W4L3_Breadth First Search BFS

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 4

  • @sayanghosh6996
    @sayanghosh6996 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    ​def neighbors(graph: Graph, vertex: int) -> list:
    row = graph.n
    neighbors = []
    ​for i in range(row):
    ​if graph.hasedge(vertex, i):
    return neighbors
    ​def bfs(graph: Graph, vertex: int) -> list:
    output = []
    q = Queue()
    ​while not q.isempty():
    j = q.pop()
    ​for k in neighbors(graph, j):
    ​if k not in output:
    return output

  • @VivekKumarSinha25
    @VivekKumarSinha25 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Here are the code snippets to generate Adjacency lists and Adjacency matrices for a graph. In the lecture, when using Adjacency matrix for BFS, we're obtaining the neighbors using a different function. But in case of BFS using Adj list, the provided code snippet in video does not take into account that we're working on a undirected graph and hence, the neighbors list, which is AList[i] gets messed up.
    def AList(vertices: int, edges: List, directed = False):
    AL = {}
    for i in range(vertices):
    AL[i] = []
    for (i, j) in edges:
    if not (directed and i in AL[j]):
    return AL
    def AMatrix(vertices: int, edges: List, directed = False):
    Amat = np.zeros(shape=(vertices, vertices))
    for (i, j) in edges:
    Amat[i, j] = 1
    if not directed:
    Amat[j, i] = 1
    return Amat

  • @chanakya5035
    @chanakya5035 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    All the codes used and needed in this lecture.
    '''Computing with Adjaceny Matrix'''
    def neighbours(AMat, i):
    nbrs = []
    (rows, cols) = AMat.shape
    for j in range(cols):
    if AMat[i,j] == 1:
    class Queue:
    def __init__(self):
    self.queue = []
    def addq(self,v):

    def delq(self):
    v = None
    if not self.isempty():
    self.queue = self.queue[1:]

    def isempty(self):
    return(self.queue == [])

    def __str__(self):
    q = Queue()
    #Adding elements in a queue
    for i in range(3):
    '''Deleting elemensts from a queue'''
    for j in range(3):
    print(q.delq(), q)
    """BFS - Sir Madhavan Mukund"""
    def BFS(AMat, v):
    visited = {}
    for i in range(rows):
    visited[i] = False
    q = Queue() #Set up an empty queue.
    visited[v] = True #Mark the initial vertex to be visited
    q.addq(v) # Add it in into the queue
    while (not q.isempty()):
    j = q.delq()
    for k in neighbours(AMat, j):
    if not visited[k]:
    visited[k] = True
    return (visited)
    '''Enhancing BFS to record paths'''
    def BFSListPath(AList, v):
    (visited, parent) = ({}, {})
    for i in AList.keys():
    parent[k] = -1
    q = Queue()
    while (not q.isempty()):
    j = q.delq() # Take out the head of the queue.
    for k in AList[j]: # We're using an Adjacency list, so I can pickup the list of neighbours of j,
    if (not visited[k]):# And for every such k, which is a neighbor of j, if it has not been visited,
    visited[k] = True# I set its visited status to True,
    parent[k] = j # I set it's (k's) parent to j, because j is the reason k got added into this list.
    q.addq(k) # and I add it to the queue
    return(visited, parent)
    """Enhancing BFS to record distance"""
    def BFSListPathLevel(AList,v):
    (level, parent) = ({},{})
    for i in AList.keys():
    level[i] = -1
    parent[i] = -1
    q = Queue()
    level[v] = 0
    while (not q.isempty()):
    j = q.delq() # Pick out first element of the queue.
    for k in AList[j]: # I look at all it's (j's) neighbours,
    if (level[k] == -1 ): # Instead of checking whether the vertex has been visited, I'll check whether the level has been assigned.
    level[k] = level[j] + 1 # If the level has not been assigned / -1, it means that it's not been visited.
    parent[k] = j #
    q.addq(k) #
    return (level, parent)