Personalized Bulk SMS Sender at 8 Kobo Across All Networks Using Your Android Phone

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.ย. 2023
  • Record shows that over 86% of customers agree that keeping a messaged “personalized to them” increases their loyalty to the brand.
    It feels good getting a message and your name is one of the first things you can see - you just want to read more.
    Even if you don’t have the contact of the sender, somehow you’ll feel it’s someone who knows you and it wouldn’t be nice to ignore.
    So, personalization is a great insight indeed, it keeping your contacts engaged much longer.
    But how can this be achieved with SMS?
    Yes, we are interested in SMS because, already, we have achieved reasonable success at this with both Whats-App and Email.
    By the way, do you want to grow your business, reach more customers, and save money on marketing?
    If you answered NO, then no need reading further.
    But if your answer was YES, like mine always is, then, I will show you a simple Guide that will help you to send customized and personalized bulk SMS messages to thousands of contacts that are not even stored in your phone, and how to easily do that using your Android phone and mobile number for less than 1 Naira per SMS.
    Get the Short Guide:

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