️👨👩❤️👨👩❤️👨👩❤️👨👩❤️👨👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
ASE bonita pareja el es un amor con sentimiento meguta todo dos 🎎🎆🎆❤❤💏💏
Finally ❤ They are together now ❤
MUY BONTO DrAMA ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️👩❤️👨👩❤️👨👩❤️👨👩❤️👨🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈
That boy is...so beautiful 👍 Him...it was member...from Wanna one..very good Kpop group!!..🤷♀️💖💋 GREECE 🇬🇷🧜♀️💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫
Amo esse dorama 😻
Cómo se llama? Por favor! Me aparecen los capítulos revueltos y lo quiero ver bien
@@ade-13-E "A little thing called first love". Está disponible en Netflix.
@@AurianeSBrito muchas gracias!!!
Eu amo esti casal maravihloso são lindos São Belos ATORES muitos sucesso meus amores eu amo vocês❤💖💗💓💞💕💖💟💖💕💙💛💚
باسم الله ما شاء الله بالتوفيق انشاء الله ربنا يبارك ويزيدك روووووعه
Minha cena predileta!!!👏👏👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💚💛🇧🇷
I love this drama beautiful couple omg
I love this drama so much I wish there was a season 2
Ahhhhhh ele é tão fofo tão lindoooo
Melhor dorama 😍😍😍😍
😭😭😭😭😭q lidinhooosss❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Fact: everyone want story like xia miao miao
So amazing
I like this drama😍
Finalmente 😍😍😍
Amo muinto esse drama 😘😘
Que lindo ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Ame esta parte 😍😍❤️
If they don't confess to me like that, then I'm not dating them. This is what every man should do. :D
How cute dis drama😍😍😍
Como se llama el Dorama porfavor quiero verlo del principio ❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭
Una cosita llamada primer amor esta en neffly
Es hermoso lo podés ver completo acá en TH-cam.
شنو اسم المسلسل
هو اسم المسلسل ايه
I'm second 🤣🤣🤣
روووووووعه ♥️♥️♥️♥️
اخيرا لقيت احد يتكلم عربي 😭😭😭
@@justme3741 ههههههههه حاسه بهذا الشعور
@@nanam479 هههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههہ 😭😭😭
Si es vacanisimo me gustó mucho alguien me podría decir el nombre qya no me acuerdo para verla de nuevo
للي يسااااال علي اسمه اسمه شئ بسيط يدعي الحب الاول
Что за песня?Скажите пожалуйста)))Очень понравилась
يارب الولد يلي احبه بيقولي احبك لانو انا ماني متاكدة انو يحبني بس انا متمسكة بانو هو بيحبني قولو امين🥰🥰🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺💋💋🇩🇿🇩🇿💚💫💋💋
in which episode they proposed\
اكو عرب بالطيارة 😂
I love it but what the name of the drama I only watch this short scenes only
Little thing called first love
Drama name?
Drama name, please!
Измучал ее, странно так🤔🙃🙃
في احد هنا من العرب ولا بس انا🏃🏻♀️
شسم الفلم
@@زهو-ق6ح4ق مدري والله
انا موجوده
انا موجوده
I'm Frist
هوه اني داسأل
A little thing called first love
Creepy. But thoughtful gesture
What's creepy in this !!!??
@@gurnoorkaur3887 صحيحح
@@justme3741 what !??
@@gurnoorkaur3887 I say you are right
Почему он так холодно с ней поговорил? И скорее закрыл. Что писал...
Почему холодно хз) смотрю чисто по этим отрывкам. Но думаю то что он прятал это был для нее сюрприз. Видите там всякие милые штучки нарисованы думаю это он и подготавливал. А вообще это очень мило) она первой ему призналась, но он устроил ей сюрприз как бы делая ей "воспоминания"
I'm sorry...but he's asshole. Created a bunch of misunderstandings in her heart. Not cool at all. But it's ok...because he loves her. Ugh.
Yesss, it's so annoying, just watching this because it's easy for learning Chinese
She should have kicked him in the balls. When someone tells you they like you, do you really need time to think about it ? He made her wait for over a week to tell her, was blank with her at the library and then just walked away when he saw her outside her house. I really can't see how any of this is romantic, it is depressing.
You should watch the whole drama before u comment because he wasn’t actually “thinking” about it, he already knew he liked her back. He was trying to make it perfect but the girl confessed too early so he was actually just preparing the whole set up for her. So that he could prove how much he actually likes her
@@s.k09 Telling her would have been a good idea rather than leaving her hanging for a week thinking he doesn't like her. I don't know how ignoring her and making her feel like he is not interested in her is making it perfect for her.
@@vidinman never mind it’s pointless trying to explain to you when you don’t even understand the simplest things
@@s.k09 You can't explain it to me because it makes no sense. How would you feel if you told someone that you liked them and then they made you wait for a week for an answer. You see them a few days later and say hello and they just look at you all cold and tell you that they are busy , bye!.
You would obviously think they are not interested and that they do not like you. How is making someone feel bad and unwanted a good thing?
He was all ready to tell her first but she beat him to it, his confession was redundant after that. He should have told her at the time that he liked her and then took her to the lighthouse a few days later and shown her how special she was to him. He decided to make her feel like shit for a week first.
You understanding the simplest things does not shock me, it is probably why you like talking down to people
@@vidinman when did I say it was good for him to do that lmao, anyways again I’m really not going to waste my time with you so bye :)