All this pain and sorrow and loneliness and I am just a flash to the entity, the one creating me? On page 55 in The Seth Material book I read "The entity is concerned with these years in somewhat the same manner with which you are concerned with your dreams. As you give inner purpose and organization to your dreams, and obtain insight and satisfaction from them though they involve only a part of your life, so the entity to some extent directs and gives purpose and organization to his personalities." What if I don't remember giving inner purpose and organization to my dreams? And therefore, I cannot obtain insight and satisfaction from them? What is the good of that? So this entity set me up--or constantly sets me up-- with a raging, grieving, bitter, violent person to be my mother and then expects me to find insight and satisfaction from this? I go for 60 years---and it feels like every bit of it-- being anti social because no one understands invisible beings and this teaches me what? I am in pain here and this entity could care less. Feels like the whole 63 years has weighted me down so that I am ready to climb into that ocean to drown this body. I hope this entity doesn't send someone over to rescue me. I have got "Do Not Resuscitate" signs everywhere. I have been wishing for suicide since being "young". This entity doesn't care or it would heed my wishes to find family. What is so important that billions of people have to be in pain? Everybody everywhere is afraid of death. A person can be greedy with a billion dollars, but he is still afraid of death. What does this teach? This is a freaking stupid game and I think it is one that a psychopath would create. So I call God a psychopath. Not the overall God that would not do this, but the entity that is the boss. This boss is supposed to be the one that realizes its oneness with All That Is. This is supposed to be the place where love is the fabric of it. How does all this pain on earth give satisfaction to this entity boss? Oh, it doesn't because that is why we are just a flash. This entity creates and runs. Since this entity has put me in this situation, then this entity should at least add some fun and family. That bitter woman of a mother hated me for talking about invisible beings. How is this purpose and organization? I have no family. I can find no one that loves Seth books. How is this love? No wonder people don't want to believe in God. God is cruel. This godly inner self creating me doesn't care about my pain. I am just a flash. All the people in the world in terrible daily pain and they are just flashes to this ego creator. So afraid to die, so bitter about dying, so alone and desperate are people. And I can do nothing. All I have is books with pictures. "Here", I say "see the hologram that you are?" "See the eternal, multidimensional, electromagnetic, holographic energy/love/light being that you are?" NO, they say. That's crazy talk, they say. Everybody can see that we die. We die and then we are gone. That is it, they say.
You put forth effort to write your comment and I for one appreciate your time. Thank you. There are others who feel similiar to what you have felt. You are not alone. Even during times it may appear to be this way. Many of us out here have felt those pangs. Also, you have written and so it seems to me at least that you have had (and perhaps still do ) experiences that others have tried to deny you this. But you know what you see and feel. That part is solid and to me is a confirmation to you that there is more than just ~this~ out here. I agree with you in that. You have a lot of questions that seemingly are very important to you that have been left unanswered to your satisfaction or not found at all. I truly wish for you to have those answers and for them to sit well with you. I find for me that it is such a relief that I do not have to carry the weight of the world but that I can choose to. There is freedom in this. I can also tell that you love greatly and absolutely love Earth and the people of Earth. Thank you for sharing your love with me. I honor that. I want to add to this if I may, if you permit, that it has been my understanding that the Entity you are speaking about, is not going to enslave me with 'its' demands. I am free to do what I want and how I want. I am assured I have enough blocks so~to~speak to play with. I like also that I do not *have* to play with them. I have a right to say no. You seem to be seeing some profound things that some others do not see. I think that is incredible! Truly I do. It seems also, *you* care about you and wish you had an outlet perhaps or an ear to hear you, that you have something to share? I truly hope you find your outlet because I think you are worth it. Sometimes we have a hard time finding the proper resources to accomplish this. It can be frustrating I agree. I truly wish for you the joy and love you very much deserve. In my eyes that see, you are far from just a flash. If you do not also mind me asking, what is fun for you? I agree there could be more fun in the world. What do you see yourself doing that is fun? I truly wish that you find your joyous fun. There are a lot of things to do but what do you think is fun to you? Thank you for sharing a heartfelt comment. Not everyone has the guts to do that.
HI TBEH How do you get a highlighted reply? What is fun and joy? In my 20's earth time fun was finding books which helped lead me out of my deep depression. When I found channeled books and books about how to heal REALLY fast, this was fun. When I rode a mountain bike and felt muscular and laden with sun, this was fun. Most exciting was finding books about how fast we heal. I have read stories of huge wounds healing in minutes. This is done with imagery since we are imagery beings. I have found out that we are not solid and nothing is. Seth books say this and so does Abraham say this. I haven't heard Abraham say this yet, but this nonsolid state of being is what is implied. After all, how can a nonsolid being like Source constantly create us as solid? Solidity is an illusion or hologram. I read in the book 'Hands of Light" written by the NASA physicist Barbara Brennan that we are holograms. There are pictures in this book of what we look like out of these bodies. This means that Source is a holodeck. Fun and joy is when I have felt energy flow through me, in to me, and out of me. I have felt tunnels of energy flow into me. I have felt energy beings fly through me, walk in to me, and lie next to me. I have felt vast amounts of energy become me. I have healed myself really fast by changing my thoughts, by wishing that I be well again. After all, we are literally magic. Fun and joy now are to find an ocean of freedom. I am learning again to follow Source, which looks through my eyes while creating my eyes. We are eternal light beings spinning and vibrating much vaster than we see. I have lost that thinking over the years, but I am back with it now. The point of power is in the present because time is only the turning of the earth. The point of power is seeing the vast joy that is about to happen for me. I just need to follow what sounds like fun because these images are Source telling me where to go. Fun sounds to me like living in a tree house where the birds fly through and stay around a while, maybe even building nests inside the living room!!!! And then inviting all kinds of people over to view the hundreds of flowers that adorn this tree house. Fun sounds like to me being surrounded by people that think like me because I have never had this. I want best friends that are not afraid of death. I want constant joy and laughter coming from these people. No more depression. Fun sounds like living on a river that is constantly flowing revealing new sights by the minute. Maybe this house boat is a nest for a hummingbird because it is full of flowers and a garden. Fun sounds like not being dependent on anybody or anything for a place to live or food to eat. Fun sounds like living in the ocean, being able to watch the beautiful blues of water and gorgeous colors of fish swimming by. Right now I am in the process of moving out of this apartment. Everything will be in storage by August 31st. Then I plan to watch my imagery of where sounds like the best place to go. I am currently looking at beaches online to find the clearest waters. Most of all, I am watching for what Source has planned for me. I want to go where Source wants me to go. Source is creating me and wants me to have the most exhilarating life that I can have. Abraham says that each time I am depressed or angry this is when Source is NOT thinking as me. Source is ALWAYS joyful, so my plan is to be ALWAYS joyful. then joyful events will ALWAYS happen.
I haven't a clue how to get a highlighted reply. I had to look to see where there was a highlighted reply. That kind of thing isn't my focus. (but I do think it is yours?) And you sure seem to have focus on some great experiences and I sure do wish you a wonderful fun place to live out whatever portions of your life of your choosing you live it in! You seem to have chosen Source as your best friend and I for one think that is such a fantastic choice and role model to be in the world. Right on!
our thoughts have tremendous POWER. Our thoughts CREATE our present. Our thoughts are energy that manifests itself into the physical world. So, if you are spending time thinking of the "bad: stuff that happened in the past, you are actually recreating your past, in a different form, but still painful, still a state of victimhood. Do NOT dwell on the painful, victimizing past... forgive, let it go, release... so that you do NOT recreate it in the present. Sidney Banks taught this and wrote about this in what is now commonly called the 3P's. A Course in Miracles teaches these concepts and other concepts that Seth teaches. I just started reading/hearing Seth. But, what I have heard so far is what A Course in Miracles teaches as well. however, it teaches them in a Christian context, which may turn some people off. If you can bypass the Christian context and study the lessons, you will empower yourself. I do NOT recommend the official course book, as it had been edited by humans. Find "urtext manuscript A course in Miracles" or "A Course of Miracles" put out by Circle of Atonement.
Buddhists are not happy. Far from that. I first learned about Seth when I was 15 and I manifested my greatest dreams and then I was attracted to Buddhism and it destroyed all my life. I begun to think that life is suffering and I focused on everything that confirms it and I became a shadow of myself. Buddhism is very good for compasion, empathy and many things but its very contrary to Seth. But you need to study both to understand how far one is from another... Buddhims want you to die to this life and this identity... Seth is life affirming and rejoycing about what you are. No guilt... Im about to leave Buddhism for good after 2-3 years.
LeMétaphysicien Yes, at first glance it seems to be true, but if one goes further in the subject may can find that there is a lot of similarity , which means when Seth says - the point of power - I think it is the same as the Buddhist term of - the middle way - between the two extremes, pleasure and suffering between past and future... etc First I felt the same as you... but than my view changed. I had attended in 2002 the Dalai Lama 10 days Kalachakra teachings at Graz without any knowledge of Buddhism and English language too :) I just felt I have to go. So there I experienced a "strange" state of mind, now I can call it -natural state - Because of lack of English I could not get involved in my thoughts, so I could experienced only my feelings. I was frequently wondering why I hear so much time the word suffering when I don't feel any..... but 10 days later when I came back to my everyday life I noticed that there is indeed suffering (psychological, like sadness or disappointment and others. So from that time I wanted to know what is the "Secret" So, life isn't suffering Best You may would like this:
Most powerful teachings I have ever encountered, and Seth is one of my guides in this world and all realities. Thanks.
What a powerfull reverberating voice in such a small lady!! :)
It is so good to hear Seth/Jane's voice again!
I love Seth and his wisdom. :)
I've read Seth books in the early 2000s,about 20 years ago. This is the first time I'm hearing Jane Roberts voice, or is this Seth's voice?
It's Jane's vocal cords and mouth, and Seth's voice ❤❤
Thanks Seth...!
Subd. Namaste 🙏 🍃 🐿 🌱 🌲
All this pain and sorrow and loneliness and I am just a flash to the entity, the one creating me? On page 55 in The Seth Material book I read "The entity is concerned with these years in somewhat the same manner with which you are concerned with your dreams. As you give inner purpose and organization to your dreams, and obtain insight and satisfaction from them though they involve only a part of your life, so the entity to some extent directs and gives purpose and organization to his personalities."
What if I don't remember giving inner purpose and organization to my dreams? And therefore, I cannot obtain insight and satisfaction from them? What is the good of that?
So this entity set me up--or constantly sets me up-- with a raging, grieving, bitter, violent person to be my mother and then expects me to find insight and satisfaction from this? I go for 60 years---and it feels like every bit of it-- being anti social because no one understands invisible beings and this teaches me what? I am in pain here and this entity could care less. Feels like the whole 63 years has weighted me down so that I am ready to climb into that ocean to drown this body. I hope this entity doesn't send someone over to rescue me. I have got "Do Not Resuscitate" signs everywhere. I have been wishing for suicide since being "young". This entity doesn't care or it would heed my wishes to find family.
What is so important that billions of people have to be in pain? Everybody everywhere is afraid of death. A person can be greedy with a billion dollars, but he is still afraid of death. What does this teach? This is a freaking stupid game and I think it is one that a psychopath would create. So I call God a psychopath. Not the overall God that would not do this, but the entity that is the boss. This boss is supposed to be the one that realizes its oneness with All That Is. This is supposed to be the place where love is the fabric of it. How does all this pain on earth give satisfaction to this entity boss? Oh, it doesn't because that is why we are just a flash. This entity creates and runs.
Since this entity has put me in this situation, then this entity should at least add some fun and family. That bitter woman of a mother hated me for talking about invisible beings. How is this purpose and organization? I have no family. I can find no one that loves Seth books. How is this love?
No wonder people don't want to believe in God. God is cruel. This godly inner self creating me doesn't care about my pain. I am just a flash.
All the people in the world in terrible daily pain and they are just flashes to this ego creator. So afraid to die, so bitter about dying, so alone and desperate are people. And I can do nothing. All I have is books with pictures. "Here", I say "see the hologram that you are?" "See the eternal, multidimensional, electromagnetic, holographic energy/love/light being that you are?" NO, they say. That's crazy talk, they say. Everybody can see that we die. We die and then we are gone. That is it, they say.
You put forth effort to write your comment and I for one appreciate your time. Thank you. There are others who feel similiar to what you have felt. You are not alone. Even during times it may appear to be this way. Many of us out here have felt those pangs. Also, you have written and so it seems to me at least that you have had (and perhaps still do ) experiences that others have tried to deny you this. But you know what you see and feel. That part is solid and to me is a confirmation to you that there is more than just ~this~ out here. I agree with you in that. You have a lot of questions that seemingly are very important to you that have been left unanswered to your satisfaction or not found at all. I truly wish for you to have those answers and for them to sit well with you. I find for me that it is such a relief that I do not have to carry the weight of the world but that I can choose to. There is freedom in this. I can also tell that you love greatly and absolutely love Earth and the people of Earth. Thank you for sharing your love with me. I honor that. I want to add to this if I may, if you permit, that it has been my understanding that the Entity you are speaking about, is not going to enslave me with 'its' demands. I am free to do what I want and how I want. I am assured I have enough blocks so~to~speak to play with. I like also that I do not *have* to play with them. I have a right to say no. You seem to be seeing some profound things that some others do not see. I think that is incredible! Truly I do. It seems also, *you* care about you and wish you had an outlet perhaps or an ear to hear you, that you have something to share? I truly hope you find your outlet because I think you are worth it. Sometimes we have a hard time finding the proper resources to accomplish this. It can be frustrating I agree. I truly wish for you the joy and love you very much deserve. In my eyes that see, you are far from just a flash. If you do not also mind me asking, what is fun for you? I agree there could be more fun in the world. What do you see yourself doing that is fun? I truly wish that you find your joyous fun. There are a lot of things to do but what do you think is fun to you? Thank you for sharing a heartfelt comment. Not everyone has the guts to do that.
How do you get a highlighted reply?
What is fun and joy? In my 20's earth time fun was finding books which helped lead me out of my deep depression. When I found channeled books and books about how to heal REALLY fast, this was fun. When I rode a mountain bike and felt muscular and laden with sun, this was fun.
Most exciting was finding books about how fast we heal. I have read stories of huge wounds healing in minutes. This is done with imagery since we are imagery beings. I have found out that we are not solid and nothing is. Seth books say this and so does Abraham say this. I haven't heard Abraham say this yet, but this nonsolid state of being is what is implied. After all, how can a nonsolid being like Source constantly create us as solid? Solidity is an illusion or hologram. I read in the book 'Hands of Light" written by the NASA physicist Barbara Brennan that we are holograms. There are pictures in this book of what we look like out of these bodies. This means that Source is a holodeck.
Fun and joy is when I have felt energy flow through me, in to me, and out of me. I have felt tunnels of energy flow into me. I have felt energy beings fly through me, walk in to me, and lie next to me. I have felt vast amounts of energy become me. I have healed myself really fast by changing my thoughts, by wishing that I be well again. After all, we are literally magic.
Fun and joy now are to find an ocean of freedom. I am learning again to follow Source, which looks through my eyes while creating my eyes. We are eternal light beings spinning and vibrating much vaster than we see. I have lost that thinking over the years, but I am back with it now. The point of power is in the present because time is only the turning of the earth. The point of power is seeing the vast joy that is about to happen for me. I just need to follow what sounds like fun because these images are Source telling me where to go. Fun sounds to me like living in a tree house where the birds fly through and stay around a while, maybe even building nests inside the living room!!!! And then inviting all kinds of people over to view the hundreds of flowers that adorn this tree house. Fun sounds like to me being surrounded by people that think like me because I have never had this. I want best friends that are not afraid of death. I want constant joy and laughter coming from these people. No more depression.
Fun sounds like living on a river that is constantly flowing revealing new sights by the minute. Maybe this house boat is a nest for a hummingbird because it is full of flowers and a garden.
Fun sounds like not being dependent on anybody or anything for a place to live or food to eat. Fun sounds like living in the ocean, being able to watch the beautiful blues of water and gorgeous colors of fish swimming by.
Right now I am in the process of moving out of this apartment. Everything will be in storage by August 31st. Then I plan to watch my imagery of where sounds like the best place to go. I am currently looking at beaches online to find the clearest waters. Most of all, I am watching for what Source has planned for me. I want to go where Source wants me to go. Source is creating me and wants me to have the most exhilarating life that I can have. Abraham says that each time I am depressed or angry this is when Source is NOT thinking as me. Source is ALWAYS joyful, so my plan is to be ALWAYS joyful. then joyful events will ALWAYS happen.
I haven't a clue how to get a highlighted reply. I had to look to see where there was a highlighted reply. That kind of thing isn't my focus. (but I do think it is yours?) And you sure seem to have focus on some great experiences and I sure do wish you a wonderful fun place to live out whatever portions of your life of your choosing you live it in! You seem to have chosen Source as your best friend and I for one think that is such a fantastic choice and role model to be in the world. Right on!
or light a candle. and stare at it. till you go silent within.
I heard but I have gotten lost along the way
our thoughts have tremendous POWER. Our thoughts CREATE our present. Our thoughts are energy that manifests itself into the physical world. So, if you are spending time thinking of the "bad: stuff that happened in the past, you are actually recreating your past, in a different form, but still painful, still a state of victimhood. Do NOT dwell on the painful, victimizing past... forgive, let it go, release... so that you do NOT recreate it in the present.
Sidney Banks taught this and wrote about this in what is now commonly called the 3P's.
A Course in Miracles teaches these concepts and other concepts that Seth teaches. I just started reading/hearing Seth. But, what I have heard so far is what A Course in Miracles teaches as well. however, it teaches them in a Christian context, which may turn some people off. If you can bypass the Christian context and study the lessons, you will empower yourself. I do NOT recommend the official course book, as it had been edited by humans. Find "urtext manuscript A course in Miracles" or "A Course of Miracles" put out by Circle of Atonement.
Funny voice, but she's right that's why Buddhists are so happy
Buddhists are not happy. Far from that. I first learned about Seth when I was 15 and I manifested my greatest dreams and then I was attracted to Buddhism and it destroyed all my life. I begun to think that life is suffering and I focused on everything that confirms it and I became a shadow of myself. Buddhism is very good for compasion, empathy and many things but its very contrary to Seth. But you need to study both to understand how far one is from another... Buddhims want you to die to this life and this identity... Seth is life affirming and rejoycing about what you are. No guilt... Im about to leave Buddhism for good after 2-3 years.
LeMétaphysicien Yes, at first glance it seems to be true, but if one goes further in the subject may can find that there is a lot of similarity , which means when Seth says - the point of power - I think it is the same as the Buddhist term of - the middle way - between the two extremes, pleasure and suffering between past and future... etc
First I felt the same as you... but than my view changed.
I had attended in 2002 the Dalai Lama 10 days Kalachakra teachings at Graz without any knowledge of Buddhism and English language too :) I just felt I have to go. So there I experienced a "strange" state of mind, now I can call it -natural state - Because of lack of English I could not get involved in my thoughts, so I could experienced only my feelings. I was frequently wondering why I hear so much time the word suffering when I don't feel any..... but 10 days later when I came back to my everyday life I noticed that there is indeed suffering (psychological, like sadness or disappointment and others. So from that time I wanted to know what is the "Secret"
So, life isn't suffering
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Ridiculous Voice---so distracting that is SUBTRACTS from the message.
I love it. It pours through my being with tremendous POWER!
We are all doing the best we can that is her natural voice and we can live in acceptance of her voice as her own, it is just a choice.
Seems you don't from where this sound is coming, literally..