The one thing I love about shen, is if they’re good and good carry they change everyone’s mind set a lil bit and make people ping more it’s kinda great. Shen carry as a team champ makes everyone start playing more team oriented it’s fun
I usually go bami cinder on my first back. For the wave clear, if im ahead and things go well, heartsteel. Or iceborn gauntlet into an AD heavy team. Another item I've used lately that works well is abyss mask
It's amazing how certain champions only appear in certain matchups, I basically only play Garen and Jax Top, I almost never see chogath, ornn, aatrox or maokai
I prefer heart steel or iceborn gauntlet for the slow because shen has very low dps/wave clear. So with radiant virtue u would have no damage feels crappy
I'm live on stream everyday!
The one thing I love about shen, is if they’re good and good carry they change everyone’s mind set a lil bit and make people ping more it’s kinda great. Shen carry as a team champ makes everyone start playing more team oriented it’s fun
I usually go bami cinder on my first back. For the wave clear, if im ahead and things go well, heartsteel. Or iceborn gauntlet into an AD heavy team. Another item I've used lately that works well is abyss mask
Yah shen falls off in the late game. Xpetu mentioned how you have to try to finish the game early when playing with shen
24:00 you were supposed to press W and would save teammates from auto attacks, chogats R thus saving them.
Thank God I was not the only one thinking that
It's amazing how certain champions only appear in certain matchups, I basically only play Garen and Jax Top, I almost never see chogath, ornn, aatrox or maokai
what do you think of radiant virtue for mythic on shen its pretty cheap and makes R way more clutch with the healing
Its one of the mythics you should play and are viable.
I can see it working but you’ll definitely have less dmg from not having heart steal proc
I prefer heart steel or iceborn gauntlet for the slow because shen has very low dps/wave clear. So with radiant virtue u would have no damage feels crappy
Warwick was the MVP early game.
Bro's got your back.
Love ur videos man
I like these rinks better, you can see the skill.
hey davey , can you do a vid on AD leblanc top lane , looks to be everywhere atm and broken :)
I got smoked by a Cho yesterday…this makes me feel worse lmao
Obviously rive shen never fell off
You can thank the boycott, your welcome.
First 👁️👁️