Absolute resonance. I’m shocked I haven’t come across this sooner but happier than ever that I’ve found this masterpiece. You have an eye for timeless aesthetics and they’re executed in such a manner! Never stop doing you Laura, this was fabulous ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
Hola Laura , soy Ada.. Soy amiga de tu hermano Sendoa, nos a pasado el vídeo y es una pasada , mucha personalidad y un ápice de estilo Kraftwerk que me encanta!!!!! Un abrazo
Vinyl record version available at www.detritirecords.shop/💥
Great Stuff
Reminds me a lot on Malaria or XMal Deutschland ❤
Great sound reminiscent of the 80s French "coldwave" with unique visual style all your own.
te amo LAURA
You sound magical Laura!! Greetings from Sardinia, Italy 🤍
I am loving this freakwave 🦇
Absolute resonance. I’m shocked I haven’t come across this sooner but happier than ever that I’ve found this masterpiece. You have an eye for timeless aesthetics and they’re executed in such a manner! Never stop doing you Laura, this was fabulous ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
awsome video, we are spotlighting it on mttv tonight ( mutant transmissions television video show )
duuuuude how fucking cool is this holy shit
Excellent titre !
i haven’t been this inspired by something in a while
Merci beaucoup pour faire cette musique🙏
Me encantas! Super genial 🦇
Ça me rappelle la New wave de ma jeunesse ❤ Je viendrais vous voir au Sample 🙏🏽
The coolest thing that i've ever seen
I love this so much!!!
Great! Exactly what I need tonight...
Génial. Résurrection de la coldwave bien lancinante
Magique 🖤⛓️.
This is so sick, cool and awesome! I hope you come back to Colombia soon.
Just brlliant...!
Brillante ! Ídola !
A chaque fois que je reviens écouter cette musique j'adore m'attarder sur les sons étrange de synthé derrière
Hola Laura , soy Ada.. Soy amiga de tu hermano Sendoa, nos a pasado el vídeo y es una pasada , mucha personalidad y un ápice de estilo Kraftwerk que me encanta!!!!! Un abrazo
Magique... toda mágica Laura, awesome sound 🔥😻💜
i watch 20 times in a row 🙃👽💋🕷
love it
Fantastic song and video! 🙏💯
This is great I thought it was funny I guess I have a weird sense of hummer.
Amazing song and video. Are you working on new music ? Hi from San Diego
Cool stuff.
Frontiere rock French radio show love and play this song
Mucho arteeee!!! Amiga de la terreta besossss
It's so good 🖤
She is coming to Ground Control in Toronto soon!
so good !!!
amazinggg soundssssss
J`aime ...
Saludos desde Bogotá
Saludos desde pasto
Mais um inscrito.
Parfait pour aller en manif
Los 80 más vivos que nunca ✊🖤
J adhère
Midi Maxi & Efti
Yes, I love trashy 80s videoart too, thanks algorithm
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