Dear Kay! HK returned to China in 1997. B4 the year, the first migration of HK people migrated into Singapore. A personal friend from HK. His son has completed NS 10 yrs ago. This is nothing new. A Q. The application for citizen ship is super long. How to cut the Q? Support SG green. Volunteer. Clean beach. Nothing much. The mother of all is saving lifes. Be a full time blood donor. Donate bone morrow to save a dying Singaporean. Donate a kidney to save a Singaporean. This place a foreigner in the first place. This is the reason Spore policy prefer young & fit foreigners. Take care if cmi. Dont do it.
You call tell people your name in short form lor , just KY, u also can hear lot of ppl name is KC, CK, YK, YL KL, etc.....just initial will solve this issue , hop can help you, btw , I am also from Hong Kong, stay in here many years , take care, enjoy your stay !
Don't be too sensitive about things. U come to a new environment, u need to change your lifestyle to adapt. Frankly, should be easy people here understand Cantonese. Should be easy to brind in. Wiskj u well.
For younger Chinese, this word is rarely used, for elderly or probably Malay speakers it sounds more offensive. Just like shit used to be vulgar to older English speakers, but now less so. Anyway we sg Chinese don't even know basic Malay so we r not qualified to debate over it
Hi Kayuin....don't bother too much about your name in Singapore. I am a Local and My name is the joke and laughter it created for me? hahhaha..i just laugh it off lor. I am a Cantonese too. You r right about Kayu being a woodblock or stupid in a way. that is about all. So dun bother to explain anymore. Just live your life and be happy
I think you might want to consider another alias name outside of TH-cam, unless it means alot to you and you can tolerate the inconvenience. The negative meaning of Kayu is shared beyond Singapore, across SEA and even Arabic world. Its like naming yourself "Sha Bi" in chinese while expecting strangers / acquaintances in China not to laugh at it on first impression. Impossible gal. Also, there will always be opponents in your life that will take advantage of this. My advice: No point resisting. Just give yourself another alias name outside of TH-cam. Everyone else in this comment section are just being nice. Sorry to be blunt. Why not "Kaya"? A subtle change with less controversy.
If I am seriously wanting to earn a living in Singapore, there's no time to mok on others. Kayu or not Kayu, unless you are too free, not much workload, you should not care on what they said. So, don't pay any attention to those who are too free because they are not worthy
Your name has nothing to do with Singlish. It just that it means “wood” in MALAY language. But they also use it to laugh at their peers being dull or silly. Something like “木纳”
unfortunate of course with the malay speaking people. U are more than ur name stay strong. Just ignore them they may actually just felt funny, nothing personal I`m sure
When I first saw your utube name. I oso wondered why kayuinsg 🤔. To local it means lousy. After tat I realised its your name. May b gv yourself a christian name instead for future online delivery.
After 2 years of staying here, from your comments and lifestyle you are not suitable living here. Don't waste your valuable times here, is time to go home, live in the environment that you like and comfortable with。青春一去不复返。
對於你的名被人取笑,請不必太在意。 我係本地人,年輕時讀中學時期都曾經有被班上同學取笑過我的名字。 😢 我非常明白你的感受。雖然哩種行為好不應該,好幼稚又不尊敬他人,我相信在任何一個國家的人,當遇到外語同當地語言發生碰撞時都會可能出現類似的反應。 希望你不要放在心上。 喜歡看你的影片,繼續加油❤
KaYu- -加油.....努力前進🤩😍👍👍👍👍👍👍
We do that to our friends. It's not discrimination but our ways of poking fun at each other.
Friend is okay but not for someone you not familiar with😂
Kayu 好好聽!
Kayu名字刚好和马来语的Kayu骂人木头,不公平,缓慢,是一样的英语写法。如果妳可以的话,留个空白Ka Yu,这样就比较可以强调不同。
Kayu 还有另一种意思是揩油。语法虽然不一样,但都是音译成英文。Kai1 you2 or Ka1 you2。揩油的意思是占便宜,大多数时候是指男生占女生便宜,“吃豆腐”的意思。
不过Kayu 还算好,以前小学有很多同学叫Shi Ting,结果被嘲笑是Shitting。她们都取Christian name了。
There is 2 meanings in the malay/singlish word "kayu": 1.log or 2. stupid or lousy. The Chinese pinying of 揩油 is - kāi yóu.
Hi Kayuin,
I hope you will slowly gets use to Singapore lifestyle. like Some of my Taiwanese friends they are now so use to Singapore.
Hong Kong people are very adaptable. In a society such as ours you can learn mandarin and chinese dialects other than cantonese.
很多土生土长新加坡人也想移民 你要是能来也未必会喜欢啊
@@raichisan161 可能真是你睇我好、我睇你好。我在亞洲長大、在美國住了十幾年。在美國生活也可以很壓抑,因為稅高又沒福利、又要應付高仰的生活開銷及天價醫療費用,有時候真是有點厭倦。。。
@@josephinerussell8501 我的鄰居和我同年 29而已 去美國10年了 不知道有沒有拿美國身份證 但是新加坡她是不想回來住了 她現在做生意
@raichisan161 To each it's own,I'm from Germany migrated to Sg and I love this multi racial country 🎉
我細個移民到新加坡時也曾經被同學笑我個名,因為我個英文譯音名同印度男生名一樣。雖然我在這裡已經住了30年,到現在還会在意,尤其是護士叫我名,我每次站起來別人總會投來「怎麼不是印度人?」的目光 😂 不開心的感覺也許不會消失,但是身邊總有同病相連的人能feel you 👍🏼
想share下,小心d gym room, 唔好買package….佢地好多gym仲衰個香港,成日要你簽package…..我頭三個月join左間野就執笠,無左成三皮幾,所以記得係新加坡盡量唔好買package呀~
Happy to see ypur new vlog. Try to relax if you feel stress. Cheer up. Thanks for sharing.
Kayu basically means lousy. Put a spacing between Ka and Yu. Will be better.
Hi, usually you hear the word kayu in the phrase 'referee kayu', meaning that the referee made a bad call and is unfair.
可以不理嗰啲人點講, kayu 係冇咩特別唔好嘅意思,Jalan Kayu 有好嘢食𠻹……我係一個有5年資歷嘅坡C9,歡迎加入星洲生活圈,加油呀!我住喺隔離區,可以喺PCN見過你架 !
I’m local I don’t even know exactly what is Kayu?? 🤔🤔🤔
新加坡大眾私宅既new launch price 已經追到香港很多resales condo 尺價,有些大眾私宅還貴過香港北區,新加坡bank loan 第一層樓借盡係75 %樓價,壓測好似4%, 仲睇埋TDSR 先知實際能否借足75%,香港借到90 %,如果買私宅,新加坡現在要上車可能難過今天的香港。😅
外國人重要加60% 🤣
@@JL_hahaha0303 60 %係ABSD,另外還有一個BSD(最多為6 %樓價)。在她們兩個未成為PR之前,HDB 係冇緣。如果要買BTO, 更要有一位入到籍。
我係馬來西亞人, 第一次睇你嘅 vlog😊
我估你嘅中文名應該叫家如/ 家愉?
我想講 你唔需要在乎其他人笑你嘅名係佢哋唔識嘢啫
同埋有機會嘅話你可以考慮過嚟馬來西亞。呢度嘅人好friendly 有好多香港嘅人都喺呢度㗎~可能你會開心啲😊
Nice Vlog, Kayu!你住嘅環境真係唔錯喎。👍 的確,新加坡啲組屋越建越細,我最近搬到等咗四年幾嘅新屋,響Northshore Drive, 近Coney Island嘅 2 room flexi雖然細,但一個人住都ok,仲有啲“海景”(對岸系馬來西亞),落樓就系海邊,可以踩單車睇海。有無興趣嚟參觀拍下宜家啲新組屋係點架?😜 聽講我個區系新加坡第一個experimental 設計嘅Global Warming housing estates,有興趣就聯絡我啦,我後日星期五13號正式搬新屋啦!🥳💅
@@kayusg600 多謝嗮。☺
我也住在新加坡,喜欢你的分享,你片尾的牛肉乌冬面看起来非常美味,请问牛肉是哪里买的?买来就是熟食吗?Thanks advance
你好~牛肉是homemade 的~😂
SG is for life of living vs HK is for life of earning‼
有機會去盛港西一個叫Jalan Kayu行吓,好多嘢食,幾有意思。歡迎加入新加坡大家庭!
成日搭車都經過但無機會行 下次去下先!🫶🏻
we're absolutely full!
Kayu 跟台語的"加油"一樣的發音.
Just add 'r' to call Karyu, everything good😃
No really in Singapore ,We have Jalan Kayu division which is part of Ang Mo Kio GRC,,
Welcome to Punggol.
A Malay Chinese indian culture mixed in Singapore.
We have a road call Jalan Kayu.
So not worry your name.
马来文意思就等如 = "水皮"咁解
但虽属同样字母所串而成 却与马来话嘅发音仍有D差距喎
You may consider changing the first alphabet to become Cayu instead of Kayu. This is just a suggestion and for your reference only .
不必放在心上, 因为新加坡是多元民族, 所以很多时候, 没水准的人总会找到你名字的贬义词(如福建话, 广东话或马来语里的贬义同音词), 我由小到老, 都给人拿名字来取笑, 甚至现在我的孩子也是, 所以有些人索性给自己孩子取个洋名, 觉得较高尚。😀
Hello kayu (汉语拼音类似jia1 yu4对吧) 美女 🤗 first time here 😬
1. 星马粤语与港澳或广东省的差别是,星马的vocabulary词汇除了英语音译字,也大量收纳了Singlish,华语,福建/潮州/与粤语相近的客家话, 和 马来语的字词(但新加坡马来话较少)。例如,警察 - mata,次 - 拜(bai4 福建话) etc。大马广东人/香港移居人的影片有更多例子。
2. ‘新加坡’ 在 各南方语言其实应该念 ‘星加坡’。因此很多港台媒体把新马写为星马。50/60年代的新加坡/马来西亚华文报纸及文书都用 星嘉坡,被大马踢出后书写逐渐改为官方的 新加坡。
3. 虽然星州/香港是华人多数的社会;但书写沟通差别很大 - 香港好像以华文为主,英文为副但新加坡则以英文领衔为主 - 除了英语文和其他 3 个语文为官方语言,为了融洽的种族关系和国际化,英语文的地位在行政,教学 和 金融经商 属第一语言。当然我们华人在口语方面就以英华语(两者使用比例因人/对象而异)和singlish为主。附属语言以福建/潮州话居多;粤语,客语,海南话就少一些)。可是我们较年轻一代华人正面临着本土街坊语言流失的现象,除了一些“自己排斥自己族群文化”的问题..
4. 其实,本地华人朋友跟你说的话/东西无论是华语或英语,在影片里重说时不必翻粤语。就以之前的论点,特有名词以原语说较为自然。或许因为你夫也同为港人因此沟通较罕有掺入华语吧..
ps:虽然新加坡深深受到讲华语运动大幅度影响,但是很多人还会识最广为人知的本土福建(及接近的潮州)话 和 广东话。 你把所识的中英语言串在一起拍片也不会有人对你敏感😂
5. 说到自由,这里真的无需太过在意别人的眼光尤其当你做vlog时.. 不吵到影响别人就可以了。有个刚才未提到(可能你/其他观众都未提及)的非常重要一点,你在公共场所或开放给公众的限制场合真的有摄影录影自由(在没限制禁令的公告或法令当下),所以你可以像电视台一样,无需当心别人入镜。后面的别人有如果有要求,才打码作为尊重。别忘了今年年头的英国pianogate事件,新港作为前英国殖民地也不应屈服于太过玻璃心/小心眼的意识心态。这样你创作和剪辑影片视频就轻松多了😊 说真的,绝大部分土生新加坡人youtuber拍片时没在care肖像权这回事。
6. 最后,在2010后时代,港人移居移民星国可说是吃力😅 不像1980/90年代的时候。1990s甚至有个target港人的旅游局广告而且它还有原创歌曲呢
唔好唔開心啦,本來香港同星加坡的文化差好遠,我初來時也不舒服,住咗二十年呢種文化我都拒絕跟,就簡單說,邊有香港人認識你唔夠二十分鐘就直接問你幾歲,結婚未,人工幾多?查家宅咁?食飯無公筷,無啦啦話想食你啲嘢,就用番佢隻筷子插入你盒飯度,飲嘢又可以同同事用同一支飲管。。。呢度好興😂😂😂另外話多樣嘢比你知,香港勁多人叫Fanny, 但係原來喺英國,Fanny 係"屁股"嘅意思存在。。。
Fanny 呢個真係唔知!🤣🤣
我都咗過嚟兩年。第一個月黎到同上面個位遇到既事一模一樣,喺的士,隔籬鄰舍,China town hawker center, 好多地方佢地一聽到你唔係本地人就係咁問好多私人事,所以我依家通常佢地一問我笑左佢算~
@MW-tf5ir 是的,超級八掛,就只欠要交待今天穿的內褲是什麼颜色。。。
香港房屋中介老是用皇帝也最多睡個床位來Gaslight 😅 應該回歸香港再居住上一段時間,那兩地居住環境就有可比性。
Maxwell Food Centre 尋日去完已經封左裝修
Dear Kay! HK returned to China in 1997. B4 the year, the first migration of HK people migrated into Singapore. A personal friend from HK. His son has completed NS 10 yrs ago. This is nothing new. A Q. The application for citizen ship is super long. How to cut the Q? Support SG green. Volunteer. Clean beach. Nothing much. The mother of all is saving lifes. Be a full time blood donor. Donate bone morrow to save a dying Singaporean. Donate a kidney to save a Singaporean. This place a foreigner in the first place. This is the reason Spore policy prefer young & fit foreigners. Take care if cmi. Dont do it.
请问你租房在 punggol 会贵吗,我也住那里😊
You call tell people your name in short form lor , just KY, u also can hear lot of ppl name is KC, CK, YK, YL KL, etc.....just initial will solve this issue , hop can help you, btw , I am also from Hong Kong, stay in here many years , take care, enjoy your stay !
Welcome to Punggol!
hope to have english CC or auto translate
It’s very simple to stop the misunderstanding, just change your name to KarYu..
Don't be too sensitive about things. U come to a new environment, u need to change your lifestyle to adapt. Frankly, should be easy people here understand Cantonese. Should be easy to brind in. Wiskj u well.
❤❤❤❤🫰🫰🫰🫰🫰🫰make SG your home🤗
如果没记错 kayu 是多用于开玩笑而不是骂人的意思 不用放在心里!
For younger Chinese, this word is rarely used, for elderly or probably Malay speakers it sounds more offensive. Just like shit used to be vulgar to older English speakers, but now less so. Anyway we sg Chinese don't even know basic Malay so we r not qualified to debate over it
Kayuin 和 kayu 是不一样的无须在意,不过的确很容易被误解,另一方面也是你在介绍自己发音有关系。
Or Orchard biggest underground mall in C.K.Tang & Lucky Plaza basement to near Cuppage place LA okay 😮😮😮😮
要轉做 PR or Citizen 才可以生存,因為新加坡太昂貴。
Good HKer. Hope SG won't be another HK
Hi Kayuin....don't bother too much about your name in Singapore. I am a Local and My name is the joke and laughter it created for me? hahhaha..i just laugh it off lor. I am a Cantonese too. You r right about Kayu being a woodblock or stupid in a way. that is about all. So dun bother to explain anymore. Just live your life and be happy
Kai Yui ?
I think you might want to consider another alias name outside of TH-cam, unless it means alot to you and you can tolerate the inconvenience. The negative meaning of Kayu is shared beyond Singapore, across SEA and even Arabic world. Its like naming yourself "Sha Bi" in chinese while expecting strangers / acquaintances in China not to laugh at it on first impression. Impossible gal. Also, there will always be opponents in your life that will take advantage of this. My advice: No point resisting. Just give yourself another alias name outside of TH-cam. Everyone else in this comment section are just being nice. Sorry to be blunt. Why not "Kaya"? A subtle change with less controversy.
Kayu is a Malay word.
If I am seriously wanting to earn a living in Singapore, there's no time to mok on others. Kayu or not Kayu, unless you are too free, not much workload, you should not care on what they said. So, don't pay any attention to those who are too free because they are not worthy
不要太在意别人的话 ,只要告诉他们 “ 这是广东人的名字” 就可以了。还有 ,新加坡有个路名叫做 “ Jalan Kayu " 。😊
kayuin not malay kayu(咖憂),一个方法用諧音名字,單字就好!jia家。另一个就是取个英文名放便自己与他人!但老實説講被周邊人取笑的可能性應該很低才對!是我完全不用在意上心!😎
Ga You 係馬拉話嚟嘅,
本身個意思呢係木頭咁解... 😅
我哋星加坡人由細到大都有聽到馬拉話同印度話,都係由粗口學起。所以聽到你個名有啲奇怪啫,其實都冇惡意嘅... 😅
你唔好嬲啦... 🙏😂
kayu = 材 in malay
Kayu 是指表现差劲或笨的像块木头😅
Aàaaaaaàl you meant S'pore HDB home is slightly bigger than HK coffins home!!!??? did I heard wrong 😮??? or you meant whole coffins home!!!???😂
Hahaha your name is kayu?
Your name has nothing to do with Singlish. It just that it means “wood” in MALAY language. But they also use it to laugh at their peers being dull or silly. Something like “木纳”
不好意思😉Kayu是马来语《木头》没错 。。
可是 在本地却是用来骂人《白痴》的意思😢
送餐员劝你改名 也是一番好意😅
Kayu is 木材,来jb 啦,开心D
Anyway, Now is NEW HK‼😎
Kayu medan lousy
Hello, 我住係你對面似工廠大廈HDB嘅香港人😂
@@kayusg600 where is your place, how long does it take for going to Maple Tree business center
@@kayusg600 Hello, 我住係Waterway Cascadia 嘅香港人
unfortunate of course with the malay speaking people. U are more than ur name stay strong. Just ignore them they may actually just felt funny, nothing personal I`m sure
我正統正港土生土長新加坡人一直用的就是正體字除非跟文盲打交道我才切換使用殘體字 哪有問題嗎? 新加坡哪條法律規定不能用正體字而必須用殘體字的。
@@CrossbredmiMiyang 明显你就是不能融入新加坡社会,没二话!这不是条规不条规,张大大你双眼在新加坡都是简体字,只有牛车水商铺的牌匾才有繁体字;再来,打开电视机,新加坡新传媒、银行自助提款机...都是简体字,条规吗!
@@CrossbredmiMiyang 我再问你:你的新加坡身份证有你的中文姓名?不就是简体字吗!你试试去新加坡移民局,坚持你的中文姓名必须写繁体字!去试试!
@@CrossbredmiMiyang 这明显就是不能融入新加坡社会,没二话,这不是条规不提供,张大你双眼看看,除了牛车水商铺的牌匾,都是简体字,新加坡早报、新加坡晚报,都是简体字,打开电视机,中文华语的8频道和U频道,都是简体字,打开新加坡官方网站,选择“中文”都是简体字,银行提款机选择中文,也是简体字,哪条条规?
@@CrossbredmiMiyang 文盲是不需打交道的,况且新加坡确实没有文盲,只有XX才有,你知道的
您应该使用您真实的粤语或普通话姓名及发音. 应该发音为: 家 "雨" 不是英语 (Ka) "You". "雨"不是"You". 无需改名。只需使用您的粤语/普通话原名即可.
佢唔係話呢個已經係原本個粵語名嗎?香港名字的嘉/加/家都係 KA
😂 嗱 , 老實講 , kayu 喺新加坡黎講叻 . 即係 比喻喺香港黎話 , 有個人改個名 叫戇鳩 . (絕無冒犯之心) 🙏
When I first saw your utube name. I oso wondered why kayuinsg 🤔. To local it means lousy. After tat I realised its your name. May b gv yourself a christian name instead for future online delivery.
Why dont stay in Hong Kong? Got to be loyal to hong kong, cant be hong kong downfall and start running away.
我懂kayu但是我觉得和你的名字还是有差异的 而且如果不是土生土长新加坡人就算名像kayu也不必嘲笑啦 外国人哪里懂这些
What Curry??? chicken or beef 😂
Kayu係馬拉意思是on9, 笨旦咁解
名字再精簡叫KY, 都會俾人笑一樣,仲會望一望你。
After 2 years of staying here, from your comments and lifestyle you are not suitable living here. Don't waste your valuable times here, is time to go home, live in the environment that you like and comfortable with。青春一去不复返。
很多年前有位日本朋友來新加坡遊玩。她到很多地方都很尷尬!她的名字叫「Ayako」,減稱Aya (阿雅)。 Aya 在馬來文的意思是「父親」即「爸爸」!
kayu can also mean stupid