The poll. The ethiopian people deserve respect and justice, justice !!! The message for the ( ethiopian) generals, do not protect the fake constitution, defende Ethiopia, Do not kill the any ETHIOPIAN , get out of the mischievous politics (not you duty), compare yourself with other countries army to find your owen duties . Wrong and unfair thinking !!! Millions of ethiopians are asking you, are you, you the ( generals), can you defende you actions of YESTERDAY AND TODAY !!! ETHIOPIA YESTERDAY, ETHIOPIA TODAY AND ETHIOPIA TOMORROW !!!
“ስለአማራ ኢትዮጵያዊው🙏ሕዝብ ሰላም🙏
🙏“እንግዲህ እግዚአብሔር ዳኛ ይሁን፥ በእኔና በአንተም መካከል ይፍረድ፥ አይቶም ይምዋገትልኝ፥ ከእጅህም ያድነኝ።”🙏
1ኛ ሳሙኤል 24፥15
ሰላም: ዴሊዎች: ድል: hኣማሀራ: ፋኖ ፡ እናሸንፋለን
ሁሌ ሰበር
አንድ ቀን በቆየ ቁጥር መከላከያ እየተዳከመ፣ እየሰለቸ እና እየቀነሰ ነወ።
ያፈነገጡና በአሊ ጉራ የተሰራው ሀሰተ ዛሬ የገባቸው የወታደሩ ከታች እስከላይ ፊታቸው
ጨቋኙ አሊለይ በጥላቻ አምፀዋል እኛ ህዝ
ቦች ለውጥ ያመጣ ዘንድ👍እንላለን,,
ወታደሩን የረሰው አገዛዙ መልሶ ይሰድባቸዋል
ለአንድ ህፃን መሪ በሚልዩን ሰው አለቀ።
The poll. The ethiopian people deserve respect and justice, justice !!! The message for the ( ethiopian) generals, do not protect the fake constitution, defende Ethiopia, Do not kill the any ETHIOPIAN , get out of the mischievous politics (not you duty), compare yourself with other countries army to find your owen duties . Wrong and unfair thinking !!! Millions of ethiopians are asking you, are you, you the ( generals), can you defende you actions of YESTERDAY AND TODAY !!! ETHIOPIA YESTERDAY, ETHIOPIA TODAY AND ETHIOPIA TOMORROW !!!
የተራቡ የብልጽ.ወታደሮች ረሀብተኞች ፋኖ
በጤና የቤተሰብ ግኑኝነቶችን የሞተ በመቅበር ግሩም አማራዊ ወገናዊነት አሳይቶ
በዓለም 👍ተደንቋል..አብይ አሁንም አሻፈረኝ
ከጨረሰው2,7ሚሊዮን እንደገና አገረሽቷል
ይህ የሱ መጨረሻ ይሆናል..[ዓዋቂዎች]
የትኛው ጀኔራል ነው ባለፈው የፓርለማ ስብሰባ ላይ የተገኘው ነው