1. Rocket Launcher - We got two psychos wielding such a weapon with stylish brazenness. 2. Yagoo - Our holos know how to honor their CEO even with humor! 3. Acrostics - Those "n" lines are especially hilarious! 4. Sora Tokino - Such wonderful appreciation of cuteness spawned by Sora's music! 5. Public Order - Brings me back to when my all-boys school had a formal interaction event with an all-girls school when I was in high school. 6. Mitarashi Dango - Matsuri finally got her way about that!
これだから推すのを辞められない( ˙▿˙ )☝
①1:09 ご存知の方もいると思いますけど、実はロケ地一緒なのです(なので、実質『ポル伝』聖地巡礼w)
② 3:13 『そらザウルス』の奇跡が起きた瞬間w
③ 5:03 誰に対しても文字通り『別け隔て無い』まつりネキw(5:20のべーちゃんにあたふたするロベさんとまつりネキと、二人にツッコミいれるオウガニキの構図よw)
④ 5:48 言葉の妖刀ぶん回すまつりネキ&メルさんによる天才的キラーパスw
1. Rocket Launcher - We got two psychos wielding such a weapon with stylish brazenness.
2. Yagoo - Our holos know how to honor their CEO even with humor!
3. Acrostics - Those "n" lines are especially hilarious!
4. Sora Tokino - Such wonderful appreciation of cuteness spawned by Sora's music!
5. Public Order - Brings me back to when my all-boys school had a formal interaction event with an all-girls school when I was in high school.
6. Mitarashi Dango - Matsuri finally got her way about that!
Uyu with the rocket T^T lmao