This is why it’s important to choose your home parish carefully. Not all parishes have the same mentality. My parish hosts multiple gender specific small groups. In the men’s groups we have created a space where we can speak unapologetically. We talk about the word and check in with one another. A few times a month we will get together on a Saturday to go fishing, hunting, hiking, kayaking, etc. Staying physically, mentally and spiritually fit has been a big topic of discussion in my group. It’s been great because we all hold each other accountable. We are tight knit.
I converted as man in my 20's over ten years ago. This has been one of my biggest gripes since forever. I've found some really strong faithful Catholic men but they are fairly rare and took a lot of work for me to find. Many parishes have an effeminacy issue.
100%. My parish had a lot of veterans, so it helped a lot. I was also a veteran so it allowed others who wanted that intensity be able to feel like they could connect.
I also think boys should become accustomed to doing manual labor regardless of whether or not they are destined for a more white collar profession. In addition to building physical toughness, they get a first hand understanding of how most of the very things we depend on in life (e.g. food, water, energy) are made and provided.
Hi. Catholic woman here. Not the target audience probably, but I am so glad I watched this video. This is so needed. I know many good catholic men, but the men I admire the most are those who embrace their masculinity like this. As a consequence, I see the women in their lives embrace their femininity in a beautiful way. I wish that we as women would take part in this and let men live their masculinity the way God intended it to be. Ohh, I pray that the Lord helps us in this difficult task. 💜🙏 Sending blessings to you all. Let’s not be weary and persevere with the grace and the strength of the Lord.
Strong Catholic men like this would inspire more strong Catholic women. It used to be that way. Men and women were both strong to raise families prior to the industrial revolution. Men would lead but both spouses were strong. We could have a lot of Catholic power couples today, changing the world, if more people understood this.
Feeling very heard. I struggled to connect with nearly all of the men at my Newman Center in college because of everything you touched on. I felt like I had to soften up around them and it honestly just became tired and unappealing. They undoubtedly had strong, admirable faiths, but I didn't see myself growing in the ways I needed to with them. I could've been completely wrong, but regardless I am all for seeing more visible masculinity in the Church!
I'm currently at the Catholic Student Center at my University, and I see this all the time. A lot of the truly masculine men don't hang with the large group of young men either because they're already married/preparing for seminary or religious/monastic life or because they don't feel like they're connecting with the other men around them. That's why I'm planning to start hosting regular events that are more than just fellowship with these guys, because I want to grow in masculinity and connect with them and help each other grow. I'm currently thinking about starting a morning lifting get-together at 5:30 AM three-five times a week (our gym is free to all currently enrolled students with student ID). Please pray for me that I may follow through on this and that the Holy Ghost will inspire me and give me the grace to lead other men to Christ-like masculinity and to get there myself.
@ praying for you brother in Christ! The missionary from my campus had once told me that the truly, visibly masculine men would never come around if there’s no visible masculine presence to begin with. Props to you for initiating this change at your uni parish. Even if it starts out with just you and one other guy, I’d call that a victory.
Absolutely agree brother, I also feel alienated, we need more masculine men in the laity and clergy! But respectfully don’t call the “liturgy wars” the “liturgy wars” as that just reduces it to a superficial aesthetic competition, it is much deeper than that, and I could argue that one of the reasons we have effeminacy in the Catholic community is because of the Novus Ordo (at least the irreverent ones). Also it’s not a misplaced priority to correct you on “swearing” because it’s a sin called vulgarity, Scripture warns us not use our mouths to utter such things, and we will be judged for every word we utter; Matt.12:36 & Matt.15:11.
I sometimes look around my congregation, and I think I'm the only guy who's in shape also wearing a collared shirt tucked in dress pants and dress shoes. the outside aesthetic is important for sure I think it's a matter of respect It's also something to look forward to once a week. I'm trying to stay vigilant, although my parish is fairly woke, unfortunately. But there's still hope. Thank you for addressing this issue, Mike. And I'll keep tuning into the channel for more info. God bless.
Dallas, Texas area and have participated in a number of the Catholic brothers in Christ organization had a great men’s group last year with Jim Caviezel as a guest speaker as well as bass ruten.
100% dude. As a former college baseball player who were around some real dudes; guys who went on to play at the MLB level we are in desperate need of this... We need to bump up the testosterone levels lol. I think one thing that would tremendously help men in the Church would be to get them under a barbell. The effeminate tendency in a lot of events talking about feelings, emotions, being vulnerable, pyschologizing the faith, etc drives me nuts. I understand life gets tough but damn I'm not a woman. 💀
Amen brother! Extensive and strenuous exercise helped me come to Christ. As I studied Scripture more and brush up on Catholic theology I fell in love with Him more. But I did notice a weakness in physical and mental in our churches. Our children need better examples-help them grow closer to the Lord! There is a need, we need to grow stronger-give our best for the Lord! It’s the least we can do. How are we supposed to love our neighbors like ourselves when we’re obese, weak, not agile, slow, etc. This road is not for the weak. I thank God I ran into my your video, it’s something I’ve been thinking about but thought I was the only one thinking it. I thought maybe I’m getting too tough, maybe I need to tone it down, but I’ve been keeping at it. Discernment has to be on point, I’ve seen younger kids focus too much on the aesthetics, as well. God bless you ❤
This is the first video I've seen of yours and I'm glad you dabbed so hard on the Liturgy Wars. I was caught up in that for years, time I can't get back.
I’m glad to finally see a young Catholic man with the testicular fortitude to call things out for what they are. I’m subscribing and I’m looking forward to hearing more.
@protestant77 Colossians 2:16-17 NRSV-CI [16] Therefore do not let anyone condemn you in matters of food and drink or of observing festivals, new moons, or sabbaths. [17] These are only a shadow of what is to come, but the substance belongs to Christ.
@protestant77 Colossians 2:16-17 NRSV-CI [16] Therefore do not let anyone condemn you in matters of food and drink or of observing festivals, new moons, or sabbaths. [17] These are only a shadow of what is to come, but the substance belongs to Christ.
@ God said that? You seem positive about that. What proof do you have that ‘God’ said that? Let me guess, the Bible, which was written by men…like the Pope. As Catholics (the Original Christians), we know they that God said Keep the Sabbath holy. I like messing with trolls like you, it brings me entertainment. But seriously, if that’s all you’re on here to do is troll and protest, just leave.
It IS during the dating period that the man must show leadership. If he waits untill after the Cerrmony its too late. "You be you honey, enter my world and follow me".
Some of the greatest conversations I've had were during pancake breakfasts. I travel for work and try to make it to every small town Church I can, none of which are TLM. Most of these churches in small town Saskatchewan are ran by bluecollar men- farmers, electricians, plumbers and oil workers. We also have some of the best bishops, priest's, deacons and brothers who stand out in the freezing cold fighting against the slaughter of the unborn. We have a mens group called "Priest, Prophet, King"- a group of men consisting of priests, Doctors, Scientists, professionals and blue collar men who talk about every issue you've brought up. The best part is that its in our Cathedral and it's free! These men are out there and we're growing 🙏
I’d love to receive some concrete ideas on how to put into action. What works? What does this look like at a parish? Creating momentum is the most difficult part. Outstanding video.
At my parish, the men have a "Working Group" about once a month where they go to an elderly parishioner's house and help them clean up their backyard, fix anything in the house that needs fixing etc. It's a great work of charity with tangible results.
Amen brother! Have turned back to the Catholic faith, been training jiu jitsu for 22 years, strength train 4x/week, run twice per week, jump rope with a 2lbs and 5lbs heavy rope after the runs, fast everyday, pray every morning, and have been praying the rosary every day. I pray everyday for my family and over my kids for the Holy Spirit to convert them back to the faith. This is the kind of message men need to hear brother!
Something I really admire in a man is a man who is letting himself consistently be held accountable and opening himself up to being mentored and fathered by a solid spiritual director. What’s the point of a “pious” dude who has all the knowledge of the faith, but isn’t actually putting in the real work of growth and deepening his faith?
That would be the deadly sin of sloth you describe there and believe me when I tell you as someone who suffers from it, sloth destroys your spiritual progress in addition to material progress everyone always looks at. Lacedonianism is a heresy and fatal error for a reason talked about in Revelation. Even a simple “I don’t feel like praying or doing X Y or Z and being lazy” is sloth right there and a deeper indication of an underlying issue.
Great video, please keep it up. For a long time the church has been in maintenance mode, and not focused on growing in the western world. Things need to change and people are hungry for it
I agree with this and I want to add - we should go to nature together. Camping in the wild, especially in winter when you have to prepare and struggle to stay warm.
I feel that a competitive spirit is something we as Catholic men have lost along the way. Of course, a healthy competition. A competition in sports and in shared hobbies. Striving to be better, stronger, faster.
Self-discipline, like fasting and being physically strong, are good STARTING points for men. What is the endpoint, though? At 4:53 you start listing suggestions of things to do (go on difficult hikes, combat sports, smoke cigars etc.) Fine suggestions if your goal is fellowship, but none of these things will be found in Scripture, because in the end they are still focused on the self. What Catholicism can do for me? vs What can I do for others? Example - Catholics men complaining about liturgy. "The music is bad blah blah blah" But what do these men do about making things better? Do they learn to sing and take a leadership role in the music? With a men's group, for a few hours you are asking men to step away from their family responsibilities. If those few hours turn out to be a waste of time, then of course that is bad. But smoking cigars and combat sports is barely better, if in the end it is really just fun with the boys. It would be better to use that time to sacrifice for others, which you do find in Scripture. Feed the poor. Visit those in prison. You will find fellowship also in these places, but it will be more than just fun with the boys. Even a pancake breakfast is better than smoking cigars, if the pancake breakfast is what your parish actually needs. Like if you go to a parish where everyone is out of the parking lot 10 minutes out of mass... that is a parish that needs a pancake breakfast much more than it needs the dads goofing around in a men's group.
Specifics would be appreciated: what do you mean by feminine language in theology of the body? I've participated in numerous talks on the topic by male presenters and do not recall feminine language. Criticisms are better received if explained out. Personally, I see the root cause as being the dwindling father roles in cultures. A lot of men forfeit their parenting roles because they don't know what leadership looks like or they lack commitment at times. Of course there are other factors as well, like overwhelming feminism, lack of grace, warped priorities...
I started a Men’s Group at our church. Sadly, we only have 5 to 8 guys. That are willing to show up. The group is open to any of the men. I host it every Wednesday night. I don’t know how to encourage other men to show up. I tried to encourage a man that do show up. To build their prayer life to dig deeply into the sacraments. And I try to show a video. On some kind of a Catholic topic that creates. Hopefully discussions about men in the church. How we can lead first our families and then our neighborhood. And a much more masculine and spiritual way. The guys that do come always claim they really enjoy having a place to discuss these kinds of topics. I just want to encourage men do not fear. Praying the rosary. This is a weapon that can change your family and your spiritual life.
The pancake breakfast was cancelled this year in my town as there was a state of emergency (We were under 5' of snow) I had felaweshipe with the lads at work, digging out and servicing generators. I don't have a black varsity jacket and I'm not 50+, so I don't fit in at the parish three streets over. Might check out the one in the next town, if that's allowed. I support the parochial system, but fck me, other than the altar boy I'm the only dude under 50 in church. What a time to convert to Catholic
Yes, this is something that has always grated me throughout my conversion as a recent convert. There is a reproachable element to a circle of chubby guys asking you if you'd like to eat pancakes next weekend-for the Faith. Not really! Where's the fire and fury? It is not appealing...
I agree with the liturgy stuff your saying, I always felt it could get so ticky tack. I wish Catholics had something similar to how Mormons do when they do there missionary deal. Traveling and sharpening each other, learning another language, practically communicating the faith. The physical stuff will need to be there and men will adapt as they see how their affect increases with bodily strength and most importantly spiritual strength.
part of the issue at least to me is that too many old retirees are in charge the Mens groups like Knights of Columbus cause all the chapters I know only ever do bingo, cook dinners for events, or some other lame old guy event and what young men are involved are to busy ass kissing to want to change things
Zeal is good, direct it. Forge it. Let God guide you. I want to speak with my Pastor at my Catholic church and have gathering of catholic car guys and share the ideas of gathering and sharing the knowledge of working with your hands. Sick of seeing young men with smooth hands. You dont have to be an expert mechanic, carpenter etc. But learn to do something with them, I am a firm believer in " God gave us the tools to build the Kingdom, return them well worn" and that means we cant be spectators in a contact sport. Help your neighbor put up a fence. Help a neighbor change a tire or with an oil change. Learn some basic skills that many of the young and seemingly lost gen seem to discard as archaic. Good of you to share a powerful message with the youth. God bless and keep ya You should look into doing Cursillo amigo, it'd be right up your alley.
100%. I see the exact same thing at my church. So frustrating. More so as the old women who dominate the church keep complaining that men run the place
This is precisely what kept me from coming to the faith sooner. Catholic men often seemed like giga soyboys. To this day I still don't know a strong catholic man in real life except my best friend.
Your description resonates with me, and as a Catholic man, I've also emphasized to my friends and family that the current state of the world is largely due to men's lack of courage. Incidentally, I've produced a Catholic motivational video, 'The World is Being Lost,' featuring a priest who attributes the world's problems to men failing to embody traditional masculine values and accept personal sacrifice. This phenomenon is, in part, a consequence of the Vatican II 'church,' which seeks to promote unity with non-Catholic religions, a practice that has always been condemned. I'd appreciate the opportunity to further discuss this topic with you, and if you're interested in seeking inspiration, I invite you to watch my motivational videos.
I agree with you. But remember, over 50 years of the Novus Ordo Missae and an emaciated Catechism have been a huge factor in the decline of Catholic masculinity. You can as masculine as you want but you still need to know the Faith to live it…
Exactly and that is what’s lost for men and women is understanding of the faith and someone who know it and is willing to invest that knowledge and understanding into others like the Church Fathers did.
'Mommy, the other boys don't wanna play with me...' 'What did you want to play?' 'I wanted to play soldiers. I was going to be a general, give them orders and tasks to do together with me. Mommy, those boys are no fun. Booo...' --- On a serious note. True religion is not a cult of strength, whether mental or physical, etc. Secondly, real men DO NOT degrade other men, ever. (EDIT: By degradation I mean 'My biceps is bigger than yours, so I am a better man than you.' Et cetera. I don't mean that a man cannot call out another man's wrongdoing in order to bring him to conversion or justice.) Men are not animals. Real men do not humiliate other men. Those who do, display only their own weakness. Manhood / masculinity is not something you gain at the expence of other men. Also, masculinity is not the ultimate purpose of religion. It is God who is the ultimate purpose (of life). Understand this about masculinity: a short man will never be tall. He can however enter Heaven even before the man who is taller than him. Some men may never become as masculine as the perception of masculinity goes. But that is not an obstacle to enter Heaven, provided that they completely reject effeminacy. Let me give you a different take: a man who have read many books may not necessarily become any wiser than a man who have read just one book.
Part of the importance of lifting weights and general physical fitness is realizing that you, as a man, are particularly endowed with the ability to enact gradual change on yourself and the world, even in the midst of a bad situation. Yeah, you're not gonna jump instantly to benching two plates if you've never exercised before, and you're also not gonna immediately jump to having a patriarchal household if your starting point is a feminist household. But as you practice these things, you grow more accustomed to the hard work they require, you learn your own style, and gradually you can start to cause things to change for the better. As a man, you were indeed made in the image of God, but that's not just in the form of having an intellect that can contemplate high-minded matters like theology; it's also in the form of being able to shape the world to your will, to have your word mean something and have a tangible impact, to have your actions create lasting change to yourself and others. Sadly much of Catholic culture is shaped by a very feminine "go along to get along" type of mindset. You and the other CMASC guys are some of the few I've seen trying to truly synthesize the physicality and intellectual aspects of Catholicism, in a very similar way to what I've been trying to do since I converted. Please keep up the good work, I think you've been doing great things since your own conversion. God bless you!
I have this issue with choirs. How the hell do you expect to retain basses if you singing crappy carols and modern vatican 2 guitar garbage(mostly "girly"). Gotta let the basses eat some russian orthodox music or real gregorian chant with drones. We need the musical asthetic of masculinaty. Same with organ music. I play some hella masculine stuff and people seem to think its outside the norm. And im like "sorry did you go to church in france in the 1900's, talk to me when you do".
You will never change the Catholic Church, neither can I. As a man I have a hard time with so much emphasis on Mary. Although Mary had her place, but it is Jesus who was brutally beaten and died on a bloody cross for sinners. I have lots of issues with the Catholic Church and that's why it's hard for me to revert back to it after leaving decades ago. So I say, read and study the Bible, the word of God and stand on it and take your place.
@CharlesWeber-vm6bf 100% agree on that mary comment. Played at a church where they would override my prelude for the rosary when they started late. EVEN on f&*«!ing Feast of Christ the King! Ive luckily never had any issues in any other parish, all of them respected the sanctity of the mass. She was a guitar mass weirdo as well. Said she permission from the big man that she could do it. F'in looney.
@CharlesWeber-vm6bf 100% agree on the mary comment. At the old church I played at, some rosary people would start late and purposefully take over the prelude. Even on the feast of Christ. The. King. It was mostly 1 guitar mass weirdo that did it, but the one priest passively allowed it as to not invoke the "rosary brigades" scorn. However I am likely to never leave the catholic church, as I havent found a single denomination with as good and appropriate of a music tradition. Orthodox is good, but overly reliant on choirs. If you get tired of Bach, cant be protestant.
I'm in Slovakia, that would count for Eastern Europe in your understanding probably - we see ourselves as Central Europe though - but to the point, no I am not sure I see many truly masculine Catholic men here. Traditionally, religion has been viewed as a thing for women. Maybe that's just what I see but I wouldn't idolize "Eastern European" countries. We have a ton of problems here. It may be a little different than in the US, but it's not that good. I'm also not sure the tough men are always tough in the right way. One specific thing about the countries you mentioned is that we all have a relatively recent history of Communist regimes. That affected us a lot.
18 year old man here. I agree wholeheartedly that we need to do more to adress the crisis of masculinity. There's so much talk about a vocations crisis, but how are boys going to become priests if they're not even becoming men? I respectfully disagree that the liturgy wars are stupid. Maybe it's only a piece of the puzzle, but I think the TLM is way more conducive to masculinity. Not that the TLM is only aesthetic, but it is partially. And like you said, aesthetic is important.
What makes you think the TLM is more conductive towards masculinity? I've attended, and do attend, both a TLM and a novus ordo mass and at no point does one scream out to me at being more masculine. Granted, my parish does the novus ordo very well and with sufficient reverence compared to some other parishes I've been too, but my point still stands. I think a lot of really devout and serious Catholics (online) really love the TLM and appreciate it's contributions within catholic culture, and for good reason. I just don't see how the mass itself is obviously more masculine. Besides, maybe, the culture surrounding it with the fact that a lot of devout, hard-core, traditional, and combative young Catholics enjoy it.
@@rawbones4117 A basic syllogism would be: Premise #1) The TLM is more Christ-centered than the Novus Ordo Premise #2) Christ is the most masculine Man who ever lived. Therefore, the TLM is more masculine. Now, of course, all this hinges on whether or not the TLM is objectively more Chirst centered. I think that it is, but that's really a conversation beyond the scope of a YT comment section.
@@rawbones4117 During TLM the only one speaking is the priest. No lay women will read from the Bible. There are no eucharistic ministers, only the priest will give the Eucharist. There is reverence, reverence is masculine; You have to kneel and receive the Eucharist on the tongue. There are no contemporary songs, only Gregorian chants.
@Mistah_Boombastic_BiggieCheese agreed. This unfortunately has to do with how overly online these men are. While the public church is crazily feminine, the online catholic scene is overwhelmingly masculine. Dudes spend all day watching hour long debates on catholic doctrine and papal encyclicals from the 13th century. That's all well and good, but no girl cares about how knowledgeable you are on catholic doctrine if you can't change a tire, or show confidence in social settings, or prepare a romantic evening for a date. As Catholics we are already at a disadvantage considering most average girls think catholic teaching is inherently evil. So the few catholic young women that are still around are only going to go for the men who can actually provide and be a competent husband. It's just logical, really.
So what should I do... every person is an individual, and you can't put all Catholic men in the same group... People are different, and that is not something that has a connection with religion. So, if I'm a Catholic man, I should do things in a certain way. Really? We have been Catholics for 2000 years; my whole family and I have never heard about that.
It's not, it's just business. He's just another messenger of "men aren't good enough". It's like the trend for the last half decade. The message is that you have to be hyper masculine to be worthy of a relationship. Very muscular with masculine hobbies. Personally, I'm somewhat athletic, do martial arts, enjoy a few cigars a year, enjoy whiskey neat, etc. But the feeling of inadequacy never really goes away. And the other problem is all of this doesn't make the women around me get any more feminine. They still don't know how to cook, how to let themselves be led, how to take accountability. I do these masculine things because they're enjoyable, no longer because I have to be manly. That's an endless road to go down. Martial arts are fun, tiring myself out is fun, the occasional cigar is nice. But this societies view of masculinity is heavily damaged.
@ Dude, there’s two way to fix society, the good way and the bad way. The good way is to do it politically, the other way…it might happen just like it has in the past. But in the end, the US will become a Spanish speaking Catholic country, and there’s nothing changing that. Peace.
Vires et honestas. Strength and honor. Returning to tradition is not dressing like the 1950s and having your meals made, and feet rubbed in the evenings while you smoke a pipe and read the paper. Get off your ass, work hard and provide. Strive to grow and harvest as much of your own food as your land can. Husband means house bound...the family needs to be all stay at home.
Nothing worse for a young man than to never see his dad actually work...not watch him sit in an office or meetings...but build, dig, butcher, harvest, etc. We lost rights of passage that farm life provided.
The masculinity and Catholic crises arose when Catholic men quit following Christ’s commands to love one’s neighbor and even one’s enemies for the sake of one’s ego, the world, and self-help gurus like Andrew Tate! And most Catholic men are like that sadly!
Your skool server is 147? Legion of men is free….bro, it’s like a “Christian mentorship” that was charging 5k!? Nah, we should’ve be giving FREE things, this is what Jesus taught. Love is free. Someone pick a mentor and mentee pick a mentor and that way we will thrive. Always keep your word, did the Crusaders lied when they said they were going to the Holy Land? Come on!
Brother, I do agree with you that we need more masculinity in the church. I don't agree with your assertion. If we're going to focus on tone policing and not using flowery womenly language, then you've already lost. Ironically, tone and language policing is what you do when you are in a woman frame. The reason you're getting criticism from people is because you're not saying anything. You're literally just saying we need to do better, my brother... You need to give specific examples of what you would do better. In my mind, we need to have more male groups that come together, we need to have masculinity be focused on and clearly defined what it means to be a man in the leadership of the church, and we need to stop crying about the language used in churches for these inoculus biases we have towards the things we perceive as womanly as if they're going to be poison to manhood because otherwise, we're living in a state of fear.
I do agree strenuous physical fitness should be more widely encouraged in Catholic circles, especially among men.
GOD says keep Sabbath holy.
POPE says keep Sunday holy.
@@protestant77get outta here rabbi
This is why it’s important to choose your home parish carefully. Not all parishes have the same mentality. My parish hosts multiple gender specific small groups. In the men’s groups we have created a space where we can speak unapologetically. We talk about the word and check in with one another. A few times a month we will get together on a Saturday to go fishing, hunting, hiking, kayaking, etc. Staying physically, mentally and spiritually fit has been a big topic of discussion in my group. It’s been great because we all hold each other accountable. We are tight knit.
I converted as man in my 20's over ten years ago. This has been one of my biggest gripes since forever. I've found some really strong faithful Catholic men but they are fairly rare and took a lot of work for me to find. Many parishes have an effeminacy issue.
100%. My parish had a lot of veterans, so it helped a lot. I was also a veteran so it allowed others who wanted that intensity be able to feel like they could connect.
A lot of Protestant churches have the same issue. One of the things that pushed me away from church when I was younger.
"Man up and marry a single mom."
"Tolerate mistreatment and never retaliate"
That's out of mass message I get.
Marriage has become love-based today which means simp harder.
There are underpinnings of what you wrote everywhere. No.
I also think boys should become accustomed to doing manual labor regardless of whether or not they are destined for a more white collar profession. In addition to building physical toughness, they get a first hand understanding of how most of the very things we depend on in life (e.g. food, water, energy) are made and provided.
Hi. Catholic woman here. Not the target audience probably, but I am so glad I watched this video.
This is so needed. I know many good catholic men, but the men I admire the most are those who embrace their masculinity like this. As a consequence, I see the women in their lives embrace their femininity in a beautiful way.
I wish that we as women would take part in this and let men live their masculinity the way God intended it to be. Ohh, I pray that the Lord helps us in this difficult task. 💜🙏
Sending blessings to you all. Let’s not be weary and persevere with the grace and the strength of the Lord.
amen !!
God bless you!
Strong Catholic men like this would inspire more strong Catholic women. It used to be that way. Men and women were both strong to raise families prior to the industrial revolution. Men would lead but both spouses were strong. We could have a lot of Catholic power couples today, changing the world, if more people understood this.
Completely agree. As a young Gen Z man, it’s hard to relate to the boomers fellowship
Vice versa, too.
Feeling very heard. I struggled to connect with nearly all of the men at my Newman Center in college because of everything you touched on. I felt like I had to soften up around them and it honestly just became tired and unappealing. They undoubtedly had strong, admirable faiths, but I didn't see myself growing in the ways I needed to with them. I could've been completely wrong, but regardless I am all for seeing more visible masculinity in the Church!
I'm currently at the Catholic Student Center at my University, and I see this all the time. A lot of the truly masculine men don't hang with the large group of young men either because they're already married/preparing for seminary or religious/monastic life or because they don't feel like they're connecting with the other men around them. That's why I'm planning to start hosting regular events that are more than just fellowship with these guys, because I want to grow in masculinity and connect with them and help each other grow. I'm currently thinking about starting a morning lifting get-together at 5:30 AM three-five times a week (our gym is free to all currently enrolled students with student ID). Please pray for me that I may follow through on this and that the Holy Ghost will inspire me and give me the grace to lead other men to Christ-like masculinity and to get there myself.
@ praying for you brother in Christ! The missionary from my campus had once told me that the truly, visibly masculine men would never come around if there’s no visible masculine presence to begin with. Props to you for initiating this change at your uni parish. Even if it starts out with just you and one other guy, I’d call that a victory.
I've had the opposite experience. It's one of the few places I can be harsh (not in a rude way)
What University?
@@kingcrool What University?
Absolutely agree brother, I also feel alienated, we need more masculine men in the laity and clergy! But respectfully don’t call the “liturgy wars” the “liturgy wars” as that just reduces it to a superficial aesthetic competition, it is much deeper than that, and I could argue that one of the reasons we have effeminacy in the Catholic community is because of the Novus Ordo (at least the irreverent ones). Also it’s not a misplaced priority to correct you on “swearing” because it’s a sin called vulgarity, Scripture warns us not use our mouths to utter such things, and we will be judged for every word we utter; Matt.12:36 & Matt.15:11.
Good point. I need to work on modesty of speech, admittedly.
I haven´t even watched the video, but that is the type of video that I've been praying to find. As a young catholic man i appreciate that a lot!
Praise God man.
Thank you! I sent this to my husband and our two boys. 🙏🏽
I sometimes look around my congregation, and I think I'm the only guy who's in shape also wearing a collared shirt tucked in dress pants and dress shoes. the outside aesthetic is important for sure I think it's a matter of respect It's also something to look forward to once a week. I'm trying to stay vigilant, although my parish is fairly woke, unfortunately. But there's still hope. Thank you for addressing this issue, Mike. And I'll keep tuning into the channel for more info. God bless.
Keep it up. I'm with a bunch of lay men in DFW who are pursuing this path. It's having bountiful effects on souls and our own lives.
God bless you guys!
Dallas, Texas area and have participated in a number of the Catholic brothers in Christ organization had a great men’s group last year with Jim Caviezel as a guest speaker as well as bass ruten.
Thanks for sharing this brother. Lot of truth here.
From a brother in the UK.
100% dude. As a former college baseball player who were around some real dudes; guys who went on to play at the MLB level we are in desperate need of this... We need to bump up the testosterone levels lol. I think one thing that would tremendously help men in the Church would be to get them under a barbell. The effeminate tendency in a lot of events talking about feelings, emotions, being vulnerable, pyschologizing the faith, etc drives me nuts. I understand life gets tough but damn I'm not a woman. 💀
Amen brother! Extensive and strenuous exercise helped me come to Christ. As I studied Scripture more and brush up on Catholic theology I fell in love with Him more. But I did notice a weakness in physical and mental in our churches. Our children need better examples-help them grow closer to the Lord! There is a need, we need to grow stronger-give our best for the Lord! It’s the least we can do. How are we supposed to love our neighbors like ourselves when we’re obese, weak, not agile, slow, etc. This road is not for the weak. I thank God I ran into my your video, it’s something I’ve been thinking about but thought I was the only one thinking it. I thought maybe I’m getting too tough, maybe I need to tone it down, but I’ve been keeping at it. Discernment has to be on point, I’ve seen younger kids focus too much on the aesthetics, as well. God bless you ❤
This is the first video I've seen of yours and I'm glad you dabbed so hard on the Liturgy Wars. I was caught up in that for years, time I can't get back.
The solution is simple: focus on the sacraments. God bless bro.
I’m glad to finally see a young Catholic man with the testicular fortitude to call things out for what they are. I’m subscribing and I’m looking forward to hearing more.
GOD says keep Sabbath holy.
POPE says keep Sunday holy.
Colossians 2:16-17 NRSV-CI
[16] Therefore do not let anyone condemn you in matters of food and drink or of observing festivals, new moons, or sabbaths.
[17] These are only a shadow of what is to come, but the substance belongs to Christ.
@protestant77 Colossians 2:16-17 NRSV-CI
[16] Therefore do not let anyone condemn you in matters of food and drink or of observing festivals, new moons, or sabbaths.
[17] These are only a shadow of what is to come, but the substance belongs to Christ.
@ God said that? You seem positive about that. What proof do you have that ‘God’ said that? Let me guess, the Bible, which was written by men…like the Pope. As Catholics (the Original Christians), we know they that God said Keep the Sabbath holy. I like messing with trolls like you, it brings me entertainment. But seriously, if that’s all you’re on here to do is troll and protest, just leave.
Spot on with your observation with talking about the clergy. Most of it is gossip which isn’t masculine and can be gravely sinful.
Let’s go Mike. Well said brotha. Deus Vult
Deus vult brother.
I noticed that men get paralyzed by the threat of pride. There needs to be clarity between pride and working on yourself.
Yes brother. You inspire me. Love from Ireland
Is Ireland Catholic, Atheist or an Islamic Caliphate?
@joehouston2833 a mixture of the 3 unfortunately. Soon I am sure it will be all Catholic again with the help of God
Means a lot man. God bless you.
It IS during the dating period that the man must show leadership. If he waits untill after the Cerrmony its too late. "You be you honey, enter my world and follow me".
Some of the greatest conversations I've had were during pancake breakfasts. I travel for work and try to make it to every small town Church I can, none of which are TLM. Most of these churches in small town Saskatchewan are ran by bluecollar men- farmers, electricians, plumbers and oil workers. We also have some of the best bishops, priest's, deacons and brothers who stand out in the freezing cold fighting against the slaughter of the unborn. We have a mens group called "Priest, Prophet, King"- a group of men consisting of priests, Doctors, Scientists, professionals and blue collar men who talk about every issue you've brought up. The best part is that its in our Cathedral and it's free!
These men are out there and we're growing 🙏
I’d love to receive some concrete ideas on how to put into action. What works? What does this look like at a parish? Creating momentum is the most difficult part. Outstanding video.
At my parish, the men have a "Working Group" about once a month where they go to an elderly parishioner's house and help them clean up their backyard, fix anything in the house that needs fixing etc. It's a great work of charity with tangible results.
Amen brother! Have turned back to the Catholic faith, been training jiu jitsu for 22 years, strength train 4x/week, run twice per week, jump rope with a 2lbs and 5lbs heavy rope after the runs, fast everyday, pray every morning, and have been praying the rosary every day. I pray everyday for my family and over my kids for the Holy Spirit to convert them back to the faith. This is the kind of message men need to hear brother!
Praise God man. And thank you.
Something I really admire in a man is a man who is letting himself consistently be held accountable and opening himself up to being mentored and fathered by a solid spiritual director. What’s the point of a “pious” dude who has all the knowledge of the faith, but isn’t actually putting in the real work of growth and deepening his faith?
That would be the deadly sin of sloth you describe there and believe me when I tell you as someone who suffers from it, sloth destroys your spiritual progress in addition to material progress everyone always looks at. Lacedonianism is a heresy and fatal error for a reason talked about in Revelation. Even a simple “I don’t feel like praying or doing X Y or Z and being lazy” is sloth right there and a deeper indication of an underlying issue.
Great video, please keep it up. For a long time the church has been in maintenance mode, and not focused on growing in the western world. Things need to change and people are hungry for it
What's your opinion then on the Knights of Columbus?
Too much focus on appearing respected and respectful instead of being competent and potentially hazardous.
6:27 Wrong. How you pray is how you believe. Novus Ordo is feminist. TLM is patriarchal. Don’t ignore the importance liturgy really does play.
Arrive late , leave early ,don't smile , don't say good bye ,
Masculinity in general is on the decline… we have to correct our own… im a Protestant however this video applies to all men..
Great video Brother Mike. I'm with you on this and I will join the mission with you.
Let’s go!
Built like ET 💀 😂 my brother I lost it 😂 great message, Catholic men could use a good dose of this.
My man 😂🤝
return of the king podcast has a great series on their TH-cam called The Catholic Masculinity Crisis Series
I agree with this and I want to add - we should go to nature together. Camping in the wild, especially in winter when you have to prepare and struggle to stay warm.
I think I'll pass on winter camping. Not sure what relevance that has to this issue..
That would be a cool idea. Good idea for a fellowship/character building.
@@alepine1986 The whole point of it would be get tougher/ build fellowship. You get that, right?
Dying to self ultimately builds character by way of penance/sacrifices, fasting, corporal and spiritual works of about leadership
@@andresa2530 yeah but the are less time consuming ways of doing it. A retreat would probably be better anyway and similar.
I feel that a competitive spirit is something we as Catholic men have lost along the way. Of course, a healthy competition. A competition in sports and in shared hobbies. Striving to be better, stronger, faster.
Would love to have you visit us in The Zealots Den as a guest to talk about exactly this! God bless brother
Self-discipline, like fasting and being physically strong, are good STARTING points for men.
What is the endpoint, though? At 4:53 you start listing suggestions of things to do (go on difficult hikes, combat sports, smoke cigars etc.)
Fine suggestions if your goal is fellowship, but none of these things will be found in Scripture, because in the end they are still focused on the self. What Catholicism can do for me? vs What can I do for others?
Example - Catholics men complaining about liturgy. "The music is bad blah blah blah"
But what do these men do about making things better?
Do they learn to sing and take a leadership role in the music?
With a men's group, for a few hours you are asking men to step away from their family responsibilities.
If those few hours turn out to be a waste of time, then of course that is bad. But smoking cigars and combat sports is barely better, if in the end it is really just fun with the boys.
It would be better to use that time to sacrifice for others, which you do find in Scripture. Feed the poor. Visit those in prison.
You will find fellowship also in these places, but it will be more than just fun with the boys.
Even a pancake breakfast is better than smoking cigars, if the pancake breakfast is what your parish actually needs. Like if you go to a parish where everyone is out of the parking lot 10 minutes out of mass... that is a parish that needs a pancake breakfast much more than it needs the dads goofing around in a men's group.
Specifics would be appreciated: what do you mean by feminine language in theology of the body? I've participated in numerous talks on the topic by male presenters and do not recall feminine language.
Criticisms are better received if explained out.
Personally, I see the root cause as being the dwindling father roles in cultures. A lot of men forfeit their parenting roles because they don't know what leadership looks like or they lack commitment at times. Of course there are other factors as well, like overwhelming feminism, lack of grace, warped priorities...
I started a Men’s Group at our church. Sadly, we only have 5 to 8 guys. That are willing to show up. The group is open to any of the men. I host it every Wednesday night. I don’t know how to encourage other men to show up. I tried to encourage a man that do show up. To build their prayer life to dig deeply into the sacraments. And I try to show a video. On some kind of a Catholic topic that creates. Hopefully discussions about men in the church. How we can lead first our families and then our neighborhood. And a much more masculine and spiritual way. The guys that do come always claim they really enjoy having a place to discuss these kinds of topics. I just want to encourage men do not fear. Praying the rosary. This is a weapon that can change your family and your spiritual life.
The pancake breakfast was cancelled this year in my town as there was a state of emergency (We were under 5' of snow)
I had felaweshipe with the lads at work, digging out and servicing generators.
I don't have a black varsity jacket and I'm not 50+, so I don't fit in at the parish three streets over. Might check out the one in the next town, if that's allowed. I support the parochial system, but fck me, other than the altar boy I'm the only dude under 50 in church.
What a time to convert to Catholic
Yes, this is something that has always grated me throughout my conversion as a recent convert. There is a reproachable element to a circle of chubby guys asking you if you'd like to eat pancakes next weekend-for the Faith. Not really! Where's the fire and fury? It is not appealing...
Thank you for this message brother
My pleasure
God Bless this has been in my heart for a while.
God bless you
I feel very convicted by this. Good message!
I agree with the liturgy stuff your saying, I always felt it could get so ticky tack. I wish Catholics had something similar to how Mormons do when they do there missionary deal. Traveling and sharpening each other, learning another language, practically communicating the faith. The physical stuff will need to be there and men will adapt as they see how their affect increases with bodily strength and most importantly spiritual strength.
Start a ministry at your parish for that then. I think people forget that's how these things come to be
Amen, brother. Well said. We should bear witness to the resurrection and not another pancake breakfast.
What an Awesome video. Well done Mike.
Thank you very much!
part of the issue at least to me is that too many old retirees are in charge the Mens groups like Knights of Columbus cause all the chapters I know only ever do bingo, cook dinners for events, or some other lame old guy event and what young men are involved are to busy ass kissing to want to change things
Zeal is good, direct it. Forge it. Let God guide you. I want to speak with my Pastor at my Catholic church and have gathering of catholic car guys and share the ideas of gathering and sharing the knowledge of working with your hands. Sick of seeing young men with smooth hands. You dont have to be an expert mechanic, carpenter etc. But learn to do something with them, I am a firm believer in " God gave us the tools to build the Kingdom, return them well worn" and that means we cant be spectators in a contact sport. Help your neighbor put up a fence. Help a neighbor change a tire or with an oil change. Learn some basic skills that many of the young and seemingly lost gen seem to discard as archaic. Good of you to share a powerful message with the youth. God bless and keep ya
You should look into doing Cursillo amigo, it'd be right up your alley.
100%. I see the exact same thing at my church. So frustrating.
More so as the old women who dominate the church keep complaining that men run the place
this what i’m talking about great video 💪🏽
Appreciate it
This is precisely what kept me from coming to the faith sooner. Catholic men often seemed like giga soyboys. To this day I still don't know a strong catholic man in real life except my best friend.
Great video!
Well spoken and well said.
Your description resonates with me, and as a Catholic man, I've also emphasized to my friends and family that the current state of the world is largely due to men's lack of courage. Incidentally, I've produced a Catholic motivational video, 'The World is Being Lost,' featuring a priest who attributes the world's problems to men failing to embody traditional masculine values and accept personal sacrifice. This phenomenon is, in part, a consequence of the Vatican II 'church,' which seeks to promote unity with non-Catholic religions, a practice that has always been condemned. I'd appreciate the opportunity to further discuss this topic with you, and if you're interested in seeking inspiration, I invite you to watch my motivational videos.
I agree with you. But remember, over 50 years of the Novus Ordo Missae and an emaciated Catechism have been a huge factor in the decline of Catholic masculinity. You can as masculine as you want but you still need to know the Faith to live it…
Exactly and that is what’s lost for men and women is understanding of the faith and someone who know it and is willing to invest that knowledge and understanding into others like the Church Fathers did.
Keep pushing brother!
We really need this. I just converted to catholicism and God forbid I speak about learning how to fight of work out with other catholic tweed-men....
'Mommy, the other boys don't wanna play with me...'
'What did you want to play?'
'I wanted to play soldiers. I was going to be a general, give them orders and tasks to do together with me. Mommy, those boys are no fun. Booo...'
On a serious note. True religion is not a cult of strength, whether mental or physical, etc.
Secondly, real men DO NOT degrade other men, ever. (EDIT: By degradation I mean 'My biceps is bigger than yours, so I am a better man than you.' Et cetera. I don't mean that a man cannot call out another man's wrongdoing in order to bring him to conversion or justice.)
Men are not animals. Real men do not humiliate other men. Those who do, display only their own weakness. Manhood / masculinity is not something you gain at the expence of other men.
Also, masculinity is not the ultimate purpose of religion. It is God who is the ultimate purpose (of life).
Understand this about masculinity: a short man will never be tall. He can however enter Heaven even before the man who is taller than him. Some men may never become as masculine as the perception of masculinity goes. But that is not an obstacle to enter Heaven, provided that they completely reject effeminacy. Let me give you a different take: a man who have read many books may not necessarily become any wiser than a man who have read just one book.
Sad state of affairs
Part of the importance of lifting weights and general physical fitness is realizing that you, as a man, are particularly endowed with the ability to enact gradual change on yourself and the world, even in the midst of a bad situation. Yeah, you're not gonna jump instantly to benching two plates if you've never exercised before, and you're also not gonna immediately jump to having a patriarchal household if your starting point is a feminist household. But as you practice these things, you grow more accustomed to the hard work they require, you learn your own style, and gradually you can start to cause things to change for the better. As a man, you were indeed made in the image of God, but that's not just in the form of having an intellect that can contemplate high-minded matters like theology; it's also in the form of being able to shape the world to your will, to have your word mean something and have a tangible impact, to have your actions create lasting change to yourself and others.
Sadly much of Catholic culture is shaped by a very feminine "go along to get along" type of mindset. You and the other CMASC guys are some of the few I've seen trying to truly synthesize the physicality and intellectual aspects of Catholicism, in a very similar way to what I've been trying to do since I converted. Please keep up the good work, I think you've been doing great things since your own conversion. God bless you!
Seriously appreciate this comment. God bless you.
I have this issue with choirs. How the hell do you expect to retain basses if you singing crappy carols and modern vatican 2 guitar garbage(mostly "girly"). Gotta let the basses eat some russian orthodox music or real gregorian chant with drones. We need the musical asthetic of masculinaty. Same with organ music. I play some hella masculine stuff and people seem to think its outside the norm. And im like "sorry did you go to church in france in the 1900's, talk to me when you do".
You will never change the Catholic Church, neither can I. As a man I have a hard time with so much emphasis on Mary. Although Mary had her place, but it is Jesus who was brutally beaten and died on a bloody cross for sinners. I have lots of issues with the Catholic Church and that's why it's hard for me to revert back to it after leaving decades ago. So I say, read and study the Bible, the word of God and stand on it and take your place.
@CharlesWeber-vm6bf 100% agree on that mary comment. Played at a church where they would override my prelude for the rosary when they started late. EVEN on f&*«!ing Feast of Christ the King! Ive luckily never had any issues in any other parish, all of them respected the sanctity of the mass. She was a guitar mass weirdo as well. Said she permission from the big man that she could do it. F'in looney.
@CharlesWeber-vm6bf 100% agree on the mary comment. At the old church I played at, some rosary people would start late and purposefully take over the prelude. Even on the feast of Christ. The. King. It was mostly 1 guitar mass weirdo that did it, but the one priest passively allowed it as to not invoke the "rosary brigades" scorn. However I am likely to never leave the catholic church, as I havent found a single denomination with as good and appropriate of a music tradition. Orthodox is good, but overly reliant on choirs. If you get tired of Bach, cant be protestant.
Well said. Thanks bro.
My pleasure
In Eastern European catholic countries like Croatia, Hungary or Poland dudes are TOUGH
I'm in Slovakia, that would count for Eastern Europe in your understanding probably - we see ourselves as Central Europe though - but to the point, no I am not sure I see many truly masculine Catholic men here. Traditionally, religion has been viewed as a thing for women. Maybe that's just what I see but I wouldn't idolize "Eastern European" countries. We have a ton of problems here. It may be a little different than in the US, but it's not that good. I'm also not sure the tough men are always tough in the right way.
One specific thing about the countries you mentioned is that we all have a relatively recent history of Communist regimes. That affected us a lot.
Amen! Thank you!
I’m catholic & I work out 💪🏽
I have a gym routine, think before I speak, and voice my opinions when asked.
Good talk. Ima be around now.
You should contact Hardcore Catholic. Myself and Mike have done a number of videos on this same topic.
We had a fellowship in The Den episode Sunday should join one or let me know your thoughts on how our fellowship was 📿🕊️
18 year old man here. I agree wholeheartedly that we need to do more to adress the crisis of masculinity. There's so much talk about a vocations crisis, but how are boys going to become priests if they're not even becoming men?
I respectfully disagree that the liturgy wars are stupid. Maybe it's only a piece of the puzzle, but I think the TLM is way more conducive to masculinity. Not that the TLM is only aesthetic, but it is partially. And like you said, aesthetic is important.
What makes you think the TLM is more conductive towards masculinity? I've attended, and do attend, both a TLM and a novus ordo mass and at no point does one scream out to me at being more masculine. Granted, my parish does the novus ordo very well and with sufficient reverence compared to some other parishes I've been too, but my point still stands.
I think a lot of really devout and serious Catholics (online) really love the TLM and appreciate it's contributions within catholic culture, and for good reason. I just don't see how the mass itself is obviously more masculine. Besides, maybe, the culture surrounding it with the fact that a lot of devout, hard-core, traditional, and combative young Catholics enjoy it.
@@rawbones4117 A basic syllogism would be:
Premise #1) The TLM is more Christ-centered than the Novus Ordo
Premise #2) Christ is the most masculine Man who ever lived.
Therefore, the TLM is more masculine.
Now, of course, all this hinges on whether or not the TLM is objectively more Chirst centered. I think that it is, but that's really a conversation beyond the scope of a YT comment section.
@@rawbones4117 During TLM the only one speaking is the priest. No lay women will read from the Bible. There are no eucharistic ministers, only the priest will give the Eucharist. There is reverence, reverence is masculine; You have to kneel and receive the Eucharist on the tongue. There are no contemporary songs, only Gregorian chants.
We also have a marriage crisis too. Lots of men aren’t even dating and are chronically single
@Mistah_Boombastic_BiggieCheese agreed. This unfortunately has to do with how overly online these men are. While the public church is crazily feminine, the online catholic scene is overwhelmingly masculine. Dudes spend all day watching hour long debates on catholic doctrine and papal encyclicals from the 13th century. That's all well and good, but no girl cares about how knowledgeable you are on catholic doctrine if you can't change a tire, or show confidence in social settings, or prepare a romantic evening for a date.
As Catholics we are already at a disadvantage considering most average girls think catholic teaching is inherently evil. So the few catholic young women that are still around are only going to go for the men who can actually provide and be a competent husband. It's just logical, really.
So what should I do... every person is an individual, and you can't put all Catholic men in the same group... People are different, and that is not something that has a connection with religion. So, if I'm a Catholic man, I should do things in a certain way. Really? We have been Catholics for 2000 years; my whole family and I have never heard about that.
So many replies but none are seen. Either TH-cam censors are broken or is not TH-cam doing it...
1,000% agree with this. Also…. “Built like ET.”😂😂😂
We should build/renovate houses.
God bless you
do both: lift weights and read the summa
This is it
Mike IS the most articulate Blue Collar Catholic Apologist on the internet.
Now that’s a compliment! Haha thank you.
Wild at heart by John Eldridge is a good book to read pertaining to this topic
I think the issue is that most people, men and women, just don’t believe in God.
Yes I would love for you to come and speak at our parish I just know so manny young man would love this ❤️🔥❤️🔥🙅♂️ 8:54
Who is a Catholic man from Las Vegas ?
I disagree. The problem IS Pope Francis. Under Saint John Paul II there were no issues . -but you’re right, get our own act in order.
Why is your skool worth $147/month?
I like his message had what he’s doing but I agree, 147 is a bit much
147? Legion of Men’s is free…COME ON!
@@Jay-s9k6kthe grift is real
It's not, it's just business. He's just another messenger of "men aren't good enough". It's like the trend for the last half decade. The message is that you have to be hyper masculine to be worthy of a relationship. Very muscular with masculine hobbies.
Personally, I'm somewhat athletic, do martial arts, enjoy a few cigars a year, enjoy whiskey neat, etc. But the feeling of inadequacy never really goes away. And the other problem is all of this doesn't make the women around me get any more feminine. They still don't know how to cook, how to let themselves be led, how to take accountability. I do these masculine things because they're enjoyable, no longer because I have to be manly. That's an endless road to go down. Martial arts are fun, tiring myself out is fun, the occasional cigar is nice. But this societies view of masculinity is heavily damaged.
@ Dude, there’s two way to fix society, the good way and the bad way. The good way is to do it politically, the other way…it might happen just like it has in the past. But in the end, the US will become a Spanish speaking Catholic country, and there’s nothing changing that. Peace.
Vires et honestas. Strength and honor. Returning to tradition is not dressing like the 1950s and having your meals made, and feet rubbed in the evenings while you smoke a pipe and read the paper. Get off your ass, work hard and provide. Strive to grow and harvest as much of your own food as your land can. Husband means house bound...the family needs to be all stay at home.
Nothing worse for a young man than to never see his dad actually work...not watch him sit in an office or meetings...but build, dig, butcher, harvest, etc. We lost rights of passage that farm life provided.
I need to get my butt on the treadmill and get my eating under control, man. Thank you for calling me out.
Let’s go!
Bravo ❤❤
We need a new order
The masculinity and Catholic crises arose when Catholic men quit following Christ’s commands to love one’s neighbor and even one’s enemies for the sake of one’s ego, the world, and self-help gurus like Andrew Tate! And most Catholic men are like that sadly!
thats what war was for historically
Look at me I am a big buff guy
Your skool server is 147? Legion of men is free….bro, it’s like a “Christian mentorship” that was charging 5k!? Nah, we should’ve be giving FREE things, this is what Jesus taught. Love is free. Someone pick a mentor and mentee pick a mentor and that way we will thrive. Always keep your word, did the Crusaders lied when they said they were going to the Holy Land? Come on!
Brother, I do agree with you that we need more masculinity in the church. I don't agree with your assertion. If we're going to focus on tone policing and not using flowery womenly language, then you've already lost. Ironically, tone and language policing is what you do when you are in a woman frame.
The reason you're getting criticism from people is because you're not saying anything. You're literally just saying we need to do better, my brother... You need to give specific examples of what you would do better.
In my mind, we need to have more male groups that come together, we need to have masculinity be focused on and clearly defined what it means to be a man in the leadership of the church, and we need to stop crying about the language used in churches for these inoculus biases we have towards the things we perceive as womanly as if they're going to be poison to manhood because otherwise, we're living in a state of fear.
This ruled
Appreciate you man