Natthaya Sriwongthai He is the best, he has the best growths in FE 1. Riff is a 10. He is ripped head to toe, mainly due to FE 1 and Healers leveling being bullshit.
Lucius is trying to do damage bc he still believes he is the OP glass canon that he was in FE7... I'm so salty they made him a healer. Just give the man a blue or green tome.
The reason Lucius is trying to be damaging is because he was initially a light magic user in his game. But since light magic doesn't really exist (which they should bring back... grumble grumble...) he was forced to be a healer instead of maybe a colorless tome user that is super op because he has an ability that makes him strong against all colors but weak to all colors and becomes super tanky or something or anything other than a healer who's trying to be damaging. *sigh* Sorry for my butthurt. But that's one of my pet peeves about the newer Fire Emblems, even though I realize that light magic wasn't really there in the beginning either if Shadow Dragon is an accurate representation of the first Fire Emblem.
Kupsy I agree that it would be way too much for a mobile game to have both triangles. In which I mainly just want the magic triangle back in the other games. I'm honestly in the same boat with you and Sage (which I now realize that Sage did know why Lucius is a damaging staff user, but not why Nintendo did that too him as opposed to something else like Linde).
seeing flux being a red tome, it would be nice if they put the light magic spell as blue tomes... lucius was a beast in the game he can be used, and letting him being a healer make him weak...
I was lucky enough to get Elise (+Atk - HP) at 5 star's a while ago and never looked back! She does a lot of damage to armored units which can come in handy sometimes!
due to the skill inheritance system the best Healers are now the three Cavalier Healers and they have increased movement compared to the other Healers the only issue with them is they can't go through trees. oh and Sages just answer your question as to what the hell are you luc he wasn't he A Healer in his game he was a Light Mage he didn't heal people he attacked people
I disagree. Unless you're running a full cav team, the lower BST can be a HUGE issue with Clarine and Priscilla and Elise. Being a good healer often means being able to survive 1 hit too and they all lack the necessary overall bulk for that.
It's accurate in that it first subtracts from resistance, then it halves. So you shouldn't just ignore that stat and halve it before actually calculating.
Wanted to make a Pain+ Poison strike Azama but after I spent 2000 feathers for 4* Saizo I realised that staff users can't use poison strike :( , my only use for him now is to get Jaffar and give Poison strike to him or to just give Poison strike to random tank that doesn't do damage, like my sheena.
soo, i have priscilla that has 3 movements, rehab, heavenly light, slow, threaten atk 3, live to serve 1 and actually doesnt get one shotted that easily and can hit+debuff asswipe like takumi without dying and other unit finish off. do u consider this as good healing unit?
I mean, just looking at their stats and the skills they start with its easily a contest between Clarine, Sakura, Maria and Lissa. Then it's a matter of what stats you need to be higher e.g. Tankier, more HP, some decent attack for Pain usage. Though at the end of the day just use whoever since inheritance exists.
Inigo with Dancer's Ring+, Breath of Life 3, and the Breath of Life 3 seal. Can heal 21 hp per person next to him allowing him to heal 63 hp in total . He's also a dancer.
Of course, I am. I have a great stat spread, can pull of a lot of solos on GHBs. Raven will agree, as I have a nice 32/30 base off spread. As a healer, this is monstrous.
I leveled my healer by going to starting stratum, having a team with a healer and an armored unit around level 5. (De-equip the weapon on armored unit.) Let the armored unit tank damage. Then, heal the armored unit. Don't forget to equip Assault onto your healer. Just continue healing your other unit until you gain no exp from healing. Then, pick off the enemies with Assault. Just continue repeating until you max out your character.
honestly lucius is me favorite. he has a higher bst, actually really decent attack too and godly resistance. lucius with pain and poisonstrike is amazing (20 dmg per attack) then fury for that martyr. u can keep him in the range of tome users (except M robin and that crazy red tome user i forgot his name). lucius is honestly bad ass...
Don't have many healers, but Azama is pretty good. He has great defense to use Martyr and Pain is...well just that. My favorite is Lissa because of Fire Balm and Rehabilitate. Regarding Azama, would Fury be good on him? It boosts his defenses and speed a bit while letting him take damage to improve Martyr.
lissa is great in that she's somewhat tanky on both sides and comes with rehab and fire balm out of the box. if she isn't doubled she WILL survive, and she will even live through that if she is against less offensive units like felicia. recently switched to slow instead of gravity though cause its more consistantly useful.
Elise with rehabilitate if you want a healer is the best. She can actually tickle some units with assault for some good damage, she doubles a lot of things to.
well priscilla is pest imo if not elise... or any healer which rides a horse... has a rehabilitate (inherited or not) and live to serve (inherited or not)
I've had a lucky streak and got a Maria 5-star. Pretty useful with physic and panic is nice on Michalis' map, but still I never use her. Why? 4-star Wrys. Disregarding inheriting, I think Wrys is by far the best healer to get. Good resistance to tank mages, superb survivability and support with both rehabilitate and live to serve, and a weapon that severely inhibits fast units. Plus, Healing light saved my ass more than I can count, greatly increasing his range for healing. And as an added bonus: he is one of the units with a special map, so everyone can get him. The only disadvantages are his low defense (take Lissa if you want the physical healer) and his low speed (Slow remedies this somewhat) Still, in an arena battle, he is like all healers pathetic on your defense team. You need to keep your healer away from danger, but the AI NEVER does this. Don't use healers on your defense team! On your offensive arena team, he's the best. Also about the recommended skills: I think Renewal is utterly useless on healers, since Martyr/Rehabilitate do enough healing on their own and Live to serve is far more reliable. Also I think Miracle needs a reduction in cooldown: most healers won't survive long enough to profit from it. Also, Miracle doesn't work well if you get doubled.
With Skill Inheritance and healers gaining SP without too much trouble, the only thing that matters is base stats and personal preference. Also, healers will be more relevant in events that will be made available I believe next month. It was hinted that units that die are no longer available for the questline. Also, defense missions.
At the moment of this writing I think Clarine with an -atk + speed nature would be the best healer, she is mounted and has the most speed, can give it fury or hp plus to survive hits, live to serve and rehabilitate should negate the life loss from fury, and threaten attack or a cavalry pumping aura.
Never thought of using Fury for healers. Sounds like a solid skill for rehabilitate and live to serve units. Thank you for the tip, random person on the internet!
Another possibility would be martyr + fury, but I'm not sure if the fury dmg counts for the martyr healing, if it does, then that's another alternative and could drop live to serve for another B skill.
Well spoken! Worth pointing out that whenever they put the surviving maps or reinforcement ones, we may see the needing of a Healer unit. Also, out of the thread, but listening to Conquest preparation theme has made me want to play it on lunatic for the third time... gosh, I really REALLY like Conquest (I know, I know, story is quite shitty, it isn't as good as tellus saga, or FE4 and 5, but, really, Conquest has some of the BEST map designs of the whole saga!).
If I give them Fury, after healing do they take damage? That would be a way to use martyr safely (if it works). Sadly (like you said) we are in OHKO meta so healer in generals are bad in arena.
what you should do is take the healer with the best states and give them pain, so no matter how weak they are they still do 10 damage and make it easier to kill units
A nice combo is the slow weapon (-5) and the area buff Hone SPD just gives +9 advantge to his teammates over anything even if do 0 damange, this is a lot of free x2 or x4 thanks to that. I have that combo on my Liss and works great to grind units lvl pair with rehabit for nice heals. With the skill inhrit The best healer is the most hard to take down(defenses) or justthe most mobile, so probably Azama or Elise, but all can learn the same sekillsets so doesnt matter to much, just pick.
I don't understand the issue with Assault. It destroys 1-movement armored units (with no Res, and you often double them for 20 DMG or more). It's far from useless, and I actually prefer it to fear or absorb due to it's higher ATK rating.
i'm elise biased so elise is the best healer to me ♡ i have her equipped with pain, recover, kindled-fire balm, +5 max hp, live to serve and +3 attack to units next to her
I think, due to every healer being able to learn the other healers skills, the best are the ones that have better stats, i think in that regard, Lucius and Maria are the best ones (155) Followed by Elise (153). And BTW, if youre using a Dancer, I think the best skil to use is physics.
It would be funny is there was a special thing that a healer could get that could revive one fallen unit every battle, but this would bring the healer down to 1 hp
Preferable build IMO (made before watching video) Fear (-6 attack) Rehabilitate (ridiculous amount of HP restored when at low health) Imbue or the attack/speed +4 balm A: HP+3... anything I guess if to make your healer more bulky B: Wings of Mercy (warp heal) C: Fortify / Spur anything
i hava a azama 4* have Pain - Physic - Earth Balm - (A) fury - (B) Life to serve - (C) Threaten Atk This char is very good to grind outher units fo lvl 1 - 40 ^^
Sean Let me talk about the worst FE character. Garbage growths, garbage stats, horrible character, shitty healer, worst shit ever, it's a fucking Loli, and oh so much more.
Typically healers are considered to be compassionate, caring individuals, and that stereotype naturally lends itself to women better. That's part of the reason characters like Azama and Team Fortress 2's Medic work so well, they are the exact opposite of the established norm for healers.
Gravity is kinda meh, someone is gonna take the hit and means your healer is in range unless your setting up repositioning skills. I would love to get something like Fear on Elise Also would be nice if the game stopped giving me 5* healers >
tldr: healers aren't good except for a few pve story mode/special challange encounters, otherwise don't bother. Stay away for arena. The only exception I can think of is if you have a team build around a tank like Effie, were you will probably have a dancer/singer (or two) and one healer to keep topping Effie off as she smashes through the enemy. This team comp is also good for leveling new characters to 40.
Lord and Savior Azama is the best healer(at least for me)because of his good hp, speed and defensive stats. His attack might leave something to be desired, but that's what Pain is for. He completes an interesting role in my teams as he is generally there to be my off-tank as any damage he takes is directly equivalent to what he heals. Atm I'm tricking him out with fury and wings of mercy. Fury to make him tankyer and to accelerate his martyr. Wings of mercy(Or escape route because of his martyr) to make up for his lack of a horse. I also generally use imbue over solid-earth balm because early in matches he hasn't taken damage but I might replace it for something else soon and why have earth balm to raise defense when Azama is gonna take the hit anyway. And the fact that his speed is relatively good means that with fury he wont be doubled and killed. And as a testament to his tankyness: he's 1v1'd Robins before and survived more than 1 round. Edit: forgot he also comes with threaten attack which further increases his tankyness.
whoever has the highest speed/def or speed/res is the best healer. they're not made for killing, and the atk stat does not buff the healing; so just transfer skills over to those healers.
OH MY GOSH!!! Sagemaster, I got to thank you man! I forgot Elise has GRAVITY!!! I've been trying to beat this Michalis stage for a while. I sacrificed many four star units (that were high levels)to give my few five stars more skills, that ended up not working. I used crystals to level up other four stars to see if they would work as well. But all I needed to do is give Elise her GRAVITY! *Facepalm* I could have beaten this level with the same team I started it with, my main team: Eirika, Azura, Fae, and Elise. Thanks so much man!!!
Azama is the best healer.
He's able to know where people are and how to heal them even tho he never open his eyes.
Rumpel The French Spy Too bad he isn't a good unit or a good character
I use him in Heroes, and he's pretty useful as for me.
Rumpel The French Spy also if you click fire when the enemy has red skulls over their heads you can kill the other team
Azama has the best defense among all the healers
Tbh, his defense is what makes him great. If only he was mounted.
We all know Wrys is best healer. Scratch that Wrys is best girl, best boy and of course the best character in the Fire Emblem series.
best husbando too
Anonymous -(It's funny because that's literally how he gets introduced in the game)-
Natthaya Sriwongthai He is the best, he has the best growths in FE 1. Riff is a 10. He is ripped head to toe, mainly due to FE 1 and Healers leveling being bullshit.
Lucius is trying to do damage bc he still believes he is the OP glass canon that he was in FE7... I'm so salty they made him a healer. Just give the man a blue or green tome.
Or they could've gave him Ardent Sacrifies or something but ironically he has decent attack for a healer
The reason Lucius is trying to be damaging is because he was initially a light magic user in his game. But since light magic doesn't really exist (which they should bring back... grumble grumble...) he was forced to be a healer instead of maybe a colorless tome user that is super op because he has an ability that makes him strong against all colors but weak to all colors and becomes super tanky or something or anything other than a healer who's trying to be damaging. *sigh* Sorry for my butthurt. But that's one of my pet peeves about the newer Fire Emblems, even though I realize that light magic wasn't really there in the beginning either if Shadow Dragon is an accurate representation of the first Fire Emblem.
Kupsy I agree that it would be way too much for a mobile game to have both triangles. In which I mainly just want the magic triangle back in the other games. I'm honestly in the same boat with you and Sage (which I now realize that Sage did know why Lucius is a damaging staff user, but not why Nintendo did that too him as opposed to something else like Linde).
seeing flux being a red tome, it would be nice if they put the light magic spell as blue tomes... lucius was a beast in the game he can be used, and letting him being a healer make him weak...
Tytotius FE 11 is a fantastic representation of FE 1. Because that remake is a fucking by the book remake. But, I agree. We need Light magic back.
Ever since Lucius arrived he'll always be best healer (especially to Raven *wink*)
Nina just makes it perfect
but Lucius is male ._.
Osvaldo I. SSB4 got a problem with that, bub?
I was lucky enough to get Elise (+Atk - HP) at 5 star's a while ago and never looked back! She does a lot of damage to armored units which can come in handy sometimes!
My man
Nike Wall 😎
Anthony Bentley So I just used her to beat the Michalis battle by equipping her with gravity. Yet another reason to vote Elise!
Nike Wall Nice! I haven't tried that strategy yet! I don't seem to have a red unit at 40 that can one shot him!
Anthony Bentley I didn't either! :D It should work just fine that way. Who's your team?
If my Lucius had just a little more def I'd probably try and make him dmg focused just for the fuck of it
i got my wrys up to 5* lv 40. he's a god
Lara Vijverberg Delet Wrys
Lara Vijverberg WRRRRY
GUST never
Camilla is best healer ofc
GUST She's not a healer ur an idiot xd
Mina tina I'm guessing you don't get it.
Mina, you totally missed the joke.
The Archmage What is there to get she's a flying unit not a healer idiot xd
zero604 What's the joke, she is a flying unit not a healer idiot xd
In my opinion:
Anyone with kindled-fire balm and rehabilitate. You can go from low hp to max very quick
Teammate at 1Hp
Lissa comes out of no where with rehabilitate and heals
Teammate at 47Hp
Any healer with rehab is a great healer to me
Kingdom Key So all healers?
nah all healers with heal are great ones :^)
Kingdom Key heal on healers are so overrated omg I replaced my 5 star Effie for a 3 Star Lisa without heal and omg never looked back /s
Ella Weston you right actually i just put a 1 star wrys on my team and i never had any problems, not even on 9-5 lunatic
LuigiThe13th Every healer cant learn rehab naturally lol
Should I sacrifice my 3 and 4 stars lissa's to give Lucius Kindled-Fire Balm, rehabilitate and renewal?
So, what does Takumi say when eating good food? "THIS IS FUJIN YUMI!" No? Tetris will stop...
due to the skill inheritance system the best Healers are now the three Cavalier Healers and they have increased movement compared to the other Healers the only issue with them is they can't go through trees. oh and Sages just answer your question as to what the hell are you luc he wasn't he A Healer in his game he was a Light Mage he didn't heal people he attacked people
Tree meta incoming
What 😸
I disagree. Unless you're running a full cav team, the lower BST can be a HUGE issue with Clarine and Priscilla and Elise. Being a good healer often means being able to survive 1 hit too and they all lack the necessary overall bulk for that.
DairunCates ok so keep them out of enemy attack ranges
And even more important, Cavalier healers don,t get one shoted by kagero in arena or by poison dagger users in training tower.
i have both lucius and priscilla... on the same team.... (also like lucius is like my best attacker wattttt?)
Kaita Gene
How much ATK?
Kaita Gene same here man,except that my team is lucius,Lachesis,priscilla(My luck for healers is astonishing, XD), and corrin,all 5*. OP team.
Kaita Gene Reminder: Staves do half damage. That attack stat is inaccurate.
It's accurate in that it first subtracts from resistance, then it halves. So you shouldn't just ignore that stat and halve it before actually calculating.
some madman is going to make an all healer team
Megafang That madman will probably be me XD
I have seen a team of just wrys, I have seen god
Sombra YES
Sombra I'm late here, but she has decent attack and speed to be viable with wrathful staff
kindled fire balm into nuke stuff? cool, but I'm not using sp to transfer it over or anything.
What Unit has Res+? I wanted to give it to my Corrin
Wanted to make a Pain+ Poison strike Azama but after I spent 2000 feathers for 4* Saizo I realised that staff users can't use poison strike :( , my only use for him now is to get Jaffar and give Poison strike to him or to just give Poison strike to random tank that doesn't do damage, like my sheena.
I'm still kinda mad about Lucius being a healer instead of a tome user
You should do an Ephraim build. Favorite character in the game but idk what to do with mine. I just tossed Vantage and Fury on him
soo, i have priscilla that has 3 movements, rehab, heavenly light, slow, threaten atk 3, live to serve 1 and actually doesnt get one shotted that easily and can hit+debuff asswipe like takumi without dying and other unit finish off. do u consider this as good healing unit?
I mean, just looking at their stats and the skills they start with its easily a contest between Clarine, Sakura, Maria and Lissa. Then it's a matter of what stats you need to be higher e.g. Tankier, more HP, some decent attack for Pain usage.
Though at the end of the day just use whoever since inheritance exists.
Inigo with Dancer's Ring+, Breath of Life 3, and the Breath of Life 3 seal. Can heal 21 hp per person next to him allowing him to heal 63 hp in total . He's also a dancer.
Of course, I am. I have a great stat spread, can pull of a lot of solos on GHBs. Raven will agree, as I have a nice 32/30 base off spread. As a healer, this is monstrous.
I leveled my healer by going to starting stratum, having a team with a healer and an armored unit around level 5. (De-equip the weapon on armored unit.) Let the armored unit tank damage. Then, heal the armored unit. Don't forget to equip Assault onto your healer. Just continue healing your other unit until you gain no exp from healing. Then, pick off the enemies with Assault. Just continue repeating until you max out your character.
honestly lucius is me favorite. he has a higher bst, actually really decent attack too and godly resistance. lucius with pain and poisonstrike is amazing (20 dmg per attack) then fury for that martyr. u can keep him in the range of tome users (except M robin and that crazy red tome user i forgot his name). lucius is honestly bad ass...
oh and i forgot hone spd/atk or kne of the fortifies
Don't have many healers, but Azama is pretty good. He has great defense to use Martyr and Pain is...well just that. My favorite is Lissa because of Fire Balm and Rehabilitate.
Regarding Azama, would Fury be good on him? It boosts his defenses and speed a bit while letting him take damage to improve Martyr.
Man I used to watch your videos religiously every time they came out.
lissa is great in that she's somewhat tanky on both sides and comes with rehab and fire balm out of the box. if she isn't doubled she WILL survive, and she will even live through that if she is against less offensive units like felicia. recently switched to slow instead of gravity though cause its more consistantly useful.
Elise with rehabilitate if you want a healer is the best.
She can actually tickle some units with assault for some good damage, she doubles a lot of things to.
Granted I run Hector, Zephiel and Effie with Elise.
I have Elise and Priscilla at 5 star but I only use Elise. Gave her rehab and planning on giving her probably HP+ and a debuff skill.
LINDE! I haven't gotten the chance to put breath of life on her but I''m sure combining that with her aura tomb would make a great offensive healer.
well priscilla is pest imo if not elise... or any healer which rides a horse... has a rehabilitate (inherited or not) and live to serve (inherited or not)
If you look really really really close... Those aren't triangles... They're all Camilla's
If you're running Martyr + Miracle, going with Escape Route would let you warp to any party member and get those sweet Martyr bonuses
Help I cant inherit Elise's horse on my foxy Wrys :(
Brave veronica deals 40 damage
And heals 50 hp
I've had a lucky streak and got a Maria 5-star. Pretty useful with physic and panic is nice on Michalis' map, but still I never use her. Why? 4-star Wrys.
Disregarding inheriting, I think Wrys is by far the best healer to get. Good resistance to tank mages, superb survivability and support with both rehabilitate and live to serve, and a weapon that severely inhibits fast units. Plus, Healing light saved my ass more than I can count, greatly increasing his range for healing. And as an added bonus: he is one of the units with a special map, so everyone can get him. The only disadvantages are his low defense (take Lissa if you want the physical healer) and his low speed (Slow remedies this somewhat)
Still, in an arena battle, he is like all healers pathetic on your defense team. You need to keep your healer away from danger, but the AI NEVER does this. Don't use healers on your defense team! On your offensive arena team, he's the best.
Also about the recommended skills: I think Renewal is utterly useless on healers, since Martyr/Rehabilitate do enough healing on their own and Live to serve is far more reliable. Also I think Miracle needs a reduction in cooldown: most healers won't survive long enough to profit from it. Also, Miracle doesn't work well if you get doubled.
With Skill Inheritance and healers gaining SP without too much trouble, the only thing that matters is base stats and personal preference. Also, healers will be more relevant in events that will be made available I believe next month. It was hinted that units that die are no longer available for the questline. Also, defense missions.
Ayy Is female corrin worth leveling and ranking up? With ninian already added in f.e.h?
Why not both? They have different roles in teams anyways, with Ninian as support and F.Corrin as an offensive dragon, and Ninian supports dragons well
Neal Torres she can be since she can debuff multiple enemies attack and speed after attacking and he a seal res with hone attack
Hey sages how can I build my healer?
story time I had only 5 orbs and I decided to summon I was pretty sure that it would suck but no I got a 5 star Selena with one summon .
My question is what are some good +- for healers?
Inti most healer are good with -attack and I guess that +speed so they get doubled by less people
Inti most healer are good with -attack and I guess that +speed so they get doubled by less people
At the moment of this writing I think Clarine with an -atk + speed nature would be the best healer, she is mounted and has the most speed, can give it fury or hp plus to survive hits, live to serve and rehabilitate should negate the life loss from fury, and threaten attack or a cavalry pumping aura.
Never thought of using Fury for healers. Sounds like a solid skill for rehabilitate and live to serve units. Thank you for the tip, random person on the internet!
Another possibility would be martyr + fury, but I'm not sure if the fury dmg counts for the martyr healing, if it does, then that's another alternative and could drop live to serve for another B skill.
I have a level 40+1 4* sakura who I use as support for my grinders. That's basically my healer. I fed her a couple other healers too.
Well spoken! Worth pointing out that whenever they put the surviving maps or reinforcement ones, we may see the needing of a Healer unit.
Also, out of the thread, but listening to Conquest preparation theme has made me want to play it on lunatic for the third time... gosh, I really REALLY like Conquest (I know, I know, story is quite shitty, it isn't as good as tellus saga, or FE4 and 5, but, really, Conquest has some of the BEST map designs of the whole saga!).
4:52 i got that 5 star charcter yesterday but i already have a 5 star healer
If I give them Fury, after healing do they take damage? That would be a way to use martyr safely (if it works).
Sadly (like you said) we are in OHKO meta so healer in generals are bad in arena.
HectorFir healers can't learn Fury.
DairunCates Not even with Skill Inheritance?
whats wrong with the spurs?
Sakura with inherited skills (Wrys, Serra, Clarine)
Wrys heals everyone and rehabilitate is broken, give him wings of mercy :)
Just a question... If you give Brave Lance + to Effie will she be able to atk twice with Wary Fighter?
I gave Clarine Savage Blow and Axebreaker as inherited skills. Absolutely brilliant. Mounted movement is sweet too
I want to get elise and give her the ability to heal a space away.
I would say Priscilla, as a horse unit, movement and you can give escape route to her
Panic is not hard, but difficult to find the right place to use it without you healer getting taken out in 1 or 2 hits.
I use Priscilla with rehab, pain and fire balm
Wanna inherit live to serve tho
what you should do is take the healer with the best states and give them pain, so no matter how weak they are they still do 10 damage and make it easier to kill units
pain+poison strike+savage blow for damage build
I would add rehabilitate, miracle and hp+
A nice combo is the slow weapon (-5) and the area buff Hone SPD just gives +9 advantge to his teammates over anything even if do 0 damange, this is a lot of free x2 or x4 thanks to that.
I have that combo on my Liss and works great to grind units lvl pair with rehabit for nice heals.
With the skill inhrit The best healer is the most hard to take down(defenses) or justthe most mobile, so probably Azama or Elise, but all can learn the same sekillsets so doesnt matter to much, just pick.
i understand not having them in your arena defend team, but ive had no problem using healers when fighting other players arena AI teams.
I managed to pull Sakura is she good
Moulder is the only healer waifu I care about
I don't understand the issue with Assault. It destroys 1-movement armored units (with no Res, and you often double them for 20 DMG or more). It's far from useless, and I actually prefer it to fear or absorb due to it's higher ATK rating.
i'm elise biased so elise is the best healer to me ♡ i have her equipped with pain, recover, kindled-fire balm, +5 max hp, live to serve and +3 attack to units next to her
Kindled Fire balm
live to serve 2
spur atk 3
I think, due to every healer being able to learn the other healers skills, the best are the ones that have better stats, i think in that regard, Lucius and Maria are the best ones (155) Followed by Elise (153). And BTW, if youre using a Dancer, I think the best skil to use is physics.
My Main Healer is Azama because firstly he is Voiced by Matt Mercer and secondly I used him in Birthright and he was Bloody powerful
It would be funny is there was a special thing that a healer could get that could revive one fallen unit every battle, but this would bring the healer down to 1 hp
I'm looking forward for flying healer in the future. Elincia will be the best.
Preferable build IMO (made before watching video)
Fear (-6 attack)
Rehabilitate (ridiculous amount of HP restored when at low health)
Imbue or the attack/speed +4 balm
A: HP+3... anything I guess if to make your healer more bulky
B: Wings of Mercy (warp heal)
C: Fortify / Spur anything
the bes healer is nino
she can't heal your external wounds, but she can cure the internal ones...
i hava a azama 4* have Pain - Physic - Earth Balm - (A) fury - (B) Life to serve - (C) Threaten Atk
This char is very good to grind outher units fo lvl 1 - 40 ^^
With all those stats I imagine an angry Azama yelling "YOU CAN DO IT!"
And "Put your all into it!"
Don't let your dreams be dreams!
Lucius Martyr HP+5 Live to serve 3 Heavenly light +whatever Hone or Spur you want = stupid amounts of heals
Everybody forgets about Clarine. Gave her a lot to make her good 😊
Priscilla because she has rehabilitate and she is a cavalry unit
I would either say Priscilla or Clarine. Both are amazing
Elise is the best on-horse healer, Lissa or Azama off it.
Maria is God
Marth Hero-King Mariacle
Sean Let me talk about the worst FE character. Garbage growths, garbage stats, horrible character, shitty healer, worst shit ever, it's a fucking Loli, and oh so much more.
Prince Kazuya
Nice bait lol
You can easily divide these healers into 3 catergories.
Horse healers
Literally everyone else. They are that god damn similar.
I came from the future just to remember when staff users were regulars, but now they can actually do damage lol.
I love panic on Priscilla it is what won me the lunatic michalis map
i have a question why is all healers is almost all girls in anime's,games and other movies and RPG's
Typically healers are considered to be compassionate, caring individuals, and that stereotype naturally lends itself to women better. That's part of the reason characters like Azama and Team Fortress 2's Medic work so well, they are the exact opposite of the established norm for healers.
I have a 5* Maria and she is not bad actually but I would prefere have Elise or Lachesis👍
Lucius is a really good damaging healer when it comes to his atk
My Elise has recover, live to serve, res+3, hone atk
today the 1st hero I summoned was a 5 star lachisis
Gravity is kinda meh, someone is gonna take the hit and means your healer is in range unless your setting up repositioning skills.
I would love to get something like Fear on Elise
Also would be nice if the game stopped giving me 5* healers >
same I already have elise, and 4* 40lv azama, I didn't need a Priscilla
tldr: healers aren't good except for a few pve story mode/special challange encounters, otherwise don't bother. Stay away for arena.
The only exception I can think of is if you have a team build around a tank like Effie, were you will probably have a dancer/singer (or two) and one healer to keep topping Effie off as she smashes through the enemy. This team comp is also good for leveling new characters to 40.
Lord and Savior Azama is the best healer(at least for me)because of his good hp, speed and defensive stats. His attack might leave something to be desired, but that's what Pain is for. He completes an interesting role in my teams as he is generally there to be my off-tank as any damage he takes is directly equivalent to what he heals. Atm I'm tricking him out with fury and wings of mercy. Fury to make him tankyer and to accelerate his martyr. Wings of mercy(Or escape route because of his martyr) to make up for his lack of a horse. I also generally use imbue over solid-earth balm because early in matches he hasn't taken damage but I might replace it for something else soon and why have earth balm to raise defense when Azama is gonna take the hit anyway. And the fact that his speed is relatively good means that with fury he wont be doubled and killed.
And as a testament to his tankyness: he's 1v1'd Robins before and survived more than 1 round.
Edit: forgot he also comes with threaten attack which further increases his tankyness.
Personally, I like Priscilla because of her movement and rehab
you can turn lucina into a damn healer
I just use Rehabilitate Priscilla with Swift Wind Balm
whoever has the highest speed/def or speed/res is the best healer. they're not made for killing, and the atk stat does not buff the healing; so just transfer skills over to those healers.
Jokes aside, Wrys + Live to Serve + Rehabilitate + Miracle is a Tank Beast, almost nothing can kill him
OH MY GOSH!!! Sagemaster, I got to thank you man! I forgot Elise has GRAVITY!!! I've been trying to beat this Michalis stage for a while. I sacrificed many four star units (that were high levels)to give my few five stars more skills, that ended up not working. I used crystals to level up other four stars to see if they would work as well. But all I needed to do is give Elise her GRAVITY! *Facepalm* I could have beaten this level with the same team I started it with, my main team: Eirika, Azura, Fae, and Elise. Thanks so much man!!!
Grand hero Michalis actually gets anihilated by panic with those buffs, turned debuffs, on every stat.
An Octorok Well, he wasn't the problem I was facing. It was the other units around him. (Especially the lance Pegasus knight)
Am I the only one who is thinking about Pain and Poison Strike together?
Never said that the healer had to inherit the skill, I meant that you could make a team with that combination.