These daily vlogs are a VIBE. Keep them comin! Even if they're chill and not full of "exciting" content. Reminds me of older youtube days when optic was barely starting and everyone was vlogin. Backround tunes on point too
These are fire ….. you guys probably don’t see it or maybe you guys do. But a lifestyle like this is what dreams are made of. You guys are literally living the dream and we respect what y’all do
Love the behind the scenes and the fashion. Would also love for you to do game update breakdowns and opinions on the weapon balances. I love the informational shit especially from the world champs!!
Just curious on the scrims from home (Hecz's vlog shed some light on the internet issues) is using the best connection possible to mimic LAN as much as possible? Love the vlogs. Keep growing we like this stuff.
Keep the daily vlogs going! I think you’d catch different content with the team there lol ggs Vlog everytime you go to Hq, i’m sure you’ll catch different things everyday lol
hey ken, from one gym bro to another to feel more from the dumbell goblet squats try and superset it with your normal squats. You'll see a crazy leg pump. Hopefully you see this bro
i love having ken on the team man
for real hes the best
Same honestly when he joined I didn' t expect him to lean into content this much but I'm pleasantly surprised
You guys are so faded Won’t win one major or anything this year.
@@kencharsley7458 bros trying to rage bait in youtube comments. I've seen everything
These daily vlogs are a VIBE. Keep them comin! Even if they're chill and not full of "exciting" content. Reminds me of older youtube days when optic was barely starting and everyone was vlogin. Backround tunes on point too
pred and shotzzy have that big bro lil bro energy
who the big bro?
its more little bro v little bro energy
@ 🤣🤣
@@AdjustTH-cam AG is the little who is bigger than the big bro and Ant is the goofy trolly big bro but when he mad you don't want to mess with him
Love the vlogs! When is the Tokyo Vlog coming ?
These are fire ….. you guys probably don’t see it or maybe you guys do. But a lifestyle like this is what dreams are made of. You guys are literally living the dream and we respect what y’all do
“Day in a life” no wayyyy these gives so much nostalgia!!! You da 🐐
Yeah, keep the vlogs coming please.
"For all my non-pork eaters, Look away." Ken is comedyyyyy
love the vlogs! need to get the rest of the team on with their vlogs also
love the vlog man! love kenny on the team. finally at 50k
Been loving the vlogs lately. W content
Video was fire G. Love to see it. Glad you on the team brother.
Love the vlogs!! Keep up the grind!
we love the vlogs ken keep them coming
Loving the vlogs/day in the life uploads fr
Keep the vlogs coming big dawg, would love to see a setup tour or something soon
These vlogs are such a vibe man, please do more vlogs
love having Kenny on the team. Keep them coming brother ! #Greenwall
love the day in the life vlogs ken !
This is phenomenal content Kenny I hope you find the time to keep these behind the scenes vlogs during the season!
Loved the vlog man. Keep filming when you can broski
Love these man, keep at it.
keep the content up man. Great content and love seeing you capitalize on this opportunity when many don't!
Love the vlogs Ken!
Vlogs have been great! Love seeing all the content
Love the videos man. Keep them going and do some live ones as well . Green wall forever
Love the behind the scenes and the fashion. Would also love for you to do game update breakdowns and opinions on the weapon balances. I love the informational shit especially from the world champs!!
Heck yeah Ken love these vlogs.....i hope that Japan vlog is an hour long
Brought me back to the old nadeshot day in the life vids
Love these behind the scenes vlogs bro
Love the daily vlogs bro. I think a Game day prep vlog would be dope. Or a travel day vlog when you travel to Majors
This is dope. Do more of these vids.
W content Ken! Keep it up 💚
Vlogs are fire bro keep it up we wanna see how yall live
2 vlogs in a week holyyyy keep em up bro there fire
Killing the content! Love it
Nah you gotta keep these vlogs goin 🔥🔥
Vlog was fire bro keep it up
These vlogs are fire asf
Love the vlogs kenny!
"Jason boutta go cop a RARRI" got me dead hahaha
I love the content Ken. Keep it up. Don’t talk it down.
Big fan of a lot of the pros starting to vlog more. Question, are the patches on the front of the jersey stitched on or printed on?
Love the vlogs bro!!
Those new OpTic Texas unis! Keep the vlogs coming
Love them!! Please keep sharing!!
love the vlogs Ken
Where are the rings at is right!! I’ve been thinking the same thing lately. Thanks for the day in the life vid man, see you boys in Madrid 😎😎
Love these vlogs bro. Keep it up pls
Fire simple vlog. Good shit Ken nice little bts
Love this content, what was the jack skeleton clothes in your bag???
just in time to eat
11:24 nah you're comedy lmfao "he was finna go buy a rari"
W vlog, love to see it
Loving these vlogs
Love the endings when Ken just walks from room to room yapping 🤣
glad to see the vlogs!!!!!
These vlogs are fire
Love Kenny and love the content kenn
Love this vlog arc
Got a Jinya here in Austin too and its 🔥 as well. Highly recommend
Bruh they got every snack there
Keep them coming!!
Ken on the squad is so vibey
Jinya be smackin! We were just talking about ramen in chat too and I didn’t bring them up but I was gonna
Love the vlogs unc
Keep these vlog type videos coming!! The Green wall supports you 💯✅
Just curious on the scrims from home (Hecz's vlog shed some light on the internet issues) is using the best connection possible to mimic LAN as much as possible? Love the vlogs. Keep growing we like this stuff.
pro tip: goblet squats are good for warm ups. Really good activation workouts. not as a main workout
keep doing these vlogs🔥🔥
Bulgarian Split Squats are the goat leg exercise for me.
We got Jinya in baton rouge, love that place man
Def wanna see more vlogs!
Keep up.the great work Kenny
fire vid, we love u on our team ken. lead these boys to another ring this year plz. can’t be losing to the getnlemates hahahhaha
Keep the vlogs going bro
We like the vlogs.
Do i see a shotzzy poster 6:45
W Vlog keep them coming!
Keep the vlogs coming!!!
These are top teir bro 🎉 do more
The boys are way too vibeyyy
I miss Black and Red Ken but glad he’s on Optic if anywhere else!
imagine working and then you see Kuavo Kenny in the flesh. Brooooo 😭
Try supersetting the leg ext. with the goblet squat,
Unsolicited tip if you like the goblet squats: use them in a superset with another exercise so it’s fine that it’s lower weight
Appreciate it and this normally what I usually do on a normal leg day🙏🏽
nah, ken is him bro, such a decent guy on god
amazing vlog bro
Love the vlogs
W ken, OpTic got a gem
🔥 vlog once again
Keep the daily vlogs going! I think you’d catch different content with the team there lol ggs Vlog everytime you go to Hq, i’m sure you’ll catch different things everyday lol
keep em coming
These vids are 🔥
hey ken, from one gym bro to another to feel more from the dumbell goblet squats try and superset it with your normal squats. You'll see a crazy leg pump. Hopefully you see this bro
we need the kenny pov more!
Nothin' hits like a good ramen spot.
keep the vids coming Ken
Good vlog.. Short form is the one👍💯