I hope this finds you well, and that my understanding of your emotions is misguided; however, I do want to point out that it is obvious there is a tonal change in your videos recently. I know that there is repetition and that receiving the same comment consistently must be draining, so I hope that you aren't letting this platform affect your well-being. I wish you the best in the future and thank you for all your videos. You are a very talented artist and I am consistently impressed by your work.
Same thing here… I don’t know what happened but I hope the haters didn’t get to you. Some people feel entitled to say nasty things, don’t pay attention to those individuals. A lot of people respect your work and like your content and the way you present it. Keep up the good work!
my dude, I don't know what took your happiness away, but I hope you find it back. I love watching your videos, they are super easy to follow and i learn a ton! I realy hope you get well soon!
@@asteropeuspeoneos5406and you‘re a bot if you cannot recognize this dramatical change in his tone, mood, emotions, and presence. I guess deadpan keyboard warriors like you are the reason for that.
Dude your videos have always been informative and great entertainment. Upbeat, funny and inspirational. I hope you are ok as this was hard to watch. Wishing you all the best.
Habe jetzt Wochen damit verbracht, viele deiner älteren Videos für mein Bikeprojekt akribisch durchzuachern. Ich bin dank dir richtig angefixt und habe Freude daran. Herzlichsten Dank für deine coole Arbeit! Die besten Wünsche für dich und deine Famile aus der Schweiz
ETOE, I hope this finds you well. I hope whatever you are going through outside of this channel, that it all works out best for you. In my darkest times I always watch your videos even if i I’ve seen them before. You are truly the best most skilled most talented most creative and most fun respectful entertaining and just damn wonderful person. I totally get how it would be annoying answer obvious questions and repeated questions. They are because you are the Guru the G.O.A.T “greatest of all time”. Have a good one well wishes all the way from AUSTRALIA
Remember guys, no stupid questions! Fuck, though, I love this guy's videos. From happy/silly, to burnt out and angry, I will always watch his videos. Definitely one of my favorite youtube channels.
Du bist der Beste. Seit Jahren schon geniesse ich Deine meisterhaften Videos. Nicht nur bist du gut ausgebildet und erfahren aber was mich beeindruckt ist Deine Einstellung immer nur das beste zu machen egal ob der Job gross, klein, teuer oder billig ist. Ich nehme immer viel mit für mich in den Alltag nachdem ich Dich habe arbeiten und erklären sehen. Vielen Dank. Du machst TH-cam besser!
I noticed the tone change from the recent videos i hope you are doing ok. I have been following for years and you were one of the inspirations to start my own custom painting business. Keep inspiring man
Very good tutorial, thanks…can feel the “rage” on all the questions that have been asked iver & over again, must be quite frustrated to answer them repeatedly 😅
We're all humans after all... thanks 1M time Martin for all the videos you made and shared. I've been watching you for years, and I'm secretly jaleous of your skills! You taugh us so much and I hope we still have many years of Mr Grey on TH-cam! 🙏
I messaged Santa Cruz when I had damage to my frame asking for the colour codes. They gave me the pan tone colours. I got them converted to RAL and made up the paint!
amazing...looks better than new! You are the maestro, make the impossible look possible. Watching you free hand cut that masking was probably the most incredible thing for me...aint no way i could get those straight lines free hand!
There are always idiots in the comments. Your videos are awesome. Unbelievably comprehensive. Your work is beautiful and even better you teach the rest of us how you do it. Vielen Dank
You remind me of those ancient master artisans sometimes covered on the discovery channel, but way cooler. Thank you for doing what you do! Keep up the great work!
I binged a ton of your videos after finding your channel and it's crazy how you can see you become more and more unhappy. I wish you well, i have learned so much from your channel and greatly appreciate it.
Another excellent ETOE video. I've learned so much from this great channel! I have had excellent results with a brand of 2K primer and paint branded Car-Rep 2K. Unlike the SprayMax brand, it comes all in one, with the paint and hardener premixed, and has an indefinite shelf life. Based on my few experiences painting bike frames, I highly recommend spending a little extra and purchasing 2K spray, especially for the primer and clear coats. It makes your hard work worth it.
Thanks again for another well made and excellent video. You obviously care a lot about helping people - I'm hoping that some of that comes back around for you in case you are dealing with stuff. Wishing you the best.
Great video, understandable and informative. Now, I'm determined to start saving money to get my bike's scratches fixed... by a pro. Not the realm I can go in easily even with a lot of quality spray cans. Thanks!
Thx for the great video. Looks like a lot of work, if I want to get rid of micro scratches in my road bike frame. I already tried mucoff Miracle Shine, but it’s not working.. not sure if a car polish would do the trick.
Again, fantastic video... would have been 12 minutes shorter without sharing the annoyance of all the questions and e-mails. If you don't know what 12min00sec are, just check the wet sanding paper... :D But hopefully you can do 12 more bikes this way! :) thanks for the great content!
I always find myself looking at old and current videos for guidance as I’m restoring a XC MTB that was abandoned, from its black, white and blue to a tarnished pewter with black and white letters
Getting million questions a day is tiring, I know for a fact because of my work. Seems like You burnt out Martin, please take care and get a proper vacation, especially if You can not think about work at that moment, would be gorgeous, but not everyone can, I sure can’t… Cheers mate. ✌️👍
@@ETOE I wanted to buy the schmincke aero color, it seems they don't provide this software. Do you have any tips for a beginner with a lower budget like me?
@@pervysage9224 no the budget is too low. For a color software you have to invest minimum $3000 to $3500. If you don't want to invest money you can mix the color by hand as I did for years.
Martin, I was just wondering what size spray needle you use in your airbrush when you are painting the clear coat???? I'd be very grateful to hear your answer and I know that the other 1,000 people who read my comment won't ask you exactly the same question 🥺🥺🥺😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
Dude. You’re videos are amazing. Thank you. I know you might not be able to answer. Thats ok, but I’ll ask anyway just in case someone out there wants to help me out. Ironically, yesterday I started a repair a scratch on my top tube in the exact same spot as this video. I’ve made it through step one and two on my own. Then this video dropped today, Amazing! 😂 My frame is matte black, and I plan on adding paint next. so my question is: how do I go about the clear coat process with a matte frame? Do I just use a matte clear and don’t polish it?
Damn dude, looks like new. I got a scratch in my new specialized bike. Bought rotaris touch up paint. They have the exact color my bike has, its made for this exact specialized color. But using it is kinda hard with those stupid small brushes.
Very nice job! I’m a DIYer whose bike quality nobody cares about. I don’t want to burden the author of this video but could some viewers answer? A guy buys an expensive off-road bike, has it custom painted, goes out & uses it and comes back 2 weeks later to fix the chips. Why? If this tool/toy is meant to be used off-road, why should it be expected to look like new at all times.
Our man is clearly not ok. Stop asking him stupid questions you can google yourselves! If you were resourceful enough to find your way to his channel, you can find the answer yourself. Worst case watch the video again. Martin sounds exhausted by your laziness, people.
I hope this finds you well, and that my understanding of your emotions is misguided; however, I do want to point out that it is obvious there is a tonal change in your videos recently. I know that there is repetition and that receiving the same comment consistently must be draining, so I hope that you aren't letting this platform affect your well-being. I wish you the best in the future and thank you for all your videos. You are a very talented artist and I am consistently impressed by your work.
1 Up! Came here to write that exact thing
Same thing here… I don’t know what happened but I hope the haters didn’t get to you. Some people feel entitled to say nasty things, don’t pay attention to those individuals. A lot of people respect your work and like your content and the way you present it. Keep up the good work!
What happend with martin? Hmmm anyway great job, i allways love
His videos
What's the point of that comment?
@@MrVizzlehave you ever seen his other videos?
my dude, I don't know what took your happiness away, but I hope you find it back.
I love watching your videos, they are super easy to follow and i learn a ton!
I realy hope you get well soon!
agree.. he seems miserable.
hes German dude...
@@asteropeuspeoneos5406and you‘re a bot if you cannot recognize this dramatical change in his tone, mood, emotions, and presence. I guess deadpan keyboard warriors like you are the reason for that.
"I hope you find it back", huh?
Nonsensical, my dude.
@@smithshotracing You would be if you had a load of messages from morons asking dumb questions constantly.
Amazing as always. Hope whatever is getting you down will be resolved. Many thanks and much love to you and yours ❤
I hope everything is fine in your life. Watching you work is amazing, a true professional. Thank you for all you do.
Dude your videos have always been informative and great entertainment. Upbeat, funny and inspirational. I hope you are ok as this was hard to watch. Wishing you all the best.
Absolute 10/10 craftsmanship, your work is second to none.
great video, great result, as usual. we need the happy Martin back in business. Take some holidays, you deserve it.
You leave me speechless, truly professional.
Habe jetzt Wochen damit verbracht, viele deiner älteren Videos für mein Bikeprojekt akribisch durchzuachern. Ich bin dank dir richtig angefixt und habe Freude daran. Herzlichsten Dank für deine coole Arbeit! Die besten Wünsche für dich und deine Famile aus der Schweiz
ETOE, I hope this finds you well. I hope whatever you are going through outside of this channel, that it all works out best for you. In my darkest times I always watch your videos even if i I’ve seen them before. You are truly the best most skilled most talented most creative and most fun respectful entertaining and just damn wonderful person. I totally get how it would be annoying answer obvious questions and repeated questions. They are because you are the Guru the G.O.A.T “greatest of all time”. Have a good one well wishes all the way from AUSTRALIA
Just wanted to say that I love your videos Martin..I've learned so much from watching them...Thank You!
Finally something useful to know haven’t found any good videos on how to fix scratches or chips on bikes
Remember guys, no stupid questions! Fuck, though, I love this guy's videos. From happy/silly, to burnt out and angry, I will always watch his videos. Definitely one of my favorite youtube channels.
Thanks a lot man. Helps to continue the channel.
Du bist der Beste. Seit Jahren schon geniesse ich Deine meisterhaften Videos. Nicht nur bist du gut ausgebildet und erfahren aber was mich beeindruckt ist Deine Einstellung immer nur das beste zu machen egal ob der Job gross, klein, teuer oder billig ist. Ich nehme immer viel mit für mich in den Alltag nachdem ich Dich habe arbeiten und erklären sehen. Vielen Dank. Du machst TH-cam besser!
Vielen Dank für das erstellen solch wertvoller Inhalte und das auch noch Kostenlos!
I noticed the tone change from the recent videos i hope you are doing ok. I have been following for years and you were one of the inspirations to start my own custom painting business. Keep inspiring man
Mega gutes Ergebnis. Profi durch und durch. hoffe du kannst bald wieder lächeln und scherzen. Grüße aus der Region. 🤘
Very good tutorial, thanks…can feel the “rage” on all the questions that have been asked iver & over again, must be quite frustrated to answer them repeatedly 😅
Great Job. not easy to concentrate when having to relest steps to those who are not lkstening. You are super clear & informative.
😂 I'm so sorry so many people ask you the obvious! Thanks for showing us the tricks of your trade in your unique way! Big hug from Arnhem!
We're all humans after all... thanks 1M time Martin for all the videos you made and shared. I've been watching you for years, and I'm secretly jaleous of your skills! You taugh us so much and I hope we still have many years of Mr Grey on TH-cam! 🙏
Hoffe alles ok bei dir ❤️❤️❤️. Tolles video wie immer. Best player in the biz.
I messaged Santa Cruz when I had damage to my frame asking for the colour codes. They gave me the pan tone colours. I got them converted to RAL and made up the paint!
Thank you so much for this clear and direct process on fixing the paint learned important points from you. Wish you well.
amazing...looks better than new! You are the maestro, make the impossible look possible. Watching you free hand cut that masking was probably the most incredible thing for me...aint no way i could get those straight lines free hand!
Very cool process and a great job, nice to see you take pride in your work, very professional. Oh and I'm not going to send you a question message.
Another great video by the master! Thanks for the info and entertainment.
What an absolute artist ❤
There are always idiots in the comments. Your videos are awesome. Unbelievably comprehensive. Your work is beautiful and even better you teach the rest of us how you do it. Vielen Dank
Always entertaining and informative! Love your work! Hope you find your mojo again really soon ! Always will watch your channels.
Excellent. Thanks man.
You remind me of those ancient master artisans sometimes covered on the discovery channel, but way cooler.
Thank you for doing what you do! Keep up the great work!
Thanks a lot. I try as long as my health can stand it.
@@ETOEyou got this
I binged a ton of your videos after finding your channel and it's crazy how you can see you become more and more unhappy. I wish you well, i have learned so much from your channel and greatly appreciate it.
Another excellent ETOE video. I've learned so much from this great channel! I have had excellent results with a brand of 2K primer and paint branded Car-Rep 2K. Unlike the SprayMax brand, it comes all in one, with the paint and hardener premixed, and has an indefinite shelf life. Based on my few experiences painting bike frames, I highly recommend spending a little extra and purchasing 2K spray, especially for the primer and clear coats. It makes your hard work worth it.
Nice result as usual Martin💯👌👌
Thanks again for another well made and excellent video. You obviously care a lot about helping people - I'm hoping that some of that comes back around for you in case you are dealing with stuff. Wishing you the best.
First time viewer. Fantastic video. Comprehensive.
Great video, understandable and informative.
Now, I'm determined to start saving money to get my bike's scratches fixed... by a pro. Not the realm I can go in easily even with a lot of quality spray cans. Thanks!
thankyou for an awesome video. You have shared so much of your talent and skill which has helped me immensely, though I still have much more to learn
So böse und sarkastisch kennen wir dich gar nicht. Handwerklich, wie immer, großes Kino.
i was inspired to paint my bike after watching martin's videos. it turned out horrendous and i didnt even have to message martin once!
Spot on instructions, as always! Hope you are ok Martin 🙏, and just follow you hearth by doing what you wanna do and like the most
Thanks so much! This is really clear and informative!
Which sandpaper should I buy for the most accurate timekeeping?
Excellent work as always sir 👏
So much for the protective tape.
Thx for the great video. Looks like a lot of work, if I want to get rid of micro scratches in my road bike frame. I already tried mucoff Miracle Shine, but it’s not working.. not sure if a car polish would do the trick.
You need cut compound and a polishing machine like the ones I linked in the video description.
So informative, so well explained. Thanks for this! subscribed!
So good; I can't wait to try this on my Giant TCR.
(corrrected)Us Link for polishing compound is a link to fade out thinner. Great video as usual!
Thanks for the info. I changed the link.
Great info. How would the process differ for a matte or satin finish?
Great tutorial! Questing though, what’s the colour code of my ‘19 Giant trance advanced pro 29 1? Cheers.
hey Martin ist alles ok? Habe in diesem Video dein Witz, Scharm, Sarkasmus und deine Verrücktheit vermisst. Du wirkst niedergeschlagen.
lol. War doch alles da.
Super Video... Vielen Dank🎉
Thanks for your videos. You are the best!!
Again, fantastic video... would have been 12 minutes shorter without sharing the annoyance of all the questions and e-mails. If you don't know what 12min00sec are, just check the wet sanding paper... :D But hopefully you can do 12 more bikes this way! :) thanks for the great content!
I need this info, thanks
Vielen Dank dir. Traue mich jetzt auch an meine eigene Reparatur am CX. Habe gut gelacht, auch wenn du es vielleicht nicht lustig gemeint hast.
Perfections as always you’re the best
I always find myself looking at old and current videos for guidance as I’m restoring a XC MTB that was abandoned, from its black, white and blue to a tarnished pewter with black and white letters
Thank you for great content Martin. Keep on the good work
where can i find those red black and white collors ?
what is a brand of those ?
Another top video very helpful thank you
Where can I find the software and connected scale to mix the paint? (don't answer my stupid question, it's just for fun)
Amazing! Thank you so much
how long does the primer has to cure?thx
Thank you for videos!
Getting million questions a day is tiring, I know for a fact because of my work. Seems like You burnt out Martin, please take care and get a proper vacation, especially if You can not think about work at that moment, would be gorgeous, but not everyone can, I sure can’t… Cheers mate. ✌️👍
Thanks for your work ❤
Очень хорошо. Спасибо, добрый друг!
What did you do about the plastic piece you tore off ? Can you buy new plastic to heat shrink it back on the bike ?
I put it in the trash. You can buy everything except soul if you have the money.
@@ETOE I was just wondering if shrink wrap was the last step to get it back to the way it came from the factory .
Hello etoe, where do I find the software that you used for mixing the colors?
You get it from your paint supplier. It's proprietary.
@@ETOE I wanted to buy the schmincke aero color, it seems they don't provide this software. Do you have any tips for a beginner with a lower budget like me?
@@pervysage9224 no the budget is too low. For a color software you have to invest minimum $3000 to $3500. If you don't want to invest money you can mix the color by hand as I did for years.
My frame has a chip in the clear coat that doesn't go through the paint. Should I still use 1200 grit SP ?
Thank you Martin.
can you apply 2k clear coat with brush? I m asking cause I ve heard that 2k clear coat could be dangerous cause of isocyanates.
Yes you will die of cancer when you paint bikes.
@@ETOE I m in the process of learning and completely noob and I know that, sorry for the question.
Martin, I was just wondering what size spray needle you use in your airbrush when you are painting the clear coat???? I'd be very grateful to hear your answer and I know that the other 1,000 people who read my comment won't ask you exactly the same question 🥺🥺🥺😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
How to fix matte laque? Can you show us a video please? Greetings from Saxony.
Sending some positive vibes into the world 😂
Dude. You’re videos are amazing. Thank you. I know you might not be able to answer. Thats ok, but I’ll ask anyway just in case someone out there wants to help me out. Ironically, yesterday I started a repair a scratch on my top tube in the exact same spot as this video. I’ve made it through step one and two on my own. Then this video dropped today, Amazing! 😂 My frame is matte black, and I plan on adding paint next. so my question is: how do I go about the clear coat process with a matte frame? Do I just use a matte clear and don’t polish it?
Martin has done videos on matte frames. Please watch his video.
For removing Protection Tape and u dont have Heatgun. U Devently have Hot Water ;) Pour That slowly over, what u like to remove.
Thx for the good video.
Привет. Спасибо тебе большое1 тЫ МОЛОДЕЦ!
I miss your smile😊
Satin black paint repair pls
What about the plastic, PPF?
Damn dude, looks like new. I got a scratch in my new specialized bike. Bought rotaris touch up paint. They have the exact color my bike has, its made for this exact specialized color. But using it is kinda hard with those stupid small brushes.
Hej Martin, come back...
Loved the video m8
Sooooo how long does the primer have to cure for again?
Uuuuuuuuuuuuuntil it's dry.
Классная работа
Very nice job! I’m a DIYer whose bike quality nobody cares about. I don’t want to burden the author of this video but could some viewers answer? A guy buys an expensive off-road bike, has it custom painted, goes out & uses it and comes back 2 weeks later to fix the chips. Why? If this tool/toy is meant to be used off-road, why should it be expected to look like new at all times.
Thank you
Sei un grandeeee💪🤟👏👏👍👍
Ok but how long does it take for the primer to cure?
15 minutes.
Our man is clearly not ok. Stop asking him stupid questions you can google yourselves! If you were resourceful enough to find your way to his channel, you can find the answer yourself. Worst case watch the video again. Martin sounds exhausted by your laziness, people.
Excellent work!
aviator brake wire, inverted red painted fork (I mean, on top of a santa cruz bike) the bling-o-meter is to the max ! at least this bike is ridden
what if the frame is colorless and only has clear coat varnish?