@@carmelothesavage1891 who said he was racing a stock motor on nos that’s a ticking time bomb getting ready to blow I was saying since they added nitrous it would be good to Have a purge system if you knew drag racing and stuff you’ll know what I’m talking about 🙂
9:10 the sound HAHAHAHAHAH BRO I'm a new follower and Honestly I wasn't so interested at first but all the crew and you make it so funny and entertaining to watch, also the edition is so good
On my 91 240 convertible automatic I did $125 shot took it with no problem multiple times I think seven bottles I went through before I got rid of the car play by ear start from 75 shot and work your way up
Do a nitrous purge system on it that would be sick a s14 spraying nos outta the front grill or the front wipers just an idea that would be cool😃
like if the car is vaping
thats a cool low budget idea lol
@@ForeignLucki no😭
Cool but not practical are we in 2005 lol
And then when he races someone hell get gapped
@@carmelothesavage1891 who said he was racing a stock motor on nos that’s a ticking time bomb getting ready to blow I was saying since they added nitrous it would be good to
Have a purge system if you knew drag racing and stuff you’ll know what I’m talking about 🙂
It literally sounds like VTEC when you trigger the nitrous
i was thinking the same thing😂
Fax 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂
Crazy how y’all moved from San Jose to Mexico in 1 video. Inspirational
12:47 Luke’s face haha he looked so defeated specially after Randy’s first reaction to the boost hahah xD “that shit didn’t do shit LUKE!”
Luke's reaction is a meme for sure
HAHAHAHHAHAHHAAH Broooo I just laughed soooo hard Lmaoooooo 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I got a sore stomach
Yess love a illiminate video doesn't matter the title its allways a good one
Luke: “that’s on top of the gas tank”
Randy: “fuckk” 😭😂
Crazy how far these guys have came, they just choose to put cheap parts on a car for fun just because they can 😂
Randy a man of the people
It's to show that you don't need to spend a whole bunch to have fun
These budget build videos just helps me with learning about cars and building my own car. Love you guys frfr
lets appreciate randy for making us happy with an upload 🙏🏼
It’s a good day when they upload 😂
Love you guys!!!
Yes!!! Get a purge kit for it!!you should drift it and hit the button
Luke knows everything
First, I’ve been here six years you guys never disappoint!!!
that nitrous bottle nearly the same size as randy lol
Now I need to see y’all do like an integera build or something
Luke is the man!
I saw the story on Insta and it took me back to Fast and furious 1, Brian and his Eclipse moment..
NIGHTRIDE mentioned you boyszz
slow and serious gang
Y’all just make me want to upload more 💯
Smashing it with this one broski..
Yessir a new video from illiminate
best budget vid yet bro i loved this
I haven't been this early in months 😯 much love 👌
Randy: "Alright one last pull with the nos"
Also Randy: *Does 10 more pulls with the nos* lolol
I was laughing the whole time. The way sometimes your mind and the boys hype things is up and then you realize not much happened is so funny. LOL🤣🤣😂
Always gotta make some time for illiminate videos!
0:56 love you too bro ❤️
Vtec kickin in 🤣🙏🏼🔥 🚗 💨
I love you guys keep on making great content watched you guys since day 1 🔥
I KNEW you were gonna put the fast n furious scene for the nitrous 🤣🤣
That intro made me smile and I've had the worst day you can imagen 😂🤘🏾
motor gonna blow up 😂😂
Randy's laugh cracks me up every time
I am soooooo excited for the turboo
more budget content!! exactly what I needed tonight
fire vid bro
Love your video going to cali ins dec 10 I’m from texas
The fast and the illiminate
Lets Go! Lunch Break + New Vlog 🍻
just exactly what i needed
I love the budget build 🔥
Another bangerr😮💨😮💨
Oh my god i haven't watched TH-cam a bit. CONGRATS ON THE ONE MILLION ILLIMINATE FAM!
Love everything you do and I’m so happy to learn and a lot from your budget Built
Lol Randy reminded me of Jhonny trans From F&F running his car on hopes and dreams thinking the nos was Workin at first
The smack in the beginning has me dying 😂😂😂
😂 that intro! Victory slap! Hahaha
Post I need more content I love you guys always put a smile on my face
The fast and furious clip was classic!
He slapped tf outta issac😂😂😂😂
You guys have come a long way since the old vids! Keep it up boys 🔥🔥
Early Gang.!! You know it.!!🔥🔥
9:10 the sound HAHAHAHAHAH BRO I'm a new follower and Honestly I wasn't so interested at first but all the crew and you make it so funny and entertaining to watch, also the edition is so good
Yo Randy you need a bottle warmer for the NOS system they are pretty cheap
Yuhhh noti gang
It makes my day when randy uploads like fr
11:19 got me dying my guy 😭😂😂
You gotta do a budget paint job aka roller paint job for good old times🔥😂😂
The sr20de take well to turbocharging them and take good power
Let’s gooooesrly gang
🔥 🔥
The 500 shot
clicked as soon as i saw
Noti Gang!
It’s just looks cool how happy you guy’s look just installing that NOS tank in the car 😂😂😂
I can’t wait for the R32 to hit the streets of SJ it’s amazing
What did the five fingers say to the face👋😎😂🤣!!
Always a diff vibe watching ILL’ while dwunk ..
that was funny towards the end
100 shot for sure
First time I see luke smiling 😂
Underglow would be sick 👍🏻 and you can get cheap kits on ebay.
Finally another banger video can you also do a gtr video next
NOS should only be installed in a child's booster seat in 2nd row of car. 😎
First time I'm this early. Randy u da best
Babe, wake up, there's a new illiminate video
Notification gang
10:37 Luke did WHAT?😳
The last one it went from brrrr to brrrrRRRRRRrrrr
You know what. The s14 is actually slower then my moms car, but seeing the pulls during the morning it’s actually faster now.
i think Randy just entered the realm of FF
40 to 100 real quick😂😂🔥
Omg Randy finally kissed me, stop I'm blushing ☺️
On my 91 240 convertible automatic I did $125 shot took it with no problem multiple times I think seven bottles I went through before I got rid of the car play by ear start from 75 shot and work your way up
Ongggg early gang ftw 😤😫🥶😈💯
Illiminate: imma install a NOS kit in the car!
*feels the difference in power*
Every Honda/Acura owner: did I hear VTEC kick in?
Love these videos ! Awesome content man 🔥🔥 150 SHOT !
Oh nothing just randy dogging out my dream car
Who remembers when randy was working on his car.
Love you Randy ❤️
😆😆😆 this episode made my day
1000 shots of NOS