Yeah, that's great for teens just hitting puberty with body issues, gives them hope that all they need is to change how they look because they look like crap.
Man that video is just so much body shaming. Telling people what the 'ideal body is', she only wanting to change because people at school are bullying her, saying her having a "flat ass" is horrible, it's just a very bad video. And normally I wouldn't really mind but given that the main audience for those kinds of videos are young girls, it could really negatively impact them!
Non of that had anything to do with the fact she went to the gym. She was a teenaged girl, she just grew up. Some girls just grow differently and at a different rate
@@itumelengmoyo1800 puberty can be considered a glow up, I was ugly af, i don't know if I'm beautiful now, but I'm certain that I look better now than before
Thank you! I was thinking the same thing. "Gosh, you're saying your body went thru dramatic changes from middle school(I'm guessing? Or freshman year?) to senior year of high school? Gee, call panic news at 11." 🙄 😂
@@heysaucemikehere1804 right but the time frame makes it seem like she was actually just a late bloomer and the working out didn't have anything to do with it. it just distracted her...
@@spacebeweird4820 also working out will cause loss of adipose tissue, so yeah depending on the anotomy of the person, working out will make them even smaller
That's one of my pet peeves with Pinterest workouts. It's certainly possible to add mass to dat a$$, but you can't add fat. My cup size stayed the same after I started training, but the shape of them changed as a result of added muscle.
@@awnyahnoteineyou-heard-me8042 lucky girl, when I lost 7kg last year with working out, I went down a bra cup size. But still I would rather loose cup size than not be fit tho. Keep going👍
Y'all didn't listen, she did say she was on a special diet, so it's probably a mix of gaining weight (hence why she said she got a belly now) and puberty. That's all.
Sadly children are being exposed to stuff like this at a young age, usually due to their bad parents and the internet. I've seen kids wearing shirts with pictures and words that nobody I know would ever wear. Disgusting.
Girl in story: "Being skinny wasn't so great, I had no breasts or buttocks, it's better to be average size so you have those!" Me, an average size girl: [has no breasts] 😭😭😭
Man that video is just so much body shaming. Telling people what the 'ideal body is', she only wanting to change because people at school are bullying her, saying her having a "flat ass" is horrible, it's just a very bad video. And normally I wouldn't really mind but given that the main audience for those kinds of videos are young girls, it could really negatively impact them! It's really shitty that society tries to make everything about how you look, specifically for women and their beautify standards. It's good to have small breasts, big breasts, anything inbetween and do NOT let anybody or anything tell you otherwise.
PSA: This isn't necessarily a story about working out to get the body she wanted, she GAINED WEIGHT and then worked out that weight. She's saying her chest was more filled out because she gained weight, and you can tell by the (very weirdly translated line) "My stomach inflated" ... Even though the story is definitely fake, she is describing serious problems in the beginning. Her issue shes presenting is about bullying but what she is describing is SERIOUSLY underweight and unhealthy. It doesn't look good, it doesnt feel good, and it could kill you, just like being too overweight can be unhealthy or dangerous. Please do not encourage underweight people to continue whatever theyre doing to maintain such a low weight. I felt the need to say this mostly because of someone saying "your body is perfect regardless of weight" in the donations but honestly, no, that's not true. Body positivity is amazing and we need more of it, and there is an argument to be made that no one should be insulted for their appearance even if they are not healthy, but please do notENCOURAGE people who are UNHEALTHY to stay unhealthy I was ... PAINFULLY horribly anorexic as a teenager and I am sad to say that everything she starts out saying about how being too thin is actually really shitty is true, though. I was "flat as a board" as she said, I couldn't fit any clothes right, I couldn't wear strapless dresses at all, I was self conscious about everything other than my concave stomach, and honestly having your hip bones jut out an inch past your stomach isnt a good look. The first time I had to undress in front of other students for PE, I was sucking in my stomach as much as I could because I was so worried about looking fat and my stomach was already *concave* ... I got stares and thought for sure it was because I was too big, I didn't realize for YEARS and years afterwards that seeing such a skeletal looking body is probably freaky as fuck. It's shallow problems, sure, but body dysmorphia is an absolute bitch and NEVER feeling like you look good in any clothes can really mess with your head. Even though I wanted to be thinner and thinner, I still wore baggy tops to hide myself bc of how flat my chest was and how self-conscious i was... And of course it came with other much more serious drawbacks, like she touched on, it WAS hard to walk in the wind, I've been straight up PUSHED OVER just by wind that my friends didn't have a problem with, walking short distances was already exhausting but fighting wind the whole time can actually make it painful. I also couldn't move my arms for extended periods of time (even just brushing my hair made them so tired it'd hurt afterwards) or lift anything even remotely heavy. Standing up too fast made my vision black out for a few minutes, or if it was really bad I could actually faint just from standing up .... Bad fake story but the issues she brought up are real. The worst problem is that being mlnourished for years and years in the formative years in my life left me with nerve damage and borderline crippling pain thats untreatable. yeah it comes off silly and weirdly stilted the way she's delivering the lines but being that thin is really unhealthy and painful. Story is still weird and shitty though (My boyfriend has been a huge help to me and mental illness stuff, including the eating disorder, and I am happy to say that I have not been underweight for almost a year!
I’m so glad you posted this. I can relate to a lot of it. I didn’t even realize that some of the things I experience aren’t exactly normal until now. Damn. I have no curves at all and it’s so hard for me to gain weight, even with consistent weight training and eating a ton over a period of months I don’t see much of a difference at all. I’m convinced there’s absolutely no way for me to get an ass by just working out seeing as I can’t gain any fat to work with lol. The way I look makes me feel disgusting and embarrassed to leave the house, I’m always tired, I get light headed most of the time when I stand up, and can’t even go up one flight of stairs without wanting to die. I have awful acne as well, cystic that I can’t seem to get rid of no matter what I try and I’m about to turn 30 next month so it feels like I shouldn’t have acne like this anymore. Anyway, you should think about starting a blog or a yt channel bc you’re good at storytelling in my humble opinion and many ppl right now, especially with these lockdowns, need to be told that they’re not alone. Cheers, my friend💜
if you're suffering from anorexia then fair enough get the help you need and gain the weight. but there are some ppl who are naturally skinny af. i was teased for being skinny af all my life. and not only was i not unhealthy i did ballet as a kid and middle and early hs i ran track. tried to gain weight, i gained some muscle and tone, but even now many years later i'm skinny as a twig and get even more crap then ever for it. idk i think if you're doing unhealthy shit to lose weight and stay skinny than fair enough, but if not we should love ourselves at any weight. body positivity should be for all.
I’m a recovered anorexic, I was horribly unhealthy, but that doesn’t mean everyone that was my weight is unhealthy. Being skinny doesn’t equate to being unhealthy, some people are just naturally skinny.
So they decided to go with the half up half down ponytail with a scrunchie. After all that effort with everything else, she's still going to hate her prom photos! Haha
After “never get into adventures” i can 99% tell u that its literally translated from russian idiom. We say like “find the adventures for ones ass”, it just means “get into trouble” and not actually connected with ass itself. They were trying to make “word game” there and it didnt work out haha
legit this story is basically repeated a thousand times over every day in people who consider themselves overweight but it ends in anorexia or orthorexia
what kind of adventures? it doesn't sound like the type of adventures advertised to kids? also at my high school people laughed at fat kids and ignored super thin kids (eating disorders were huge problems)
ok but, for real, i am badly underweight and have just made the decision to start lifting weights and eating more. And that part about her feeling the strong winds during storms could knock her out is ACTUALLY true for me XD,,, I genuinely get swayed around a bit and if i don't stay balanced i can actually get knocked off! Being underweight is AWFUL and gives alot of insecurities.. I hope anyone can get through it and regain their healthy weight.
I found the start of the troom troom Worms Pandemic. Hear me out, in Joinen’s video “Troom Troom’s Sexiest ‘Girl Types’” video ( ) from 9 months ago at 6:52 there is a girl obsessed with snacks. Her boyfriend is none other than the HunkyChunky himself. Now here’s the backstory. After years of Justin and his girlfriend dating, she eventually started showing symptoms of the worms virus. It was subtle at first but quickly escalated to the point where she couldn’t sleep through the night without snacking. He tried everything he could to save her to no avail and he lost his love. As years went on he soon realised that his girlfriend had not been the only one infected and it was spreading to a global pandemic. He now spends his days doing vigalante work in an attempt to contain the virus to avenge his lost love by banning and personally seeing that no snacks enter public areas be it schools, pools, and even the NASA escape pods that have begun bringing healthy people to Mars in hopes of saving the planet. Can he do it by himself, will the worms pandemic win? Find out next episode on Troom Troom Select. 🤘
Being 80lbs light (~36kg) at 5' height (~150cm) I can confirm tho I literally feel like I have a way harder time walking in strong wind than others. (I know this is severely underweight but I promise I'm fine mentally. I hate this. Just having a lot of allergies so all the food options I've got left barely have any calories. Always been like that) Anyway my husband showed me your channel, been addicted since!
As somebody who got told that I was fat, I actually stopped eating after that... I still don't eat that often, like I won't eat breakfast, and over the weekends, I won't actually eat
How do they even come up with any of this, I feel so uncreative lmao
They use the vortex of creativity
I’m kind of glad this idea didn’t pop into my brain
I'm creative and I still wouldn't think of this...
Not sure if this is a furry or not keep the weapons loaded just in case
@@timopino2726 A furry concentration camp :D
i'm not super into dresses but isn't that a mermaid dress rather than a dress that looked like a fish
I feel like these stories are google translated, so maybe they meant to say that but it got lost in translation
I mean a mermaid is a fish person so that's kinda the same thing
there's a difference? 😧
@Camryn Rae oHhhhhhhh!! so fish is fat and poofy while mermaids are just poofy. got it!
Any "I was bullied for how my body looks, so I changed how my body looks & now I feel great :)"-story just sends a disturbing message imo
Yeah, that's great for teens just hitting puberty with body issues, gives them hope that all they need is to change how they look because they look like crap.
@@FoamKittyGamer I think i‘m gonna do that now
@@Kasekuchen_LP cheesecakes nooooooo!
@@scandinavegan274 do you have something against cheesecakes?
Social conformity propaganda
Don't think "hungrily" was the right word there😂
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Depending on the circumstances you can use the word hungrily but it's more something you would use in a book not real life
They thirsty
They're cannibals
@@sophjie9048 lol 😏
Man that video is just so much body shaming. Telling people what the 'ideal body is', she only wanting to change because people at school are bullying her, saying her having a "flat ass" is horrible, it's just a very bad video. And normally I wouldn't really mind but given that the main audience for those kinds of videos are young girls, it could really negatively impact them!
And young girls are supposed to be flat lmao
Non of that had anything to do with the fact she went to the gym. She was a teenaged girl, she just grew up. Some girls just grow differently and at a different rate
She sounds like one of those girls who said they had a glow up when in reality they just went through puberty lol
@@itumelengmoyo1800 puberty can be considered a glow up, I was ugly af, i don't know if I'm beautiful now, but I'm certain that I look better now than before
@@hekaterinedragon8776 well that is true, I don't know you but I believe you are extremely beautiful
Thank you! I was thinking the same thing. "Gosh, you're saying your body went thru dramatic changes from middle school(I'm guessing? Or freshman year?) to senior year of high school? Gee, call panic news at 11." 🙄 😂
@@itumelengmoyo1800 so wholesome
These animated stories just get weirder and weirder and I still don’t know if I love it or hate it tbh
The truth is spoken
I fear them.
Isn't not having to buy bras a plus
@Lrs One plus about quarantine and lockdown for me is not wearing a bra! Lol
@Lrs I got lucky enough to work from home. Stay safe out there!
@@heysaucemikehere1804 I love your username
yea it really is imo. Felt a bit naked at first but once you get used to it, it's a lot more comfy.
not necessarily? i love wearing bras lol.
I‘m anorexic and it triggers me so much how she describes her low weight....
These story's make my writing seem fantastic
I bet it is
So basically she went through puberty?
I don’t know about you but I didn’t have to work out to go through puberty
@@heysaucemikehere1804 right but the time frame makes it seem like she was actually just a late bloomer and the working out didn't have anything to do with it. it just distracted her...
You cant have boobs from working out, maybe pecks but it's really different, like female bodybuldiers
Working out actually makes your breasts smaller because your muscles are tightening which pulls them up and over all makes them smaller
@@spacebeweird4820 also working out will cause loss of adipose tissue, so yeah depending on the anotomy of the person, working out will make them even smaller
That's one of my pet peeves with Pinterest workouts. It's certainly possible to add mass to dat a$$, but you can't add fat. My cup size stayed the same after I started training, but the shape of them changed as a result of added muscle.
@@awnyahnoteineyou-heard-me8042 lucky girl, when I lost 7kg last year with working out, I went down a bra cup size. But still I would rather loose cup size than not be fit tho. Keep going👍
Y'all didn't listen, she did say she was on a special diet, so it's probably a mix of gaining weight (hence why she said she got a belly now) and puberty. That's all.
I should be doing my assignments but oh well here I am
same qwq
You are going to school on Christmas week
Listen it's easier to do it now and get it over with than letting it all stack up and have to deal with it later.
Oh yeah same
Still not over the fact he looked right at the camera and talked to me, also, I'm sure everyone would have loved the thumbnail I was talking about
Post it on ur yt I wanna see it
I wanna know what it was....
Do tell
But honestly what was it
I mean, this is a video about a pumped a** and it's Joinen's channel, I'm sure you can guess what I was trying to get at
Aren’t these meant to be for kids...
Sadly children are being exposed to stuff like this at a young age, usually due to their bad parents and the internet. I've seen kids wearing shirts with pictures and words that nobody I know would ever wear. Disgusting.
@@maxinefinnfoxen i remember this girl i think danniele is the name
where her mother makes her wear clothes exposing her stuff and she's like 13-15
well it used to but they learned nsfw could get them more views so do nsfw type videos.. for more views
I think so.
@@ayyyayay i dont think its wrong to be wearing showy clothes at 15 but if her mom is fprcing her thats not ok .
The part of you checking out the artist made me happy
Hello Cocoa!
Yeah same it made me happy too
Miss Lisa in the twitch chat should be a meme now, i see that woman in almost every video, the dedication-
“Well and pumped up my a- *ad plays*
Girl in story: "Being skinny wasn't so great, I had no breasts or buttocks, it's better to be average size so you have those!"
Me, an average size girl: [has no breasts] 😭😭😭
Man that video is just so much body shaming. Telling people what the 'ideal body is', she only wanting to change because people at school are bullying her, saying her having a "flat ass" is horrible, it's just a very bad video. And normally I wouldn't really mind but given that the main audience for those kinds of videos are young girls, it could really negatively impact them!
It's really shitty that society tries to make everything about how you look, specifically for women and their beautify standards. It's good to have small breasts, big breasts, anything inbetween and do NOT let anybody or anything tell you otherwise.
Woo, flat chest gang, rise up!
I’d prefer to be flat, having a chest kinda sucks lol
i Love having no chest:3 i also look rly young so some guys call me "Loli" and adore me xD
Don't let beauty standards get I to our minds
PSA: This isn't necessarily a story about working out to get the body she wanted, she GAINED WEIGHT and then worked out that weight. She's saying her chest was more filled out because she gained weight, and you can tell by the (very weirdly translated line) "My stomach inflated" ... Even though the story is definitely fake, she is describing serious problems in the beginning. Her issue shes presenting is about bullying but what she is describing is SERIOUSLY underweight and unhealthy. It doesn't look good, it doesnt feel good, and it could kill you, just like being too overweight can be unhealthy or dangerous. Please do not encourage underweight people to continue whatever theyre doing to maintain such a low weight. I felt the need to say this mostly because of someone saying "your body is perfect regardless of weight" in the donations but honestly, no, that's not true. Body positivity is amazing and we need more of it, and there is an argument to be made that no one should be insulted for their appearance even if they are not healthy, but please do notENCOURAGE people who are UNHEALTHY to stay unhealthy
I was ... PAINFULLY horribly anorexic as a teenager and I am sad to say that everything she starts out saying about how being too thin is actually really shitty is true, though. I was "flat as a board" as she said, I couldn't fit any clothes right, I couldn't wear strapless dresses at all, I was self conscious about everything other than my concave stomach, and honestly having your hip bones jut out an inch past your stomach isnt a good look. The first time I had to undress in front of other students for PE, I was sucking in my stomach as much as I could because I was so worried about looking fat and my stomach was already *concave* ... I got stares and thought for sure it was because I was too big, I didn't realize for YEARS and years afterwards that seeing such a skeletal looking body is probably freaky as fuck. It's shallow problems, sure, but body dysmorphia is an absolute bitch and NEVER feeling like you look good in any clothes can really mess with your head. Even though I wanted to be thinner and thinner, I still wore baggy tops to hide myself bc of how flat my chest was and how self-conscious i was...
And of course it came with other much more serious drawbacks, like she touched on, it WAS hard to walk in the wind, I've been straight up PUSHED OVER just by wind that my friends didn't have a problem with, walking short distances was already exhausting but fighting wind the whole time can actually make it painful. I also couldn't move my arms for extended periods of time (even just brushing my hair made them so tired it'd hurt afterwards) or lift anything even remotely heavy. Standing up too fast made my vision black out for a few minutes, or if it was really bad I could actually faint just from standing up .... Bad fake story but the issues she brought up are real. The worst problem is that being mlnourished for years and years in the formative years in my life left me with nerve damage and borderline crippling pain thats untreatable.
yeah it comes off silly and weirdly stilted the way she's delivering the lines but being that thin is really unhealthy and painful. Story is still weird and shitty though
(My boyfriend has been a huge help to me and mental illness stuff, including the eating disorder, and I am happy to say that I have not been underweight for almost a year!
I’m so glad you posted this. I can relate to a lot of it. I didn’t even realize that some of the things I experience aren’t exactly normal until now. Damn. I have no curves at all and it’s so hard for me to gain weight, even with consistent weight training and eating a ton over a period of months I don’t see much of a difference at all. I’m convinced there’s absolutely no way for me to get an ass by just working out seeing as I can’t gain any fat to work with lol.
The way I look makes me feel disgusting and embarrassed to leave the house, I’m always tired, I get light headed most of the time when I stand up, and can’t even go up one flight of stairs without wanting to die. I have awful acne as well, cystic that I can’t seem to get rid of no matter what I try and I’m about to turn 30 next month so it feels like I shouldn’t have acne like this anymore. Anyway, you should think about starting a blog or a yt channel bc you’re good at storytelling in my humble opinion and many ppl right now, especially with these lockdowns, need to be told that they’re not alone. Cheers, my friend💜
if you're suffering from anorexia then fair enough get the help you need and gain the weight. but there are some ppl who are naturally skinny af. i was teased for being skinny af all my life. and not only was i not unhealthy i did ballet as a kid and middle and early hs i ran track. tried to gain weight, i gained some muscle and tone, but even now many years later i'm skinny as a twig and get even more crap then ever for it. idk i think if you're doing unhealthy shit to lose weight and stay skinny than fair enough, but if not we should love ourselves at any weight. body positivity should be for all.
I’m a recovered anorexic, I was horribly unhealthy, but that doesn’t mean everyone that was my weight is unhealthy. Being skinny doesn’t equate to being unhealthy, some people are just naturally skinny.
I keep pausing joinen videos at the wrong time and dude, does this man have some interesting facial expressions
"Mocking inscriptions, such as 'a flat ass like that will never get into adventures'" this really got a chuckle out of me, what an awkward translation
So they decided to go with the half up half down ponytail with a scrunchie. After all that effort with everything else, she's still going to hate her prom photos! Haha
This girl got som emotional baggage
After “never get into adventures” i can 99% tell u that its literally translated from russian idiom. We say like “find the adventures for ones ass”, it just means “get into trouble” and not actually connected with ass itself. They were trying to make “word game” there and it didnt work out haha
Fascinating! It's always fun learning about idioms from other languages :]
It sounds funny, but when I was a teen, the wind would sway me as well.
Her story might actually be true, but exaggerated.
I know this has nothing to do with the story, but I am absolutely living for joinen with a little bun. It's actually totally hot.
@@orange_5936 words of wisdom have been spoken
Omg I was literally just wondering what he'd look like with a bun 😂
I study animation at uni and now feel I should start making up absurd stories and claiming their true... that's where the money is haha
Fake clickbait videos make them cash. Very yummy cash indeed. Mmmmmm.....
2:16 omg it’s the meme
But I mean 100 squats in an hour is nothing, I did 40 in a minute and even with ten a minute you only need 10 minutes total.
legit this story is basically repeated a thousand times over every day in people who consider themselves overweight but it ends in anorexia or orthorexia
"Have a great what ever time it is for you" The best way to end a argument.
I wish girls looked at me hungrily...or looked at me at all
Wear a burger costume
stop expecting them to and they will
When she said "victory" I thought she said "thicctory" which would be perfect
The power on my entire block went out while I was watching this video... I think it might've been divine intervention.
I literally haven't watched someone as entertaining as this guy on TH-cam in a while. Loving his videos.
My animated story Kardashian edition?
Omg that Billy Kardashian 🥺
11:20 one for Joinen out of context
what kind of adventures? it doesn't sound like the type of adventures advertised to kids? also at my high school people laughed at fat kids and ignored super thin kids (eating disorders were huge problems)
Poor Sevii, half of his job was just censoring the word ass
Joinen: streams everyday
My german ass: cant watch it because its during my night shift :(
Ah, a fellow german
Lass uns die Kommentarsektion erobern
Just waiting for the time when the link in the discription is a rick roll
After finally forgetting this video, of course it shows up in my recommended
Oh, how times have changed, I still remember being teased for having a wide butt
Guys, I have a serious Joinen addiction..
Me too. What can we do?
I asked my doctor for a Joinen patch
"I didn't have to wear a bra,, because I just.. didn't"
Girl stop flexing 😔
Word of the video: "Achievements"
This seriously is so messed up to teach the young teens and preteens that watch these kinds of videos
Art and crafts is now over 1k thanks Joinen
I just about lost it when Joinen said “A[BASS BOOST]SS”
The auto captions hear Joinen saying “your body id perfect” as “your body isn’t perfect”
She is reading it so awkwardly.
Sounds like puberty too mainly puberty?
"ART AND CRAFTS" needs a more unique channel name, it's literally impossible to find their channel
Joinen: an inflated stomach? Is that what you go for?
My genius yt ad: "I had a dream.."
ok but, for real, i am badly underweight and have just made the decision to start lifting weights and eating more. And that part about her feeling the strong winds during storms could knock her out is ACTUALLY true for me XD,,, I genuinely get swayed around a bit and if i don't stay balanced i can actually get knocked off! Being underweight is AWFUL and gives alot of insecurities.. I hope anyone can get through it and regain their healthy weight.
Good luck to you my friend, I believe that you can pull through!
I love Joinen for sometimes supporting small channels in his videos
That's so sweet of him
Whenever I start working out it only takes a week or two for my body to adjust
TH-cam: there are 6 comments.
Also youtube: you can't see them though.
Dang that’s a lot of pants buying. Grammar A+. Also WHAT A TITLE!!
video:im mad at nature
youtube: shows me ad that opens with a shot of trees
I don’t play sports maybe that’s why I’m so soft.
...I don't even think I can say what I thought this would be
18:18 Joinen being Bob Ross
17:10 that exactly is so soothing and calming. You turned into some meditation guide narrator
Last time I was this early, it was like the afternoon, not the morning.
Your Videos are currently helping me through quarantine. Thanks for that.
"In the shape of a fish". "Skinny dress with a flowy bit at the bottom." Good gracious, it's a mermaid gown. The term is mermaid gown.
Joined should submit to them his own story and make one up
This seems like a competition to see who can say butt the most times.
It's the way she enunciates her Ts for me.
"And my buTT was still flaT."
This feels like a “Men Writing Women” moment
I just found this channel yesterday and watched bunch of vedios gotta admit he is hilarious I am loving it 😂
My college quote will be
Hippoty hoppty all of my money is collage property
How is it that people's videos get taken down for stupid reasons yet videos like these walk free.....
I found the start of the troom troom Worms Pandemic. Hear me out, in Joinen’s video “Troom Troom’s Sexiest ‘Girl Types’” video ( ) from 9 months ago at 6:52 there is a girl obsessed with snacks. Her boyfriend is none other than the HunkyChunky himself. Now here’s the backstory.
After years of Justin and his girlfriend dating, she eventually started showing symptoms of the worms virus. It was subtle at first but quickly escalated to the point where she couldn’t sleep through the night without snacking. He tried everything he could to save her to no avail and he lost his love. As years went on he soon realised that his girlfriend had not been the only one infected and it was spreading to a global pandemic. He now spends his days doing vigalante work in an attempt to contain the virus to avenge his lost love by banning and personally seeing that no snacks enter public areas be it schools, pools, and even the NASA escape pods that have begun bringing healthy people to Mars in hopes of saving the planet. Can he do it by himself, will the worms pandemic win? Find out next episode on Troom Troom Select. 🤘
@Renai Circular Motion Omg I was trying to find a better way to translate it to him. Thank you so much
Hmm, I WONDER why that cheer hadn't been read out loud?
I think all _healthy_ bodies are beautiful.
Worst censorship noise ever! Sevi, do you hate us and our ears 😂
Is she....describing puberty?
"Start doing animation that's what works" like, I wish.
Being 80lbs light (~36kg) at 5' height (~150cm) I can confirm tho I literally feel like I have a way harder time walking in strong wind than others.
(I know this is severely underweight but I promise I'm fine mentally. I hate this. Just having a lot of allergies so all the food options I've got left barely have any calories. Always been like that)
Anyway my husband showed me your channel, been addicted since!
As somebody who got told that I was fat, I actually stopped eating after that...
I still don't eat that often, like I won't eat breakfast, and over the weekends, I won't actually eat
But... your bust grows because of fat, not muscle. Have you ever seen how flat- chested most gymnasts are? I'm confused.
“... well and when I pumped up my as- *Add starts*
the way i got a 22min long ad right as i got comfortable in the bathtub with, yk, wet hands 😐 lmao
Wait... they used "pump" and "ass" in the same sentence?
I thought that channel was for kids, that's gotta be reported!
He needs to do a reaction to Dr Phil episodes
4:35 This also happens to me when its Windy, I weight 44kg/97lbs, And that's because i'm over 1.74m/5"8
Plot twist: She was a balloon person
Poor jolyne animated story is just laughing so hard at her.
I'm not gonna say anything about the art style rn, because I'm not sure...
"Flat as* can't have adventure " what the actual hell
Ignoring the batshit craziness of this video, his hair up is so cute
Lmao her mom is a fucking savage
The narration sounds so much like a chapter from Empress Theresa that I am getting flashback to KrimsonRogue's reviews of that trash fire...
The weirdest title I've seen is Peppa pig lap dance
I don't even want to know what that means
If you have a balanced diet, you can gain necessary fats