Kamal Uddin - Proud To Be A Muslim (with lyrics)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ก.ย. 2024
  • Chorus:
    Laa ilaaha illallaah Muhammad ur Rasoolullah x2
    In the name of Allah the most merciful
    I love Muhammad Mustafa (pbuh) than the whole wide world
    Making partners with Allah is the greatest sin
    I shall never ever worship anybody but Him
    For my guidance I recite the holy Qur�an
    Everyday I fast in the month of Ramadhan
    When I meet my brothers and sisters each day
    �As salaam u alaikum� (peace be upon you) is what I say
    From my money I give some to those in need
    to be grateful to Allah and to cure my greed
    I always follow the Qur�an and the prophets way
    Insha Allah (if Allah wills) I shall go for Hajj one day
    Many messengers came to guide us along
    to enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong
    All the prophets that were sent came to preach one thing
    �There is no other gods but the King of kings�
    Before I go to sleep I read the du�aa
    �Allaahumma bismika amootu wa ahyaa�
    When I wake up in the morning I praise Allah
    �Al hamdu lillahillazee ah yaanaa�
    I only love for my brother what I love for my self
    Only Allah do I worship and ask Him for help
    Everyday five times must I always pray
    I am proud to be a Muslim now everyone say�
    Chorus x2

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