This sound track is really comforting. Especially in days of troubles, it gives much assurance on God's kindness and care. No matter what happens in future, our heavenly Father will still be in charge. We will not lack anything to deal with the situations.
0:00 恩典太美麗/1:53 誰曾應許/3:20 愛是不保留/5:34 神是我這生供應者/7:21 讚頌祢的愛/8:30 主信實無變/9:35 求祢以真理和愛引導我/10:58 最美好盡力愛祢/13:25 高唱入雲/16:00 祢最喜悅的敬拜/18:23 以愛還愛/20:32 天天歌唱/21:58 我要一生一世住在祢聖殿/24:30 我心尊祢為大/26:15 一生不會捨棄祢/28:03 立志擺上/31:20 最美好的仗/32:54 快上路/35:34 燃盡每一分/36:37 為祢燃燒/37:17 燃獻生命祭/39:05 因主的名/40:34 祢是我神/42:06 祢是我神(請開我眼)
This sound track is really comforting. Especially in days of troubles, it gives much assurance on God's kindness and care. No matter what happens in future, our heavenly Father will still be in charge. We will not lack anything to deal with the situations.
Its nice that god use music to let us reflect our relationship with him! Hang in there!!
小粉絲多謝達仔😭 好好聽好好聽好好聽~ 啲歌揀得好好😭😭😭😭😭
thanks God. Your music makes me so comfort.
Thank you Brian! For your warm piano tape. It is a good accompany in hard times for me:)
Very nice piano music. Praise the Lord! Thank YOU!
Did you play them all in 45 minutes? Amazing!
Great! feel the emotion through the piano then up to the heaven. Keep going!
Well Done, Keep On