Another great episode guys. A question came to mind with your mostly pescatarian diet. Eating so many pelagic species, do you worry about mercury build up, or do you have a way to reduce this issue? I love fresh tuna and Spaniards and occasionally balanced with a baldy or a spangly 🤩 Thanks again for the vid. 👍
We eat far more demersal species than pelagic ones, with the pelagics being more mackerel than tuna and we tend to eat fish that are at the smaller end of the spectrum. The fish we favour are arm length or less- no trophies...This goes for sharks also. We don't worry about it all that much given Japanese people consume very large amounts of adult tuna and don't seem to have quite as many health issues as people on a western diet (until they adopt a western diet!) I would be more concerned by becoming overweight. Quite a few people have asked this but I'm sure it is a small health risk given that we aren't exposed to stress, preservatives, antibiotics, engine exhaust products or countless other nasties that unfortunately go hand in hand with an urban life and extended food production chain. (Don't get us started on large scale chicken producers!,) In any case, if we do go mad, it will just meet our families expectations and they will love us all the same.
@@FreeRangeLiving When I lived in Japan it was explained to me that soy mixed with wasabi act as an anti toxin when eating sushi/sashimi and can mitigate any potentially harmful effects. The practice of eating pickled ginger and noori with raw fish also aids in digestion.
Thank you for the great answer, never considered some of your points but have to agree with you. The sooner I can get off this treadmill life and onto a boat more permanently, the better. Fair winds to you 👍
As a fisherman for almost 50 years, I’m very impressed with the information you have passed to other people with this video. Stay safe you two and keep your amazing videos coming. 👍🏻
Slim and Soph, Sailing Nakama, read your plaque hanging in the Percy Island Group A-frame yacht club. What you wrote was great. Slim was ecstatic when he learned who the author was. Lots of us that follow your channel chimed in. Such a small world.🌎
It made me so happy to see you eating that fish raw. I've seen so many sailing channels catch a gorgeous tuna and proceed to cook it well done and break my heart, lol. Can't get any fresher than straight out of the ocean!
You are throwing the best part of the fish overboard. The" scraps" from the bone, head and the leftovers from the meat are soup material. Ad a carrot salt a chilly and a tomato... you have the best soup in the world. Keeps you warm and healthy. Thanks for shearing.
Great episode. What I love most about your channel is all the useful lessons and content. I think turning it all in to a "How to" book, print, PDF, Kindle etc., so we can read it at sea, without internet. It might just do very well in the sailing and general marine life community. Troys rigging and Pascale's cooking alone are pure gold, not to mention the refitting expertise. It's hugely valuable. No small feat but I'd guess you'd do very well with sales over time, especially referring to and supported by these great videos. Thanks very much for your contributions.
A tip on how you might disgorge a hook quickly without landing the fish ... slide the gaff down the lure until it hooks the curl of the hook, then lift the weight of the fish on the inverted hook which will likely disgorge. This works on deck also and is how the commercial trolling fishermen quickly disgorge a single hook spoon.
I'm not a man who goes fishing but I realise that, as the last of the planning goes into the Atlantic crossing, I'm gonna have to learn. So thank you for the video. There are so many good pieces of advice I think another look might be in order. Also it is so good to see you both still enjoying the sail, the fishing and your own company. Great to see you, David
I definitely support the clubbing method. A lot of cruisers think they are supposed to put alcohol in the gills, greatly increasing the extent and duration of suffering. It's also important for ethics to remove as much "sport" from the HARVEST to increase tackle size to the maximum so fish can not break off, unlike the "sportsman" method to try to catch fish with the lightest tackle possible. They do the same thing in hunting, trying for long shots with small bullets to show off. It's not sporting at all. 40kg line is totally effective, Ive troll 20 and 40 and it's random which one hits, they can't see the difference. The hit or they don't especially trolling or live baiting. Especially helps if a fish is in the rudder or prop to have oversize line. Or if you catch a kingfish as I believe they call them in oceana. Those will smoke your drag strait down, and make your re think the meaning of life and the size of your rig. The red and white rapala they have is my personal favorite lure as well. I hope some future cruisers read this and become no BS fishermen like troy and Pascal. Good job.
100% with you on that. Torturing an animal for fun by playing them for hours on light lines only to lose them or the sharks get them isn't sport. It isn't even illegal. But do that with cats and they get very upset. I wasn't serious about the cats, but I do fish to eat, not sport, and respect my prey, and do sometimes feel very sorry for them. Troy's rig is sensible and apt for purpose.
@@philgray1023 don't worry I'm a dog person! Those cats make excellent live shark bait ;P jk Yeah there's also nothing more frustrating than taking someone out on your boat who insists on using light tackle, you spend hours to get them onto a good hook up, and it breaks off...haha meanwhile my wife is winching on something with her trusty 120lb braid, already on about the marinade she's planning...
@@GreatOutDoorWorldofMines Our 14 foot boat was towed up Exmouth Gulf by something. It was either a submarine or something that didn't know it was hooked. Managed to get it up about 20 feet when it decided, no. After 5ks it broke off. The line was 60kg mono on a wire trace which was cut through. Going to need a bigger boat next time.
@@philgray1023 Wow! That must have had the blood running! A real "we will never know" Goes to show why it's always good to wear a "jack knife" (a non-folding type blade in a sheath on the belt used by sailors "Jack's")anywhere around the water. I love the Morakniv brand they make nice swedish stainless for about 20 USD. My boat has one screwed to the console so anyone can use it for whatever. But a cheap dive knife works too. Cheers
I love my Navy Blue shirt! Please offer another run of shirts soon. The quality of this merchandise is top of the line! I would like to have more of them to give for Christmas gifts. Thank you for all you do and stay safe!!!
First time I seen your video very informative I like that thank you for sharing fishing tricks are good to learn you seem like a pro at it that's good God bless you both be safe out there on the water watching from Roseville California USA Ray Garrett
Fished all my life I am 69 a great presentation of fishing when on the move , a small tip when trolling use black ball bearing swivels not silver as sometimes the fish love to attack shiny objects 👍 Cheers Wombat 🐾🎣🍻
Haven't had a chance to fish that way but have chased salmon and trout in Lake Michigan. We trooled about 100ft deep in over 200 ft of water and caught our limit of mostly 3 yr old King Salmon, a couple of 4 to 6 lbs rainbows and a smaller brown trout just under the surface. A great day of fishing! Caught a bag limit of 10 fish!
Came to your adventures on your final run home, but I like how your channel is evolving. Enjoying the wild food angle, thanks for continuing with producing videos.
I don't fish or sail , but thank you for such a detailed and educational episode. The presentation was easy to understand and thorough. Some would keep to themselves what you shared . Really well done.
Very interesting. I used to watch fishing on shows like wide world of sports. Of course they never used a sail boat. Maybe that would have made it more interesting.
Pascale has to be the best 1st mate on the seas……cooking, willingness, and looks for sure. And Troy, very knowledgeable and confident ! Be careful in Croc and shark waters. Amazing you guys do all this i a thirty footer. At 7000 ft above the sea, I kno nada. Thanks for these great vids…..have fun !
Baie dankie julle twee. I did at long last get the boat. Jasmine came with some rods etc but I have never fished in my life so this should be a giggle as I make the journey to where maybe, just maybe I get to supplement my cruising provisions.
Thanks for the lessons on your fishing techniques! Very informational and looks delicious. Love the T-shirts, both short sleeve and long. I've had a couple friends ask about them and shared your channel with them.
I enjoyed that episode and gained a tip on how to snap off the excess on those steel leaders. Just in time for my upcoming trip to the Texas Gulf for some King Mackerel fishing. When I'm not using ribbon fish to troll with I go straight to my hard billed lures like yours.
Fantastic episode. Both the fishing scenes and the explanations of set up and equipment used. And the last bit, showing how you enjoy eating the bounty. Nicely done. Oh, and my Free Range Sailing tshirt is already one of my favorites, too.
I've fillet a lot of fish on a moving boat ,but I must say it's never been that rough and you did a amazing job considering how much you were being bounced around. I'm afraid I would of made a mess of the fillet or fillet my hand. Well done!!!
Really Great Fish Guys! Other Fishing Tips For Using Them Big Rapalas Is To Put A Sliding Egg Lead w/A Few Big Beads "Plastic or Wood" In Front Of Your Swivel On Your Double Bimini Tied Line To Make Rattle Noises & And Get The Lures Deeper + Glue Pair Of Big Wobble Plastic Eyes @@ Onto Your Lures Where The Real Eyes Are To Make Them Even More Attractive! PS Besides The Red/White Color, Believe Me That The "Best" Fishing Color Is The Plain Wood - Cedar Colored Rapalas For All Eatin Type Fishes & Wahoo=ONO Love Bright Purple or Orange Colors Running Down 50'-75' Deep... Thanks
Enjoyed the fishing video always wondered exactly what you were doing. We also bought T-shirts so thank you, the old one from three years ago was needing a freshening up so we bought new ones.
Hi guys - thank you so much for all of your great content. I wore my new FR T-shirt this past weekend and it made me feel like part of your crew. I bought all 3 styles (hoodie & long/short sleeve - Great Quality). Thanks for putting such great heart into your videos. I have a boat which is most like yours (1965 Pearson Vanguard) than any I see on TH-cam so I really like your channel as it gives me a glimpse into what I can expect when I do coastal sailing in the Southeast US (plan to start in Charleston SC and head south) next year. My boat heels a lot and I've noticed that your does as well. My boat has 4672 kg displacement with 1972 kg ballast keel with a 1.37m draft. It has a fairly stable numbers for Righting Moment & Comfort Ratio and all that stuff - but it might be fun to compare specs between our boats so I can continue to learn about handling my boat in open seas. I really admire your tenacity. I am expecting to be heeled over most of the time under sail and I'd like to ask if you can give me any advice about living on a slant most of the time? I dig it for sure, but most of my guests get a little freaked out by it. Thanks so much! All the best - MJ
Drat! Now I'm hungry. Thanks for another of your informative, entertaining, and well produced videos. Fair winds and following (but not too large; I learned my lesson when you were coming down the east coast, lol) seas.
We tie our reels down hard into the rod holder so they can't jump up and rotate/move. Always with a quick release knot, not a clip. So the thing is secure, but when that big fish hits, you can release it quickly to get to the chair or clear the other gear first :-) different scenario, but worth a mention and a thought :-)
My wife and I have our new short sleeve tees. Have had several people asked us about them and I say subscribe and watch the adventures!! Love all the content!! Take care.
Gonna be real hard to give up on my squid skirts but I am gonna give some of the hard lures a little more try. I usually run a hard lure on the handline and squid on the pole. Loved the episode, great information!
I run a small skirt in front of the hard lure. That way it looks like someone is about to grab a snack. So even if the game fish is not hungry maybe it will trigger territorial Instincts.
In America that red n white lure is sold under the brand name "wind cheater" . I used a green with black striped one in the gulf of Mexico and couldn't keep Bonito off my line. Very tasty.
Another great episode guys. A question came to mind with your mostly pescatarian diet. Eating so many pelagic species, do you worry about mercury build up, or do you have a way to reduce this issue? I love fresh tuna and Spaniards and occasionally balanced with a baldy or a spangly 🤩
Thanks again for the vid. 👍
We eat far more demersal species than pelagic ones, with the pelagics being more mackerel than tuna and we tend to eat fish that are at the smaller end of the spectrum. The fish we favour are arm length or less- no trophies...This goes for sharks also.
We don't worry about it all that much given Japanese people consume very large amounts of adult tuna and don't seem to have quite as many health issues as people on a western diet (until they adopt a western diet!) I would be more concerned by becoming overweight.
Quite a few people have asked this but I'm sure it is a small health risk given that we aren't exposed to stress, preservatives, antibiotics, engine exhaust products or countless other nasties that unfortunately go hand in hand with an urban life and extended food production chain. (Don't get us started on large scale chicken producers!,)
In any case, if we do go mad, it will just meet our families expectations and they will love us all the same.
@@FreeRangeLiving When I lived in Japan it was explained to me that soy mixed with wasabi act as an anti toxin when eating sushi/sashimi and can mitigate any potentially harmful effects. The practice of eating pickled ginger and noori with raw fish also aids in digestion.
Thank you for the great answer, never considered some of your points but have to agree with you. The sooner I can get off this treadmill life and onto a boat more permanently, the better. Fair winds to you 👍
@@FreeRangeLiving You could start up a hatters and millinery channel. Good points for avoiding ciguatera too.
@@FreeRangeLiving 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂, all true what you wrote, but the last line was funny as well 😂😂
As a fisherman for almost 50 years, I’m very impressed with the information you have passed to other people with this video. Stay safe you two and keep your amazing videos coming. 👍🏻
Pascy's laugh is so infectious. Thanks for the video guys. Really appreciate it.
Slim and Soph, Sailing Nakama, read your plaque hanging in the Percy Island Group A-frame yacht club. What you wrote was great. Slim was ecstatic when he learned who the author was. Lots of us that follow your channel chimed in. Such a small world.🌎
It made me so happy to see you eating that fish raw. I've seen so many sailing channels catch a gorgeous tuna and proceed to cook it well done and break my heart, lol. Can't get any fresher than straight out of the ocean!
It means a lot to get to see your show without interruptions from ads.
Ok this is message number 7 of " I want Free Range Sailing to come to South Australia" campaign
You are throwing the best part of the fish overboard. The" scraps" from the bone, head and the leftovers from the meat are soup material. Ad a carrot salt a chilly and a tomato... you have the best soup in the world. Keeps you warm and healthy. Thanks for shearing.
We have preferences for which fish we make stock with and limits on how much we can eat.
As someone with *extremely* limited fishing experience, thanks SO MUCH for this episode, Troy & Pascale! Very helpful.
You're very welcome mate.
It's Friday! Time to wash the week away with vids equivalent in class, joy, and effects of fine scotch, and zero hangovers. Thank you :)
Great episode. What I love most about your channel is all the useful lessons and content. I think turning it all in to a "How to" book, print, PDF, Kindle etc., so we can read it at sea, without internet. It might just do very well in the sailing and general marine life community. Troys rigging and Pascale's cooking alone are pure gold, not to mention the refitting expertise. It's hugely valuable. No small feat but I'd guess you'd do very well with sales over time, especially referring to and supported by these great videos. Thanks very much for your contributions.
A tip on how you might disgorge a hook quickly without landing the fish ... slide the gaff down the lure until it hooks the curl of the hook, then lift the weight of the fish on the inverted hook which will likely disgorge. This works on deck also and is how the commercial trolling fishermen quickly disgorge a single hook spoon.
Great time watching, beautifully edited. Keep up your adventures, they bring a lot of joy watching them! 🕊️🧡🔱
Great episode and loving the t-shirts in Annapolis!
I'm not a man who goes fishing but I realise that, as the last of the planning goes into the Atlantic crossing, I'm gonna have to learn. So thank you for the video. There are so many good pieces of advice I think another look might be in order. Also it is so good to see you both still enjoying the sail, the fishing and your own company. Great to see you, David
You guys are amazing, teaching self-sufficiency, selflessly sharing your knowledge. Thank you!
heya can't get enough of the sailing fish diving and exploring place that you do
I fished off the Exmouth Pier as a kid and yes, sharks are smart and would steal the fish! Love this! Ningaloo!!!
I definitely support the clubbing method. A lot of cruisers think they are supposed to put alcohol in the gills, greatly increasing the extent and duration of suffering.
It's also important for ethics to remove as much "sport" from the HARVEST to increase tackle size to the maximum so fish can not break off, unlike the "sportsman" method to try to catch fish with the lightest tackle possible. They do the same thing in hunting, trying for long shots with small bullets to show off. It's not sporting at all. 40kg line is totally effective, Ive troll 20 and 40 and it's random which one hits, they can't see the difference. The hit or they don't especially trolling or live baiting. Especially helps if a fish is in the rudder or prop to have oversize line. Or if you catch a kingfish as I believe they call them in oceana. Those will smoke your drag strait down, and make your re think the meaning of life and the size of your rig.
The red and white rapala they have is my personal favorite lure as well.
I hope some future cruisers read this and become no BS fishermen like troy and Pascal. Good job.
100% with you on that. Torturing an animal for fun by playing them for hours on light lines only to lose them or the sharks get them isn't sport. It isn't even illegal. But do that with cats and they get very upset. I wasn't serious about the cats, but I do fish to eat, not sport, and respect my prey, and do sometimes feel very sorry for them. Troy's rig is sensible and apt for purpose.
@@philgray1023 don't worry I'm a dog person! Those cats make excellent live shark bait ;P jk
Yeah there's also nothing more frustrating than taking someone out on your boat who insists on using light tackle, you spend hours to get them onto a good hook up, and it breaks off...haha meanwhile my wife is winching on something with her trusty 120lb braid, already on about the marinade she's planning...
@@GreatOutDoorWorldofMines Our 14 foot boat was towed up Exmouth Gulf by something. It was either a submarine or something that didn't know it was hooked. Managed to get it up about 20 feet when it decided, no. After 5ks it broke off. The line was 60kg mono on a wire trace which was cut through. Going to need a bigger boat next time.
@@philgray1023 Wow! That must have had the blood running! A real "we will never know"
Goes to show why it's always good to wear a "jack knife" (a non-folding type blade in a sheath on the belt used by sailors "Jack's")anywhere around the water. I love the Morakniv brand they make nice swedish stainless for about 20 USD. My boat has one screwed to the console so anyone can use it for whatever. But a cheap dive knife works too. Cheers
Amazing episode! Absolutely love seeing the fishing as well as the eating part to your lifestyle!!
As I've said before, every time I watch an episode, I learn something. Thanks for today's lesson!
I LOVE your no nonsense approach to life on the seas. Thank you for the relaxing commentary and sailing the seas Videos.
Best sailing fishing video I have seen.
Your videos are so informative and enjoyable, the quality is excellent. All the best Troy & Pascale. UK.
I love my Navy Blue shirt! Please offer another run of shirts soon. The quality of this merchandise is top of the line! I would like to have more of them to give for Christmas gifts. Thank you for all you do and stay safe!!!
Skipjack and Mahi now that is a meal!
Loving my shirts...and enjoyed this episode.. stay well!!! Dags and his Jen
Finally a good video explaing all we should know
Awesome information. Keep'um comin'. Greetings from a landlubber in Montana, USA. Love my new t-shirt! Thanks.
I like to watch your video, l love fishing, From SINGAPORE 🇸🇬
First time I seen your video very informative I like that thank you for sharing fishing tricks are good to learn you seem like a pro at it that's good God bless you both be safe out there on the water watching from Roseville California USA Ray Garrett
Love the T-shirt next campaign should be custom fishing lures with the free range sailing logo embossed on them!
great fishing info! such fun to watch you catching dinner!
Thank you both for a great video. Keep safe and don't get locked down Please.
When sailing and trolling check your charts for restricted zones or a BIG fine will be coming your way.
Great episode as usual.
Thanks for sharing.
Less here than in QLD but yes.
Sailing and fishing...perfect combo! Thanks for the really useful tips guys! 👌
great to see you two again thanks for sharing
Watching with my Shirt on Proudly. Thanks
You guys are so amazing. Thank you so much for the intelligent conversation re: fishing
This was a great episode guys. That was a lot of really good info.
Fished all my life I am 69 a great presentation of fishing when on the move , a small tip when trolling use black ball bearing swivels not silver as sometimes the fish love to attack shiny objects 👍
Cheers Wombat 🐾🎣🍻
Not surprised the gear went so well as the design was spectacular. Thanks
Thanks for sharing your tactics with us ! Great sailing channels like yours ,are getting hard to find these days Cheers
Haven't had a chance to fish that way but have chased salmon and trout in Lake Michigan. We trooled about 100ft deep in over 200 ft of water and caught our limit of mostly 3 yr old King Salmon, a couple of 4 to 6 lbs rainbows and a smaller brown trout just under the surface. A great day of fishing! Caught a bag limit of 10 fish!
Another Awesome production. Thanks for the home made wire trace tips Troy. I'll be doing that & saving a $. TC guys.
When you run out of ideas, the red head is a great idea. For your viewers it’s called a Haywire Twist. First rate demo.
Fishing, Pascal..... tongue out! Love it! Absolutely adore my Free Range Sailing Tshirt. Keep giving the adventure.
Another great video.... Troy, thanks again for being a wonderful teacher and showing us some fishing related topics.
loved this episode. I love the fishing stuff, and you two are the best at it on the sailing channels.
Came to your adventures on your final run home, but I like how your channel is evolving. Enjoying the wild food angle, thanks for continuing with producing videos.
If you look up the first videos in Northern Oz, there is a stack of fishing gathering and cooking. Just not as polished with the film and sound.
Outstanding Masterclass, very well received.
You guys are amazing! Thank you! ❤
I don't fish or sail , but thank you for such a detailed and educational episode. The presentation was easy to understand and thorough. Some would keep to themselves what you shared . Really well done.
Very interesting. I used to watch fishing on shows like wide world of sports. Of course they never used a sail boat. Maybe that would have made it more interesting.
Pascale has to be the best 1st mate on the seas……cooking, willingness, and looks for sure. And Troy, very knowledgeable and confident ! Be careful in Croc and shark waters. Amazing you guys do all this i a thirty footer. At 7000 ft above the sea, I kno nada. Thanks for these great vids…..have fun !
Great fun and lots of learning. Thanks.
Love the show guy’s,easterly and rain in tassie at the moment 😎
You both are the best, I hope one day you will sail a catamaran, and won’t go only around Australia but around the world
Love your entries. Love the Aussie practical style.
Baie dankie julle twee.
I did at long last get the boat.
Jasmine came with some rods etc but I have never fished in my life so this should be a giggle as I make the journey to where maybe, just maybe I get to supplement my cruising provisions.
Yellowfin!! What a beauty, good on ya!
Thanks for the lessons on your fishing techniques! Very informational and looks delicious. Love the T-shirts, both short sleeve and long. I've had a couple friends ask about them and shared your channel with them.
Fantastic and very informative video guys. Great stuff.
I enjoyed that episode and gained a tip on how to snap off the excess on those steel leaders. Just in time for my upcoming trip to the Texas Gulf for some King Mackerel fishing. When I'm not using ribbon fish to troll with I go straight to my hard billed lures like yours.
Thank you for such a wonderful episode. I love the catch, cook, and eat videos. Much love from Houston, Texas !!!
Fantastic episode. Both the fishing scenes and the explanations of set up and equipment used. And the last bit, showing how you enjoy eating the bounty. Nicely done.
Oh, and my Free Range Sailing tshirt is already one of my favorites, too.
Great guys... best wishes from Blighty. 🥰
Excellent as usual!!!
Thank you to both!!
Very nice fishing technic tips.
And keep on! !!! Fish on!!!! Sailing!! Of course!!
I've fillet a lot of fish on a moving boat ,but I must say it's never been that rough and you did a amazing job considering how much you were being bounced around. I'm afraid I would of made a mess of the fillet or fillet my hand. Well done!!!
Awesome show.
Really Great Fish Guys! Other Fishing Tips For Using Them Big Rapalas Is To Put A Sliding Egg Lead w/A Few Big Beads "Plastic or Wood" In Front Of Your Swivel On Your Double Bimini Tied Line To Make Rattle Noises & And Get The Lures Deeper + Glue Pair Of Big Wobble Plastic Eyes @@ Onto Your Lures Where The Real Eyes Are To Make Them Even More Attractive! PS Besides The Red/White Color, Believe Me That The "Best" Fishing Color Is The Plain Wood - Cedar Colored Rapalas For All Eatin Type Fishes & Wahoo=ONO Love Bright Purple or Orange Colors Running Down 50'-75' Deep... Thanks
Wow, this was a great video -- never was great at fishing, even less so on a sailboat (two in my whole life ) so this was excellent...
I was wearing your t-shirt earlier today! Loved the fishing lessons!
I do not know if the idea appeals or is even useful to you but I have found SMOKED tuna to be a real treat.
Thank you for the merch, myself and the fam love it as always. I have quite the collection now lol.
Thanks very much. Great stuff.
Enjoyed the fishing video always wondered exactly what you were doing. We also bought T-shirts so thank you, the old one from three years ago was needing a freshening up so we bought new ones.
Hi guys - thank you so much for all of your great content. I wore my new FR T-shirt this past weekend and it made me feel like part of your crew. I bought all 3 styles (hoodie & long/short sleeve - Great Quality). Thanks for putting such great heart into your videos. I have a boat which is most like yours (1965 Pearson Vanguard) than any I see on TH-cam so I really like your channel as it gives me a glimpse into what I can expect when I do coastal sailing in the Southeast US (plan to start in Charleston SC and head south) next year. My boat heels a lot and I've noticed that your does as well. My boat has 4672 kg displacement with 1972 kg ballast keel with a 1.37m draft. It has a fairly stable numbers for Righting Moment & Comfort Ratio and all that stuff - but it might be fun to compare specs between our boats so I can continue to learn about handling my boat in open seas. I really admire your tenacity. I am expecting to be heeled over most of the time under sail and I'd like to ask if you can give me any advice about living on a slant most of the time? I dig it for sure, but most of my guests get a little freaked out by it. Thanks so much! All the best - MJ
The best advice is to have only what you can stow securely and keep a neat ship.
Thanks. I think that advice is spot on. I really like your retrofit for that central theme - organization in every way. 👍
Drat! Now I'm hungry. Thanks for another of your informative, entertaining, and well produced videos. Fair winds and following (but not too large; I learned my lesson when you were coming down the east coast, lol) seas.
Great rigging tips.
We tie our reels down hard into the rod holder so they can't jump up and rotate/move. Always with a quick release knot, not a clip. So the thing is secure, but when that big fish hits, you can release it quickly to get to the chair or clear the other gear first :-) different scenario, but worth a mention and a thought :-)
And great episode. I fish in fresh water a lot, but salt water fishing is on my bucket list, both inshore and offshore.
Love my shirt! Thanks again for all the great videos
My wife and I have our new short sleeve tees. Have had several people asked us about them and I say subscribe and watch the adventures!! Love all the content!! Take care.
Thanks for the double barrel support!
Fishtacularrr!!! 🥰
A great show
It’s refreshing not to have unnecessary adverts/product placement etc :-) Great content … & I’m not even into fishing!
Great video!! Thanks guys!!
Super quality video with really good thought through content.
Great video you guys are living my dream!
You Two are AWESOME THANKS for Sharing
Very nice all things fish video. Very well explained. Mahi mahi is the best in the sea.
Great episode! Entertainment and learning!
Great video. So much valuable info. You guys are way ahead of the game on sailing and fishing .
Thanks for another really interesting video guys. Some very handy trolling tips there too!
always love your shows
Gonna be real hard to give up on my squid skirts but I am gonna give some of the hard lures a little more try. I usually run a hard lure on the handline and squid on the pole. Loved the episode, great information!
I run a small skirt in front of the hard lure. That way it looks like someone is about to grab a snack. So even if the game fish is not hungry maybe it will trigger territorial Instincts.
Very informative quality video !!
In America that red n white lure is sold under the brand name "wind cheater" . I used a green with black striped one in the gulf of Mexico and couldn't keep Bonito off my line. Very tasty.