Yeah, using the new Thegrea without constantly putting Thegreas into soul (once you have both copies in soul) doesn't increase your soul count, and this matters a LOT.
I like the way how a new Thegrea's ability can replace with Drilling Angel without lookong at the top three cards when it can put any Grade 0 to 3 unit from the Drop Zone into the Zone. Thegrea Banzai!!
Turn 3 Persona Ride imo isn't viable. You must hard mulligan for Drilling Angel (64% chance) while dedicating the ride deck to new Thegrea. 1/3 games you just brick.
true u can turn 3 personal ride but u only get plus 1/2 and 10/15k pwr buff and no addition eff. cause light and dark second eff that allows the 4th atks is lock under ride over the oppsite version. The new thegrea only gets the name when she rides them during the ride phase. So basic left with just personal ride
@@SoniChris98 actually you can just run light thegrea in the ride deck and use effects like Cairbre and G2 Thegrea to get the new Thegrea to do the turn 3 persona ride. If that fails, you still have the superior call off the Light Thegrea
@@sawjhtheian6651 At that point you're committing too many resources for effects that can still whiff. Cairbre costs a cb and might hit you 3 triggers. You'll need to grab 2 new Thegrea total even if G2 Thegrea manages to get you one. Cadwalla needs the 4+ rear-guard requirement fulfilled on turn 2 if you want to grab new Thegrea by turn 3. One way you can do it is to run Melissa and Chamomile in the ride deck to have a one-time topcheck 5 for any old Thegrea to shove into soul immediately and committing one new Thegrea in the ride deck. This has a 71.6% chance of succeeding. Combined with the chances of hard mulligan for Drilling Angel in case your top 5 fails, that's about an additional 18.1% chance of shoving in a copy of any old Thegrea into the soul. ~90% honestly doesn't feel too shabby and I'll definitely test this.
Im so excited for the new glitters, especially Rorowa. I do hope that the other grade 3s are boss units and that Thegrea is the only one that isnt a new boss
@@drakera5016 I mean I dont want the other glitters to be like Thegrea. New Thegrea isnt a vanguard youre gonna swing with, with the others I want them to be swinging vanguards.
You can't do that. New Thegrea explicitly states you can no longer ride that turn if you use her second skill to Persona Ride from soul, so you can't use the G2 order to then swap vanguards anyway.
u cant restand if u use new thegrea to ride dark from the soul on turn 3. If u superior ride new thegrea on the light/dark u current have on vg and u drilling angel in the dark, u can only perform the personal ride cause of justice thegrea eff and not the vg restand of the dark second skill cause u need to ride over light to unlock it and justice only gets the name of the thegrea he rode on during the ride phase. so making the new g2 order completely pointless
Yes: if you read the original Thegreas, the CONT says that ANY DIFFERENT THEGREA that rides on them triggers Persona Ride, so it works with this new version.
As an avid orphist lover and played orfist since set 1. I'm honestly dissapointed that orphist is getting a mask card. It took this long from his loss that I feel like he should have gotten something more unique then just a mask unit. All these newer decks get revealed, lose, then turn around and immediately get a mask. But orphist loses and we have to wait multiple sets to get a real that I the end, he's just getting a mask. I feel like the time it took he should have gotten something new. Something more then just a mask. Setiesly decks came out around set 7 then turn around and 2 sets later get a mask. How is he on the same level of that garbage? It's just disgusting and I'm dissapointed.
I’m a Greedon player, and I have played him since his release in set 3. I haven’t played my deck for as long as you have yours, but I really don’t understand your frustration? Look how badass your guy looks! He has embraced the deletor side of his link joker heritage and he looks badass af. How can you not be hyped about this!? The possibilities are endless, he even has the potential to bring back delete to vanguard! I can somewhat understand your frustration that decks such as unica got a masque right after release and you had to wait so long, but it’s not like Orfist has gone completely without. He got Regis as a new form when most other decks didn’t (even other set 1 decks). Plus, your guy is literally the main character in the anime right now! They won’t stop going on about how Zakusa is the ultimate fighter, so saying that Orfist is held with the same regard as the other Masques? Couldn’t be farther from the truth, he is the greatest masque unit of them all! Personally I am super happy for my boy getting a masque unit, and I think you should be too. At the very least, it’s better than nothing.
@@dred_dreamr it's not that I'm upset about the turn around, I just feel he should maybe have gotten something more unique, like, oh you thought id embrace the mask, but i didnt, ive found another power to fight you. Kind of thing. If we go based off of the other masks, at most he might call 2 shadow tokens instead of one for every 2 orders. That's what I'm afraid of. The best I see happening is maybe he gives his shadows crits or 5k each for ever 3 orders or something. Nothing big because the masks for others weren't that big.... on another note, still wishing on g1 world set order.
So the new thegrea binds herself to prevent maple from recurring her
Yes otherwise this loop would only need 1 new thegrea and a G2 maple which is a bit to nutty
Yeah, using the new Thegrea without constantly putting Thegreas into soul (once you have both copies in soul) doesn't increase your soul count, and this matters a LOT.
I like the new cards working with low budget bosses. Waiting for the dark stat one.
I like the way how a new Thegrea's ability can replace with Drilling Angel without lookong at the top three cards when it can put any Grade 0 to 3 unit from the Drop Zone into the Zone. Thegrea Banzai!!
The Grade 2 Order is still very important for the Turn 3 Persona Ride with the new Thegrea
Turn 3 Persona Ride imo isn't viable. You must hard mulligan for Drilling Angel (64% chance) while dedicating the ride deck to new Thegrea. 1/3 games you just brick.
true u can turn 3 personal ride but u only get plus 1/2 and 10/15k pwr buff and no addition eff. cause light and dark second eff that allows the 4th atks is lock under ride over the oppsite version. The new thegrea only gets the name when she rides them during the ride phase. So basic left with just personal ride
@@SoniChris98 actually you can just run light thegrea in the ride deck and use effects like Cairbre and G2 Thegrea to get the new Thegrea to do the turn 3 persona ride. If that fails, you still have the superior call off the Light Thegrea
@@drakera5016 Yes, it's going to be vanilla. But with the order, 25k against 10k going first is nothing to scoff at imo.
@@sawjhtheian6651 At that point you're committing too many resources for effects that can still whiff. Cairbre costs a cb and might hit you 3 triggers. You'll need to grab 2 new Thegrea total even if G2 Thegrea manages to get you one. Cadwalla needs the 4+ rear-guard requirement fulfilled on turn 2 if you want to grab new Thegrea by turn 3.
One way you can do it is to run Melissa and Chamomile in the ride deck to have a one-time topcheck 5 for any old Thegrea to shove into soul immediately and committing one new Thegrea in the ride deck. This has a 71.6% chance of succeeding. Combined with the chances of hard mulligan for Drilling Angel in case your top 5 fails, that's about an additional 18.1% chance of shoving in a copy of any old Thegrea into the soul. ~90% honestly doesn't feel too shabby and I'll definitely test this.
"It's time to buy Thegrea and Orfist Cores"
"Yes Honey..."
Im so excited for the new glitters, especially Rorowa. I do hope that the other grade 3s are boss units and that Thegrea is the only one that isnt a new boss
what do u mean by that we all already know that all the other glitter boss are getting an upgrade cause of the set cover
@@drakera5016 I mean I dont want the other glitters to be like Thegrea. New Thegrea isnt a vanguard youre gonna swing with, with the others I want them to be swinging vanguards.
If you have 3 G1 Maple you can call all 3 from drop when persona ride??
just one
Funny start of video comment:
I thought it was on 2x speed at the beginning 😂
you need the order g2 to persona first turn and restand the vg
You can't do that. New Thegrea explicitly states you can no longer ride that turn if you use her second skill to Persona Ride from soul, so you can't use the G2 order to then swap vanguards anyway.
u cant restand if u use new thegrea to ride dark from the soul on turn 3. If u superior ride new thegrea on the light/dark u current have on vg and u drilling angel in the dark, u can only perform the personal ride cause of justice thegrea eff and not the vg restand of the dark second skill cause u need to ride over light to unlock it and justice only gets the name of the thegrea he rode on during the ride phase. so making the new g2 order completely pointless
Sorry to be that guy, but... are you sure you are activating the Persona ride when you ride Epee du Justice over a Light or a Dark Thegrea?
Yes: if you read the original Thegreas, the CONT says that ANY DIFFERENT THEGREA that rides on them triggers Persona Ride, so it works with this new version.
As an avid orphist lover and played orfist since set 1. I'm honestly dissapointed that orphist is getting a mask card. It took this long from his loss that I feel like he should have gotten something more unique then just a mask unit. All these newer decks get revealed, lose, then turn around and immediately get a mask. But orphist loses and we have to wait multiple sets to get a real that I the end, he's just getting a mask. I feel like the time it took he should have gotten something new. Something more then just a mask. Setiesly decks came out around set 7 then turn around and 2 sets later get a mask. How is he on the same level of that garbage? It's just disgusting and I'm dissapointed.
I’m a Greedon player, and I have played him since his release in set 3. I haven’t played my deck for as long as you have yours, but I really don’t understand your frustration? Look how badass your guy looks! He has embraced the deletor side of his link joker heritage and he looks badass af. How can you not be hyped about this!? The possibilities are endless, he even has the potential to bring back delete to vanguard! I can somewhat understand your frustration that decks such as unica got a masque right after release and you had to wait so long, but it’s not like Orfist has gone completely without. He got Regis as a new form when most other decks didn’t (even other set 1 decks). Plus, your guy is literally the main character in the anime right now! They won’t stop going on about how Zakusa is the ultimate fighter, so saying that Orfist is held with the same regard as the other Masques? Couldn’t be farther from the truth, he is the greatest masque unit of them all!
Personally I am super happy for my boy getting a masque unit, and I think you should be too. At the very least, it’s better than nothing.
@@dred_dreamr it's not that I'm upset about the turn around, I just feel he should maybe have gotten something more unique, like, oh you thought id embrace the mask, but i didnt, ive found another power to fight you. Kind of thing. If we go based off of the other masks, at most he might call 2 shadow tokens instead of one for every 2 orders. That's what I'm afraid of. The best I see happening is maybe he gives his shadows crits or 5k each for ever 3 orders or something. Nothing big because the masks for others weren't that big.... on another note, still wishing on g1 world set order.
@@dred_dreamr talked with my grinds and they though same way as you minus the delete commung back.
"Epee du Justice" Means Sword of Justice in french