Sayonara Chant Script! Sidegrade Character + Whisper of Time Last Pull (Another Eden)


ความคิดเห็น • 24

  • @frittatas
    @frittatas ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Kirimin kehokian chant script-nya ke aku juga lah opo'o :"(((
    Btw congrats on getting Pizzica's dupe wkwkwk

    • @neeiinna
      @neeiinna  ปีที่แล้ว

      Wkwkwkk makanya tak bilangin kok dari kmaren2 banyakin AD 😂
      Diantara banyak karakter ya selalu dupe yang nongol wkwk

  • @sweebos
    @sweebos ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You have a very impressive roster! 💪
    Congrats on 5* Minalca, AS Lele, AS Thilly, AS Otoha, AS Soira, AS Cynthia and 5* Cyrus.
    Those were some good upgrades! Looks like you had a nice stash of chants and those were all worth it I'd say. 🙂
    I'd definitely recommend upgrading all the story characters when you're able to (Azami, Gariyu, Cerrine), if you haven't already. I know it might be tempting to use 5 chants on gatcha characters instead, but those characters are like Aldo and the gang, they will ALWAYS catch up to the meta with new styles, weapons, and grasta that really boost their power.
    +16 to Pizzica, not too bad. I pushed all my singers to 80 light/shadow for extra skill slots and for max rewards in dungeons. They all have unique mechanics that make them useful in any team comp and any dungeon, so they're worth the investment too. 🙂
    Wish you good fortune on Garam or any future pulls.

    • @neeiinna
      @neeiinna  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I already upgrade Azami and Gariyu, both are amazing! Azami AS story now become one of my favorite. I’ll upgrade Cerrine when she got her AS, maybe someday 😅
      Thank you, I have good feeling that Garam will come to me on the next chant script video 😤

    • @sweebos
      @sweebos ปีที่แล้ว

      YES! Azami AS story was so good!
      One of my favorite character quests too. 🙂
      Cerrine is the least of all those characters at the moment, so I feel you on that. 😆
      I was gonna try for Garam, don't have him in any form. But that split banner with Ewan changed my mind. Sorry Garam, perhaps another time. 😔
      Maybe I'll do a couple single pulls just to say I tried. 😄
      But... I did do another 10 pull for Minalca and finally got her! Only 4.5 but still I'm very happy with that. I am saving for new Apocrypha character maybe next and Dewey banner for sure. I've been chasing Dewey for a long time. o//

    • @neeiinna
      @neeiinna  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@sweebos Good luck on your single pull! And congratulation getting Minalca, she helps me kill mobs in hollow time layer quicker.
      Oh, you mean Yakumo? I wish you get him along with Dewey. May my luck on getting husbando come to you too✌️

  • @nord023
    @nord023 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Geez give me that pizzica xD Also i have 80 light avesta. Shes really usefull with absorb and - mp consumtion grasta. I use cynthia more in hollow since a lot of mob resist/absorb my flamme. Anyway have fun xD

    • @neeiinna
      @neeiinna  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I wish you’ll get her on your next pull! I sidegrade Cynthia because I’ve found japanese youtuber using her in hollow and kill all mobs easily, it intrigued me lol. Thank you! I always have fun playing AE xD

    • @thejupiter93
      @thejupiter93 ปีที่แล้ว

      Can i know what is this hollow you guys mean and where it was?
      Im new player btw.

    • @neeiinna
      @neeiinna  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@thejupiter93 hii welcome to another eden. Hollow is one of time layer in AE, you’ll unlock it once you reach part 3 of main story so it’s kinda new maps.

    • @thejupiter93
      @thejupiter93 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@neeiinna Hey, thanks for welcoming.
      Part 3 of story is that mean chapter 85 above?

    • @neeiinna
      @neeiinna  ปีที่แล้ว

      @@thejupiter93 yep, that's right

  • @MuDha01
    @MuDha01 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nice lah ada orang indo mainin ni game 😂, mantap, sepi nih org indo yang main ni game, padahal storynya bagus

  • @manakuroyuki8161
    @manakuroyuki8161 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    ada orang indo yang masih main game ini selain saya
    ku kira cuman saya doang yang main Another Eden >

    • @neeiinna
      @neeiinna  ปีที่แล้ว

      Ngga dong.. banyak kok orang indo yang mainin ini juga sebenernya. Tiap game pasti ada nichenya tersendiri, jadi kamu nggak sendirian

    • @manakuroyuki8161
      @manakuroyuki8161 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@neeiinna ada discord kah, pengen gabung kalau ada...

    • @neeiinna
      @neeiinna  ปีที่แล้ว

      @@manakuroyuki8161 discord khusus pemain AE indo kah? klo itu blm nemu sih, aku gabungnya discord AE global

    • @manakuroyuki8161
      @manakuroyuki8161 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@neeiinna kalau discord mu sendiri?

    • @neeiinna
      @neeiinna  ปีที่แล้ว

      @@manakuroyuki8161 eh ngomongin grup AE Indo aku malah nemu loh di fb dan ada discordnya juga. Coba deh search Another Eden Indo

  • @Starfiresaga
    @Starfiresaga ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Mantap sekali, itu Soira AS best Debuff PWR dan INT, meski Radias AS juga bagus tpi lebih ke Physical DMG aj, klo Soira AS bisa ngurangi PWR dan INT. Otoha AS juga bagus, dipadukan ama claude ES makin GG 😁😁

    • @neeiinna
      @neeiinna  ปีที่แล้ว

      Iyaaak pas lihat2 skill Soira AS di wiki jadi mikir keknya worth it sih sidegrade dia. Setidaknya dia juga bisa jadi tanker buat team piercing juga. Yang Otoha nih aku blm coba2 dia, ntar dah aku cobain